How to make a change to the source code in Haskell using GHCi? - macos

I am new to Haskell and am using GHCi to edit and run Haskell files. For some reason, I am not able to edit the source code of the file. The behavior I am getting is extremely odd.
Below is a screenshot of what is happening. I am loading the file lec3.hs and am attempting to edit this file to add the following function: myfun = \w -> not w. For some reason, this function successfully runs when I call it immediately after: myfun False. I do not need to reload the file.
It is clear that the function is not being added to the source code. When I reload the file, I am getting an error stating that myfun does not exist.
Could someone help me understand why GHCi is behaving this way, and how to fix such behaviour? I have already spent an hour trying to figure this out. I would sincerely appreciate any help.

Typing things into GHCi isn't supposed to add them to the source. But if you have loaded a file into GHCi you can edit it using the :e command, and when you close the editor it will be automatically reloaded.
You can use :e filename.hs if you are dealing with more than one file and you need to specify.
Generally it's easier to work in a separate editor and just reload into GHCi with :r, but :e is occasionally useful.

To answer
Is it possible to edit a .hs file from GHCi?
It technically speaking is possible, since Haskell has like any other language file-IO operations. Concretely, appendFile allows you to add content to a file.
$ cat >> Foo.hs # Creating a simple Haskell file
foo :: Int
foo = 3
$ ghci Foo.hs
GHCi, version 8.2.2: :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/sagemuej/.ghc/ghci.conf
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/sagemuej/.ghci
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Foo.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> foo
*Main> appendFile "Foo.hs" $ "myfun = \\w -> not w"
*Main> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Foo.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> myfun False
But this really is not a good way to edit files. It makes much more sense to have two windows open, one with a text editor and one with the REPL, i.e. with GHCi. It can be either two completely separate OS windows, or two sub-windows of your IDE or whatever, but in either case GHCi will be used only for evaluation and one-line prototyping, not for actually adding/editing code. (The one-line prototypes can be copy&pasted into the editor, if it helps.)


The optimal way to set a breakpoint in the Python source code while debugging CPython by GDB

I use GDB to understanding how CPython executes the source file and I want to stop the CPython when it starts the execution of opcode I am interested.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Debugger: GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.1-0ubuntu3)
The first problem - many CPython's .py own files are executed before my gets its turn, so I can't just break at the _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault - there are many of them, so I should distinguish my file from others.
The second problem - I can't set the condition like "when the filename is equal to the", because the filename is not a simple C string, it is the CPython's Unicode object, so the standard GDB string functions can't be used for comparing.
At this moment I do the next trick for breaking the execution at the needed line of source:
For example, I have the source file:
x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
# I want to set the breakpoint at this line.
for e in x:
I add the binary left shift operator to the code:
x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
# Added for breakpoint
a = 12
b = 2 << a
for e in x:
And then, track the BINARY_LSHIFT opcode execution in the Python/ceval.c file by this GDB command:
break ceval.c:1327
I have chosen the BINARY_LSHIFT opcode, because of its seldom usage in the code. Thus, I can reach the needed part of .py file quickly - it happens once in the all other .py modules executed before my
I look the more straightforward way of doing the same, so
the questions:
Can I catch the moment the starts executing? I should mention, what the filename is appearing on different stages: parsing, compilation, execution. So, it also will be good to can break the CPython execution at the any stage.
Can I specify the line of the, where I want to break? It is easy for .c files, but is not for .py files.
My idea would be to use a C-extension, to make setting C-breakpoints possible in a python-script (similar to pdb.set_trace() or breakpoint() since Python3.7), which I will call cbreakpoint.
Consider the following python-script:
from cbreakpoint import cbreakpoint
It could be used as follows in gdb:
>>> gdb --args python
[gdb] b cbreakpoint
[gdb] run
Now, the debuger would stops at cbreakpoint(breakpoint_id=1) and cbreakpoint(breakpoint_id=2).
Here is proof of concept, written in Cython to avoid the otherwise needed boilerplate-code:
cdef extern from *:
long long last_breakpoint_id = -1;
void cbreakpoint(long long breakpoint_id){
last_breakpoint_id = breakpoint_id;
void c_cbreakpoint "cbreakpoint"(long long breakpoint_id)
def cbreakpoint(breakpoint_id = 0):
which can be build inplace via:
cythonize -i cbreakpoint.pyx
If Cython isn't installed, I have uploaded a version which doesn't depend on Cython (too much code for this post) on github.
It is also possible to break conditionally, given the breakpoint_id, i.e.:
>>> gdb --args python
[gdb] break src/cbreakpoint.c:595 if breakpoint_id == 2
[gdb] run
will break only after hello was printed - at cbreakpoint with id=2 (while cbreakpoint with id=1 will be skipped). Depending on Cython version the line can vary, but can be found out once gdb stops at cbreakpoint.
It would also do something similar without any additional modules:
add breakpoint or import pdb; pdb.set_trace() instead of cbreakpoint
gdb --args python + run
When pdb interrupts the program, hit Ctrl+C in order to interrupt in gdb.
Activate breakpoints in gdb.
continue in gdb and then in pdb (i.e. c+enter twice).
A small problem is, that after that the breakpoints might be hit while in pdb, so the first method is a little bit more robust.

