Why does my header end up way outside the page with TuesPechkin? - wkhtmltopdf

I do a convert
document.GlobalSettings.PaperSize = PaperKind.A4;
document.Objects.Add(new ObjectSettings
HtmlText = xml,
HeaderSettings = new HeaderSettings { HtmlUrl = headerPath, RightText = "[page]/[sitepages]", ContentSpacing = 10 },
FooterSettings = new FooterSettings { HtmlUrl = headerPath, RightText = "[page]/[sitepages]" },
and the HTML is visible in the footer, but in the header it's way outside the page. It looks like it tries to put the header on the previous page, that's how far outside it it.

OK, the answer was as simple and not obvious. The header HTML is a bit more sensitise so it needed a <!doctype html> first in the file.


Dynamic section name in EvoHtmlToPdf header

Is there a way in EvoHtmlToPdf to display the section/subsection of a page in the header/footer (i.e. the text of the "current" h1/h2 tag)?
With wkhtmltopdf and other tools, it is possible to replace special tags via JavaScript and the HTML header template (as described here for example Dynamic section name in wicked_pdf header).
Unfortunately, such a solution does not seem to work with EvoHtmlToPdf.
Here's the HTML code of my header template:
<html id="headerFooterHtml">
function substHeaderFooter(){
var vars={};
var searchString = document.location.search;
var debugMessage = document.getElementById("showJavaScriptWasExecuted");
if (debugMessage)
debugMessage.textContent = "Search string: ["+ searchString + "]";
var search_list = searchString.substring(1).split('&');
for(var i in search_list){
var content=search_list[i].split('=',2);
vars[content[0]] = decodeQueryParam(content[1]);
var tags=['section','subsection'];
for(var i in tags){
var name = tags[i],
classElements = document.getElementsByClassName(name);
for(var j=0; j<classElements.length; ++j){
classElements[j].textContent = vars[name];
<body id="headerFooterBody" onload="substHeaderFooter()">
<div id="showJavaScriptWasExecuted"></div>
<div id="sections">{section} / {subsection}</div>
Resulting header in PDF
I already added the EvoHtmlToPdf PrepareRenderPdfPageDelegate event handler to my code (if that's the way I have to go) but I don't know how to access the section of the current page there...
Thanks in advance for your help!

How to submit data to Flask from an Ajax call, and return its response in Flask from another Ajax call?

Sorry if the title is a little confusing. A kind user here on StackOverflow helped me make my Flask app display some scraped data, only now I have added a parameter in the function so that I can scrape the data I want to search for. I have an input box, and I want to be able to get the data from it, and pass it as a string in my python function in Flask
Current HTML Side
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>NBA Data Web App</title>
<script src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js" crossorigin = "anonymous"></script>
<form id = "nameForm" method = "POST" role = "form">
<input name = "text">
<button id = "searchBtn"> Search </button>
<div id = "container"></div>
<script type = "text/javascript">
//Function to take place when our search button is clicked
$('button#searchBtn').click(function() {
url: '/_get_data',
data: $('form').serialize(),
type: 'POST',
success: function(response) {
console.log = response;
error: function() {
alert('Failure in first Ajax call');
/*Everything below this was working before, as I only made one ajax call when a button was pressed. Now, when I press the button, I want to pass its contents as a string to my scrape_data() function in Flask, and return, and display, its contents as shown below. */
//Declare our list so we can print something, and loop through it later
var data_list;
//Variable for our HTML table
var rowMax = 29, html = "<table><tr>";
//Post request
$.post('/_get_data', {
//If done, do this
}).done(function(response) {
/* Assign our scraped data to our variable that was declared earlier,
which is turned into an array here in JS */
data_list = response['data'];
//Declare some variables for making our table
var perRow = 1, count = 0, table = document.createElement("table"),
row = table.insertRow();
//Loop through the data and add it to the cells
for (var i of data_list) {
//Insert a cell for each piece of data
var cell = row.insertCell();
//Add the data to the cell
cell.innerHTML = i;
//Increment our count variable
//If we have met our set number of items in the row
if (count % perRow == 0) {
//Start a new row
row = table.insertRow();
//Add the table to our container in our HTML
//If request fails
}).fail(function() {
alert("request failed");
Python (Flask) Side
rom flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, escape, url_for
#Get our lists to post
headers = data_headers()
#Start the flask app
app = Flask(__name__)
#Start page
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
#What happens when our button is clicked
#app.route('/_get_data', methods = ['POST'])
def _get_data():
text = request.form['text']
#Here, I am trying to assign the contents of the input box of the form to a variable, so I can pass that variable as a parameter for my function.
data = scrape_data(text)
#Return the json format of the data we scraped
return jsonify({'data' : data})
#Run the app
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(debug = True)
I am currently getting error 405 method not allowed. I'm not sure if my syntax in the first Ajax call is incorrect, or if I need to break this up into two different #app.route(urls) since each call is going a different way.
If you use the method attribute of form element and do not specify the action, request will be sent /. What is happening here is when you click on search button it will send two post requests one to '/' and '/_get_data' from ajax. In Flask routing if you do not explicitly provides methods=[] that route will allow GET only. Remove the method attribute from you form, you should not get method not allowed error.

