Supporting multiple versions of Kuberentes APIs in Go program - go

Kubernetes has a rapidly evolving API and I am trying to find best practices, recommendations, or really any kind of guidance about how to write Go software that gracefully handles supporting its evolving API and supports multiple versions simultaneously. I am sure I am not the first person to attempt this, but so far I have not found any guidance about Kubernetes specifically, and what I have read about polymorphism in Go has not inspired a great solution yet.
Kubernetes is written in Go and provides Go packages like and Kubernetes resources, for example Ingress, are first released in one API group (extensions) and as they become more mature, get moved to another API group (networking) and can also change versions (e.g. go from v1beta1 to plain v1). Kubernetes also provides for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster.
I am an experienced object-oriented (and other types of) programmer, but fairly new to Go and completely new to the Kubernetes packages. What I want to accomplish is a program architecture that allows me to write code once and have it work on any version of the Kubernetes resource, at least as long as the resource contains all the features I care about. In a typical object-oriented environment, I would create a base Ingress class and have all these various versions derive from it, and package up operations so that I could just work on Ingress everywhere. My sense is that Go intends for people to take a different approach, and in any case there are complications because of the client/server aspect.
Client/server and APIs
My Go program is a client of the Kubernetes server. Various version of the server will support various version of the Kubernetes API, and therefor various versions of the Ingress resource. So my first problem is that I have to do something like this to get a list of all the Ingresses:
ingressesExt, err := il.kubeClient.ExtensionsV1beta1().Ingresses(namespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
ingressesNet, err := il.kubeClient.NetworkingV1beta1().Ingresses(namespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
I have to gracefully handle errors about the API not being supported. Because the return types are different, AFAIK there is no unified interface where I can just make one call and get the results in a single list. It seems like this is the sort of thing someone should have solved and provided a solution for, but so far I have not found anything.
Type conversion
I also have to find some way to merge ingressesExt and ingressesNet into a single usable list, with an eye toward maintainability/extensibility now that Ingress has graduated to NetworkingV1.
Kubernetes utilities
I see that Kubernetes provides a lot of auto-generated code and utilities, but I have not found a lot of documentation about how to use them. For example, Ingress has functions like
Maybe I can use these to do the type conversion? Combine marshal, unmarshall, discard, and merge somehow to take the data from on version and import it into another?
Hopefully you see the issue and understand what I am trying to achieve.
Are there packages from Kubernetes or other open source authors that make some progress in unifying the APIs like I need?
Are any of the Kubernetes auto-generated functions meant for general use (as opposed to internal use) and helpful to my challenge? I have not found documentation for any but DeepCopy.
What is the "Go way" of abstracting out the differences between the various versions of the Ingress object such that I can write the rest of the code to work on any version? Keep in mind that I may need to make another API call for further processing, in which case I would need to know the concrete type of the object and select the right API call. It is not obvious to me that client-go provides any support for such auto-selection of API calls.


Using an alternative connection channel/transport for GRPC

I currently have a primitive RPC setup relying on JSON transferred over secured sockets, but I would like to switch to gRPC. Unfortunately I also need access to AF_UNIX on windows (Which Microsoft recently started supporting, but gRPC has not implemented).
Since I have an existing working connection (managed with a different library), my preference would be to just use that in conjunction with GRPC to send/receive commands in place of my JSON parsing, but I am struggling to identify the best way to do that.
I have seen Plugging custom transport into gRPC but this question differs in the following ways (As well as my hope for a more recent answer)
I am wanting to avoid making changes to the core of gRPC. I'd prefer to extend it if possible from within my library, but the answer here implies adding a new transport to gRPC.If I did need to do this at the transport level, is there a mechanism to register it with gRPC after the core has been built?
I am unsure if I need to define this as a full custom transport, since I do already have an existing connection established and ready. I have seen some things that imply I could simply extend Channel, but I might be wrong.
I need to be able to support Windows, or at least modern versions of it (Which means that the from_fd options gRPC provides are not available since they are currently only implemented for POSIX)
Has anyone solved similar problems with gRPC?
I may have figured out my own answer. I seem to have been overly focused on gRPC, when the service definition component of Protobuf is not dependent on that.
How can i write my own RPC Implementation for Protocol Buffers utilizing ZeroMQ is very similar to my use case, with seeming to resolve my issue (And this also explains why I seem to have been mixing up the different kinds of "Channels" involved
I welcome any improvements/suggestions, and hope that maybe this can be found in future searches by people that had the same confusion.

Using opendaylight to document networks

I am facing a task to analyze, document and visualize a rather large global network (more than 200 sites, various technologies) and wonder if opendaylight might help me with this. The documentation should mainly focus on Layer 3 and Layer 4 but may partially also include L2 topology. There is no need to actually use a controller to configure devices through southbound APIs, but I would like to use the benefits of a structured, consistent description (e.g. YANG) and a visualization (DLUX, NeXt) which ODL provides.
So here's my question: Is there any way to manually add a topology (nodes, links) through a graphical editor to ODL?
From the general project description and from the last 20 seconds of this video, NeXt in general seems to be able to add/modify topology information. How far does the NeXt integration with ODL go? Would I need to write my own app (which could use NeXt) which would need to use the RESTCONF APIs to add information to the topology? Or should I maybe create a virtual topology of the real network using mininet? Any other ideas?
I understand that an sdn controller is probably not the right kind of tool for this task, but other alternatives (e.g. Net2Plan, Visio, yEd) are basically local solutions, a bit too complicated or provide no standardized DSL for topologies. Besides that, the documentation covering ODL and NeXt integration is very limited - couldn't get a grasp of how that integration should work (I'll try harder).

