How to add data to a map of maps in Golang? - go

I am learning to use the map of maps. In the following example, there are three nested maps.
package main
import (
func main() {
var data = map[string]map[string]map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"] = map[string]map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"] = make(map[string]map[string]string, 1)
data["Date_1"] = make(map[string]map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = make(map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = make(map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_1"] = "white"
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_2"] = "blue"
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_3"] = "red"
fmt.Println("data: ", data)
data: map[Date_1:map[Sistem_A:map[command_1:white command_2:blue command_3:red]]]
The problem is that if I want to add the values ​​in one step I get a panic: assignment to entry in nil map.
package main
import (
func main() {
var data = map[string]map[string]map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"] = map[string]map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"] = make(map[string]map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"] = make(map[string]map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = map[string]string{}
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = make(map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"] = make(map[string]string, 0)
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_1"] = "white"
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_2"] = "blue"
data["Date_1"]["Sistem_A"]["command_3"] = "red"
data["Date_2"]["Sistem_A"]["command_5"] = "violet"
fmt.Println("data: ", data)
panic: assignment to entry in nil map
There is very little guidance information at this point. Could you help me?
Thank you.

It is here:
data["Date_2"]["Sistem_A"]["command_5"] = "violet"
The expression data["Date_2"] will return a nil-map. It is never initialized, so looking for the index ["Sistem_A"] panics. Initialize the map first:
data["Date_2"] = make(map[string]map[string]string)
data["Date_2"]["Sistem_A"] = make(map[string]string)
data["Date_2"]["Sistem_A"]["command_5"] = "violet"

Your problem is, that you never initialized data["Date_2"] (so it is nil).
So by doing data["Date_2"]["Sistem_A"]["command_5"] = "violet", looking for the index panics.
you have to initialize first as follows:


InDesign Text Modification Script Skips Content

This InDesign Javascript iterates over textStyleRanges and converts text with a few specific appliedFont's and later assigns a new appliedFont:-
var textStyleRanges = [];
for (var j = app.activeDocument.stories.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--)
for (var k = app.activeDocument.stories.item(j).textStyleRanges.length-1; k >= 0; k--)
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
But there are always some ranges where this doesn't happen. I tried iterating in the forward direction OR in the backward direction OR putting the elements in an array before conversion OR updating the appliedFont in the same iteration OR updating it a different one. Some ranges are still not converted completely.
I am doing this to convert the Devanagari text encoded in glyph based non-Unicode encoding to Unicode. Some of this involves repositioning vowel signs etc and changing the code to work with find/replace mechanism may be possible but is a lot of rework.
What is happening?
See also:
Sample here:
This is untested since I'm not able to test against your document, but try using getElements() like below:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var stories = doc.stories;
var textStyleRanges = stories.everyItem().textStyleRanges.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
A valid approach is to use hyperlink text sources as they stick to the genuine text object. Then you can edit those source texts even if they were actually moved elsewhere in the flow.
//Main routine
var main = function() {
var doc =,
fgp =,
cgp =,
fcgo =,
text, str,
found = [], srcs = [], n = 0;
//Exit if no documents
if ( !doc ) return;
app.findChangeGrepOptions = app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
//Settings props = {
} = {
//Finding text instances
found = doc.findGrep();
n = found.length;
//Looping through instances and adding hyperlink text sources
//That's all we do at this stage
while ( n-- ) {
srcs.push ( doc.hyperlinkTextSources.add(found[n] ) );
//Then we edit the stored hyperlinks text sources 's texts objects contents
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) {
text = srcs[n].sourceText;
str = text.contents;
text.contents = str+str+str+str;
//Eventually we remove the added hyperlinks text sources
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) srcs[n].remove();
//And reset initial properties = fgp; = cgp; =fcgo;
//Running script in a easily cancelable mode
var u;
app.doScript ( "main()",u,u,UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "The Script" );

Scala/functional/without libs - check if string permutation of other

How could you check to see if one string is a permutation of another using scala/functional programming with out complex pre-built functions like sorted()?
I'm a Python dev and what I think trips me up the most is that you can't just iterate through a dictionary of character counts comparing to another dictionary of character counts, then just exit when there isn't a match, you can't just call break.
Assume this is the starting point, based on your description:
val a = "aaacddba"
val b = "aabaacdd"
def counts(s: String) = s.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
val aCounts = counts(a)
val bCounts = counts(b)
This is the simplest way:
aCounts == bCounts // true
This is precisely what you described:
def isPerm(aCounts: Map[Char,Int], bCounts: Map[Char,Int]): Boolean = {
if (aCounts.size != bCounts.size)
return false
for ((k,v) <- aCounts) {
if (bCounts.getOrElse(k, 0) != v)
return false
return true
This is your method, but more scala-ish. (It also breaks as soon as a mismatch is found, because of how foreach is implemented):
(aCounts.size == bCounts.size) &&
aCounts.forall { case (k,v) => bCounts.getOrElse(k, 0) == v }
(Also, Scala does have break.)
Also, also: you should read the answer to this question.
Another option using recursive function, which will also 'break' immediately once mismatch is detected:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def isPerm1(a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
if (a.length == b.length) {
a.headOption match {
case Some(c) =>
val i = b.indexOf(c)
if (i >= 0) {
isPerm1(a.tail, b.substring(0, i) + b.substring(i + 1))
} else {
case None => true
} else {
Out of my own curiosity I also create two more versions which use char counts map for matching:
def isPerm2(a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
val cntsA = a.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
val cntsB = b.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
cntsA == cntsB
def isPerm3(a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
val cntsA = a.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
val cntsB = b.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
(cntsA == cntsB) && cntsA.forall { case (k, v) => cntsB.getOrElse(k, 0) == v }
and roughly compare their performance by:
def time[R](block: => R): R = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime()
val result = block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
println("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0) + "ns")
// Match
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm1("apple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm2("apple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm3("apple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
// Mismatch
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm1("xpple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm2("xpple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
time((1 to 10000).foreach(_ => isPerm3("xpple"*100,"elppa"*100)))
and the result is:
Match cases
isPerm1 = 2337999406ns
isPerm2 = 383375133ns
isPerm3 = 382514833ns
Mismatch cases
isPerm1 = 29573489ns
isPerm2 = 381622225ns
isPerm3 = 417863227ns
As can be expected, the char counts map speeds up positive cases but can slow down negative cases (overhead on building the char counts map).