Haskell error on text file as input on Mac

I have a Main.hs file with two functions.
Module Main where
import Data.List
main :: IO()
main = interact reverse
functionThatWorks = putStrLn "Ajax"
After I set the directory and load Main.hs I have no problem with calling functionThatWorks.
Except when I want to take a text file as input like so:
Main<in.txt or ./Main<in.txt
I get an error saying 'parse error on input 'in' '
Does anyone know I can make this work in the Terminal?
p.s. I use a Mac.
Unfortunately ghci doesn't understand input redirection like the shell does.
I would suggest running your program with runhaskell:
runhaskell Main.hs < in.txt

Haskell Noob In Need of Assistance

This is a bit long, so bear with me!
I'm having a bit of trouble working with a Haskell program, that I have to use as part of a uni project. For reference, it's Casper.
So, you're supposed to execute a script, which is actually a Bash script to invoke Hugs interpreter like this:
exec $HUGSBIN/hugs $HUGSARGS +p"Casper> " $FILES
Where $FILES points to a Main.lhs file.
After this, I need to invoke a function "compile" with a path to a file, in the interpreter.
I need to perform the above in a scripted manner. I need this automated because I'm writing a program that will call on Casper in the background.
So I compiled the .lhs file. Now I want to execute the "compile" function but I have no idea how this is done. I try:
./Main compile <a path>
from the command line but it returns me an error about a file "test" not found. Upon investigation, I see these lines in the Main.lhs file:
>main :: String -> IO()
>main = compile "test"
>compile :: String -> IO()
>compile s = catch (compile0 False s) handler
The 2nd line solves this question. Now my question is, how do I invoke the "compile" function and pass a path to it after I have compiled main.lhs? From the interpreter, I just type "compile " and it works, but I can't get the same to work after compiling the main.lhs and executing from the command line? Any ideas why? Is there any way I can script Hugs if all else fails?
Thank you for any assistance!
You may access the command-line arguments passed to a Haskell program via getArgs. For example, it sounds like you want a main function that does something like this:
>main = do
> args <- getArgs
> case args of
> [] -> putStrLn "What file did you want me to compile?"
> [filename] -> compile filename
> _ -> putStrLn "I only compile one file at a time."
Modify to taste.
Replace main with
main = getArgs >>= \(arg1:_) -> compile arg1
This will pass the first command line argument (arg1) to compile instead of "test", and ignore the rest (_). You may need to add
import System
import System.Environment
I can't remember what is needed in hugs for this.

