Delphi Windows - determine close request source - windows

Is it possible to determine the source of a close request in a Windows application (Delphi)?
Background: I have an option to route close requests to minimizing the window to keep the app running "in Background".
procedure TfrmMain.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
... different checking stuff e.g. unsaved changes
// Redirect Close to minimize but allow close if requested from minimized state
if FMinimize and (WindowState <> wsMinimized) then
logger.debug('... closing main form redirected to minimize');
WindowState := wsMinimized;
CanClose := false;
This works well and allows closing the window by right clicking in the taskbar if already minimized. As icing of the cake I would like to determine if the close request came from right clicking the taskbar icon to close immediately even if the window is not already minimized. Is there a way to determine the source of the close request?

There is no difference between closing a window via the X button in its top-right corner, vs the Close window option on the right-click menu of the window's Taskbar button, vs the ALT-F4 keystroke. They all represent the same close command. If any of those options are invoked, the window will receive a WM_SYSCOMMAND(SC_CLOSE) message, which if passed to DefWindowProc() will generate a WM_CLOSE message that will trigger the Form's OnCloseQuery event. So no, there is no way to differentiate the source of the initial WM_SYSCOMMAND message. Only that the user wishes for the window to close.
That being said, you might try having your Form intercept the WM_NCHITTEST and WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages to detect when the user is clicking on the X button or pressing ALT-F4 on the keyboard. You can use those messages to set flags that your OnCloseQuery event can look at. That is about the only way I can think of right now to differentiate between Taskbar vs non-Taskbar closures.


Mouse drag in embbeded Win32 window

In a Qt dialog I have an embedded native Win32 window. As in any standard Win32, I define my own message queue, where, per default, I forward all events to the parent window, and in case an event of interest arrives, I perform some extra work.
My problem is that when I press the left mouse button, then I get the WM_LBUTTONDOWN as expected, but if I keep it pressed, then I get no more mouse clicks events, that is, I get the WM_MOUSE messages, but the mask (wParam), or calling GetKeyState, do not indicate that the mouse key is kept pressed.
The window is created with following parameters,
hwndParent,NULL,hInstance,NULL )
When this native window is not embedded in any dialog, it works correctly.
I could also embed this window in a .NET dialog window and observe the same problem.
Any clue what could be going wrong?
Did you mean WM_MOUSEMOVE? Did you try capturing the mouse first?
WM_LBUTTONDOWN is sent only once per click. You'll have to use a boolean to keep track of whether the button is pressed or released during the WM_MOUSEMOVE events. Make use of the WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages together to keep track of this.

Win32, How to access button on toolbar

Let's say I have a compiled binary program that runs and exposes some GUI on the screen.
I need from another program in Win32 to access its toolbar, find a button and click on it.
I know how to find Hwnd of the toolbar, but I don't really know how to enumerate the buttons on it.
Any ideas how to do it in Win32 calls?
Is there any tool like Spy++ that is capable of showing button handles under toolbar?
Spy++ doesn't do it.
If it is a standard Win32 Toolbar control, then you send the toolbar a TB_BUTTONCOUNT message to determine how many buttons are on the toolbar, then send a TB_GETBUTTON message to retrieve information about a button at a given index.
The tricky part is that the TBBUTTON structure that receives the button info needs to be allocated in the same process that owns the toolbar, so you will have to:
call GetWindowThreadProcessId() to retrieve the toolbar's process ID
call OpenProcess() to get a HANDLE to that process
call VirtualAllocEx() to allocate the structure inside of that process
send the TB_GETBUTTON message(s) to the toolbar, specifying the pointer returned by VirtualAllocEx()
call ReadProcessMemory() to copy the structure data back into your own process so you can process it as needed
call VirtualFreeEx() to free the allocated memory.
When the button is clicked it sends a WM_COMMAND message to the main window. Simulating a click on a toolbar button is not very practical. A better approach is to use Spy++ to find the WM_COMMAND message and its parameters. Then in your program send this same WM_COMMAND message.
AFAIR you can get the HWND of a toolbar button by calling GetDlgItem. The first parameter is the HWND of the toolbar, the second parameter is the ID of the button (the one you set in its TBBUTTON structure). You need to have the button ID to use this approach.
=== EDIT ===
In addition to EnumChildWindows, suggested by #graham.reeds, you can try SendInput. Move the target window to the foreground, calculate the screen coordinates of the upper-left corner of the toolbar (using its HWND), add the X-Y offset of the middle of the target button, and send a mouse click to that position. (I used this approach successfully to click on Flash and Silverlight objects rendered inside the IE window.)
Off the top of my head:
Use EnumChildWindows to find the child controls of the toolbar.
Then use GetWindowText to see if it is a button.
If it is PostMessage to it to invoke it's operation.

How to stop event propagation despite WS_EX_NOACTIVATE?

