Network-packets buffering in kernel qdiscs module - linux-kernel

I want to buffer output packets originating from a container's network interface.
This netlink library file named sch_plug.c looks like it can solve the problem but i'm finding it hard to use it? How should i call these functions to actually make it work? How to get hold of the parameters like struct netlink_ext_ack *extack, struct sk_buff *skb, etc passed to those functons defined in the source code?

Command line
The qdiscs can be controlled with the commands nl-qdisc-add, nl-qdisc-delete, nl-qdisc-list (part of libnl). The --help flag can be used to show some usage example (link):
Create the plug qdisc with a buffer of size 32KB for the network interface eth0:
# nl-qdisc-add --dev=eth0 --parent=root plug --limit=32768
By default, the plug qdisc will be in buffered mode (meaning it holds back all outgoing traffic). You can switch between buffered and release mode with the following commands:
Switch to release mode:
# nl-qdisc-add --dev=eth0 --parent=root --update plug --release-indefinite
Switch back to buffered mode:
# nl-qdisc-add --dev=eth0 --parent=root --update plug --buffer
You can inspect the active qdiscs with:
# nl-qdisc-list --kind=plug --details --stats
This will also tell you the id of each qdisc.
Based on the id, you can remove a qdisc again:
# nl-qdisc-delete --id <id>
From code
The code of the tools used above can be inspected to write a custom implementation (link):
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/route/qdisc.h>
#include <netlink/route/qdisc/plug.h>
#include <netlink/socket.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
* Netlink route socket.
struct Socket {
Socket() : handle{nl_socket_alloc()} {
if (handle == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to allocate socket!"};
if (int err = nl_connect(handle, NETLINK_ROUTE); err < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to connect netlink socket: " +
Socket(const Socket &) = delete;
Socket &operator=(const Socket &) = delete;
Socket(Socket &&) = delete;
Socket &operator=(Socket &&) = delete;
~Socket() { nl_socket_free(handle); }
struct nl_sock *handle;
* Read all links from netlink socket.
struct LinkCache {
explicit LinkCache(Socket *socket) : handle{nullptr} {
if (int err = rtnl_link_alloc_cache(socket->handle, AF_UNSPEC, &handle);
err < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to allocate link cache: " +
LinkCache(const LinkCache &) = delete;
LinkCache &operator=(const LinkCache &) = delete;
LinkCache(LinkCache &&) = delete;
LinkCache &operator=(LinkCache &&) = delete;
~LinkCache() { nl_cache_free(handle); }
struct nl_cache *handle;
* Link (such as "eth0" or "wlan0").
struct Link {
Link(LinkCache *link_cache, const std::string &iface)
: handle{rtnl_link_get_by_name(link_cache->handle, iface.c_str())} {
if (handle == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Link does not exist:" + iface};
Link(const Link &) = delete;
Link &operator=(const Link &) = delete;
Link(Link &&) = delete;
Link &operator=(Link &&) = delete;
~Link() { rtnl_link_put(handle); }
struct rtnl_link *handle;
* Queuing discipline.
struct QDisc {
QDisc(const std::string &iface, const std::string &kind)
: handle{rtnl_qdisc_alloc()} {
if (handle == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to allocate qdisc!"};
struct rtnl_tc *tc = TC_CAST(handle);
// Set link
LinkCache link_cache{&socket};
Link link{&link_cache, iface};
rtnl_tc_set_link(tc, link.handle);
// Set parent qdisc
uint32_t parent = 0;
if (int err = rtnl_tc_str2handle("root", &parent); err < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to parse handle: " +
rtnl_tc_set_parent(tc, parent);
// Set kind (e.g. "plug")
if (int err = rtnl_tc_set_kind(tc, kind.c_str()); err < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to set kind: " +
QDisc(const QDisc &) = delete;
QDisc &operator=(const QDisc &) = delete;
QDisc(QDisc &&) = delete;
QDisc &operator=(QDisc &&) = delete;
~QDisc() {
if (int err = rtnl_qdisc_delete(socket.handle, handle); err < 0) {
std::cerr << "Unable to delete qdisc: " << nl_geterror(err) << std::endl;
void send_msg() {
int flags = NLM_F_CREATE;
if (int err = rtnl_qdisc_add(socket.handle, handle, flags); err < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to add qdisc: " +
Socket socket;
struct rtnl_qdisc *handle;
* Queuing discipline for plugging traffic.
