Azure Databricks Notebook Parameter Passing - azure-databricks

I invoked a Child Notebook from a Parent Notebook with some parameters passed through.
I encountered limitations in the number of characters while passing parameters. As part of parameter passing, Table Schema (Name CHAR(5), Age INT etc.,) is passed to the child notebook.
The problem is that my table has 450 columns and the child notebook does not support passing parameters with more characters.
The error:
com.databricks.WorkflowException: com.databricks.common.client.DatabricksServiceException: INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE: The provided parameters (in json representation) are too long (10046 bytes); it cannot exceeds 10000 bytes.

This is a known limitation with Azure Databricks.
While passing the parameters - The JSON representation of this field cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
In case, if it exceeds the limit it will throws the above error message which you are experiencing.


What does the parameters do in datafusion pipelines source connection

I am not able to understand the use of these arguments. I am having the source as oracle db plugin wherein these all arguments are also present..
Bounding Query - This field is required since this will return the minimum and maximum of the values of the Split-by Field Name field.
For example, SELECT MIN(id),MAX(id) FROM table. Not required if the Number of Splits to Generate is set to 1.
Split-By Field Name - As per this document Split-By Field Name is Field Name which will be used to generate splits.
For Example:
The SELECT query is used to import data from the specified table. You can specify an arbitrary number of columns to import, or import all columns using *. The Query should contain the ‘$CONDITIONS’ string. For example, ‘SELECT * FROM table WHERE $CONDITIONS’. The ‘$CONDITIONS’ string will be replaced by Split-by Field Name field limits specified by the bounding query. The ‘$CONDITIONS’ string is not required if Number of Splits to Generate is set to 1.
Number of Splits - It is optional. It is the number of splits to generate.
Fetch Size - This field is optional. It is the number of rows to fetch at a time per split. Larger Fetch Size can result in a faster import with the trade-off of higher memory usage.Default is 1000.
Default Batch Value - This field is optional. It represents the default batch value that triggers an execution request.
Default Row Prefetch- It is optional. This field denotes the default number of rows to prefetch from the server.

Error Message: "offset (0) + length (4) exceed the capacity of the array: 2" while fetching data from HBase

My tomcat based REST API application is not able to process request due to above mentioned error. I am facing an error while trying to retrieve data from HBase. I am using RESTFul webservices as my interface.
I am using CDH 5.3.1 which contains HBase 0.98.6. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?enter code here
Error Details:
Error Message: "offset (0) + length (4) exceed the capacity of the array: 2"
Perhaps you need to change some schema type specifications?
I got this error, except with offset (0) + length (4) exceed the capacity of the array: 1. This was because the value for the column in question was missing, and I assumed the 1 byte indicated null value.
This happened when using spark to hbase connector in Java, and having specified the column type to be "int", e.g.:
{"cf": "fam", "col": "someColumn", "type": "int"}
Changing type to "string" resolved the problem, and missing values displayed as null instead of result in an error.
same issue here. root cause for me is that the data produced/consumed is not through the same API.
I used python rest API to generate test data, which when retrieving is only 7 bytes long and does not meet consumer's requirement (8 bytes)
in your case, your producer produces only 2 bytes long and consumer expects 4 bytes.
you have to adapt at either end.
I met the same error.offset (0) + length (4) exceed the capacity of the array: 3.
Because on HBase,the type is String,but the entity in my class is Integer.So,bytes can't transform.
you must ensure that the types that are put and get from HBase are same.
HBase --> productId : s_23476
Entity --> private Integer productId

Windows installer using makemsi cannot merge 'policy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_DebugCRT_x86_x64.msm'

I am using makemsi's command 'Mergemodule' to include Microsoft's redistribuitable 'policy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_DebugCRT_x86_x64.msm' to my msi.
The ppwizard preprocessor gives me error 'The underlying OLE container used to store binary data has has a key limit of 62 characters.This was exceeded by 2 character(s), the key ''
I believe this happens because binary data is stored inside msi as OLE Stream with key created by concatenating the table name and the values of the record's primary keys using a period delimiter.The Limit for this key is 62 characters which exceeds here with '' where '_MAKEMSI_Cabs' is the table Name and '' is value.
Can anyone please suggest a work around for this. Thanks in advance.

How to set longvarbinary values in jdbc?

I read that inorder to populate binary values for Insert query you need to create a PreparedStatement and then use setBytes() API to set the byte array as the binary parameter.
My problem is that when i do the same I get "data exception: String data,right truncation".
I read about this that this might come if we populate a value of size more than the declared size. But here I am using a very small byte [] ("s".getbytes()).
I also tried setBinaryStream() but with the same result!
I also tried setting null value. Still I get the same error.
The length of the VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY column must be enough to accept the data you are inserting. Your CREATE TABLE statement can contain VARBINARY as the type of the column, allowing up to 16MB per each data item.
If you use BINARY as the type, it means only one byte is allowed.

PeopleSoft Payroll Interface Field length

I have added a field to a Payroll Interface definition. I am using the delivered field TEXT254. The field where you define the length of the field in bytes (field definition table) is three characters, so it would appear that you can define the length as 999 bytes. The PI process fails when I set the length to 999 bytes, until I lowered it to 150 bytes. I am experimenting, with it, slowly increasing the value I'm wondering if anyone knows what the limit really is? Our PI takes 3 hours to run, so experimenting takes a long time.
edit - I cut down the runtime by getting rid of all but one company. The largest byte size that I seem to be able to get to run is 240. I did some research, and it looks like when you build your tables, Oracle will set the field to VARCHAR2(n*3) where n is the size of the field specified in AppDesigner. Sure enough, the script generated by the Project...Build sets my field to VARCHAR2(762).
This is what I found - the data that the PI exports is pretty much unlimited - in the PI_PARTIC_EXPT table, the EXPORT_ROW field is 250 characters. If the row you're exporting exceeds this, a new row is inserted with a new sequence number (export_seq), and the data is continued in the EXPORT_ROW field in this new row.
There is,however, a limit to an idividual field that the PI can handle, and that is 240 characters, so once I limited the field to 240 characters all was well.
