Problems with Jinja2 and ansible making a sub dict - ansible

I need to read a csv file with diferent IPs and make a dictionary with a jinja2 filter for modificate the IP depending the IPNumber value. The yml file is like:
- read_csv:
path: vms.csv
key: Number
fieldnames: Name,IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4,IPNumber
delimiter: ';'
register: vms
- name: vms to dict
- {{'Name':{{ item.value.Name }},
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "1" %}
'IP':{{ item.value.IP1 }},
{% endif %}
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "2"%}
'IP':{{ item.value.IP2 }},
{% endif %}
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "3"%}
'IP':{{ item.value.IP3 }},
{% endif %}
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "4"%}
'IP':{{ item.value.IP4 }},
{% endif %}}}
loop: "{{ vms.dict | dict2items }}"
register: vms2
But I get the error:
The error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/roles/vms.yml': line 17, column 16, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
'Name':{{ item.value.Name}},
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "1" %}
^ here
I know is a syntax problem but I dont guess where the problem is.
I need some help.

The following task should create your dictionary as per your requirement inside a var you can reuse elsewhere. Rename my_ip_dict to whatever suits your project better.
- name: Create my IP dictionary
my_ip_dict: >-
my_ip_dict | default({})
| combine({item.value.Name: item.value['IP' + item.value.IPNumber]})
loop: "{{ vms.dict | dict2items }}"
- name: Check the result:
var: my_ip_dict
Note that I have dropped all the if/else structures by calling directly the correct field depending on IPNumber. I took for granted it always has a value in the valid scope or the other existing IP* fields. If this is not the case, you can always default that value e.g. item.value['IP' + item.value.IPNumber] | default('N/A')

You should put only variables/expressions within {{ or {%. To me 'Name' looks like normal text and should be outside.
# Notice the quotes `"` symbol at the beginning and end of debug message
- debug:
- "Name: {{ item.value.Name }},
{% if item.value.IPNumber == "1" %}
IP: {{ item.value.IP1 }}
# and so on...
{% endif %}"
This at least should address the error message.


Add lines to a local file from a Jinja2 Template with Ansible

im a newbie to ansible and got problems with this Task.
I want to get some data from various hosts. The Idea is, to use a jinja2 template, get the data from the host and add this data in to a file local on the Ansible machine.
How is it possible to get all the data in one file on the local machine? The way i try to do it brings me the result from just one host. Thanks for your Help!
- name: "Server Report"
hosts: all
- name: "check packages"
manager: auto
- name: "get PHP info"
shell: "php -v | grep -E ^PHP | awk '{print $2}'"
register: php_version
when: "'php-common' in ansible_facts.packages"
- name: "get MySQL info"
shell: "mysql -V | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/,//g'"
register: mysql_version
when: "'mysql-common' in ansible_facts.packages"
- name: "Use Template to create File"
src: vrsn.j2
dest: /opt/data.txt
delegate_to: localhost
This is the Jinjer2 Code:
{% if ansible_facts['hostname'] is defined %}{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }},{% else %}NoINstalled,{% endif %}
{% if ansible_facts['distribution'] is defined %}{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }} {{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }},{% else %}NotInstalled,{% endif %}
{% if php_version.stdout is defined %}{{ php_version.stdout }},{% else %}NotInstalled,{% endif %}
{% if mysql_version.stdout is defined %}{{ mysql_version.stdout }},{% else %}NotInstalled,{% endif %}
{% if ansible_facts.packages['apache2'][0].version is defined %}
apache2-version {{ ansible_facts.packages['apache2'][0].version }},
{% elif ansible_facts.packages['apache'][0].version is defined %}
apache-version {{ ansible_facts.packages['apache'][0].version }},
{% elif ansible_facts.packages['nginx-common'][0].version is defined %}
nginx-version {{ ansible_facts.packages['nginx-common'][0].version }},
{% else %}NotInstalled{% endif %}
I'm not sure I fully understand your output format, but the following example should give you a clue to go on:
{% for h in groups['all'] %}
Inventory host: {{ h }}
hostname: {{ hostvars[h].ansible_hostname | default('N/A') }}
distribution: {{ hostvars[h].ansible_distribution | default('N/A') }}
php: {{ hostvars[h].php_version.stdout | default('N/A') }}
# add more here now you got the concept
{% endfor %}
And you should call your template like so in your play:
- name: "Dump all host info to local machine"
src: vrsn.j2
dest: /opt/data.txt
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true