Looking for help on how to manage microservices in Golang

Currently, I deal with microservices on a daily basis at my 9-5. Most everything that I touch is written in PHP, and as only a software engineer, SysOps manages everything that has to do with apps running, etc. I have a little familiarity in how the infrastructure and build pipeline is setup, but I still am not a SysOps or DevOps guy.
With that said, I love Golang and for a side project, I am creating a fairly large web application with a lot of moving parts. Writing and designing the code is easy as I have learned a lot from my day job, but deploying and managing Golang web apps (as they are executables) is quite different than updating files for apache to serve.
I have researched a lot on how I would build and deploy my microservice apps, but I keep on thinking of more problems that will need to be solved along the way. I have tinkered with the idea of using Docker for all of this, but I would rather not have the added complexity of learning that and managing storage for all of the images as that could be large.
Is there a best practice or a good way to manage Golang applications after they have been deployed? I would need a way to keep track of all the microservice processes to be able to see if they are still up and to be able to stop them when a new build is going to be deployed.
As for the setup, just assume that all the microservices will be run on the server, not in a container or in a VM. They will all need to be managed, but also able to act upon independently. Jenkins will be used for building and deploying. I will be using Consul for service discovery and possibly configuration, and most likely health checks on the services. I'm thinking of having each microservice register itself to consul when started and deregister when stopping.
Again, I am looking for a solution that is hopefully not just "Docker". I also had thoughts into creating a deploy service that manages the services (add and remove), as well as registering them in Consul. So if I cannot find a better solution, I might go that path. Any help is appreciated.
** Sorry if my question was confusing, but since a couple people answered on the wrong topic at hand, I will try to clarify. I don't need any help making the microservices, or even know anything about them. I brought that point up as to why I need to ask my question. Basically what I need is just the ability to manage the running go processes of all my microservices so I can do deployments and be able to stop and start processes to update the code. It is easier when you have to worry about one app, but when you can have up to 10-15 difference microservices they become harder to keep track of. After my own research, it seems that Supervisord is what I am looking for, but I'm not sure. That is the direction I am going in with this question. Thanks.
Golang is great to use for microservices, but I would say there is not so big difference of managing golang or other languages microservices.
What I would say is golang specific:
you don't need to install anything on servers since golang is compiled to single library
you can take advantage of std lib golang rpc package and gob binary decoding, instead of usin 3rd party solution (gorpc, protocol buffer etc)
Other than that you need to use your own judgement. There is plenty of ways of doing one things in microservices world; one day you will implement solution A but when after 3 month you will see that its better to do B, do that.
In internet, there is so much reading about microservices. I will recommend you 2 good resurces:
And article:
Remember, microservices are not a golden bullet, they often can help making application easier to maintain and grow, but from the other side require lot of additional work, consequence in specifying API contracts and strong devops culture.

Using existing microservices

In the microservice architecture, the main idea is that, every service is a small program, that does one thing and does it well (like unix philosophy)
Some things are common to a variety of projects, eg. user management, contacts, companies, clients, products, payments, etc.
I want to know if there is some kind of repository for microservices that solve there common tasks, so that I don't must reinvent the wheel again.
On github it is hard to find something like this and on docker hub are most repos not documented.
So you use some 3th party microservices? Or you create everything yourself?
We use some of the stuff StdLib provides and they also have a registry for others to submit their own stuff. You should check it out.
Usually I create all but the concept of micro is opinionated, there are a lot of authentication framework ready in different languages for example this is in PHP
but there is also something in golang, you can use this libraries to make your work simple.
I tried to search something ready to help you but I have the same feeling there aren't around.

Simplest C++ library that supports distributed messaging - Observer Pattern

I need to do something relatively simple, and I don't really want to install a MOM like RabittMQ etc.
There are several programs that "register" with a central
"service" server through TCP. The only function of the server is to
call back all the registered clients when they all in turn say
"DONE". So it is a kind of "join" (edit: Barrier) for distributed client processes.
When all clients say "DONE" (they can be done at totally different times), the central server messages
them all saying "ALL-COMPLETE". The clients "block" until asynchronously called back.
So this is a kind of distributed asynchronous Observer Pattern. The server has to keep track of where the clients are somehow. It is ok for the client to pass its IP address to the server etc. It is constructable with things like Boost::Signal, BOOST::Asio, BOOST::Dataflow etc, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if something simple already exists. I got very close with ZeroMQ, but non of their patterns support this use-case very well, AFAIK.
Is there a very simple system that does this? Notice that the server can be written in any language. I just need C++ bindings for the clients.
After much searching, I used this library
It turns out that doing this with this framework is relatively straightforward. The only real "impediment" to using it is that the library seems to have gotten an API transition recently and the documentation .pdf file has not completely caught up with the source. No biggie since the example programs and the source (.hpp) files get you over this hump. However, they need to bring the docs in sync with the source. In addition, IMO they need to provide more interesting examples on how to use c++ Actors for extreme performance. For my case it is not needed, but the idea of actors (shared nothing) in this use-case is one of the reasons people use it instead shared memory communication when using threads.
Also, getting used to the syntax that the library enforces (get used to lambdas!) if one is not used to state of the art c++11 programs it can be a bit of a mind-twister at first. Then, the triviality of remembering all the clients that registered with the server was the only other caveat.
