Get highest score in this game: choosing and removing elements in an array - algorithm

Given an array arr of n integers, what is the highest score that a player can reach, playing the following game?
Choose an index 0 < i < n-1 in the array
Add arr[i-1] * arr[i+1] points to the score (initially the score is 0)
Shrink the array by removing element i (forall j >= i: arr[j] = arr[j+1]; then n = n - 1
Repeat steps 1-3 until n == 2.
Do the above until there are only 2 elements (which are the first and the last element because you can't remove them).
What is the highest score you can get ?
arr = [1 2 3 4]
Choose i=2, get: 2*4 = 8 points, remove 3
Remaining: arr = [1 2 4]
Choose i=1, get 1*4 = 4 points, remove 2
Remaining: arr = [1 4].
The sum of points is 8 + 4 = 12, which is the highest possible score on this example.
I think it is related to Dynamic programming but I'm not sure how to solve it.

This problem has a dynamic programming approach similar to Matrix-chain multiplication problem. You can find further explanation in the book "Introduction to Algorithms", 3rd Edition (Cormen, page 370).
Let's find the optimal substructure property and then use it to construct an optimal solution to the problem from optimal solutions to subproblems.
Notation: Ci..j, where i ≤ j, stands for elements Ci,Ci+1,...,Cj.
Definition: A removal sequence for Ci..j is a permutation of i+1,i+2,...,j-1.
A removal sequence for Ci..j is optimal if the score achieved by removing the elements of Ci..j in that order is maximum among all possible removal sequences for Ci..j.
1. Characterize the structure of an optimal solution
If the problem is nontrivial, i.e. i + 1 < j, then any solution has a last removed element which corresponding index is k in the range
i < k < j. Such k split the problem into Ci..k and Ck..j. That is, for some value k, we first remove non extremal elements of Ci..k and Ck..j and then we remove element k. As removing non extremal elements of Ci..k doesn't affect score obtained by removing non extremal elements of Ck..j and an analogous reasoning for removing non extremal elements of Ck..j is also true we state that both subproblems are independent. Then, for a given removal sequence where kth-element is last, the score of Ci..j is equal to the sum of scores of Ci..k and Ck..j, plus the score of removing kth-element (C[i] * C[j]).
The optimal substructure of this problem is as follows. Suppose there is an optimal removal sequence O for Ci..j that ends at kth-element, then the ordering of removed elements from Ci..k must be optimal too. We can prove it by contradiction: If there was a removal sequence for Ci..k that scored higher than removal subsequence extracted from O for Ci..k then we can produce another removal sequence for Ci..j with higher score than optimal removal sequence (contradiction). A similar observation holds for the ordering of removed elements from Ck..j in the optimal removal sequence for Ci..j: it must be optimal too.
We can build an optimal solution for nontrivial instances of the problem by splitting the problem into two subproblems, finding optimal solutions to subproblem instances, and them combining these optimal subproblem solutions.
2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution.
For this problem our subproblems are the maximum score obtained in Ci..j for 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ N. Let S[i, j] be the maximum score obtained in Ci..j; for the full problem, the highest score when evaluating the given rules is S[1, N].
We can define S[i, j] recursively as follows:
If j ≤ i + 1 then S[i, j] = 0
If i + 1 < j then S[i, j] = maxi < k < j{S[i, k] + S[k, j] + C[i] * C[j]}
We ensure that we search for the correct place to split because we consider all possible places, so that we are sure of having examined the optimal one.
3. Compute the value of an optimal solution
You can use your favorite method to compute S:
top-down approach (recursive)
bottom-up approach (iterative)\
I would use bottom-up for computing the solution since it would be < 5 lines long in almost any programming language.
Example in C++11:
for(int l = 2; l <= N; ++l) \\ increasing length intervals
for(int i = 1, j = i + l; j <= N; ++i, ++j)
for(int k = i + 1; k < j; ++k)
S[i, j] = max(S[i, j], S[i, k] + S[k, j] + C[i] * C[j])
4. Time Complexity and Space Complexity
There are nC2 + n = Θ(n2) subproblems and every subproblem do an operation which running time is Θ(l) where l is length of the subproblem so the math yield a running time of Θ(n3) for the algorithm (it's easy to spot the O(n3) part :-)). Also, the algorithm requires Θ(n2) space to store the S table.


