Quarkus MP-Metrics: A metric with the MetricID already exists - metrics

I'm trying to use Quarkus MP-Metrics. In a simple API I have a gauge as follows:
#Gauge(unit = MetricUnits.NONE, name = "customersNumberGauge", description = "Number of customers in the inventory")
public int getCustomersNumber()
return customerService.getCustomers().size();
I also have a couple of unit tests, for example:
public void testGetCustomerById()
get("/customers/1").then().statusCode(200).body("firstName", equalTo("Robert"));
assertMetricValue("fr.simplex_software.aws.lambda.quarkus.CustomerResource.customerByIdCount", 1);
get("/customers/1").then().statusCode(200).body("firstName", equalTo("Robert"));
assertMetricValue("fr.simplex_software.aws.lambda.quarkus.CustomerResource.customerByIdCount", 2);
which fails with the exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A metric with metricID MetricID{name='fr.simplex_software.aws.lambda.quarkus.CustomerResource.customersNumberGauge', tags=[]} already exists
If I comment out the #Gauge annotation everything works fine. It's worth noting that, by doing that, I'm following exactly the Quarkus quick starts.
Many thanks for any help.
Kind regards,


Why are my unit tests not coming through when the original code works fine?

My unit test keeps on sending error messages even though the initial code works and I wrote other unit tests the same way and they work perfectly.
Initial code:
public void newOrder(OrderVO orderVO) {
OrderProduct orderProduct = new OrderProduct();
Optional<User> userResponse = userRepository.findById(orderVO.getUserId());
User user = userResponse.orElse(new User());
Orders order = new Orders(user);
orderProduct.setId(new OrderProductId());
List<ProductVO> productVOS = orderVO.getOrderProducts();
for (ProductVO p : productVOS) {
Optional<Product> productResponse = productRepository.findById(p.getId());
Product product = productResponse.orElse(new Product());
product.setAmount(product.getAmount() - p.getAmountOfOrderedProducts());
orderProductRepository.saveOrder(orderProduct.getProduct().getId(), orderProduct.getOrders().getId(), orderProduct.getAmountOfOrderedProduct());
void newOrder() {
User userTest = new User(1);
Optional<User> optUserTest = Optional.of(userTest);
Optional<Product> optProductTest = Optional.of(productTest);
OrderVO orderVO = new OrderVO();
Orders orders = new Orders(userTest);
verify(productRepository, times(1)).save(productTest);
verify(orderRepository, times(1)).save(orders);
verify(orderProductRepository, times(1)).saveOrder(1,1,53);
I keep on getting two errors:
first one is pointing to verify(productRepository, times(1)).save(productTest);
and says that
Wanted but not invoked:
-> at com.carlsberg.orderservice.serviceImpl.OrderServiceImplTest.newOrder(OrderServiceImplTest.java:78)
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
Second one points to verify(orderRepository, times(1)).save(orders);
and the error message is
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
The difference seems to be in d7c7950f part.
This is my first time trying to do unit testing. Really not sure why am I getting this errors since the same concept of writing unit tests worked just fine on other methods.
The first error is due to the fact that your test never coverages a case where there are ProductVos in tested OrderVO. That makes stubbing that method to be 'wrong' since the method is invoked only in a loop that goes through ProductVOs.
Try to add some ProductVOs if it helps for this. Maybe you still might want to test with 0 1 and many OrderVOs in 0 case just remove the stubbing as it is not needed
The second one is a bit more complicated, in touyr service you have:
Orders order = new Orders(user);
on the other hand in your test you have:
Orders orders = new Orders(userTest);
the is no path that saves the orders you created in your test , it is alwasy created in the service and the hassh is thus also different. I guess this error goes away when you change verify to, say:
verify(orderRepository, times(1)).save(any());
but the test is bad and you should fix it to use the orders you create in test.

Benchmarking spring data vs JDBI in select from postgres Database

I wanted to compare the performence for Spring data vs JDBI
I used the following versions
Spring Boot 2.2.4.RELEASE
JDBI 3.13.0
the test is fairly simple select * from admin table and convert to a list of Admin object
here is the relevant details
with spring boot
public interface AdminService extends JpaRepository<Admin, Integer> {
and for JDBI
public List<Admin> getAdmins() {
String sql = "Select admin_id as adminId, username from admins";
Handle handle = null;
try {
handle = Sql2oConnection.getInstance().getJdbi().open();
return handle.createQuery(sql).mapToBean(Admin.class).list();
}catch(Exception ex) {
log.error("Could not select admins from admins: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex );
return null;
} finally {
the test class is executed using junit 5
#DisplayName("How long does it take to run 1000 queries")
public void loadAdminTable() {
System.out.println("Running load test");
Instant start = Instant.now();
for(int i= 0;i<1000;i++) {
adminService.getAdmins(); // for spring its findAll()
for(Admin admin: admins) {
if(admin.getAdminId() == 654) {
System.out.println("just to simulate work with the data");
Instant end = Instant.now();
Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
System.out.println("Total duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
i was quite shocked to get the following results
Spring Data: 2 seconds
JDBI: 59 seconds
any idea why i got these results? i was expecting JDBI to be faster
The issue was that spring manages the connection life cycle for us and for a good reason
after reading the docs of JDBI
There is a performance penalty every time a connection is allocated
and released. In the example above, the two insertFullContact
operations take separate Connection objects from your database
connection pool.
i changed the test code of the JDBI test to the following
#DisplayName("How long does it take to run 1000 queries")
public void loadAdminTable() {
System.out.println("Running load test");
String sql = "Select admin_id as adminId, username from admins";
Handle handle = null;
handle = Sql2oConnection.getInstance().getJdbi().open();
Instant start = Instant.now();
for(int i= 0;i<1000;i++) {
List<Admin> admins = handle.createQuery(sql).mapToBean(Admin.class).list();
if(!admins.isEmpty()) {
for(Admin admin: admins) {
Instant end = Instant.now();
Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
System.out.println("Total duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
this way the connection is opened once and the query runs 1000 times
the final result was 1 second
twice as fast as spring
On the one hand you seem to make some basic mistakes of benchmarking:
You are not warming up the JVM.
You are not using the results in any way.
Therefore what you are seeing might just be effects of different optimisations of the VM.
Look into JMH in order to improve your benchmarks.
Benchmarks with an external resource are extra hard, because you have so many more parameters to control.
One big question is for example if the connection to the database is realistically slow as in most production systems the database will be on a different machine at least virtually, quite possibly on different hardware.
Is that true in your test as well?
Assuming your results are real, the next step is to investigate where the extra time gets spent.
I would expect the most time to be spent with executing the SQL statements and obtaining the result via the network.
Therefore you should inspect what SQL statements actually get executed.
This might point you to one possible answer that JPA is doing lots of lazy loading and hasn't even loaded most of you really need.

redissonClient.poll() only returning the first 8 characters of String type value

Currently using reddison, creating a redissonClient and trying to poll data from redis server. I can see the data in the redis db if I check via redis-cli but when I look at the string value in my java application it is always the first 8 characters of the string and no more. Not sure why it won't give me the whole value.
I've tried using the .peek() method as well and I see the same symptom in that I only get 8 characters of the string returned.
Here is the main part of the code I can provide more details as needed:
public class RedisConsumer {
RedisConfig redisConfig;
//RQueue<String> redisQueue;
RBlockingQueue<String> redisQueue;
RedisConsumer(RedisConfig redisConfig) {
this.redisConfig = redisConfig;
public void pollAuditQueue() {
redisQueue.add("{JSON string here snipped out for brevity}");
String item = redisQueue.poll();
if (!Objects.isNull(item)) {
log.info("I found this item: " + item);
} else {
log.info("Nothing in queue...");
private void init() throws Exception {
RedissonClient redissonClient = redisConfig.redisson();
redisQueue = redissonClient.getBlockingQueue("test");
while(true) {
When I look at the print statement in my console I see:
I found this item: {"AuditEv
When I check the redis-cli I can see the whole value:
1) "\xfc\t{\"AuditEvent\":{\"timestamp\":\"2018-11-27 04:31:47.818000+0000\" snipped the rest out for brevity}"
Lastly if I check that the item was removed from Redis after being polled in the Java app I can confirm that it is.
Any help would be great since it's not throwing any specific error I'm not finding any resources online to help address it.
I've found one thing I didn't notice in my earlier testing. When I manually insert using the redis cli I was replicating what my first tests through Java did which put the \xfc\t at the front which can be seen in my sample above.
Just now when I used redisQueue.add from within my application I noticed in redis it has \xfc\x80\x90\x01 instead and those do return the entire string to me in my application. I assume then this has to do with memory allocation somehow? I'm marking the question as resolved as I am no longer experiencing the issue. If anyone can drop on comment on what those letter/numbers mean though it may be meaningful for anyone that reads this post later. Once I have researched it I will add that comment myself if no one has beat me to it!
Add encoding:
RMap map = redisson.getMap("SessionMap"); -->
RMap map = redisson.getMap("SessionMap", new StringCodec("UTF-8"));

Can someone help me understand Guava CacheLoader?

