OpenMesh get number of faces/vertices/edges - openmesh

Is there a way to directly get the number of faces, vertices and edges in a mesh in OpenMesh? One could always iterate over them and count them but I was wondering if there is any member variable that holds them or whether there is any vector where they are stored and one could just check the size of that vector?

[github] OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/ArrayKernel.hh
size_t n_vertices() const { return vertices_.size(); }
size_t n_halfedges() const { return 2*edges_.size(); }
size_t n_edges() const { return edges_.size(); }
size_t n_faces() const { return faces_.size(); }
bool vertices_empty() const { return vertices_.empty(); }
bool halfedges_empty() const { return edges_.empty(); }
bool edges_empty() const { return edges_.empty(); }
bool faces_empty() const { return faces_.empty(); }


vectorXd from_json()?

I'm trying to implement json serialization of a class using eigen::VectorXd and nlohmann-json library. It's not a problem to store the class as JSON string. How to parse VectorXd from JSON? Is there an other library more suitable for this task?
#include "json.hpp"
class TransformationStep {
VectorXd support_vector;
int number;
TransformationStep(int number_param, VectorXd support_vectorParam) {
number = number_param;
support_vector = support_vectorParam;
~TransformationStep() {
//json serialization
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j);
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j);
void TransformationStep::to_json(nlohmann::json &j) {
j["number"] = number;
j["support_vector"] = support_vector;
void Ftf::from_json(const nlohmann::json &j)
number = ("number").get<int>());
//support_vector = j["support_vector"].get<VectorXd>()); //???
------ output calling to_json(nlohmann::json &j) ------
"number": 3,
"support_vector": [
I came up with
void vector_from_json(VectorXd& vector, const nlohmann::json &j) {
size_t element_index=0;
for (const auto& element : j) {
vector(element_index++) = (double) element;

Sparse matrix nonzero count in Eigen 3.3

In Eigen 3.2 sparse matrices had a method named 'nonZeros' that returned the count of non-zero elements. This method seems to be gone in Eigen 3.3. How does one obtain the number of nonzero in 3.3?
It's still there. In Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseCompressedBase.h line 56 there is one definition (for SparseCompressedBase).
template<typename Derived>
class SparseCompressedBase
: public SparseMatrixBase<Derived>
typedef typename Base::IndexVector IndexVector;
Eigen::Map<IndexVector> innerNonZeros() { return Eigen::Map<IndexVector>(innerNonZeroPtr(), isCompressed()?0:derived().outerSize()); }
const Eigen::Map<const IndexVector> innerNonZeros() const { return Eigen::Map<const IndexVector>(innerNonZeroPtr(), isCompressed()?0:derived().outerSize()); }
/** \returns the number of non zero coefficients */
inline Index nonZeros() const
if(Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime && outerIndexPtr()==0)
return derived().nonZeros();
More so, a quick grep shows all the definitions (v3.3.0):
$ grep -rn "Index nonZeros()" *
src/Core/DenseBase.h:210: inline Index nonZeros() const { return size(); }
src/SparseCore/AmbiVector.h:39: Index nonZeros() const;
src/SparseCore/SparseBlock.h:42: Index nonZeros() const
src/SparseCore/SparseBlock.h:436: Index nonZeros() const { return Dynamic; }
src/SparseCore/SparseCompressedBase.h:56: inline Index nonZeros() const
src/SparseCore/SparseMap.h:87: inline Index nonZeros() const { return m_zero_nnz[1]; }
src/SparseCore/SparseTranspose.h:31: inline Index nonZeros() const { return derived().nestedExpression().nonZeros(); }
src/SparseCore/SparseVector.h:140: inline Index nonZeros() const { return m_data.size(); }

