Axios async/await flow - async-await

I'm dipping my toe into the waters of Axios and async/await at the same time, and am trying to understand something about the control flow. Is the following legitimate?
let loading=true;
(async() => {
let response = null;
try {
response = await axios.get('');
} finally {
//do something with response here
That is, can I count on the request to have returned at the point I am accessing the response variable? I appreciate I could guarantee it is by moving it into the 'try' immediately after the axios get, but then I would have to have the loading=false line before it, as well as in 'finally' (or 'catch'). I need to ensure that loading is set to false before any further actions, whether the request succeeds or fails, and I don't want to repeat myself. Maybe there's a better way of doing this?

Now that you have changed the question, the previous solution will not be working correctly. The issue is that the code inside the IIFE will be executed after everything else is finished, so loading will never be set to false from the perspective of the outside code. (the other code will be executed, and thеn the IIFE. That's because of the event loop). Your best bet is to make the outside code async and await the axios promise.
If you provide the problem details I might be able to help you refactor it.
Previous answer
I need to ensure that loading is set to false before any further actions
Any code after the await is guaranteed to NOT be loading:
(async() => {
let response = await axios.get('');
// the request is finished, the await guarantees that
If you need error handling, you can wrap it in a try/catch:
(async() => {
try {
let response = await axios.get('');
// definitely not loading
catch (e) {
// definitely not loading, but an error occurred


JS: Async function with await statement results in undefined promise. What am I doing wrong? Simple example

I'm new to JS and am currently immersing myself in asynchronous functions and promises. Having quite some experience in Python and R, this is totally new for me. I read many different websites, topics and solutions for returning a value in an asynchronous function - but I can't get it to work. Below I boiled it down to a simplification of the function I wrote, designed to get information from google about a location and return it. Simple as that. I followed the advice online and tried to rewrite the following advice from Benjamin Gruenbaum on How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?.
async function foo(){
var data = await fetch("/echo/json"); // notice the await
// code here only executes _after_ the request is done
return data.json(); // data is defined
Please see my own code below. It seems to me that it I'm doing the same thing, but it still logs as Promise {<pending>}... What am I doing wrong? data should be an array. Even if I only replace my googleapi url and use fetch() and .json(), it logs as Promise {<pending>}.
async function foo() {
var data = await axios.get("");
return data;
try This way of calling async function
async function foo()
let response = await fetch(``);
let data = await response.json()
return data;
foo().then(data => console.log(data));
Can you try below code to know what is going on in the "data" you got .
This is not the solution of your problem but just you will know what you got in result

Synchronous Ajax Call in Angular

In my angular application, I have a scenario where i need to make looping over ajax calls. Scenario is as follows:
Based upon response from first request i need to initiate 2nd request, response from 2nd request would trigger 3rd request and so on. Wherever response does not meet certain criteria, loop needs to be broken.
Loop can go several times 10 or 20 based upon configured value.
Just want to make it synchronous. Anyone who can suggest approach to implement it ?
someList.forEach(async (value,index,arr)=> {
let out = await this.someService.Print(someBuffer);
isPrintingError = true;
else {
console.log("Print successful");
Just have a look at Promises or async/await.
I'm not sure about how you want to do your ajax calls, and it would be great to have a small chunk of code.
But the idea is to do something like that
try {
const response1 = await this.apiCall1();
if (!response1) {
throw new Error('error1');
const response2 = await this.apiCall2();
if (!response2) {
throw new Error('error2');
// etc...
} catch (e) {
// logic in case of error
Also you can do it in a loop. But in order to give better help, i'll need some code
Try using RxJS Library, it will help you also in other different async stuff issues.
Using RxJS operators I'd take advantage of the Merge Operator.
More info here: RxJS Merge Operator
Thanks for your snippet. Here is how to break the loop in case of bad output
try {
someList.forEach(async (value, index, arr) => {
let output = await this.someService.Print(someBuffer);
if(!output) {
// break the loop
throw new Error('error');
} else {
console.log("Print successful");
} catch (e) {
// what to do if failed ?