Finding best algorithm for sum of a section of an array's values

Given an array of n integers in the locations A[1], A[2], …, A[n], describe an O(n^2) time algorithm to
compute the sum A[i] + A[i+1] + … + A[j] for all i, j, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
I've tried multiple ways of solving this problem but none have in O(n^2) time.
So for an array containing {1,2,3,4}
You would output:
1+2 = 3
1+2+3 = 6
1+2+3+4 = 10
2+3 = 5
2+3+4 = 9
3+4 = 7
The answer does not need to be in a specific language, pseudocode is preferred.
A good preperation is everything.
You could create an array of integrals:
I[0..n] = (0, I[0] + A[1], I[1] + A[2], ..., I[n-1]+A[n]);
This will cost you O(n) * O(1) (looping over all elements and doing one addition);
Now you can calculate each Sum(A, i, j) with just a single subtraction: I[j] - I[i-1];
so this has O(1)
Looping over all combinations of i and j with 1 <= (i,j) <= n has O(n^2).
So you end up with O(n) * O(1) + O(n^2) * O(1) = O(n^2) .
Your array A starts at 1 - adapted to this - this also solves the little quirk with i-1
So the integral array I starts with index 0 and is 1 element larger than A
First you'll maybe have thought about the most naive idea:
Naive idea
Create a function that for given values of i and of j will return the sum A[i] + ... + A[j].
function sumRange(A, i, j):
sum = 0
for k = i to j
sum = sum + A[k]
return sum
Then generate all pairs of i and j (with i < j) and call the above function for each pair:
for i = 1 to n
for j = i+1 to n
output sumRange(A, i, j)
This is not O(n²), because already the two loops on i and j represent O(n²) iterations, and then the function will perform yet another loop, making it O(n³).
Better idea
The above can be improved. Look at the repetition it performs. The sum that was calculated for given values of i and j could be reused to calculate the sum for when j has increased with 1, without starting from scratch and summing the values between i and (now) j-1 again, only to add that one more value to it.
We should just remember what the previous sum was, and add A[j] to it.
So without a separate function:
for i = 1 to n
sum = A[i]
for j = i+1 to n
sum = sum + A[j]
output sum
Note how the sum is not reset to 0 once it is output. It is preserved, so that when j is incremented, only one value needs to be added to it.
Now it is O(n²). Note also how it does not require an extra array for storage. It only needs the memory for a few variables (i, j, sum), so its space complexity is O(1).
As the number of sums you need to output is O(n²), there is no way to improve this time complexity any further.
NB: I assume here that single array values do not constitute a "sum". As you stated in your question, i < j, and also in your example you only showed sums of at least two array values. The above can be easily adapted to also include single value "sums" if ever that were needed.

Partitioning an array to maximal number of groups

There is only one rule to follow: each group's sum should be greater or equal to the group on right side of it.
My guess is to build a tree with all the options for partitioning exist and then recursive backtracking.
For example, the array 14 13 2 11
The result : 3. 3 groups ({14}, {13}, {2, 11})
Do you think my guess is true? if not do you have other solution to the problem?
Here's an O(n^2)-time algorithm, where n is the length of the array. I retract my comment that there's "probably" a faster one.
There's a simpler O(n^4)-time algorithm that illustrates the main idea of the dynamic program. We prepare a table of entries T(i, j) where the i, j entry contains the maximum number of groups into which the array elements indexed [0, j) can be grouped suitably in such a way that the last group has indexes [i, j).
We have a recurrence
T(0, j) = 1 for all j
T(i, j) = max T(h, i) + 1,
h : S(h, i) ≥ S(i, j)
where S(i, j) is the sum of array elements indexed [i, j), and an empty max is taken to be minus infinity. The answer is
max T(i, n).
We get to O(n^4) because for O(n^2) table entries, we compute a maximum over O(n) sums, each of O(n) items.
We make two optimizations. The first is easy: update the sum S(h, i) incrementally as we vary h. This drops the cost to O(n^3). We can do the same for S(i, j), but to no effect yet assuming that we sensibly hoisted it out of the max loop.
The second depends on nonnegative entries. For particular i, j, the set of valid h is an interval like [0, k), possibly empty. For i fixed and j decreasing, the sum S(i, j) is nonincreasing, hence the interval does not shrink. This means that we can update the max incrementally as well, yielding an O(n^2)-time algorithm.

Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers

I'm trying to find an algorithm to find K disjoint, contiguous subsets of size L of an array x of real numbers that maximize the sum of the elements.
Spelling out the details, X is a set of N positive real numbers:
X={x[1],x[2],...x[N]} where x[j]>=0 for all j=1,...,N.
A contiguous subset of length L called S[i] is defined as L consecutive members of X starting at position n[i] and ending at position n[i]+L-1:
S[i] = {x[j] | j=n[i],n[i]+1,...,n[i]+L-1} = {x[n[i]],x[n[i]+1],...,x[n[i]+L-1]}.
Two of such subsets S[i] and S[j] are called pairwise disjoint (non-overlapping) if |n[i]-n[j]|>=L. In other words, they don't contain any identical members of X.
Define the summation of the members of each subset:
SUM[i] = x[n[i]]+x[n[i]+1]+...+x[n[i]+L-1];
The goal is find K contiguous and disjoint(non-overlapping) subsets S[1],S[2],...,S[K] of length L such that SUM[1]+SUM[2]+...+SUM[K] is maximized.
This is solved by dynamic programming. Let M[i] be the best solution only for the first i elements of x. Then:
M[i] = 0 for i < L
M[i] = max(M[i-1], M[i-L] + sum(x[i-L+1] + x[i-L+2] + ... + x[i]))
The solution to your problem is M[N].
When you code it, you can incrementally compute the sum (or simply pre-compute all the sums) leading to an O(N) solution in both space and time.
If you have to find exactly K subsets, you can extend this, by defining M[i, k] to be the optimal solution with k subsets on the first i elements. Then:
M[i, k] = 0 for i < k * L or k = 0.
M[i, k] = max(M[i-1, k], M[i-L, k-1] + sum(x[i-L+1] + ... + x[i])
The solution to your problem is M[N, K].
This is a 2d dynamic programming solution, and has time and space complexity of O(NK) (assuming you use the same trick as above for avoiding re-computing the sum).

