MS Teams submitTask fails to submit to bot in IOS Teams app - botframework

I open a web/html dialog from an adaptive card with the task/fetch Action.Submit.
Once the user is done with the work in the web dialog, I call microsoftTeams.tasks.submitTask with a resulting javascript object.
This works perfectly fine in the web and the desktop client. The dialog is closed and the bot on the server is triggered with the resulting object.
However in the IOS app, only the dialog is closed but the bot is never notified.
I have tried all variations of the submitTask (with botId or appId as second parameter or without second parameter). Nothing is successful on the IOS app.
Is there anything I can do to further debug that behaviour? Or is this a known bug?


Deeplink in Microsoft Teams(Redirection is fine but message is not getting populated in chat window)

I have implemented deeplink (Organisation Teams) to redirect to a specific bot and write a message in the chat window. This is working fine in Mobile teams and when it comes to Microsoft desktop or browser, the flow is getting redirected but the message is not written in the chat window.
Following is the format of the Deeplink Used
I sent a message along with the redirection id to an app.
Expectation: "Agent Handoff" message to populate in a new app that is deployed in Teams.
Result: New app window is being opened but there is no message in the chat window
And the thing is it's working fine in mobile and browser, but not in Desktop Teams

Teams freezes when user clicks on "task/invoke" button

We have a published app in the Teams App Store.
Our app supports task module.
It worked just fine but about a month ago we started to receive reports from our costumers that when they are trying to open a task module, teams app just freezes.
This is how i understand task module requests work, in 4 steps:
1. User clicks on the button with data {"msteams": {"type": "task/fetch"}}`,
2. Teams sends request with this data to the bot.
3. Bot handles the data.
4. Bot replies with the appropriate url to render.
So we tested what happens when we click on the task/fetch button.
First of all we saw an error in the teams console:
TaskModuleLaunchService: launchTaskModuleByInvoke failed: "could not find app definition for app 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" where *00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000* is out appID.
And we don't receive any requests from the teams on the bot's side. So basically we have an issue on the step #1.
Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce this on our devices, using the same card with the exact same button.
How can we fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

MS Teams Message Extension submitTask not working in iPhone Teams App

I have created a message extension with the custom web form, it fails to send any data back to the bot on microsoftTeams.tasks.submitTask. It just closes the form, and the bot submit action method does not receive any data. No issues with other clients like web, windows, or mac. Any way to debug or look into log files on the mobile?
Event tried with this sample code for message extension and used the compiled package, it's also not working in the Teams iOS application.
try sending only one parameter into submitTask.You could do something like this.

Slack event for when a bot authorization is removed

I'm building a Slack app that works across workspaces. I'm using the app_uninstalled event to update my database when a workspace uninstalls the app, but I can't figure out how to handle when a user removes the bot authorization from the app Settings page.
When this happens, the app is effectively uninstalled, but I need my app to get notified when this happens. I've tried the tokens_revoked event, but it's not being sent.
The short course: I'd like my app to get notified when the trash can icon (in the image down there) is clicked. Thank you!
As far as I've worked with the slack events APIs, tokens_revoked is the method which is triggered when a user clicks the trash-bin you are talking about and confirms the action. I've just confirmed it a few minutes ago as I'm also facing a similar (not same) issue.

Unable to connect Web App Bot to Cortana Channel

I'm trying to add the Cortana channel to a bot I've been working on today. However, when the page loads, the entire form is greyed out except for the Register button, and the Cancel button.
I've read elsewhere that people have managed to get past this by clicking really quickly on the Save button that appears briefly as the page loads, but I've had no luck with that. The (very helpful) tech support guy suggests it could be due to special characters or numbers in the bot name, but I have the exact same issue with a bot name that's just lowercase letters.
UPDATE: I can now see my organisations in a dropdown next to the Register button. Clicking the Register button throws a "Failed to create bot module" error. I am able to connect the channel successfully on another bot I made to test the issue.
