We are now working on a new project integrating one of our client's website with CREA DDF.
We are now fetching and updating/creating listings based on the list of updated listings from DDF API. However, at some point, we stopped getting any new listings.
A question that I could not clearly get an answer for in the documentation:
Does Retrieve all active records updated since a specified date/time call include new listings as well?
I'm running Magento 2.2.5 and was having trouble working out what the URL was for making API requests. For example to GET a list of countries I had seen the following syntax used:
which has worked on some stores, but I was getting this error:
"message" : "Specified request cannot be processed.",
"trace" : null
I started playing around with the URL format and removed the "default" and used this instead:
and the requests were then successful. How does one determine what the base URL to use for Magento REST API requests? I haven't been able to find this documented so far.
The syntax of Magento 2 Api is
Here store_code can be any one of the "store view" of your Magento2 instance. You can get the store code in admin panel. You can use store_code to get information specific to that Store View via API. By default Magento2 installation comes with 1 website, 1 store & 1 store view (this store-view has code "default", in your case this might have changed hence you get the error).
The architecture can be understand with the help of image
Reference Image
Ref: https://docs.magento.com/m2/ce/user_guide/stores/websites-stores-views.html
When you specify store_code it checks information for that particular Store-View. If the specified store_code is not found in the database, Api returns "Specified request cannot be processed." message.
When you do not specify store_code it first finds default Website, then finds default Store for this Website & then finds default Store View Associated to this Store. And finally it returns information for this default Store-View. The association of default store & store-view can be changed from admin panel.
Reference Image
Hence the URL for API should be below in case you need store specific information. store_code can be set to all if you need information for all the stores.
I'm running Magento 2.2.5 and was having trouble working out what the URL was for making API requests. For example to GET a list of countries I had seen the following syntax used:
which has worked on some stores, but I was getting this error:
"message" : "Specified request cannot be processed.",
"trace" : null
I started playing around with the URL format and removed the "default" and used this instead:
and the requests were then successful. How does one determine what the base URL to use for Magento REST API requests? I haven't been able to find this documented so far.
The syntax of Magento 2 Api is
Here store_code can be any one of the "store view" of your Magento2 instance. You can get the store code in admin panel. You can use store_code to get information specific to that Store View via API. By default Magento2 installation comes with 1 website, 1 store & 1 store view (this store-view has code "default", in your case this might have changed hence you get the error).
The architecture can be understand with the help of image
Reference Image
Ref: https://docs.magento.com/m2/ce/user_guide/stores/websites-stores-views.html
When you specify store_code it checks information for that particular Store-View. If the specified store_code is not found in the database, Api returns "Specified request cannot be processed." message.
When you do not specify store_code it first finds default Website, then finds default Store for this Website & then finds default Store View Associated to this Store. And finally it returns information for this default Store-View. The association of default store & store-view can be changed from admin panel.
Reference Image
Hence the URL for API should be below in case you need store specific information. store_code can be set to all if you need information for all the stores.
I have build a custom connector to get the data from a web service and then index it. The web service response returns only the data to be indexed.
I want to delete the documents from index which are not part of the web service response during the crawl but were added to the index in the last crawl.
Is there any way to achieve the above or can I flush the full index programmatically in the connector code and then add the recent content to the index.
Marged is correct. A feed (which is what the connector can send to the GSA) of type full will purge the existing feed and replace it. Otherwise, your connector is going to have to manage state and prune out documents as you decided.
Thanks Marged and Michael for the help.. I guess i have to write the custom logic in connector to delete the data from index.
What you're trying to achieve is exactly what happens when you send a "full" content feed. This is from the documentation:
When the feedtype element is set to full for a content feed, the system deletes all the prior URLs that were associated with the data source. The new feed contents completely replace the prior feed contents. If the feed contains metadata, you must also provide content for each record; a full feed cannot push metadata alone. You can delete all documents in a data source by pushing an empty full feed.
Marged is correct that v4.x is the way to go in the future, but if you've already started this with the 3.x connector framework and you're happy with it there's no need to rush to upgrade it. All the related code is open source and 3.x won't disappear any time soon, there are too many 3rd party connectors based on it.
According to the specification here, if you create a resource the server should return a 201 created along with a Location header which contains the new Logical Id and Version Id of the created resource.
I am uploading a patient resource to http://fhir.healthintersections.com.au/open/Patient and using the Chrome debug tools I can see that a 'Content-Location' response header is returned that contains the Logical ID but I cannot access this using jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Content-Location') or jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().
After much searching, the problem seems to be that unless the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
header is added to server, I can't view the header within my application as it is a cross origin request.
Is there another way around this problem so I can find the logical ID after creation of a resource?
FHIR exposes it's metadata (id, version specific id, last updated) only in the headers, so you really need to get to that Location header to get a newly created resource's id. There might be a work-around, which is using the "search" operation to retrieve a feed with only this newly created resource (assuming it has identifying business keys like patient id). The resource's atom entry will have an with the id.
That said, that's truly a hack. This is not a FHIR related issue however (see for example How to get responseheader location by jquery).
To fix this problem, I'll update my FHIR server (at spark.furore.com/fhir) to include these Access-Control-Expose headers. It should be updated in the next few hours, so you can try whether that works for you.
I am working on mailchimp integration.
I need to pull campaign stats (opens and clicks) and put it in my local database.
Using mailchimp api i am getting the list of all the users with their action taken.
But my issue is how to keep data sync at all time.
Is there any way to skip that data from mailchimp api that i had synced already.
The problem is the entire data set can change between calls and there is no 'since' parameter... The only way to get an updated picture is to query all records and update....
Keeping stat "data synced at all times" really would just depend on your solution (have it query for updates when you/your users access that section...)
You could expidite the update process by keeping track of previous calls/updates with the timestamp (keep track of the timestamp and only update/add records that are newer than the last sync... )
As I said, there is currently no "since" command for the campaignEmailStatsAIMAll method (and no direct equivelent in the export API...)
A 'since' parameter would actually be a good feature... So if coding your own solution to track updates via the timestamp is undesirable, you may want to ask the question in the google group or post a feature request in the google code project:
EDIT: I just opened the feature request as it may solve a similar issue for an upcomming project: