LinqToTwitter: How to return more than 20 followers? - linq-to-twitter

How can I modify this query to return all of a users followers as this only returns 20?
var friendship = await twitterCtx.Friendship.Where(f => f.Type == FriendshipType.FollowersList)
.Where(f => f.ScreenName == "JoeBloggs")
if (friendship != null && friendship.Users != null)
friendship.Users.ForEach(friend =>
"ID: {0} Name: {1}",
friend.UserIDResponse, friend.ScreenNameResponse));
(I can see there is a Cursor property which is a long for paging results but I haven't been able to work out how to use it.)

From searching around and reading the Twitter API documentation about Rate Limits I have the following which is working fine:
public async Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetAllFollowers(string userID)
var allFollowerIds = new List<ulong>();
Friendship followers;
long cursor = -1;
followers =
(from follower in twitterCtx.Friendship
where follower.Type == FriendshipType.FollowerIDs &&
follower.UserID == userID &&
follower.Cursor == cursor &&
follower.Count == 5000
select follower)
catch (TwitterQueryException tqe)
if (followers != null &&
followers.IDInfo != null &&
followers.IDInfo.IDs != null)
cursor = followers.CursorMovement.Next;
} while (cursor != 0);
return allFollowerIds;
This will return a maximum of 75,000 followers for a user authorized application. This is because there's a cap of 15 requests for this particular endpoint. You can make another batch of requests after 15 minutes has passed.
I haven't tried myself but if you need to pull down more followers then that for a particular user you should be able to do so by simply calling this method again with the last cursor value being fed in as the starting value.


Spring data jpa "IN" clause using specification

i am trying to get the records from the database using spring data jpa Speicification API.
here i need to put a condition for "In" clause for status column, for that i am code like below.
public static Specification<UserEntity> userSpecificationsforOperator(String orgName, String groupID,
List<String> status, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
if (orgName != null) {
Join<UserEntity, OrganizationEntity> organization = root.join("organization");
predicates.add(builder.equal(organization.get("name"), orgName));
* if (groupID != null) {
* predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("refApprovalGroupId"), groupID)); }
if (status != null && status.size()>0) {
if (startDate != null) {
predicates.add(builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate"), startDate.toInstant()));
if (endDate != null) {
predicates.add(builder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate"), endDate.toInstant()));
Predicate[] p = predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]);
return p.length == 0 ? null : p.length == 1 ? p[0] : builder.and(p);
the above code generating the query in cosole like below
SELECT AS id1_68_,
userentity0_.created_by AS created_2_68_,
userentity0_.created_date AS created_3_68_,
userentity0_.last_modified_by AS last_mod4_68_,
userentity0_.last_modified_date AS last_mod5_68_,
userentity0_.group_id AS group_id6_68_,
userentity0_.group_name AS group_na7_68_,
userentity0_.is_enrollment_updated AS is_enrol8_68_,
userentity0_.is_federated AS is_feder9_68_, AS name10_68_,
userentity0_.organization_id AS organiz17_68_,
userentity0_.ref_approval_group_id AS ref_app11_68_,
userentity0_.reference_name AS referen12_68_,
userentity0_.status AS status13_68_,
userentity0_.uims_id AS uims_id14_68_,
userentity0_.user_status AS user_st15_68_,
userentity0_.version AS version16_68_
FROM user userentity0_
INNER JOIN organization organizati1_
ON userentity0_.organization_id =
WHERE ='utopia'
AND ( userentity0_.status =(?,?)
when i take the query into db tool and passing the values i am getting the data.
but while running from the application i am not getting the data.
here i understood that i am able to generate the query properly but my values are not passing correctly.
so could you please suggest how i can get my code return the data.
Maybe the implementation of it causes the issue...
Here, use this and let me know if it works
if (status != null && status.size()>0) {

How to make the given method generic ? Is it a good idea to make it generic in terms of performance?

