Printing intermediate results in Scheme - scheme

I want to make a program that makes a conversion simulating a for loop, for example:
orig value converted
1 2.2
2 4.4
199 437.8
So far, what I have done is the following:
(define (conv ini)
(if (> ini 199)
(display (* ini 2.2))
(conv (+ ini 1))))))
but when I want to run it I got the following error:
arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
expected: 1
given: 2
I see that my recursion call is fine, so I cannot get it which one is the problem.

The syntax of begin is (begin form ...) not (begin (form ...)): your function should be
(define (conv ini)
(if (> ini 199)
(display (* ini 2.2))
(conv (+ ini 1)))))
(Or, if you are enamoured of a syntax like that, you could define
(define-syntax beguine
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (form ...))
(begin form ...)]))
and then (beguine (...)) will work.)

(display (* ini 2.2))
In your code you actually try to execute (OP ...), where OP is the value of (display ...), which for sure is not a function.
So I doubt a lot your output is the output of what you pasted in your question.


User input to a list

I'm trying to take in user input and add it to a list but I have not been able to get it working. I'm still new to scheme and have been browsing around to try to figure it out but I haven't had any luck.
(display "Continue to enter numbers until satisfied then enter e to end")
(define (intlist number)
(define number(read-line))
(cond (number? number)
(cons lst (number))
(display lst)
this is what I have so far. Any help or direction to where I can learn a bit more is appreciated.
Your solution is almost correct, but it doesn't work, because:
Variable lst doesn't exist and with this expression (number), you are calling some undefined function number.
done' is badly written 'done.
Function cons expects element as first argument and other element or list as second argument.
See these examples:
> (cons 1 2)
'(1 . 2)
> (cons 1 '())
> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
'(1 2 3)
Last example is important here- your function will be recursive and it will return a cons cell in each step. If I will follow your solution, this can be enough:
(define (list-from-user)
(let ((number (read)))
(if (number? number)
(cons number (list-from-user))
(Note that I used read instead of read-line, because read-line returns string, and let instead of define.)
If you really want to wait for e, you must decide, what happens if user enters something that isn't number and isn't e- maybe just ignore it?
(define (list-from-user)
(let ((user-input (read)))
(cond ((number? user-input) (cons user-input (list-from-user)))
((eq? user-input 'e) '())
(else (list-from-user)))))
Then just add some wrapping function with output:
(define (my-fn)
(begin (display "Continue to enter numbers until satisfied then enter e to end")
and call it
> (my-fn)
Note that my function returns list with numbers, instead of some useless 'done, so I can use that function in other functions.
(define (sum-of-list)
(let ((lst (my-fn)))
(format "Sum of given list is ~a." (apply + lst))))
> (sum-of-list)

How to count the number of if-statements in a separate file of code

I am trying to write a scheme program that counts the number of if-statement a file containing code. I know how to read in the file but I don't know how to go about counting the number of if-statements.
This is very hard without actually implementing reducing the language to a more primitive form. As an example, imagine this:
(count-ifs '(let ((if +))
(if 1 2 3)))
; ==> 0
0 is the correct amount as if is a binding shadowing if and Scheme supports shadowing so the result of that expression is 6 and not 2. let can be rewritten such that you can check this instead:
(count-ifs '((lambda (if)
(if 1 2 3))
; ==> 0
It might not look like an improvement, but here you can actually fix it:
(define (count-ifs expr)
(let helper ((expr expr) (count 0))
(if (or (not (list? expr))
(and (eq? (car expr) 'lambda)
(memq 'if (cadr expr))))
(foldl helper
(if (eq? (car expr) 'if)
(add1 count)
(count-ifs '((lambda (if)
(if 1 2 3))
(if #t + (if if if))))
; ==> 2
Challenge is to expand the macros. You actually need to make a macro expander to rewrite the code such that the only form making bindings would be lambda. This is the same amount of work as making 80% of a Scheme compiler since once you've dumbed it down the rest is easy.
A simple way to do it could be recursion structure like this:
(define (count-ifs exp)
(+ (if-expression? exp 1 0)))
(if (pair? exp)
(+ (count-ifs (car exp)) (count-ifs (cdr exp))))
But this might overcount.
A more correct way to do it would be to process the code by checking each type of expression you see - and when you enter a lambda you need to add the variables it binds to a shadowed symbols list.