class Plug {
Plug(const std::string &iface, uint32_t limit, bool enabled)
: qdisc_{iface, "plug"}, enabled_{enabled} {
rtnl_qdisc_plug_set_limit(qdisc_.handle, limit);
void set_enabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
enabled_ = enabled;
bool is_enabled() const { return enabled_; }
QDisc qdisc_;
bool enabled_;
std::atomic<bool> quit{false};
void exit_handler(int /*signal*/) { quit = true; }
int main() {
std::string iface{"eth0"};
constexpr uint32_t buffer_size = 32768;
bool enabled = true;
Plug plug{iface, buffer_size, enabled};
* Set custom exit handler to ensure destructor runs to delete qdisc.
struct sigaction sa {};
sa.sa_handler = exit_handler;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, nullptr);
while (!quit) {
std::cout << "Plug set to " << plug.is_enabled() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press <Enter> to continue.";
Set the network interface you want to use in the main function (e.g. eth0 or wlan0). The program can then be used with:
# g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic netbuf.cpp $( pkg-config --cflags --libs libnl-3.0 libnl-route-3.0 )
# ./a.out
Plug set to 1
Press <Enter> to continue.
Plug set to 0
Press <Enter> to continue.
Plug set to 1
Press <Enter> to continue.
(Exit with Ctrl+c.)


Error: NED type 'myApp' could not be fully resolved due to a missing base type or interface?

In my project,
I implement a new class called myApp which inherits from ApplicationBase and UdpSocket classes. When I build my project I get no error, but when I debug C/C++ application with the IDE, it displays the first error in errors section. And the command line display the second error when I run make :
Code of myApp.ned, myApp.h and in what follows :
I did include inet library in project references, and I tried the solution posted in The following NED types could not be fully resolved, due to a missing base type or interface.
import inet.applications.contract.IApp;
simple myApp like IApp
int localPort = default(-1); // local UDP port number (-1: use ephemeral port)
int destPort; // remote UDP port number
string packetName = default("myApp");
string interfaceTableModule; // The path to the InterfaceTable module
double helloInterval #unit(s) = default(5s); // how often hello messages should be sent out
volatile double sendInterval #unit(s); // should usually be a random value, e.g. exponential(1)
double startTime #unit(s) = default(this.sendInterval); // application start time (start of the first packet)
double stopTime #unit(s) = default(-1s); // time of finishing sending, -1s means forever
double maxVariance = default(1); // This is the maximum of a random value to determine when the first hello message will be sent out
volatile double broadcastDelay #unit(s) = default(uniform(0s,0.01s));
int timeToLive = default(-1); // if not -1, set the TTL (IPv4) or Hop Limit (IPv6) field of sent packets to this value
bool dontFragment = default(false); // if true, asks IP to not fragment the message during routing
int typeOfService = default(-1); // if not -1, set the ToS (IPv4) or Traffic Class (IPv6) field of sent packets to this value
string multicastInterface = default(""); // if not empty, set the multicast output interface option on the socket (interface name expected)
bool receiveBroadcast = default(false); // if true, makes the socket receive broadcast packets
bool joinLocalMulticastGroups = default(false); // if true, makes the socket receive packets from all multicast groups set on local interfaces
input socketIn #labels(UdpControlInfo/up);
output socketOut #labels(UdpControlInfo/down);
#ifndef MYAPP_H_
#define MYAPP_H_
#include "inet/common/INETDefs.h"
#include "inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h"
#include "inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UdpSocket.h"
#include "inet/transportlayer/contract/udp/UdpControlInfo_m.h"
#include "inet/common/ModuleAccess.h"
#include "inet/common/TimeTag_m.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/Packet.h"
#include "inet/common/lifecycle/ModuleOperations.h"
#include "inet/common/IProtocolRegistrationListener.h"
#include "inet/common/ProtocolTag_m.h"