Creating text file from jinja template with inputs from csv file

I'm trying to create a text file which goes through the CSV file and populates variables into specific fields.
- hosts: localhost
- name: "Reading user information"
path: /home/test/vlans.csv
delimiter: ','
register: vlans
- debug: var=vlans
- name: Creating VLANs configuration
src: vlan.conf.j2
dest: /tmp/vlan.conf
Jinja2 Template vlan.conf.j2:
{% for item in vlans %}
vlan {{ item.VLAN }}
name {{ item.Description }}
vn-segment {{ item.VNI }}
interface nve1
member vni {{ item.VNI }}
{% endfor %}
and this is a test vlans.csv file:
Tenant,VRF ,VLAN,VNI,Subnet,Description,Good to go
Test,,208,20208,,LAB-DMZ,Yes Test,,209,20209,,LAB-CSR-MGMT,Yes
I want to end up with file like in jinja2 template and not repeating line "interface nve 1"
In your question, interface nve1 is inside a loop. It will repeat multiple times in the resulting vlan.conf file.
Use multiple loops in the jinja template to decide what is repeated and what isn't:
{% for item in vlans.list %}
vlan {{ item.VLAN }}
name {{ item.Description }}
vn-segment {{ item.VNI }}
{% endfor %}
interface nve1
{% for item in vlans.list %}
member vni {{ item.VNI }}
{% endfor %}
Note that I've referred to vlans.list in the start of the loops instead of vlans. This is correct as per documentation, but different to the example in the question so it may need adjusting.

Ansible: Loop over dict and filetree

How to loop over dict and filetree? I want to recursively template files with .j2 suffix (key) to destination location (value), also basename should be renamed (remove .j2 suffix). Its a perfect use case. Unfortunatelly ansible is not good with complex data structures.
localfolder/bardir1: remotefolder/bardir1
localfolder/bardir2: remotefolder/bardir2
localfolder/bardir3: remotefolder/bardir3
localfolder/bardir5: remotefolder/bardir5
localfolder/bardir6: remotefolder/bardir6
My try:
- name: Files to template
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.destination }}/{{ | regex_replace('.j2','') }}"
loop: |
{% for c in applications %}
{% if applications[c]['svcpaths'] is defined and applications[c]['svcpaths'] |list|length >0 %}
{% for o,m in applications[c]['svcpaths'].items() %}
{% for i in lookup('filetree', o ) %}
{% if i.state == 'file' and i.path | regex_search('.\.j2') %}
"name": "{{ i.path }}",
"src": "{{ i.src }}",
"destination": "{{ m }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I know that using jinja in plays is not good and I want to avoid it, if its possible. Also input datastructure should not be changed.
If I understand what you're trying to do, I think there is a reasonably simple solution. If you write a task file like this called template_files.yml:
- name: render templates to dest_dir
loop: "{{ query('filetree', src_dir) }}"
# we need this to avoid conflicts with the "item" variable in
# the calling playbook.
loop_var: template
when: template.src.endswith('.j2')
src: "{{ template.src }}"
dest: "{{ dest_dir }}/{{ (template.src|basename)[:-3] }}"
Then you can write a playbook like this:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
localfolder/bardir1: /tmp/remotefolder/bardir1
localfolder/bardir2: /tmp/remotefolder/bardir2
localfolder/bardir3: /tmp/remotefolder/bardir3
localfolder/bardir5: /tmp/remotefolder/bardir5
localfolder/bardir6: /tmp/remotefolder/bardir6
# generate a list of {key: src, value: destination}
# dictionaries from your data structure.
- set_fact:
templates: "{{ templates|default([]) + item|dict2items }}"
loop: "{{ applications|json_query('*.svcpaths')}}"
# show what the generated variable looks like
- debug:
var: templates
# template all the things
- include_tasks: template_files.yml
loop: "{{ templates }}"
src_dir: "{{ item.key }}"
dest_dir: "{{ item.value }}"
Given that I have a set of local files that look like this:
Running the playbook results in:
I think that's probably easier to read and understand than the Jinja-template based solution you're using.