private IQueryable<Customer> FilterResult(string search, List<Customer> dtResult, List<string> columnFilters)
IQueryable<Customer> results = dtResult.AsQueryable();
results = results.Where(p =>
search == null ||
p.Name != null && p.Name.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.City != null && p.City.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.Postal != null && p.Postal.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.Email != null && p.Email.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.Company != null && p.Company.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.Account != null && p.Account.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
|| p.CreditCard != null && p.CreditCard.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())
&& (columnFilters[0] == null || (p.Name != null && p.Name.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[0].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[1] == null || (p.City != null && p.City.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[1].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[2] == null || (p.Postal != null && p.Postal.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[2].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[3] == null || (p.Email != null && p.Email.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[3].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[4] == null || (p.Company != null && p.Company.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[4].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[5] == null || (p.Account != null && p.Account.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[5].ToLower())))
&& (columnFilters[6] == null || (p.CreditCard != null && p.CreditCard.ToLower().Contains(columnFilters[6].ToLower())))
return results;
This is the method which I am using for datatable filter , Here my question is can I make it as generic ? I feel it can be using reflection. But does that affect to performance as well ?
thx in advance..
I have done till it so far :
private IQueryable<T> FilterResult<T>(string search, IQueryable<T> dtResult, List<string> columnFilters)
IQueryable<T> results = dtResult;
Type typeParameterType = typeof(T); // this will give me the class detail which I have passed
// 1 How to extract all property of this class to use in where clause
// 2 How I can use it either dynamic linq , foreach or any possible solution.
PropertyInfo[] properties = typeParameterType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var item in properties)
// This will be changed after some validation logic
string predicate = item.Name + " = " + search;
results = results.Where(predicate);
return results;
I'm not familiar (and don't intend to use) dynamic LINQ. In this case you don't really need such thing. As I said I would not pass in a list of string as column filters, it makes code longer and the order can matter and cause hard-to-debug issues. Here is the code I've just come up with, you can try and I'm not sure it works but if any please let me know:
private IEnumerable<T> FilterResult<T>(string search, IQueryable<T> dtResult, params ColumnFilter<T>[] filters)
var propGetters = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string))
.Select(p => new Func<object,string>((item) => ((p.GetValue(item, null) as string) ?? "").ToLower())).ToList();
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) {
Func<T,bool> predicate = e => propGetters.Aggregate(false, (c,o) => c || o(e));
dtResult = dtResult.Where(predicate).AsQueryable();
return filters.Aggregate(dtResult.AsEnumerable(), (c,e) => c.Where(o => e.IsOK(o));
public class ColumnFilter<T> {
public ColumnFilter(Func<T,string> selector, string term = ""){
PropertySelector = selector;
Term = term;
public Func<T,string> PropertySelector {get;set;}
public string Term {get;set;}
public bool IsOK(T item) {
return PropertySelector(item).Contains(Term);
FilterResult(yourSearch, yourDtResult, new ColumnFilter(e=>e.City, "someCitySearch"),
new ColumnFilter(e=>e.Postal, "somePostalSearch"), ...);
If you still want to stick to List for columnFilters, the code can be modified but it will be surely longer.

Update and Create New Records in the Same Table

How can I apply changes to the first record in a table and add one or more additional records to the same table? I am getting the following exception:
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager.
The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key
See sample code below.
var Student = db.Student.Where(d => d.StudentID == studentID);
int count = 0;
if(Student != null)
foreach(var student in Student)
if (student.Id == id)
foreach (var assign in assignment)
if (assign != null && count == 0)
//How can I save the changes that is made to the first record here
assign.AssignmentId = student.AssignmentID;
if (assign != null && count > 0)
//How can I add new records here
assign.AssignmentId = student.AssignmentID;
Try calling save after this line i.e.
Then for your new entries:
var assignment = new Assignement() { AssignmentId = student.AssignmentID };

MVC3 Multiple Conditions in where Clause

I have the following in my Controller
var workshop = registerDB.Workshops.Single(w => w.WorkshopID == id);
ViewBag.Enrollments = registerDB.Carts.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name));
and this in my view
//var carts = Model.Carts.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name));
var carts = ViewBag.Enrollments;
var timeSlot = Model.TimeSlot;
foreach (var item in carts)
if (item != null)
if (timeSlot == item.Workshop.TimeSlot)
<h3>Does not Exist</h3>
each time ViewBag.Enrollments = registerDB.Carts.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name)); returns no results, I get an error saying System.InvalidOperationException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. and this line is highlighted
if (timeSlot == item.Workshop.TimeSlot)
Try calling .ToList() in the controller to eagerly fetch the results:
ViewBag.Enrollments = registerDB
.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name))
You are checking that item != null but not that item.Workshop != null before trying to use it. It would appear that is perhaps the error, but why it's raising InvalidOperationException rather than NullReferenceException I don't know.
if (item != null && item.Workshop != null)
if (timeSlot == item.Workshop.TimeSlot)
Could you put the single call in your model:
workshops workshop = registerDB.Workshops.Single(w => w.WorkshopID == id);
And then in your controller set the ViewBag:
ViewBag.Enrollments = workshop.Carts.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name));
ViewBag.Enrollments = "There are no results";

session value timeout

i am building a site with a login page and want to prevent user from login after 5 try fails for 20 min
maybe one way is this
const int maxTryCount = 5;
const int minutesToSuspend = 20;
public ActionResult Index(PeopleAccount account, string returnUrl)
if (Session["TimeStamp"] == null || ((DateTime)Session["TimeStamp"]).AddMinutes(minutesToSuspend) <= DateTime.Now)
PeopleAccountService service = new PeopleAccountService();
DataSet ds = service.Authentication(account.UserName, account.Password, null, null);
if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(account.UserName, false);
Session["UserAccressibility"] = ds.Tables[0];
Session["UserFullName"] = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0];
if (returnUrl != null && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\"))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Stuff", null);
Session["TryCount"] = (Session["TryCount"] == null
|| (Session["TimeStamp"] != null && ((DateTime)Session["TimeStamp"]).AddMinutes(minutesToSuspend) <= DateTime.Now)) ?
1 : ((int)Session["TryCount"]) + 1;
if ((int)Session["TryCount"] > maxTryCount)
Session["TimeStamp"] = DateTime.Now;
return Redirect("~/UnauthorizedAccess/Index");
ModelState.AddModelError("", Paymankaran.Content.Messages.InvalidUsernameAndOrPassword);
ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format(Paymankaran.Content.Messages.TryCountWarning,
Session["TryCount"], maxTryCount, minutesToSuspend));
return View();
return Redirect("~/UnauthorizedAccess/Index");
in fact i am using Session["TimeStamp"] and Session["TryCount"] variables to implement this functionality
is there a better or more secure way?
is this a good way to achieve this functionality?
Using membership provider would give you this feature (and much more) for free.
