Unity PerRequestLifetimeManager for AspNet Core - asp.net-core-mvc

The Unity DI Container has an extension for ASP.NET MVC (based on the older .NET Framework) that includes PerRequestLifetimeManager. This allows you to have one instance of an object that has the lifetime of one http request.
I am building an ASPNET Core MVC project and would like to use Unity, but there does not seem to be an equivalent to the PerRequestLifetimeManager in the Unity.Microsoft.DependencyInjection extension. Is anyone aware if such a thing exists?


Migrating existing ASP.NET Core 3 App to Orchard Core

I have a ASP.NET Core MVC Application that uses EntityFramework Core and Identity.
So far I have only 2 Connection Strings in Appsettings.json .
Context for Models and Context for Identity.
I would like to have a Database Connection string for each user group.
Does anybody have experience with Orchard Core Framework? It was linked on the Microsoft Documentation, because multi Tenant Database for each User is not supported by Identity.
Can anybody tell me if it is difficult to migrate an existing Project to this Framework?
I also read about Multi Tanent App on a blog form Gunnar Pipemann. This approach would be an alternative for me.
Maybe some of you have developed a similiar App with Asp.net Core MVC and can share their approach.

Is IdentityService available in ASP.NET Core 2 Release?

I have ASP.NET Core created using MVC template with individual authentication.
In ASP.NET Core 1.1 ApplicationDbContext was used for identity.
Then in Core 2 Preview they added IdentityService instead, so I modified my project to use it.
But now after Core 2 Release I see they returned back to use ApplicationDbContext, how it was in Core 1.1.
So when I open project I get a lot of errors:
Should I install some Nuget? But I see only version 1.0 Preview for IdentityService:
Maybe I should return back and use ApplicationDbContext for identity instead?
UPDATE: Just found on GitHub: ASP.NET Core Identity as a service

Service Layer with WebApi

I am starting to work on a new project so working on laying on the architechture at this moment.
So basically we want to keep a service oriented architecture using MVC web api.
So I had the following structure in mind:
Project.Core (All Poco classes)
Proect.Data (All entity framerwork)
Project.Service (All Web API ??)
We would be working for the first time on webapi here. So wanted to know how do we intergrate webapi here.
Most of the articles we saw read had created a mvc web application and had selected webapi in that. But we
were looking to create separate service layer just for webapi. Is this the correct practice to do that or
I am missing something here.
We basically wanted not to have a tight coupling b.w MVC web and web api here. If we create web api as part
of mvc then how can we separately access our web api.
WOuld appreciate inputs.
I normally use the project template provided by Visual Studio. Choose Empty ASP.NET project template and then select Add folders and references for Web API. It will create the folder structure needed/recommended purely for a Web API project without any MVC reference. I generally create a separate project for Data Access and use that from the Web API project.

ASP.NET MVC 3 and WSE 2.0

I've an ASP.NET MVC 3 project and have been tasked with implementing a few UI controls. I need to call a few web services and bind the data to the UI controls. The problem is the web services host (we have no control over them) requires me to first implement a UsernameToken class (WSE 2.0) to authenticate the user and generate a security token. I understand WSE 2.0 is superceded by WCF in 2006. I don't want to switch back to VS 2005 to be able to use WSE 2.0. What are my options?
Thanks for any help!
Just add a Service Reference to your ASP.NET MVC application and point it to the web service WSDL. This will generate a strongly typed WCF client which is compatible with WSE. Here's an article which covers the different interoperability scenarios
I'm afraid the approach Darin Dimitrov didn't work. What I have ultimately done is installed WSE 2.0, then added dll reference to Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll found in the WSE installtion directory (c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft WSE\v2.0\Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll). I also modified the Reference.cs file of the service to inherit from Microsoft.Web.Services2.WebServicesClientProtocol. I was able to find the UsernameToken class and able to authenticate successfully.
I'm not an expert in this area so I'm not sure if this is the correct way of doing this, but it worked nonetheless.

Migrating a legacy Webforms application to asp.net mvc?

does anyone have good links or tips on best practices concerning migrating from ASP.NET Webforms to ASP.NET MVC?
We have a large webforms application that we would like to piece by piece migrate to MVC. Here is our current setup.
Two big Webforms project (VB)
Multiple class libraries and services (C# and VB.Net)
Subsonic 2.2 Data access layer
SQL Server 2008 DB
We are considering the following:
Keep the classic webforms project running as is for now while developing.
Create new MVC project based on MVC 3 with Razor view engine
Use Nhibernate (Repository pattern) DAL
Convert/build the existing functionality module by module in the MVC project
Replace some functionality in the old webforms project with new MVC modules if possible. Integrate via eg. Iframes.
In time the new MVC app will replace the old webforms project entirely.
We would like to keep the DB as is so we also need a tool to create the Model based on the DB.
Is this a possible solution?
WebForms applications use server-side session a lot because most of the server controls use it internally. You will not be able to use any of the server controls that you used in WebForms in MVC3 (atleast without some tinkering).
MVC3 promotes the use of restful architecture, where any state is maintained in html or url or cookies, and these are reasons why I think you should revisit the decision to convert to MVC3. Do so only if it will give you a huge advantage, because I suspect you will be reinventing ground up your existing app - I suspect there will be an equal amount of effort migrating it as to while developing it new.
Again there is nothing preventing you from creating an "area" or a "region" of MVC in your webforms app, if your goal is to use MVC for future development.
If you still want to move to MVC3, take a look here
It is ok solution. Also for NHibernate you can use MyGeneration with NH plugin to generate models on top of existing DB. And it is also possible to host WebForms and MVC together in one web app. Just finished quite the same task. But used EF for DAL.