#include "inet/linklayer/common/InterfaceTag_m.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/contract/IInterfaceTable.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/contract/ipv4/Ipv4Address.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/ipv4/IIpv4RoutingTable.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/ipv4/Ipv4Header_m.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/ipv4/Ipv4InterfaceData.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/common/FragmentationTag_m.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/common/L3AddressResolver.h"
#include "HelloMsg_m.h"
#include "XedMsg_m.h"
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
using namespace std;
class myApp : public ApplicationBase, public UdpSocket::ICallback
//enum SelfMsgKinds { START = 1, SEND, STOP };
int localPort = -1, destPort = -1;
bool dontFragment = false;
const char *packetName = nullptr;
simtime_t startTime;
simtime_t stopTime;
// state
UdpSocket socket;
cMessage *selfMsg = nullptr;
cModule *host = nullptr;
cMessage *event = nullptr;
cPar *broadcastDelay = nullptr;
unsigned int sequencenumber = 0;
simtime_t helloInterval;
IInterfaceTable *ift = nullptr;
InterfaceEntry *interface80211ptr = nullptr;
int interfaceId = -1;
list<L3Address> neighbors;
Ipv4Address source;
/********** XED **********/
class XED
L3Address originatorAddr, destinationAddr;
unsigned int random;
XED(const L3Address& originatorAddr, const L3Address& destinationAddr, unsigned int random)
: originatorAddr(originatorAddr), destinationAddr(destinationAddr), random(random) {};
bool operator==(const XED& other) const
return this->originatorAddr == other.originatorAddr && this->destinationAddr == other.destinationAddr
&& this->random == other.random;
list<XED> lr,ls;
/********** MTLSD **********/
class MTLSD
L3Address originatorAddr, destinationAddr;
char *position;
simtime_t time;
MTLSD(const L3Address& originatorAddr, const L3Address& destinationAddr, char *position, simtime_t time)
: originatorAddr(originatorAddr), destinationAddr(destinationAddr), position(position), time(time) {};
bool operator==(const MTLSD& other) const
return this->originatorAddr == other.originatorAddr && this->destinationAddr == other.destinationAddr
&& this->position == other.position && this->time == time;
virtual int numInitStages() const override { return NUM_INIT_STAGES; }
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void handleSelfMessage(cMessage *msg);
/*virtual void processStart();
virtual void processSend();
virtual void processStop();*/
// lifecycle
virtual void handleStartOperation(LifecycleOperation *operation) override { start(); }
virtual void handleStopOperation(LifecycleOperation *operation) override { stop(); }
virtual void handleCrashOperation(LifecycleOperation *operation) override { stop(); }
void start();
void stop();
virtual void socketDataArrived(UdpSocket *socket, Packet *packet) override;
virtual void socketErrorArrived(UdpSocket *socket, Indication *indication) override;
virtual void socketClosed(UdpSocket *socket) override;
//virtual void generateMTLSDPacket();
//virtual Packet *generateXEDPacket();
virtual double generateRandom();
myApp() {}
#endif /* MYAPP_H_ */
#include "myApp.h"
#include "inet/applications/base/ApplicationPacket_m.h"
#include "inet/applications/udpapp/UdpBasicApp.h"
#include "inet/common/TagBase_m.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/common/L3AddressTag_m.h"
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
EV << "App destructor" << endl;
void myApp::initialize(int stage)
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL)
sequencenumber = 0;
ift = getModuleFromPar<IInterfaceTable>(par("interfaceTableModule"), this);
event = new cMessage("event");
broadcastDelay = &par("broadcastDelay");
helloInterval = par("helloInterval");
localPort = par("localPort");
destPort = par("destPort");
packetName = par("packetName");
startTime = par("startTime");
stopTime = par("stopTime");
registerService(Protocol::manet, nullptr, gate("socketIn"));
registerProtocol(Protocol::manet, gate("socketOut"), nullptr);
void myApp::handleSelfMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg == event)
auto hello = makeShared<HelloMsg>();
Ipv4Address source = (interface80211ptr->getProtocolData<Ipv4InterfaceData>()->getIPAddress());
sequencenumber += 2;