Creating a comma separated string from a dictionary in Ansible

I want to write an Ansible role to be able to alter a given Kafka topic. I am using a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The command module is then used to execute a Kafka script that take a string of comma separated values. For instance, use app_kafka_topic list:
cleanup.policy :
- "delete" :
- "146800000"
partitions :
- "6"
replication-factor :
- "2"
and create the string:
This is what I have so far.
- name: Reading the Default Topic Properties
app_kafka_topic_properties_dicts: |
{% set res = [] -%}
{% for key in app_kafka_topic.keys() -%}
{% for value in app_kafka_topic[key] -%}
{% set ignored = res.extend([{'topic_property': key, 'value':value}]) -%}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{{ res }}
- name: Create Topic with Default Properties
command: "{{ kafka_bin_dir }}/{{ kafka_config_script }}
--zookeeper {{ prefix }}-kafka-{{ Kafka_node }}.{{ DNSDomain}}:{{ zookeeper_port }}
--entity-type topics
--entity-name {{ kafka_topic }}
{{ properties }}"
with_items: "{{ app_kafka_topic_properties_dicts }}"
register: createdTopic
properties: |-
{% for key in app_kafka_topic.keys() %}
{% for value in app_kafka_topic[key] %}
"{{ key }}={{ value }}"
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
However, the properties variable is not concatenating the values to the end of a string. Is there a way to append the values to a string and separate them by a comma?
Is this the code that you're looking for?
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
string: ""
cleanup.policy :
- "delete"
retention_ms :
- "146800000"
partitions :
- "6"
replication_factor :
- "2"
- set_fact:
string: "{{ string }}{{ (index > 0)|ternary(',','') }}{{ item.key }}={{ item.value[0] }}"
loop: "{{ app_kafka_topic|dict2items }}"
index_var: index
- debug:
var: string
$ ansible-playbook play.yml | grep string
"string": "retention_ms=146800000,cleanup.policy=delete,replication_factor=2,partitions=6"

How to create dynamic files?

i´m trying to rename ethernet-interfaces on Linux. Each interface with the name enp0s* have to be eth*. First, i create udev-rules for renaming. that works fine. Secondly i have to create new configuration-files for each interface ( ' etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* ' ). I don´t know, how to create the loop to place parameters in each interface. Can somneone help me?
Thats an extract of my playbook:
- name: Get new interface-names of the new created udev-rules
become: yes
shell: cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persisten-ipoib.rules.cfg | egrep -i 'eth.'
register: car
- name: Create new-ifcfg-eth* files
with_items: "{{ car.stdout_lines }}"
register: cat
template: src= roles/configure_network/templates/create_ifcfg.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ item }}
# Template: roles/configure_network/templates/create_ifcfg.cfg.j2
{% for interface in cat.results %}
NAME="eth{{ }}
{% if item.ipaddress is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.netmask is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.gateway is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.dns is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Just fix your syntax:
- name: Create new-ifcfg-eth* files
src: create_ifcfg.cfg.j2
dest: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ car.stdout_lines }}"
register: cat
Remove double template call, use relative path (no need to define full path to role's own templates), use YAML syntax instead of key=value (you had spaces in them, which are not allowed).
