Multiple hdmi input screens on one monitor [closed] - windows

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've been building a robot for about a month now, and I always find it irritating to unplug my keyboard, mouse, plug it into the pi, and then switch the monitor to it. Is there any way to display a second HDMI input on windows? Like anydesk, but instead of opening someone else's screen, maybe it can open a second input?

You could use VNC Viewer. You could also get an HDMI switch. There are also monitors with multiple inputs.


windows 10 keyboard shortcut to mirror display [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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My laptop's screen stopped working suddenly. I connected another display to the laptop using HDMI. How can I mirror/duplicate to extended display with keyboard shortcut only, as current screen is not working. Then I can look into the issues.
OS: windows 10
Hold Windows key, P to show dialog of mode selection, then P again to switch mode and release Windows key. This way you'll cycle modes, eventyally getting to projector mode.

Disable HDCP requirement on Chromecast [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We recently purchased a Chromecast to cast to our old (but very good) computer monitor as a substitute TV. Unfortunately, the monitor doesn't support HDCP, so the Chromecast OS refuses to display anything. Is there anything we can do in software (I hear root can be achieved) to disable this requirement?
There is no official way of doing that; if you consider the reason behind the HDCP requirement, you'll realize that Google will not enable any means to disable that.

How can I open a program always in 600x400? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I open a program always in 600x400? When I restart the computer I don't wanna configure again, how can I do this?
Observation: My resolution is 1920x1080 and I wanna open the program in 600x400 without change my resolution.
Sorry for my english, I don't speak very well this language.
It depends on the program you want to open.
Some programs have a specific setting for this case.
Take a look on the documentation, or you can try to go to Regedit and look for the Key of program that you want to start with 600x400.
In the Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\(CompanyName)\(SoftwareName)
Normally there is some settings about size of the window.
Good luck.
To change your display resolution from the command line - try the free nircmd.exe from

how to capture Screen on windows that is running on macbook [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to take screen shoot from windows that is installed on macbook there is no PrintScreen button on macbook as it is on laptops.
Question is better on the Super Users stack. But to answer your question, try using the on-screen keyboard and pressing the prnt scrn button on that.
On screen keyboard can be found in the accessibility options from control panel.

Can I stop applications from grabbing focus in OS X? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Applications stealing focus is on of my biggest UI pet peeves. There's rarely a good reason for an application that I'm not using to interrupt what I'm doing.
Is there a way to disable focus-grabbing globally in OS X?
The only time I've ever seen "focus stealing" was when I was launching a bunch of applications at once, but didn't want them to gain focus. I do this when I start work in the morning; I have a script that launches about 5 or 6 apps I always use.
If this is your specific case, the behavior can be suppressed in apple script.