I'm new to Google's Guava library and am interested in Guava's Caching package. Currently I have version 10.0.1 downloaded. After reviewing the documentation, the JUnit tests source code and even after searching google extensively, I still can't figure out how to use the Caching package. The documentation is very short, as if it was written for someone who has been using Guava's library not for a newbie like me. I just wish there are more real world examples on how to use Caching package propertly.
Let say I want to build a cache of 10 non expiring items with Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction method. So from the example found in the api, I build my code like the following:
Cache<String, String> mycache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
public String load(String key) throws Exception {
return something; // ?????
Since the CacheLoader is required, I have to include it in the build method of CacheBuilder. But I don't know how to return the proper value from mycache.
To add item to mycache, I use the following code:
mycache.asMap().put("key123", "value123");
To get item from mycache, I use this method:
The get method will always return whatever value I returned from CacheLoader's load method instead of getting the value from mycache. Could someone kindly tell me what I missed?
Guava's Cache type is generally intended to be used as a computing cache. You don't usually add values to it manually. Rather, you tell it how to load the expensive to calculate value for a key by giving it a CacheLoader that contains the necessary code.
A typical example is loading a value from a database or doing an expensive calculation.
private final FooDatabase fooDatabase = ...;
private final LoadingCache<Long, Foo> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build(new CacheLoader<Long, Foo>() {
public Foo load(Long id) {
return fooDatabase.getFoo(id);
public Foo getFoo(long id) {
// never need to manually put a Foo in... will be loaded from DB if needed
return cache.getUnchecked(id);
Also, I tried the example you gave and mycache.get("key123") returned "value123" as expected.

how to selectively set a property using DEPENDENCY INJECTION in a grails service for unit testing

EDIT: Please let me be clear, I'm asking how to do this in Grails using Spring Dependency Injection, and NOT Grails' metaclass functionality or new().
I have a grails service that is for analyzing log files. Inside the service I use the current time for lots of things. For unit testing I have several example log files that I parse with this service. These have times in them obviously.
I want my service, DURING UNIT TESTING to think that the current time is no more than a few hours after the last logging statement in my example log files.
So, I'm willing to this:
class MyService {
def currentDate = { -> new Date() }
def doSomeStuff() {
// need to know when is "right now"
Date now = currentDate()
So, what I want to be able to do is have currentDate injected or set to be some other HARDCODED time, like
currentDate = { -> new Date(1308619647140) }
Is there not a way to do this with some mockWhatever method inside my unit test? This kind of stuff was super easy with Google Guice, but I have no idea how to do it in Spring.
It's pretty frustrating that when I Google "grails dependency injection" all I find are examples of
class SomeController {
// wow look how amazing this is, it's injected automatically!!
// isn't spring incredible OMG!
def myService
It feels like all that's showing me is that I don't have to type new ...()
Where do I tell it that when environment equals test, then do this:
currentDate = { -> new Date(1308619647140) }
Am I just stuck setting this property manually in my test??
I would prefer not to have to create a "timeService" because this seems silly considering I just want 1 tiny change.
Groovy is a dynamic language, and as such it allows you to do almost what you're asking for:
class MyServiceTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
def testDoSomeStuff() {
def service = new MyService()
service.currentDate = { -> new Date(1308619647140) }
// assert something on service.doSomeStuff()
Keep in mind this only modifies the service instance, not the class. If you need to modify the class you'll need to work with the metaClass. Take a look at this post by mrhaki.
Another option would be to make the current date a parameter to doSomeStuff(). That way you wouldn't need to modify your service instance.
Thanks for the help guys. The best solution I could come up with for using Spring DI in this case was to do the following in
These are the two solutions I found:
1: If I want the timeNowService to be swapped for testing purposes everywhere:
import grails.util.GrailsUtil
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
if (GrailsUtil.environment == 'test') {
println ">>> test env"
} else {
println ">>> not test env"
2: I could do this if I only want this change to apply to this particular service:
import grails.util.GrailsUtil
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
if (GrailsUtil.environment == 'test') {
println ">>> test env"
} else {
println ">>> not test env"
myService(MyService) {
diTest = 'hello 2'
timeNowService = ref('time1')
In either case I would use the service by calling
The one strange, and very frustrating thing to me was that I could not do this:
import grails.util.GrailsUtil
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
if (GrailsUtil.environment == 'test') {
println ">>> test env"
myService(MyService) {
timeNow = { -> new Date(1308486447140) }
} else {
println ">>> not test env"
myService(MyService) {
timeNow = { -> new Date() }
In fact, when I tried that I also had a dummy value in there, like dummy = 'hello 2' and then a default value of dummy = 'hello' in the myService class itself. And when I did this 3rd example with the dummy value set in there as well, it silently failed to set, apparently b/c timeNow blew something up in private.
I would be interested to know if anyone could explain why this fails.
Thanks for the help guys and sorry to be impatient...
Since Groovy is dynamic, you could just take away your currentDate() method from your service and replace it by one that suits your need. You can do this at runtime during the setup of your test.
Prior to having an instance of MyService instantiated, have the following code executed:
MyService.metaClass.currentDate << {-> new Date(1308619647140) }
This way, you can have a consistent behavior across all your tests.
However, if you prefer, you can override the instance method by a closure that does the same trick.
Let me know how it goes.
Vincent Giguère
