Makefile pattern for 1:1 recipe with a prerequisite that differs from target in both directory and file extension - makefile

For each .md file underneath a directory called src, I want to generate an HTML file underneath a new directory pub with the same internal directory structure, e.g.
src/foo/ -> pub/foo/hello.html
src/bar/ -> pub/bar/world.html
I'm stuck on writing the prerequisites for each html file. Here's what I have so far:
SRCS = $(shell find src -name "*.md")
HTML = $(subst src/,pub/,$(
#echo "placeholder to generate $# from $<"
publish: $(HTML)
As written, I get
$ make publish
make: *** No rule to make target `pub/foo/hello.html', needed by `publish'. Stop.
If I remove the prerequisites like this:
#echo "placeholder to generate $# from $<"
then I get:
$ make publish
placeholder to generate pub/foo/hello.html from
placeholder to generate pub/bar/world.html from
which is closer, but does not handle the prerequisite Markdown file.
How do I write a pattern for the prerequisite with both differing root directory and extension?

Just write the prefix and the suffix in the pattern:
pub/%.html : src/


Build make target if contents of directory have changed

I need a Makefile that allows me to enter make foo-program and, if any foo-program/**/*.hs file has changed since last build, build the target (output in foo-program/.stack-work).
Here is my directory tree:
|-.stack-work/ # Generated output goes here
|-.stack-work/ # Generated output goes here
|-notes/ # non-source, so no Make target for this
Here is what I have so far:
# evaluates to 'bar-other-program foo-program'
PROGS := $(shell find * -type f -name '*.hs' | cut -d'/' -f1 | uniq)
$(PROGS): $$(wildcard $$#/src/*.hs) $$(wildcard $$#/test/*.hs)
# do-build $#
When I run make foo-program, whether the source has changed or not, I get:
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'
UPDATE: My final (non-abstracted) Makefile can be found on GitHub. Note that my solution took a different turn than I intended when I wrote up this question. Looking at that Makefile also might also make it more clear as to my original goal.
I am not quite sure of the the purpose of cut -d'/' there.
But if you just want a list of *.hs files in the current directory (recursively found) and then build a target/executable based on whether they have changed, you can do something like this:
PROGS = $(subst ./,,$(shell find . -type f -name '*.hs'))
DEPS = $(addprefix stackwork/,$(addsuffix .dep,$(basename $(PROGS))))
DIRS = $(dir $(DEPS))
.PHONY: foo-program
foo-program: $(DEPS) $(DIRS)
stackwork/%.dep: %.hs | $(DIRS)
#echo making $#
#touch $#
#echo creating dir $#
#mkdir -p $#
#rm -rf $(DEPS) $(DIRS)
PROGS is your list of .hs files
DEPS is a list of generated dependency files (empty but date stamps will be used)
DIRS is a list of output directories that need to be created (I guess they don't exist by default since they are output folders?)
foo-program is a rule that you can call (PHONY because at the moment it does not create a real file)
%.dep: %.hs is a rule how to generate a .dep file (this could be a .o .obj or any other file type) which depends on its .hs file equivalent.
$(DIRS): is a rule to create your output directories if needed.
So if the .dep files don't exist, all of the .hs files will be "compiled". If all the .dep files exist and are up to date, then nothing will be compiled. If one or more file is out of date then just those files will be built. Here is the output of running this on my PC with a few test files:
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
creating dir stackwork/
creating dir stackwork/test/
creating dir stackwork/test/test2/
making stackwork/file.dep
making stackwork/test/file.dep
making stackwork/test/test2/file2.dep
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'.
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ touch test/file.hs
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
making stackwork/test/file.dep
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'.

In a Makefile, use patsubst and wildcard with subfolders and subfolder substitutions

I'm trying to use a makefile to convert some markdown files to html files. I'm trying to accomplish in a few lines that which I previously had a long python script doing.
In the simple example below, I would like to see this code:
build: $(patsubst src/pages/, output/%.html, $(wildcard src/pages/*.md))
#echo $< to $#
and this output
src/pages/ to output/index.html
src/pages/ to output/about.html
src/pages/ to output/contact.html
src/page/foo/ to output/foo/bar.html
Instead, it says:
$ make build
make: *** No rule to make target 'output/index.html', needed by 'build'. Stop.
I'm missing something very basic here.
Consider the target output/index.html. The dependency...
will effectively expand to...
output/index.html: output/
with $* equal to output/index. So make looks for output/ but can't find it -- hence the error message.
To get the correct pattern stem ($* == index) you need to add the base directories to the pattern rule...
output/%.html: src/pages/
#echo $< to $#
If you're concerned about repeated hard-coded strings such as output and src/pages then you can always assign them to parameters...
OUTPUT_DIR := output
SOURCE_DIR := src/pages
build: $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/, $(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.html, $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.md))
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.html: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
#echo $< to $#
(Assuming that's what you meant by `optimization' in your comment.)