Magento shop static block with different content in shops

so as you read title, i need help with magento static block, my task is to make static block content different in 2 shops, if it's even possible? ty for answers.
P.S. Sorry for bad english.
FYI the correct Magento way to do this in multi-store is to create 2 static block with the same ID and assign each one to the store view you want it to show on. Magento will load the correct version based on the current store being viewed.
Try this one it works for me. I made it with html/javascript. You can get store name by
var shopName= '{{config path="general/store_information/name"}}';
and then compare by your needs. Paste code into static block editor.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="websiteMessage()">
<p>Happy new years !!!</p>
<p id="static_block"></p>
function websiteMessage() {
var shopName= '{{config path="general/store_information/name"}}';
var string = "";
if(shopName.localeCompare("Leather_shoes_shop") == 0)
string = "leather shoes";
else if(shopName.localeCompare("Rubber_shoes_shop") == 0)
string = "rubber shoes";
string = "other";
document.getElementById('static_block').innerHTML = string;

Can't get homemade CKEditor file uploader working in web2py

There's something arcane going on with my custom CKEditor uploader. The image or whatever file I try to upload to the server is correctly uploaded but no matter what I do it's link won't show up in the editor. It looks like the callback to CKEditor in my upload_file.html view doesn't work as it should. The documentation of CKEditor is really sparse about these things, so I could really use some guidance here.
In my controller I have the following upload function:
def upload_file():
upload = request.vars.upload
if upload != None:
if hasattr(upload, 'file'):
old_filename = upload.filename
new_filename = db.files.uploaded_data.store(upload.file, upload.filename)
result = db.files.insert(filename = old_filename,
uploaded_data = new_filename,
created_on = datetime.today())
if not result:
message = T('An error has occured during upload.')
url = ''
message = T('File uploaded succesfully.')
url = URL(r = request, f = 'download', args = new_filename)
return dict(form = None, cknum = request.vars.CKEditorFuncNum, url = url, message = message)
raise HTTP(401, T('Upload is not proper type.'))
form = SQLFORM(db.files, fields = ['uploaded_data'])
upload = request.vars.uploaded_data
if upload != None:
form.vars.filename = upload.filename
form.vars.created_on = datetime.today()
if form.process().accepted:
response.flash = T('File uploaded successfully!')
elif form.errors:
response.flash = T('form has errors')
response.flash = T('please fill out the form')
return dict(form = clean_form(form))
The view for this function looks like this:
{{if form != None:}}
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<script type="text/javascript">
window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({{=cknum}}, '{{=url}}', '{{=message}}');
I have a test view with a form containing several textareas all of which are properly converted to editors:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = "{{=URL(request.application, c='default', f='upload_file')}}";
CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserUploadUrl = "{{=URL(request.application, c='default', f='upload_file')}}";
CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserWindowHeight = '60%';
CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserWindowWidth = '70%';
I finally found the solution. There's a mistake in the view of the upload_file function.
window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({{=cknum}}, '{{=url}}', '{{=message}}');
should be rewritten to this:
window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({{=cknum}}, '{{=url}}', '{{=message}}');
I copied the first version, which caused me quite a lot of headache, from web2pyslices, so I write this answer here in the hope that it will help others trying to integrate CKEditor with Web2py.

Using xmlhttprequest in IE only includes the contents of the body tag

When I try to get the contents of a htm file into a div using a xmlhttprequest object in Firefox it includes everything, but in IE it only includes the contents of the body tag. In other words it ignores all the styling (in the head tag) of the page, rendering it ugly.
Is it possible to get the full page when using xmlhttprequest in internet explorer?
document.getElementById('divtoreceivetheresponse').innerHTML = xmlHTTP.responseText
This line in FF gets the page contents including the <head></head> section.
In IE it just gets the contents inside the <body></body> section.
I got an answer from elsewhere. Basically it does include all the page (not just the body) but IE chooses not to render it (probably the correct behavour)
I therefore worked out some code to extract the css, place it in the head, and place the body stuff in the target div. So both html and css from the external page would be got.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function include(lyr,url)
if (document.all)
try {
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xml.Open( "GET", url, false );
catch (e) {
var xml = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0");
xml.Open( "GET", url, false );
var xml=new XMLHttpRequest();
text = xml.responseText;
text = text.replace("<html>","");
text = text.replace("</html>","");
text = text.replace("<head>","");
text = text.replace("</head>","");
text = text.replace("<body>","");
text = text.replace("</body>","");
splittext = text.split("<style type=\"text/css\">");
splittext = splittext[1].split("</style>");
css = splittext[0];
everythingelse = splittext[1];
function addCss(cssCode) {
var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
styleElement.type = "text/css";
if (styleElement.styleSheet) {
styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = cssCode;
} else {
<body onload="include('adiv','test.htm')">
<div id="adiv">sdfgboui hsdguhwruh o ikuy </div>
The code is far from perfect, but it does the job and I will probably improve the code bit by bit now that I know it works