auto packet = new Packet("Hello", hello);
packet->addTagIfAbsent<L3AddressReq>()->setDestAddress(Ipv4Address(255, 255, 255, 255));
send(packet, "socketOut");
packet = nullptr;
hello = nullptr;
scheduleAt(simTime()+helloInterval+broadcastDelay->doubleValue(), event);
void myApp::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (msg->isSelfMessage())
else if (check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg)->getTag<PacketProtocolTag>()->getProtocol() == &Protocol::manet)
auto recHello = staticPtrCast<HelloMsg>(check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg)->peekData<HelloMsg>()->dupShared());
if (msg->arrivedOn("socketIn"))
bubble("Received hello message");
Ipv4Address source = interface80211ptr->getProtocolData<Ipv4InterfaceData>()->getIPAddress();
Ipv4Address src;
unsigned int msgsequencenumber;
int numHops;
Ipv4Address next;
src = recHello->getSrcAddress();
msgsequencenumber = recHello->getSequencenumber();
next = recHello->getNextAddress();
numHops = recHello->getHopdistance();
if (src == source)
EV_INFO << "Hello msg dropped. This message returned to the original creator.\n";
delete msg;
/*list<XED>::iterator findIter = find(ls.begin()->destinationAddr, ls.end()->destinationAddr, src);
if (findIter != ls.end()->destinationAddr)
source = (interface80211ptr->getProtocolData<Ipv4InterfaceData>()->getIPAddress());
//socket.bind(source, localPort);
auto xed = makeShared<XedMsg>();
xed->setChunkLength(b(128)); ///size of XED message in bits
double random = generateRandom();
//XED item = XED(source, src, random);
auto packet = new Packet("XED", xed);
socket.bind(source, localPort);
//emit(packetSentSignal, packet);
socket.sendTo(packet, src, destPort);
//send(packet, "socketOut");
packet = nullptr;
xed = nullptr;
/*Ipv4Address source = (interface80211ptr->getProtocolData<Ipv4InterfaceData>()->getIPAddress());
EV << "I am node " << source << ", my neighbors are : " << endl;
list<L3Address>::iterator it;
for (it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
EV << it. << endl;
for (auto const& i : neighbors)
EV << i.str() << endl;
EV << "I am your neighbor " << src.str();
delete msg;
else if (check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg)->getTag<PacketProtocolTag>()->getProtocol() == &Protocol::ipv4)
EV << "Xed message received" << endl;
//auto recXed = staticPtrCast<XedMsg>(check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg)->peekData<XedMsg>()->dupShared());
throw cRuntimeError("Message arrived on unknown gate %s", msg->getArrivalGate()->getName());
void myApp::start()
int num_80211 = 0;
InterfaceEntry *ie;
InterfaceEntry *i_face;
const char *name;
for (int i = 0; i < ift->getNumInterfaces(); i++)
ie = ift->getInterface(i);
name = ie->getInterfaceName();
if (strstr(name, "wlan") != nullptr)
i_face = ie;
interfaceId = i;
if (num_80211 == 1)
interface80211ptr = i_face;
interfaceId = interface80211ptr->getInterfaceId();
throw cRuntimeError("Node has found %i 80211 interfaces", num_80211);
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0.0, par("maxVariance").doubleValue()), event);
double myApp::generateRandom()
double lower_bound = 10000;
double upper_bound = 100000;
uniform_real_distribution<double> unif(lower_bound,upper_bound);
default_random_engine re;
double a_random_double = unif(re);
return a_random_double;
void myApp::stop()
void myApp::socketDataArrived(UdpSocket *socket, Packet *packet)
emit(packetReceivedSignal, packet);
EV_INFO << "Received packet: " << UdpSocket::getReceivedPacketInfo(packet) << endl;
void myApp::socketErrorArrived(UdpSocket *socket, Indication *indication)
EV_WARN << "Ignoring UDP error report " << indication->getName() << endl;
delete indication;
void myApp::socketClosed(UdpSocket *socket)
if (operationalState == State::STOPPING_OPERATION)
Error: NED type 'myApp' could not be fully resolved due to a missing base type or interface, at /home/bocuhra/Downloads/omnetpp-5.4.1/samples/SaaS/myApp.ned:18
Creating executable: out/gcc-release//SaaS
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lINET
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:104: recipe for target 'out/gcc-release//SaaS' failed
make: *** [out/gcc-release//SaaS] Error 1
I did solve the problem by adding all ned files in my .ini file.