How do I read a procedure (lambda) from input?

I want to hit in the lambda expression, then the function evaluates it with some arguments. Is it something like (read)? But I don't want my input to become strings or symbols.
(define (foo)
(define my-func (something like "read"?))
(display (my-func 2)))
so when I say (lambda (x) (add1 x)) it returns 3.
You can evaluate the symbolic representation that read will generate using eval.
(define (foo)
(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(define my-func (eval (read) ns))
(display (my-func 2)))

Is there anyway to check if a function return nothing in Scheme?

Is there anyway to check if a function return nothing in Scheme?
For example:
(define (f1)
(if #f #f)
(define (f2) (values) )
(define (f3) (define var 10))
How can I check if f return nothing?
Thanks in advance.
Yes. You can wrap the call in something that makes a list of the values. eg.
(define-syntax values->list
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expression)
(call-with-values (lambda () expression)
(lambda g (apply list g))))))
(apply + 5 4 (values->list (values))) ; ==> 9
(null? (values->list (values))) ; ==> #t
Your procedure f2 does return exactly one value and it's undefined in the report (Scheme standard). That means it can change from call to call and the result of (eq? (display "test1") (display "test2")) is unknown.
Implementations usually choose a singleton value to represent the undefined value, but you can not depend on it. Implementations are free to do anything. eg. I know that in at least one Scheme implementations this happens:
(define test 10)
(+ (display 5) (set! test 15))
; ==> 20 (side effects prints 5, and test bound to 15)
It would be crazy to actually use this, but it's probably useful in the REPL.
In GNU Guile the function for checking this is unspecified?:
(unspecified? (if #f #f)); returns #t
(unspecified? '()); returns #f

I need a function to display an 'unprocessed' expression

I am new to Scheme so excuse me if I am using the wrong vocabulary. I want a function, I am calling it QandA, that will (among other things) display its raw or unprocessed argument. For example:
(QandA (+ 1 2)) should return the string "(+ 1 2) : 3"
(QandA (quote (+ 1 2))) should return "(quote (+ 1 2)) : (+ 1 2)"
What I first tried was:
(define (QandA x)
(display (quote x)) (display " : " ) (display x))
but then
(QandA (+ 1 2)) returns "x : 3"
I understand why this is wrong, but don't know where to look to find a solution.
So the question is, what do I replace (display (quote x)) with to get the behavior I require. Any hints welcome.
As #ymonad pointed out, this is a good scenario for using macros - because you need to defer the evaluation of the expression that's passed as parameter to QandA. Some of your previous questions were tagged racket, so here's an implementation for Racket using #lang racket (also works for #lang scheme) that returns a string, as requested (if you want to display the value replace format with printf):
(define-syntax-rule (QandA exp)
(format "~a : ~a" 'exp exp))
This is the output for the sample input given in the question:
(QandA (+ 1 2))
=> "(+ 1 2) : 3"
(QandA (quote (+ 1 2)))
=> "(quote (+ 1 2)) : (+ 1 2)"
As you see, you cannot achieve it using function since the argument is evaluated before it is passed to the function.
One solution is using macros, it can access to the unprocessed expression and create another expression.
Here's an example that works on guile
(define-syntax QandA
(syntax-rules ()
((QandA arg)
(begin (display (quote arg))(display " : ")(display arg)))))
(QandA ((+ 1 2))) ; (+ 1 2) : 3
(QandA (quote (+ 1 2))) ; (quote (+ 1 2)) : (+ 1 2)
The supported syntax of generating macro differs by interpreters, so you should check the document of interpreter which you are using.
However, define-syntax and syntax-rules should be able to use in interpreter which supports R5RS or R6RS.