Uncaught Throw generated by JLink or UseFrontEnd

This example routine generates two Throw::nocatch warning messages in the kernel window. Can they be handled somehow?
The example consists of this code in a file "test.m" created in C:\Temp:
$FrontEndLaunchCommand = "Mathematica.exe";
UseFrontEnd[NotebookWrite[CreateDocument[], "Testing"]];
Then these commands pasted and run at the Windows Command Prompt:
PATH = C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\8.0\;%PATH%
start MathKernel -noprompt -initfile "C:\Temp\test.m"
The reason for using UseFrontEnd as opposed to UsingFrontEnd is that an interactive front end may be required to preserve output and messages from notebooks that are usually run interactively. For example, with C:\Temp\test.m modified like so:
nb = NotebookOpen["C:\\Temp\\run.nb"];
SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell];
and a notebook C:\Temp\run.nb created with a single cell containing:
x1 = 0; While[x1 < 1000000,
If[Mod[x1, 100000] == 0,
Print["x1=" <> ToString[x1]]]; x1++];
this code, launched from a Windows Command Prompt, will run interactively and save its output. This is not possible to achieve using UsingFrontEnd or MathKernel -script "C:\Temp\test.m".
During the initialization, the kernel code is in a mode which prevents aborts.
Throw/Catch are implemented with Abort, therefore they do not work during initialization.
A simple example that shows the problem is to put this in your test.m file:
Similarly, functions like TimeConstrained, MemoryConstrained, Break, the Trace family, Abort and those that depend upon it (like certain data paclets) will have problems like this during initialization.
A possible solution to your problem might be to consider the -script option:
math.exe -script test.m
Also, note that in version 8 there is a documented function called UsingFrontEnd, which does what UseFrontEnd did, but is auto-configured, so this:
UsingFrontEnd[NotebookWrite[CreateDocument[], "Testing"]];
should be all you need in your test.m file.
See also: Mathematica Scripts
One possible solution to use the -script and UsingFrontEnd is to use the 'run.m script
included below. This does require setting up a 'Test' kernel in the kernel configuration options (basically a clone of the 'Local' kernel settings).
The script includes two utility functions, NotebookEvaluatingQ and NotebookPauseForEvaluation, which help the script to wait for the client notebook to finish evaluating before saving it. The upside of this approach is that all the evaluation control code is in the 'run.m' script, so the client notebook does not need to have a NotebookSave[EvaluationNotebook[]] statement at the end.
NotebookPauseForEvaluation[nb_] := Module[{},While[NotebookEvaluatingQ[nb],Pause[.25]]]
nb = NotebookOpen["c:\\users\\arnoudb\\run.nb"];
I hope this is useful in some way to you. It could use a few more improvements like resetting the notebook's kernel to its original and closing the notebook after saving it,
but this code should work for this particular purpose.
On a side note, I tried one other approach, using this:
UsingFrontEnd[ NotebookEvaluate[ "c:\\users\\arnoudb\\run.nb", InsertResults->True ] ]
But this is kicking the kernel terminal session into a dialog mode, which seems like a bug
to me (I'll check into this and get this reported if this is a valid issue).

How to debug Haskell code?

I have a problem. I wrote a big Haskell program, and it always works with small input. Now, when I want to test it and generate a bigger input, I always get the message:
HsProg: Prelude.head: empty list
I use Prelude.head many times. What can I do to find out more or get a better error output to get the code line in which it happens?
The GHCi option -fbreak-on-exception can be useful. Here's an example debugging session. First we load our file into GHCi.
$ ghci Broken.hs
GHCi, version 7.0.2: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Broken.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Now, we turn on -fbreak-on-exceptions and trace our expression (main in this case for the whole program).
*Main> :set -fbreak-on-exception
*Main> :trace main
Stopped at <exception thrown>
_exception :: e = _
We've stopped at an exception. Let's try to look at the code with :list.
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :list
Unable to list source for <exception thrown>
Try :back then :list
Because the exception happened in Prelude.head, we can't look at the source directly. But as GHCi informs us, we can go :back and try to list what happened before in the trace.
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :back
Logged breakpoint at Broken.hs:2:23-42
_result :: [Integer]
[-1: Broken.hs:2:23-42] *Main> :list
2 main = print $ head $ filter odd [2, 4, 6]
In the terminal, the offending expression filter odd [2, 4, 6] is highlighted in bold font. So this is the expression that evaluated to the empty list in this case.
For more information on how to use the GHCi debugger, see the GHC User's Guide.
You may want to take a look at Haskell Wiki - Debugging, which contains many useful approaches to your problem.
One promising tool is LocH, which would would help you locate the head invocation in your code which triggered the empty list error.
Personally, I recommend the safe package, which allows to annotate most partial functions from the Prelude (and thus leads to a more conscious use of those partial functions) or better yet, use the total variants of functions such as head which always return a result (if the input value was defined at least).
Since GHC 8, you can use the GHC.Stack module or some profiling compiler flags detailed on a Simon's blog.
You can use this library:
You can replace any value a with the function:
trace :: String -> a -> a
unlike putStrLn there is no IO in the output, e.g.:
>>> let x = 123; f = show
>>> trace ("calling f with x = " ++ show x) (f x)
calling f with x = 123
The trace function should only be used for debugging, or for monitoring execution. The function is not referentially transparent: its type indicates that it is a pure function but it has the side effect of outputting the trace message.