ned-path = .;../inet/src/inet

Segmentation fault when calling bound member function

I have a class that calls a function depending on a value passed in. The function is void with no parameters and is stored in a map (along with some other information).
The program compiles and the function golden_retriever works as expected but when labrador is called the program SIGSEVs with the following information in gdb (beyond #5 it is out of the test class and into the actual code):
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) where
#0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1 0x000000000040dc71 in std::_Mem_fn<void (TestHandlerTwo::*)()>::operator()<, void>(TestHandlerTwo*) const (this=0x6416c0, __object=0x641400)
at /usr/include/c++/4.8/functional:601
#2 0x000000000040d600 in std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<void (TestHandlerTwo::*)()> (TestHandlerTwo*)>::__call<void, , 0ul>(std::tuple<>&&, std::_Index_tuple<0ul>) (this=0x6416c0,
__args=<unknown type in /home/master/splint/SplintApp/test, CU 0x1eee, DIE 0x140c8>)
at /usr/include/c++/4.8/functional:1296
#3 0x000000000040c90c in std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<void (TestHandlerTwo::*)()> (TestHandlerTwo*)>::operator()<, void>() (this=0x6416c0) at /usr/include/c++/4.8/functional:1355
#4 0x000000000040bcf3 in std::_Function_handler<void (), std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<void (TestHandlerTwo::*)()> (TestHandlerTwo*)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) (
__functor=...) at /usr/include/c++/4.8/functional:2071
#5 0x000000000040ab5c in std::function<void ()>::operator()() const (this=0x641690)
at /usr/include/c++/4.8/functional:2471
The code:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
struct command
std::string cmdname; // console friendly name
std::function<void()> execute; // function to call
class IHandler
virtual void parse(int value) = 0;
class BaseHandler : public IHandler
virtual auto getCommandMap() -> std::map<int, command> const = 0;
void parse(int value) override
// this normally takes a stream of bytes and parses it but for this example we hardcode it.
auto search = getCommandMap().find(value);
if (search == getCommandMap().end())
std::cout << "Function is " << (search->second.execute ? "callable" : "not callable") << std::endl;
if (search->second.execute)
void golden_retriever()
std::cout << "Chases cat" << std::endl;
class TestHandlerTwo : public BaseHandler
std::map<int, command> commandMap =
{ 0x02, { "Handled", golden_retriever } },
{ 0x03, { "Test", std::bind(&TestHandlerTwo::labrador, this) } }
void labrador()
std::cout << "Chases birds" << std::endl;
virtual auto getCommandMap() -> std::map<int, command> const override
return commandMap;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto testHandler = std::shared_ptr<IHandler>(new TestHandlerTwo());
return 0;
The output of which is:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/master/test/main
Function is callable
Chases cat
Function is callable
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
My usage of bind seems correct according to this article and question already asked on StackOverflow, so what is wrong with my code?
You are accessing the iterator after the container (map) has destroyed.
At BaseHandler::parse
void parse(int value) override
// !!here, you constructs a map, and destruct it immediately
// which invalidates the iterator
// auto search = getCommandMap().find(value);
// if (search == getCommandMap().end())
// {
// return;
// }
// change to these three lines
auto&& commandMap = getCommandMap();
auto&& search = commandMap.find(value);
if (search == commandMap.end()) return;
std::cout << "Function is " << (search->second.execute ? "callable" : "not callable") << std::endl;
if (search->second.execute)
See BaseHandler::getCommandMap
// this always create a copy of original map, which considered
// temporary, destroys after execution of the statement if not
// being explicitly held.
virtual auto getCommandMap() -> std::map<int, command> const = 0;

set_option: Invalid argument when setting option boost::asio::ip::multicast::join_group inside lambda

This code is intended to receive UDP multicast messages using Boost.Asio. A Boost system_error exception is thrown by the code below when the second set_option() call inside receiver's constructor is made (to join the multicast group). The complaint is "Invalid argument". This seems to be related to the fact that the constructor occurs inside a lambda defined inside IO::doIO(), because using a member for the std::thread with identical functionality (IO::threadFunc()) instead results in the expected behavior (no exceptions thrown).
Why is this, and how can I fix it so that I may use a lambda?
//g++ -std=c++11 -lboost_system -lpthread
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
class IO
class receiver
boost::asio::io_service &io_service,
const boost::asio::ip::address &multicast_address,
const unsigned short portNumber) : _socket(io_service)
const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint listen_endpoint(
boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), portNumber);;
std::cerr << " About to set option join_group" << std::endl;
boost::bind(&receiver::handle_receive_from, this,
void handle_receive_from(
const boost::system::error_code &error,
const size_t bytes_recvd)
if (!error)
for(const auto &c : _data)
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl;
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket _socket;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint _sender_endpoint;
std::vector<unsigned char> _data;
}; // receiver class
void doIO()
const boost::asio::ip::address multicast_address =
const unsigned short portNumber = 9999;
// _io_service_thread = std::thread(
// &IO::threadFunc, this, multicast_address, portNumber);
_io_service_thread = std::thread([&, this]{
try {
// Construct an asynchronous receiver
receiver r(_io_service, multicast_address, portNumber);
// Now run the IO service;
catch(const boost::system::system_error &e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
throw e; //std::terminate()
void threadFunc(
const boost::asio::ip::address &multicast_address,
const unsigned short portNumber)
try {
// Construct an asynchronous receiver
receiver r(_io_service, multicast_address, portNumber);
// Now run the IO service;
catch(const boost::system::system_error &e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
throw e; //std::terminate()
boost::asio::io_service _io_service;
std::thread _io_service_thread;
}; // IO class
int main()
IO io;
std::cout << "IO Service is running" << std::endl;
There is a race condition that can result in dangling references being accessed, invoking undefined behavior. The lambda capture-list is capturing the automatic variables, multicast_address and portNumber, by reference. However, the lifetime of these objects may end before their usage within _io_service_thread:
void doIO()
const boost::asio::ip::address multicast_address = /* ... */;
const unsigned short portNumber = /* ... */;
_io_service_thread = std::thread([&, this] {
// multicast_address and portNumber's lifetime may have already ended.
receiver r(_io_service, multicast_address, portNumber);
// ...
} // multicast_address and portNumber are destroyed.
To resolve this, consider capturing by value so that the thread operates on copies whose lifetimes will remain valid until the end of the thread. Change:
std::thread([&, this] { /* ... */ }
std::thread([=] { /* ... */ }
This issue does not present itself when std::thread is constructed with the function and all its arguments, as the std::thread constructor will copy/move all provided arguments into thread-accessible storage.
Also, be aware of the destruction of the _io_service_thread object will invoke std::terminate() if it is still joinable within IO's destructor. To avoid this behavior, consider explicitly joining the _io_service_thread from the main thread.

polling sysfs and kernel module

I have read many posts about this same topic, but I am unable to find out what is exactly wrong with my sysfs implementation in my kernel module. I am trying to make a userspace program block on a poll untill the value changes in a sysfs file. Most people seem to not get blocking, I seem to not be able to get out of my blocking. Here is the relevent code:
kernel module:
static int sysfs_test = 88;
static ssize_t test_interrupts_show(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buf)
return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", sysfs_test);
static ssize_t test_interrupts_store(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buf, size_t count)
kstrtol(buf, 10, &sysfs_test);
return count;
static DEVICE_ATTR(interrupts, S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO, test_interrupts_show, test_interrupts_store);
static int __init test_init(void)
int result;
dev = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);
result = register_chrdev_region(dev, NUM_DEVICES, name);
} else {
result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, dev_minor, NUM_DEVICES, name);
dev_major = MAJOR(dev);
dev_minor = MINOR(dev);
if(result < 0) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: can't get major %d\n", name, dev_major);
return -1;
printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Major = %d, Minor = %d\n", name, dev_major, dev_minor);
// Register as character device
test_cdev = cdev_alloc();
cdev_init(cajun_cdev, &test_fops); // Initialize cdev structure
test_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; // Add owner
result = cdev_add(test_cdev, dev,1); // Tell kernel about our device
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Error %d adding cdev\n", result);
goto OUT2;
// This stuff relates to sysfs:
ctest_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, NAME);
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to register device class\n");
goto OUT2;
test_device = device_create(test_class, NULL, dev, NULL, NAME);
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to create device\n");
goto OUT3;
result = device_create_file(test_device, &dev_attr_interrupts);
if (result < 0)
printk(KERN_ALERT "failed\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(dev, NUM_DEVICES);
return -1;
Relevent userspace code:
char interrupts_path[] = "/sys/class/test_module/test_module/interrupts";
int main()
struct pollfd fds;
fds.fd = open(interrupts_path, O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
char dummy_buff[1];
read(fds.fd, dummy_buff, 1);
lseek(fds.fd, 0, SEEK_SET); = POLLPRI;
printf("Polling for interrupt\n");
printf("Interrupt occured\n");
return 0;
I run my userspace code in the background (./test &) and then I echo a new value into the sysfs file for interrupts. I am hopping for my userspace program to unblock and return when the value changes. What am I doing wrong here?
struct file_operations test_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.llseek = test_llseek,
.read = test_read,
.write = test_write,
.unlocked_ioctl = test_ioctl,
.open = test_open,
.release = test_release

Using boost::asio::io_service::post()

First i asked this Running a function on the main thread from a boost thread and passing parameters to that function
so now i am trying this:
The following is a console c++ project where i perfectly simulated my big project
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SomeClass.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
SomeClass* s = new SomeClass();
return 0;
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <queue>
class ServiceNote
std::string getType()
std::stringstream typeSS;
typeSS << "LamasaTech.MultiWall.PostNote." << ("Normal") == 0 ? "Node" : "Header") << "." << Shape << "." << Colour;
return typeSS.str();
int Action;
int CNoteId;
std::string Colour;
int NoteId;
std::string NoteType;
int SessionId;
std::string Shape;
std::string Style;
std::string Text;
int X;
int Y;
class SomeClass
void update();
std::queue<ServiceNote> pendingNotes;
void addToQueue(ServiceNote sn);
void pollService(boost::asio::io_service* svc);
int getMessage(boost::asio::io_service* svc, std::string sessionId, int messageId);
boost::thread servicePoller;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SomeClass.h"
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/signal_set.hpp>
#define POLL_SERVICE = 0;
#define POLLING_WAIT_TIME 1000
#define SAVE_SESSION_EVERY 1800000
boost::asio::io_service io_servicePoller;;
servicePoller = boost::thread(boost::bind(&SomeClass::pollService, this, &io_servicePoller));
/*boost::asio::io_service io_sessionSaver;
boost::asio::signal_set signalsSaver(io_sessionSaver, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
signalsSaver.async_wait( boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::stop, &io_sessionSaver));
sessionSaver = boost::thread(&SomeClass::saveSessionEvery, io_sessionSaver);*/
void SomeClass::update()
ServiceNote sn = pendingNotes.front();
void SomeClass::addToQueue(ServiceNote sn)
void SomeClass::pollService(boost::asio::io_service* svc)
int messageId = 1;
if(boost::this_thread::interruption_enabled() && boost::this_thread::interruption_requested())
int currentId = messageId;
messageId = getMessage(svc, "49", messageId);
if(currentId == messageId)
int SomeClass::getMessage(boost::asio::io_service* svc, std::string sessionId, int messageId)
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// Get a list of endpoints corresponding to the server name.
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query("", "http");
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query);
// Try each endpoint until we successfully establish a connection.