Vuex store action from Promise to async/await

Currently I use promises in the store actions but want to convert it into async/await. This is an example of the store action with promises:
fetchActiveWorkspace (context, workspaceID) {
if (workspaceID) {
return this.$axios.get(`#api-v01/workspaces/workspace/${workspaceID}`)
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
throw err
} else {
return Promise.resolve(true)
This fetchActiveWorkspace action is resolved in components because it returns promise. How can I convert this code snippet into a async/await structure and use it in components?
This is how I would try to translate it; take into account that as I have no access to the original code in full context, I cannot try it first-hand to make sure it works; but still, this is how you can use async/await with promises.
// 1. Mark the function as `async` (otherwise you cannot use `await` inside of it)
async fetchActiveWorkspace(context, workspaceID) {
if (workspaceID) {
// 2. Call the promise-returning function with `await` to wait for result before moving on.
// Capture the response in a varible (it used to go as argument for `then`)
let response = await this.$axios.get(`#api-v01/workspaces/workspace/${workspaceID}`);
// 3. I don't think this is necessary, as actions are not meant to return values and instead should be for asynchronous mutations.
else {
return true;
You can surround the function's body with try/catch in case you want to capture and handle exceptions. I didn't add it in order to keep things simple and because your promise-based code will just capture and re-throw the exception, without doing anything else.

Angular2: Example with multiple http calls (typeahead) with observables

So I am working on couple of cases in my app where I need the following to happen
When event triggered, do the following
List item
check if the data with that context is already cached, serve cached
if no cache, debounce 500ms
check if other http calls are running (for the same context) and kill them
make http call
On success cache and update/replace model data
Pretty much standard when it comes to typeahead functionality
I would like to use observables with this... in the way, I can cancel them if previous calls are running
any good tutorials on that? I was looking around, couldn't find anything remotely up to date
OK, to give you some clue what I did now:
onChartSelection(chart: any){
let date1:any, date2:any;
date1 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].min);
date2 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].max);
let data = this.tableService.getCachedChartData(this.currentTable, date1, date2);
if(data){ = data;
this.chartTableRes = this.tableService.getChartTable(this.currentTable, date1, date2)
data => {
console.log(data); = data;
this.chartTableRes = null;
error => {
throw e;
Missing debounce here
-- I ended up implementing lodash's debounce
import {debounce} from 'lodash';
onChartSelectionDebaunced: Function;
this.onChartSelectionDebaunced = debounce(this.onChartSelection, 200);
For debaunce you can use Underscore.js. The function will look this way:
onChartSelection: Function = _.debounce((chart: any) => {
Regarding the cancelation of Observable, it is better to use Observable method share. In your case you should change the method getChartTable in your tableService by adding .share() to your Observable that you return.
This way there will be only one call done to the server even if you subscribe to it multiple times (without this every new subscription will invoke new call).
Take a look at: What is the correct way to share the result of an Angular 2 Http network call in RxJs 5?

How do I properly handle delayed operations in Node.JS?

I'm new to ASYNC programming so please bear with me. I have a call to a web service API that can be unpredictably slow. On the front end, I can handle it with a "loading" lightbox or something. However, on the backend, I have my request:
var req = http.request( options, function(res) {
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
} );
res.on('end', function() {
doMoreStuff(); // This can take a while to get to.
return someInfo();
} );
} );
All of this is in a makeRequest module. So should I pass my callback function into makeRequest and then have it run after the 'end' event? It seems like this can lead to a very long chained event structure.
So any help on how to structure this would be greatly appreciated.
note: the above is mostly pseudocode so if there are syntax errors, please understand that it's pseudocode
Yes, generally you would pass a callback into whatever function you have this in, and when 'end' is emitted, you should take the data that you collected in the request, and pass it to your callback.
I realize it's pseudocode and you may know, I just want to say it anyways. Remember that 'data' can be called more than once, and that 'return' in your end function won't do anything.
For an example of doing a request, you can look at my answer over here.
Why won't my ExpressJS properly execute a request command?
