Restore backup table data to old one - oracle

I made some changes in my tables and I need to make backup of tables which I use something like
CREATE TABLE supplier_invoice_rows_backup
SELECT * FROM supplier_invoice_rows
I made changes and I need to return data from supplier_invoice_rows_backup to supplier_invoice_rows
Is there any way to do this ?

Yes there is! Try mysql code below.
RENAME TABLE supplier_invoice_rows_backup TO supplier_invoice_rows;
Or try oracle code.
RENAME supplier_invoice_rows_backup TO supplier_invoice_rows;

An alternative to renaming the table would be to truncate the original table and copy the rows from the 'backup' table:
truncate table supplier_invoice_rows;
insert into supplier_invoice_rows (select * from supplier_invoice_rows_backup);
Or just reverse your original:
drop table supplier_invoice_rows purge;
create table supplier_invoice_rows
select * from supplier_invoice_rows_backup;
Or the previously suggested rename. Your response to that suggestion ("but I want to copy") suggests you haven't thought this through. You cannot have two tables with the same name in the same schema. So what do you think is the end result of 'rename table supplier_invoice_rows_backup to supplier_invoice_rows'?


Change column name in a table in Clickhouse

Is there any way to ALTER a table and change the column name in clickhouse?
I only found to change tha table name but not for an individual column in a straight forward way.
The feature has been introduced here into v20.4.
ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name
You can also rename multiple columns at on:
RENAME COLUMN old_name1 TO new_name1,
RENAME COLUMN old_name2 TO new_name2
Old answer:
ClickHouse doesn't have that feature yet.
Implementation is not trivial, because ALTERs that changing columns
are processed outside of usual replication queue, and adding rename
without reworking of ALTERs will introduce race conditions in
replicated tables.
As #Slash said, the solution for now is to create new table and
INSERT INTO `new_table` SELECT * FROM `old_table`
Do not forget that column aliasing won't work there (AS).
INSERT INTO `new_table` SELECT a, b AS c, c AS b FROM `old_table`
That will still insert a into first column, b into second column and c into third column. AS has no effect there.
You can try use CREATE TABLE new_table with another field name
and run INSERT INTO new_table SELECT old_field AS new_field FROM old_table
If you created the table using Engine=log, it won't allow you to alter or rename the column.
connection_string = f'clickhouse://{username}:{password}#{host}:{port}/{database}'
engine = create_engine(connection_string)
conn = engine.connect()
table = "table1"
schema = 'Parameter String, Key UInt8'
engine.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {}({}) ENGINE = Log".format(table,schema))
If you created table using the mergeTree engine, it’s allowed to rename the column:
engine.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {}({}) ENGINE =MergeTree ORDER BY Key".format(table,schema))

Add partition to hive table with no data

I am trying to create a hive table which has the same columns as another table (partitioned). I use the following query for the same
CREATE TABLE destTable STORED AS PARQUET AS select * from srcTable where 1=2;
Apparently I cannot use 'PARTITIONED BY(col_name)' because destTable must not be partitioned. But I want to mention that destTable should be partitioned by a column (same as srcTable) before I add data to it.
Is there a way to do that?
As you mentioned, destTable can not be a partitioned table so there is no way to do this directly. Also, destTable can not be an external table.
In this situation you will need to create a temporary "staging_table" (un-partitioned and a Hive-managed table) to hold the data.
Step 1: Transfer everything from srcTable to the staging_table
Step 2: Create a partitioned destTable and do:
SELECT * FROM staging_table;
Hope this helps.

Update new added columns in hive

I have been trying to make updates to an orc table in hive which is bucketed and also set transactional=true property. The normal update works great but as soon as I alter the table and add a new column e.g. column_added_5, and try to update column_added_5 the statement executes but the column does not get updated.
Any help/directions is appreciated.
I think that one way is:
CREATE TABLE new_table_name AS SELECT column1,column2,column3, ... "default_value" as column_added_5 FROM your_table_name;
DROP TABLE your_table_name;
ALTER TABLE new_table_name RENAME TO your_table_name;
Did you try this:
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMNS ( column_added_5 STRING COMMENT 'Column 5');

How to convert a temporary table to permanent table in Oracle and vice versa

I would like to know which is the command to convert a temporary table to permanent table in Oracle.
Other issue is about the index. An index used in a temporary table will be the same used in a permanent table, if I convert it?
You can't convert a table from a temporary table to a permanent table.
You can create a new permanent table that matches the structure of the temporary table
CREATE TABLE new_permanent_table
FROM old_temporary_table
WHERE 1=0;
Or you could get the DDL for the temporary table using the DBMS_METADATA package and manually edit the DDL to create the new permanent table.
Then you can create whatever indexes you would like on the new permanent table and drop the old temporary table. Once the old temporary table is dropped, you can rename the permanent table to use the name of the old temporary table if you would like.

Rename Oracle Table or View

What is the syntax to rename a table or view in Oracle?
ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME TO othertable
In Oracle 10g also:
RENAME mytable TO othertable
To rename a table you can use:
RENAME mytable TO othertable;
ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME TO othertable;
or, if owned by another schema:
ALTER TABLE owner.mytable RENAME TO othertable;
Interestingly, ALTER VIEW does not support renaming a view. You can, however:
RENAME myview TO otherview;
The RENAME command works for tables, views, sequences and private synonyms, for your own schema only.
If the view is not in your schema, you can recompile the view with the new name and then drop the old view.
(tested in Oracle 10g)
In order to rename a table in a different schema, try:
ALTER TABLE owner.mytable RENAME TO othertable;
The rename command (as in "rename mytable to othertable") only supports renaming a table in the same schema.
One can rename indexes the same way:
alter index owner.index_name rename to new_name;
Past 10g the current answer no longer works for renaming views.
The only method that still works is dropping and recreating the view.
The best way I can think of to do this would be:
SELECT TEXT FROM ALL_VIEWS WHERE owner='some_schema' and VIEW_NAME='some_view';
Add this in front of the SQL returned
Create or replace view some_schema.new_view_name as ...
Drop the old view
Drop view some_schema.some_view;