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_service);
boost::asio::connect(socket, endpoint_iterator);
// Form the request. We specify the "Connection: close" header so that the
// server will close the socket after transmitting the response. This will
// allow us to treat all data up until the EOF as the content.
boost::asio::streambuf request;
std::ostream request_stream(&request);
request_stream << "GET " "/Service.svc/message/" << sessionId << "/" << messageId << " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
request_stream << "Host: " << "" << "\r\n";
request_stream << "Accept: */*\r\n";
request_stream << "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
// Send the request.
boost::asio::write(socket, request);
// Read the response status line. The response streambuf will automatically
// grow to accommodate the entire line. The growth may be limited by passing
// a maximum size to the streambuf constructor.
boost::asio::streambuf response;
boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n");
// Check that response is OK.
std::istream response_stream(&response);
std::string http_version;
response_stream >> http_version;
unsigned int status_code;
response_stream >> status_code;
std::string status_message;
std::getline(response_stream, status_message);
if (!response_stream || http_version.substr(0, 5) != "HTTP/")
//std::cout << "Invalid response\n";
return messageId;
if (status_code != 200)
//std::cout << "Response returned with status code " << status_code << "\n";
return messageId;
// Read the response headers, which are terminated by a blank line.
boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n\r\n");
// Process the response headers.
std::string header;
std::string fullHeader = "";
while (std::getline(response_stream, header) && header != "\r")
// Write whatever content we already have to output.
std::string fullResponse = "";
if (response.size() > 0)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << &response;
fullResponse = ss.str();
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
boost::property_tree::read_json(ss, pt);
ServiceNote sn;
sn.Action = pt.get<int>("Action");
sn.CNoteId = pt.get<int>("CNoteId");
sn.Colour = pt.get<std::string>("Colour");
sn.NoteId = pt.get<int>("NoteId");
sn.NoteType = pt.get<std::string>("NoteType");
sn.SessionId = pt.get<int>("SessionId");
sn.Shape = pt.get<std::string>("Shape");
sn.Style = pt.get<std::string>("Style");
sn.Text = pt.get<std::string>("Text");
sn.X = pt.get<int>("X");
sn.Y = pt.get<int>("Y");
svc->post(boost::bind(&SomeClass::addToQueue, this, sn));
catch (std::exception const& e)
std::string test = e.what();
//std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
// Read until EOF, writing data to output as we go.
std::string fullSth = "";
boost::system::error_code error;
while (boost::asio::read(socket, response,
boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), error))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << &response;
fullSth = ss.str();
if (error != boost::asio::error::eof)
throw boost::system::system_error(error);
catch (std::exception& e)
std::string test = e.what();
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
return messageId;
but i get Unhandled exception at 0x771215de in TestServicePost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xcccccce4., right after this line executes:
svc->post(boost::bind(&SomeClass::addToQueue, this, sn));
I couldn't define io_service as a class member so i can use it in the destructor ~SomeClass(), would appreciate help on that too
If is not the best solution for me please recommend something, as you can see i have a constructor, destructor and an update method who is called every tick, i tried using this and the queue alone but it wasn't thread safe, is there an easy thread safe FIFO to use ?
In SomeClass constructor you actually do the following:
Define a local io_service instance.
Call its run() member-function, which returns immediately, because io_service has no work.
Pass an address of the local object to another thread.
This certainly won't work.
Note that io_service::run() is a kind of "message loop", so it should block the calling thread. Don't call it in object constructor.
I figured out how to declare io_service as a class member:
boost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > io_servicePoller;
and in the constructor i did the following:
boost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > io_service(
new boost::asio::io_service
io_servicePoller = io_service;
servicePoller = boost::thread(boost::bind(&SomeClass::pollService, this, io_servicePoller));
Some cleanup
and in update i called run which adds the stuff into the queue, then reads them in the while loop
void SomeClass::update()
ServiceNote sn = pendingNotes.front();
and changed my members signature to void SomeClass::pollService(boost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > svc)
So what happens is:
The app starts
inits my class
my class makes a service and starts the thread
the thread fetches items from the service
the main thread checks the io service queue and exuted it
then it uses the queue
Thanks to Igor R. i couldn't have done it without him
and also where i got how to make the shared pointer
