WordPress is creating nonce as a logged in user but verifying it incorrectly - ajax

I'm having trouble validating a nonce created with wp_create_nonce() inside a hidden input with the name nonce in an html form:
<input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('action_name'); ?>" />
The form submission is done via ajax and validated with check_ajax_referer('action_name','nonce'). This always returns -1. All REST endpoints have been tested without nonces and work 100% fine.
The issue seems to stem from wp's user identifcation.
My debugging so far
Nonce creation
Within wp-includes/pluggable.php wp_create_nonce('action_name') creates a nonce hashing various variables including the user id and the action.
Ajax call
I submit an ajax call which calls check_ajax_referer('action_name','nonce'). This in turn calls wp_verify_nonce($nonce,$action) which verifies the nonce by hashing the same variables and comparing the two.
Reverse engineering to locate problem
My problem is that wp_create_nonce('action_name') is being created with the correct user id. However, when I run check_ajax_referer('action_name','nonce') which calls wp_verify_nonce($nonce,$action) which in turn calls wp_get_current_user(); no user is found (user id is 0).
Evidence the problem is to do with user id
If I temporarily edit wp-includes/pluggable.php to force my user id, the nonce validation works fine. It's as if ajax requests to a known and valid endpoint are being treated as if the user is logged out regardless of whether they are or not.
I'm clearly missing something here, but I have no idea what.

This is happening because a separate nonce with the action wp_rest is not being sent by the server to the client and received back from the client in an HTTP request header called X-WP-Nonce with every REST request.
To get this working, you will have to generate a nonce like this:
...and provide it to the client making the rest call. Once your client has the nonce value, you need to add it to every REST request e.g.:
headers: {
'X-WP-Nonce': nonce,
Creating the nonce on the server and accessing it on the client can be done several ways. Using wp_localize_script() is the most common and probably best practice for WordPress. wp_localize_script() addds a global variable to the client for a script to access. See https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_localize_script/.


Angular $http.delete request with body

So I looked at this post:
is an entity body allowed for an http delete request
Which seems to indicate that while it is 'ok' to do on some conceptual level, in practice it may not be doable because browsers just ignore it.
I have some express.js authentication middleware I need to get through, and I don't want to attach my user details to url params. All my other requests that need to authenticate attach these details to the body of the request.
Is there some way to force this? I saw some other posts where some people seemed to have success in passing a body with their delete request.
I am running a node/sails back-end. It always logs the body as undefined for a delete request. Is there any way to modify
The sails API pulls the id of the object to delete from the params, so we have to append the id to the url.
But if I want to pass some authentication details in a body for server-side verification before processing the delete request, I can't just stick them in an object as the second parameter of the delete request, like you can with $http.post.
Angular's post method automatically assigns whatever we insert as a second parameter to the body of the request, but the delete method does not.
Angular's $http.delete method does allow us to supply a config object as the second parameter, through which we can get access to the 'data' property. This is the same way post does it through it's second parameter.
So if we need to attach a body to a delete request we can use the following:
$http.delete('/api/' + objectToDelete.id, {data: {id: currentUser().id, level: currentUser().level}});
This will pass the object to delete's id in the url parameter, and my user credentials in the body as an object.
Honestly, everytime a trouble sounds like a "restriction of as REST", a rethink of the strategy and the philosophy might be a good idea.
I have some authentication middleware I need to get through
I don't want to attach my user details to url params
I'm not directly answering the question, but you should know that among the commons
URL parameters (or query, but URL anyway)
there is a third option for "passing values to the server" :
request Headers
I'd just suggest to consider that third option to provide your credentials: request header.
Edit : following appendix would just apply to any "external" middleware, like a proxy server or whatever, not a true express middleware inside sails.js
In addition, that would be a good idea that your middleware stripped those headers before redirecting to the real action.

make ajax parameters secure

I want to send email value in parameters in ajax. I am using following code it is working properly, but I want to make it secure. no user can check or pass invalid value from calling this action in query string or in any other way. How can I make it secure?
url: '/Application/UserInfo/',
type: 'POST',
success: function (result) {
var json = eval(result);
If you dont want anyone to be able to see the value of the email parameter, you should consider using HTTPS.
But for passing invalid values, you should do some validation server side where this value is used
It may help if you are doing it with two steps at all:
First you can check the email having the right format with a regular expression:
Then you may crypt the mail and then you can send it safely.
I am using blowfish. On page loading I generate a key that is set to the javascript of my page. Both, javascript and php have a blowfish controler that can crypt and decrypt any value. I am crypting the value on javascript and send it to the server.
There I decrypt it and check it again with regular expression. The key is not sent to server again, its stored somewhere in the session or so.
To take care that the email is correct you can check whether the domain is reachable through curl or so, but I prefer sending a confirmation mail to the adress and wait for an accept with a generated unique token.
If you just want to get sure of a user signed in with google plus account you may get use of the google plus api and check if the user is logged in. If not you don't accept it.

Ajax security: how to be sure that data sent back to the server is generated by my code?

I apologize in advance if this question sounds naive to you.
The problem is this: I have this function and I want the callback function to send the "response" back to my server via Ajax.
function FbInviteFriends()
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'Hi! Join me on XXXXXXX'
//My callback function
//Send response to my server
Is there a way to check that the response I'm going to receive server-side is actually the same I got when the callback function is called and that the response hasn't been modified on the client-side by the user?
There's a few ways, but all of them fall on the same principle - you can never know for sure, so treat it with a grain of salt and validate.
That said, one way to put at least one usage constraint may look like this:
Page accessed: Generate a token GUID. Render it at the client.
Store in the user session the moment it was created/used, together with user profile.
Client appends the token to all Ajax posts.
Token is validated at the server; must match SessionID, user profile (if any), and maximum usage timeout.
If it fails validation, abort the operation.

How to avoid "The action you have requested is not allowed" error with Knockout postJson function call

CodeIgniter gives an error "The action you have requested is not allowed." when it fails the check for CSRF. As I understand it, this means the POST is missing the hidden token from the form that proves that an attack is not being done.
The token is generated automatically with a call to the CI form_open function.
In my case, I'm using Knockout to post the contents of a ViewModel for saving, like this:
ko.utils.postJson($("form")[0], self.pages);
I've found solutions elsewhere that simply turn off the CSRF setting for the specific page, but that doesn't seem like a good solution.
Presumably because the token is not being received, the postJson call is not submitting the existing form. Is there a way to either submit the required token along with the JSON data or submit the JSON data with the existing form?
try to use form_open() and form_close
all form helper functions that will help.
or: I think it's from time zone difference as the Security class depends on time for hashing.

Zend_Form csrf validation for ajax queries

Here is how I add the csrf to the form
$this->addElement('hash', 'csrf', array('ignore' => false));
When this happens the session is created, Then when the user sends an ajax request, the values in the request are validated by creating an instance of the form, and the form is always valid for the first ajax request since the beginning of initial request which created the html output,
When the ajax request has been sent for the second time something different happens,
That instance of the form has a different csrf value than the originally made one, and when my code is done, the originally created session is destroyed as well, so there is no session to check the received the values against, and hence the form doesn't validated and the following error occurs.
No token was provided to match against
Any ideas at which event, the csrf values of the form are automatically stored in the session?
The hash value is generated at render time and invalidated after the each request.
If you want to continue using Zend_Form_Element_Hash in your AJAX form where the form may submit several times, your AJAX response should include the new hash value. Upon receiving the response, you should update the form data.
There s a solution without any to render in the view : Totaly ajax !
How to use Zend Framework Form Hash (token) with AJAX