C++ Linked list insert back

I am trying to create a function that will insert a node to the back of the list using linked list. I am new to using linked list and I have tried many different ways of doing an insertion at the end of the list but nothing seems to be working. The main passes the values one at a time to be inserted 2 4 5 8 9, and the output is 2 0 0 0 0. I do not whats causing this problem.
class Node
Node() : data(0), ptrToNext(NULL) {}
Node(int theData, Node *newPtrToNext) : data(theData), ptrToNext(newPtrToNext){}
Node* getPtrToNext() const { return ptrToNext; }
int getData() const { return data; }
void setData(int theData) { data = theData; }
void setPtrToNext(Node *newPtrToNext) { ptrToNext = newPtrToNext; }
int data;
Node *ptrToNext; //pointer that points to next node
class AnyList
//default constructor
void print() const;
//Prints all values in the list.
void destroyList();
//Destroys all nodes in the list.
int getNumOfItems();
void insertBack(int b);
void deleteFirstNode();
Node *ptrToFirst; //pointer to point to the first node in the list
int count; //keeps track of number of nodes in the list
void AnyList::insertBack(int b)
Node *temp = new Node;
if (ptrToFirst == NULL)
ptrToFirst = temp;
Node *first = ptrToFirst;
while (first->getPtrToNext() != NULL)
first = first->getPtrToNext();
First, you really should be using the std::list or std::forward_list class instead of implementing the node handling manually:
#include <list>
class AnyList
void print() const;
//Prints all values in the list.
void destroyList();
//Destroys all nodes in the list.
int getNumOfItems() const;
void insertBack(int b);
void deleteFirstNode();
std::list<int> nodes; //nodes in the list
void AnyList::print() const
for (std::list<int>::const_iterator iter = nodes.begin(); iter != nodes.end(); ++iter)
int value = *iter;
// print value as needed...
void AnyList::destroyList()
void AnyList::getNumOfItems() const
return nodes.size();
void AnyList::insertBack(int b)
void AnyList::deleteFirstNode()
if (!nodes.empty())
That being said, your manual implementation fails because you are likely not managing the nodes correctly (but you did not show everything you are doing). It should look something like this:
class Node
Node() : data(0), ptrToNext(NULL) {}
Node(int theData, Node *newPtrToNext) : data(theData), ptrToNext(newPtrToNext) {}
~Node() {}
Node* getPtrToNext() const { return ptrToNext; }
int getData() const { return data; }
void setData(int theData) { data = theData; }
void setPtrToNext(Node *newPtrToNext) { ptrToNext = newPtrToNext; }
int data;
Node *ptrToNext; //pointer that points to next node
class AnyList
//default constructor
void print() const;
//Prints all values in the list.
void destroyList();
//Destroys all nodes in the list.
int getNumOfItems() const;
void insertBack(int b);
void deleteFirstNode();
Node *ptrToFirst; //pointer to point to the first node in the list
Node *ptrToLast; //pointer to point to the last node in the list
int count; //keeps track of number of nodes in the list
: ptrToFirst(NULL), ptrToLast(NULL), count(0)
void AnyList::print() const
for (Node *temp = ptrToFirst; temp != NULL; temp = temp->getPtrToNext())
int value = temp->getData();
// print value as needed...
void AnyList::destroyList()
Node *temp = ptrToFirst;
ptrToFirst = ptrToLast = NULL;
count = 0;
while (temp != NULL)
Node *next = temp->getPtrToNext();
delete temp;
temp = next;
int AnyList::getNumOfItems() const
return count;
void AnyList::insertBack(int b)
Node *temp = new Node(b, NULL);
if (ptrToFirst == NULL)
ptrToFirst = temp;
if (ptrToLast != NULL)
ptrToLast = temp;
void AnyList::deleteFirstNode()
if (ptrToFirst == NULL)
Node *temp = ptrToFirst;
ptrToFirst = temp->getPtrToNext();
if (ptrToLast == temp)
ptrToLast = NULL;
delete temp;

The semantics of v8::ResourceConstraints?

The v8::ResourceConstraints class is defined as follows:
class V8EXPORT ResourceConstraints {
int max_young_space_size() const { return max_young_space_size_; }
void set_max_young_space_size(int value) { max_young_space_size_ = value; }
int max_old_space_size() const { return max_old_space_size_; }
void set_max_old_space_size(int value) { max_old_space_size_ = value; }
int max_executable_size() { return max_executable_size_; }
void set_max_executable_size(int value) { max_executable_size_ = value; }
uint32_t* stack_limit() const { return stack_limit_; }
// Sets an address beyond which the VM's stack may not grow.
void set_stack_limit(uint32_t* value) { stack_limit_ = value; }
int max_young_space_size_;
int max_old_space_size_;
int max_executable_size_;
uint32_t* stack_limit_;
Can someone tell me what young_space_size, old_space_size, and max_executable_size are? What are their units, how are they related, etc.? There doesn't seem to be much documentation.
Also, how does one use the stack_limit property? For example, if I want my V8 isolate to use no more than 1MB of stack space, how would I calculate a pointer value for stack_limit?
v8/test/cctest/ uses this function to calculate the limit:
// Uses the address of a local variable to determine the stack top now.
// Given a size, returns an address that is that far from the current
// top of stack.
static uint32_t* ComputeStackLimit(uint32_t size) {
uint32_t* answer = &size - (size / sizeof(size));
// If the size is very large and the stack is very near the bottom of
// memory then the calculation above may wrap around and give an address
// that is above the (downwards-growing) stack. In that case we return
// a very low address.
if (answer > &size) return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(sizeof(size));
return answer;

Visual C++ initliazing aggregates inline

In g++ I could do this:
struct s
int a, b;
void MyFunction(s) { }
int main()
MyFunction((s) { 0, 0 });
return 0;
In Visual Studio however, it doesn't work. is there any way to make it work or some alternative syntax without making a variable and initializing it (and without adding a constructor to the struct as it will make it non-aggregate and it wouldn't be able to initialize in aggregates)?
My C is a bit rusty, but didn't you have to use struct s unless you typedef it? Something like this:
struct s
int a, b;
void MyFunction(struct s) { }
int main()
MyFunction((struct s) { 0, 0 });
return 0;
typedef struct s
int a, b;
} s_t;
void MyFunction(s_t) { }
int main()
MyFunction((s_t) { 0, 0 });
return 0;