How to read user input in ATS?

In my ATS application, I am trying to read a input string from a user.
Is there any function in ATS that performs similar functionality as scanf function in C.. If not how to get the input from user without integrating ATS with JS or HTML.
Here is a simple way to read from STDIN:
main0() =
lines =
val () = lines.foreach()(lam x => println! (x))
} (* end of [main0] *)
If you compile to C, then scanf is available. Here is a simple example:
main0() =
var str1 = #[char][1024]()
var str2 = #[char][1024]()
val () = println! ("Enter name: ")
val ec = $extfcall(int, "scanf", "%s", addr#str1)
val () = assertloc (ec != 0)
val str1 = $UNSAFE.cast{string}(addr#str1)
val () = println! ("Enter your website name: ")
val ec = $extfcall(int, "scanf", "%s", addr#str2)
val () = assertloc (ec != 0)
val str2 = $UNSAFE.cast{string}(addr#str2)
val () = println! ("str1 = ", str1)
val () = println! ("str2 = ", str2)

Swift 1.2, capture character from a word

My problem is how to get character from a word
The result I needed is
and it will display "a"
func DisplayChar(word : String, number : Int) -> String{
let i: Int = count(word)
var result = 0
result = i - (i - number)
var str = ""
var j = 0
for j = 0; j < result; j++ {
str = str + word[j]
return str
DisplayChar("xyz", 2)
This code should work
let sentence = "Hello world"
let characters = Array(sentence)
print(characters[0]) // "H"
There are a couple good solutions in this answer that may work, two good ones duplicated below.
Convert to Array
let word = "test"
var firstChar = Array(word)[0] // t
(Note: this assumes a UTF8 or ASCII encoded string, but that is likely fine for school.)
Create Your Own Extension
First an extension of String to handle subscripts:
extension String {
subscript (i: Int) -> Character {
return self[self.startIndex.advancedBy(i)]
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
return String(self[i] as Character)
subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
let start = startIndex.advancedBy(r.startIndex)
let end = start.advancedBy(r.endIndex - r.startIndex)
return self[Range(start ..< end)]
Then you can just use:
let word = "test"
var firstChar = word[0] // t
Swift strings have a method called substringToIndex, "asd".substringToIndex(1) will return "a".
I'm not sure if it works on Swift 1.2, though.

LINQ: Build a where clause at runtime to include ORs ( || )?

I need to build a where clause at runtime but I need to do an OR with the where clause. Is this possible?
Here is my code. Basically "filter" is a enum Bitwise, son hence filter could be equal to more than 1 of the following. Hence I need to build up the where clause.
If I execute the WHEREs separately then imagine if I do the Untested first, and it returns 0 records that means I can't execute a where on the Tested because its now 0 records.
I will put some pseudo-code below:
string myWhere = "";
if ((filter & Filters.Tested) == Filters.Tested)
if (myWhere != "" ) myWhere =myWhere + "||";
myWhere = myWhere " Status == "Tested";
if ((filter & Filters.Untested) == Filters.Untested)
if (myWhere != "" ) myWhere =myWhere + "||";
myWhere = myWhere " Status == "Untested";
if ((filter & Filters.Failed) == Filters.Failed)
if (myWhere != "" ) myWhere =myWhere + "||";
myWhere = myWhere " Status == "Failed";
// dataApplications = a List of items that include Tested,Failed and Untested.
// dataApplication.Where ( myWhere) --- Confused here!
Is this possible?
I don't want to include lots of "IFs" because there are lots of combinations i.e. no filter, filter= tested Only, filter = Untested and Tested ... and lots more.
If you have this:
IEnumerable<MyType> res = from p in myquery select p;
You can define a
var conditions = new List<Func<MyType, bool>>();
conditions.Add(p => p.PropertyOne == 1);
conditions.Add(p => p.PropertyTwo == 2);
res = res.Where(p => conditions.Any(q => q(p)));
And now the trick to make Lists of Funcs of anonymous objects (and you can easily change it to "extract" the type of anonymous objects)
static List<Func<T, bool>> MakeList<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements)
return new List<Func<T, bool>>();
You call it by passing the result of a LINQ query. So
var res = from p in elements select new { Id = p.Id, Val = p.Value };
var conditions = MakeList(res);
var statusTexts = new List<string>(); // Add desired status texts
dataApplication.Where(item =>
statusTexts.Any(status => item.Status == status))
Use HashSet<> for statuses, then .Contains will be O(1) instead of usual O(n) for List<>:
var statuses = new HashSet<string>() {"a", "b", "c"};
var list = new[] {
new { Id = 1, status = "a"},
new { Id = 2, status = "b"},
new { Id = 3, status = "z"}
var filtered = list.Where(l => statuses.Contains(s => l.status == s));