General method to fit a number into a sequence

The general problem is as follows. Given an increasing sequence of positive integers 0 < s_1 < s_2 < s_3 < ... and a positive integer n, is there an efficient algorithm to find the (unique) index k such that s_k <= n < s_(k+1)?
A concrete example of this problem with a particular nice solution is to find the largest nonzero digit of a binary expansion, i.e. take s_i = 2^(i-1), and then k = log_2(n).
A slightly harder example is to find the largest nonzero digit in the factorial expansion, i.e. take s_i = i!.
The example that I have in mind that brings up this question is the following:
s_i = ith triangular number = 1 + 2 + ... + i = i(i+1)/2
I'd like a nice solution to this, meaning something better than the following
for(int i=1; ; ++i) {
if (triangle[i] > n)
return i;
NOTE: One cannot use a binary search here since the sequence is infinite. Of course, there is the obvious constraint that k <= n, but this is a horrible bound in general. For example, if s_i = i!, then using a binary search on n=20 requires computing 20! when the answer is k=3, so one shouldn't need to compute beyond 4!.
A general approach: Try solving the equation n = s(x) and the set k = floor(x).
For s_i=2^(i-1) you get x=log2(n)+1. For s_i=i*(i+1)/2 you get x=(sqrt(1+8n)-1)/2.
In case that the equation is not solvable analytically, try an approximation (e.g. Newton's method), or simply use a binary search on the sequence.

Find largest continuous sum such that the minimum of it and it's complement is largest

I'm given a sequence of numbers a_1,a_2,...,a_n. It's sum is S=a_1+a_2+...+a_n and I need to find a subsequence a_i,...,a_j such that min(S-(a_i+...+a_j),a_i+...+a_j) is the largest possible (both sums must be non-empty).
1,2,3,4,5 the sequence is 3,4, because then min(S-(a_i+...+a_j),a_i+...+a_j)=min(8,7)=7 (and it's the largest possible which can be checked for other subsequences).
I tried to do this the hard way.
I load all values into the array tab[n].
I do this n-1 times tab[i]+=tab[i-j]. So that tab[j] is the sum from the beginning till j.
I check all possible sums a_i+...+a_j=tab[j]-tab[i-1] and substract it from the sum, take the minimum and see if it's larger than before.
It takes O(n^2). This makes me very sad and miserable. Is there a better way?
Seems like this can be done in O(n) time.
Compute the sum S. The ideal subsequence sum is the longest one which gets closest to S/2.
Start with i=j=0 and increase j until sum(a_i..a_j) and sum(a_i..a_{j+1}) are as close as possible to S/2. Note which ever is closer and save the values of i_best,j_best,sum_best.
Increment i and then increase j again until sum(a_i..a_j) and sum(a_i..a_{j+1}) are as close as possible to S/2. Note which ever is closer and replace the values of i_best,j_best,sum_best if they are better. Repeat this step until done.
Note that both i and j are never decremented, so they are changed a total of at most O(n) times. Since all other operations take only constant time, this results in an O(n) runtime for the entire algorithm.
Let's first do some clarifications.
A subsequence of a sequence is actually a subset of the indices of the sequence. Haivng said that, and specifically int he case where you sequence has distinct elements, your problem will reduce to the famous Partition problem, which is known to be NP-complete. If that is the case, you can manage to solve the problem in O(Sn) where "n" is the number of elements and "S" is the total sum. This is not polynomial time as "S" can be arbitrarily large.
So lets consider the case with a contiguous subsequence. You need to observe array elements twice. First run sums them up into some "S". In the second run you carefully adjust array length. Lets assume you know that a[i] + a[i + 1] + ... + a[j] > S / 2. Then you let i = i + 1 to reduce the sum. Conversely, if it was smaller, you would increase j.
This code runs in O(n).
Python code:
from math import fabs
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
i = 0
j = 0
S = sum(a)
s = 0
while s + a[j] <= S / 2:
s = s + a[j]
j = j + 1
s = s + a[j]
best_case = (i, j)
best_difference = fabs(S / 2 - s)
while True:
if fabs(S / 2 - s) < best_difference:
best_case = (i, j)
best_difference = fabs(S / 2 - s)
if s > S / 2:
s -= a[i]
i += 1
j += 1
if j == len(a):
s += a[j]
print best_case
i = best_case[0]
j = best_case[1]
print "Best subarray = ", a[i:j + 1]
print "Best sum = " , sum(a[i:j + 1])