How to use make to build a static website into a dist directory

I have a website in an src directory that is several levels deep, containing html, markdown, less, coffee, png, jpg and other assets. I'd like to build my website into a dist directory using make. With build, I mean
converting markdown files to html
compiling coffee to js
compiling less to css
minifying html files
minifying js files (that where not compiled from coffee)
minifying css files (that where not compiled from less or sass)
preparing images (logo.png becomes logo#1x.png logo#2x.png logo#3x.png)
I have the following file. The cp statements will be replaced with the respective tools to do the transformation.
sources = $(shell find src -type f)
t1 := $(
t2 := $(t1:.less=.css)
targets := $(
targetdirs = $(dir $(targets))
all: $(targets)
cp $< $#
%.css: %.less
cp $< $#
cp $< $#
This creates outputs side by side. So src/ becomes src/index.html, src/assets/stylesheets/app.less becomes src/assets/stylesheets/app.css and src/assets/scripts/ becomes src/assets/scripts/app.js. What I'd like to do is change the make file such that it stores the output in the dist directory, so src/ is converted to dist/index.html, src/assets/stylesheets/app.less compiled to dist/assets/stylesheets/app.css and and src/assets/scripts/ becomes dist/assets/scripts/app.js.
So I changed the makefile as follows:
sources = $(shell find src -type f)
t0 := $(subst src/,dist/,$(
t1 := $(
t2 := $(t1:.less=.css)
targets := $(
targetdirs = $(dir $(targets))
all: $(targets)
mkdir -p $(targetdirs)
cp $< $#
%.css: %.less
mkdir -p $(targetdirs)
cp $< $#
mkdir -p $(targetdirs)
cp $< $#
Now make fails with the following:
make: *** No rule to make target `dist/assets/scripts/app.js', needed by `all'. Stop.
Most examples I can find, is limited to a single directory, or compiles multiple source files into a single target.
How would one achieve this without knowing the contents of the source directory?
GNU Make 3.81
OS X 10.11.1
In make pattern rules, the stems represented by the patterns in the target and prerequisite must match exactly. Take this rule:
mkdir -p $(targetdirs)
cp $< $#
If the target make wants to build is dist/index.html, then the stem is dist/index. So, it will look for the prerequisite dist/ Which doesn't exist. So make ignores that pattern rule as not matching, and continues to look for more implicit rules that might match... and doesn't find any so it fails.
You have to fix your rules so that the change in directory is reflected in the pattern:
dist/%.html: src/
mkdir -p $(#D)
cp $< $#
(I'm not sure why you're creating all directories in every recipe instead of just the current one). Now the stem for dist/index.html is just index, and the prerequisite matches src/ and it will work.

How to define a pattern which is valid for all files in the directory including subdirectories?

I'm writing a pattern for compiling all .c file in the test directory.
Details of the directory is as follows:
Just a demo. This is my content of makefile:
# Find all files
rwildcard := $(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2))
# All .c files
SRC_FILES := $(call rwildcard,test,*.c)
# All .o files
all : $(OBJ_FILES)
echo $(OBJ_FILES)
%.o : %.c
echo $# $<
Make prints No rule to make target '...'. I think make need know path of .o files and .c files. But I don't know how to setting the path, Since there is so many .c files in my prj.
Because OBJ_FILES has includes all .o files. Then I guess the pattern should be like this:
$(output_dir)/%.o : $(input_dir)/%.c
echo $# $
Since here may have many directories in ./prj/test, I cann't hardcoded it in makefile
Thanks for another friend, the above approach is right. since % can match many Multi-level directories。
We can't really solve your problem because you still have not specified where the object files should go. All in a specific directory? Always in the parent directory of the source file? Somewhere else?
Regardless of how you resolve that, you can add all your source directories to VPATH and have Make resolve the precise location while figuring out the dependencies.
experiment: a.c d.c
echo $^
will echo test/test1/a.c test/test2/d.c with full paths.
So with this you can remove the hard-coded directory names from your %.o rule and simply specify which .o files you want built for the all target.
You can use this to get all c files in subdirectories:
$(wildcard */*.c)
Or also this to get all c files in subdirectories at any depth:
$(wildcard **/*.c)

wildcards in cygwin make in cmd.exe

im trying to make a simple makefile that will build multiple artifacts named after subdirs of the src directory. here is my dir structure:
>find .
and here is the makefile i am trying to use. for some reason the binary target refuses to expand its dependencies with when i use both a pattern and a wildcard in the same rule
>cat makefile
dirs := $(shell find src -mindepth 1 -type d)
all: $(dirs:src/%=bin/%.exe)
#echo $(dirs)
bin/%.exe: src/%/*
#echo "$# <-- $^"
i know dirs is getting set properly
src/binA src/binB src/binC
this is the error i get
make: *** No rule to make target `bin/binA.exe', needed by `all'. Stop.
how can i make a generic rule that will properly expand its dependencies to be the contents of a subdir that is based on its name
i was able to get this to work by changing the rule matcher to bin/%.exe: $(wildcard src/%/*) and add a .SECONDARYEXPANSION: before that.