I have a semi-transparent form (using AlphaBlend) that acts as an overlay. For the user to still be able to interact with the window below I have set WS_EX_NOACTIVATE on my form so all right and left clicks go through to the other window.
However I have a few clickable labels on my form. Clicking those and performing the appropriate action works fine since despite the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE flag the OnClick methods are called, but the click will (obviousely) also propagate to the other window, which I do not want in this case.
So, does anyone know how to "stop" the click being sent through to the window below in case I already handled it in my form ? Basically I would like being able to chose whether the click "belongs to me" and does not get propagated or whether the window below mine receives it.
As Rob explained, WS_EX_NOACTIVATE is not relevant here. Most likely you used WS_EX_TRANSPARENT and that made your window transparent to mouse clicks.
To get finer grained control of mouse click transparency, handle the WM_NCHITTEST message in your top level window. Return HTTRANSPARENT for regions that you want to be "click through". Otherwise return, for example, HTCLIENT.
Wm_ex_NoActivate should be irrelevant here. That just controls whether your window receives the input focus. Indeed, if you start with a scratch program and do nothing but change the extended window style, you'll see that when you click within the bounds of that program's window, the clicks are handled in the usual way, except that the window is never activated; programs behind that window do not receive any click events.
Therefore, to make your label controls eat click events instead of forwarding them to the windows behind them, you need to find out what you did to make them start forwarding those messages and simply stop doing that, whatever that is.

How can I stop my application showing on the taskbar?

My application has an option for the users to run it only in the system tray, and not in the task bar. This worked fine when my application was built by Delphi 6. After switching to Delphi XE2 it no longer functions.
I've messed with it some, and I have this working for Windows 7, but when running on Windows XP I still have a problem. The application correctly hides from the task bar, and shows in the system tray. But when I create and show any additional form, the icon shows up in Windows XP.
procedure TfrmAppointment.HideWindowFromTaskbar;
TaskbarList: ITaskbarList;
Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := False;
// Windows 7 seems to behave differently. This seems to fix it.
if (CheckWin32Version(6, 1)) then
// We are in Win7, and we requested the tray.
TaskbarList := CreateComObject(CLSID_TaskbarList) as ITaskbarList;
// Previous code from D6 days
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
That code is ran if the user chooses the option to show the application in the system tray. It works fine on all versions of Windows I've tested on. On Windows XP, however, when I show any child form, the application instantly shows up in the taskbar. In Windows 7 all is fine.
Any ideas what I'm missing?
I should add that I know this is likely the same question as Hide the Main Form in a Delphi 2009 Application, however I already have the MainFormOnTaskBar being set, so that answer does not seem to apply.
[EDIT:] To be more specific, I'm adding additional information here. This application has two modes: Show in task bar, and show in system tray.
The first mode is the same as any normal application. The application exists only in the task bar. It minimizes to the task bar. It restores from the task bar.
The second mode behaves exactly the same, BUT that task bar icon instead exists in the system tray only. So, when a user minimizes the application, I intercept that message, grab the TRect for 'Shell_TrayWnd'/'TrayNotifyWnd', and call DrawAnimatedRects() to simulate the minimize to the tray. Then I hide the main form. On message from the system tray I draw the same animation rects in reverse, and make it visible again. While the form is visible it does not show in the task bar.
This all works perfectly fine in all Windows versions.
The specific issue I am having is that when any other form gets shown, Windows XP is creating the application icon in the task bar. Windows 7 does not do this. So if a Windows XP user only uses the application main form, no problems arise and both viewing modes work fine. If they open another window, the application icon appears, and stays there even after that window closes. Windows 7 does not do this, and the icon stays gone.
You should set
Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := True;
in your .dpr file and then never modify that setting.
Then, when you want to remove the main form from the taskbar you simply write
When you need to bring the main form out of hiding again write
And that's it.
Naturally you'll want to show and hide your notification area icon in concert with hiding and showing the main form.
The code in HideWindowFromTaskbar is not necessary and you should remove it. When you application is in MainFormOnTaskBar equals True mode, the main form is an un-owned top-level window. And so it appears on the taskbar whenever it is visible. So you can remove the main form from the taskbar simply my hiding it.
The other forms in your application will be owned top-level windows. Typically they will be owned by your main form. By virtue of being owner, they will not appear on the taskbar.
By and large you should try hard to avoid fiddling with window styles. You can usually make your application behave the way you need without doing so. What's more, if ever you have to adjust window styles, you must do it in CreateParams. That way the window style will persist when the window gets re-created. But I re-iterate, avoid modifying window styles where you can.
The key MSDN references are:
Window Features.
The Taskbar.
Here's the smallest program I can produce that proves the point:
program MainFormHiding;
Forms, StdCtrls;
MainForm, OtherForm: TForm;
Button: TButton;
TEventHandlerClass = class
class procedure ToggleMainFormVisible(Sender: TObject);
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ToggleMainFormVisible(Sender: TObject);
MainForm.Visible := not MainForm.Visible;
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TForm, MainForm);
OtherForm := TForm.Create(Application);
MainForm.Caption := 'Main Form';
OtherForm.Visible := True;
OtherForm.Caption := 'Other Form';
Button := TButton.Create(OtherForm);
Button.Caption := 'Toggle';
Button.Parent := OtherForm;
Button.OnClick := TEventHandlerClass.ToggleMainFormVisible;
In the comments you make it clear that you want to be able to hide the taskbar window without hiding the main form. In that case I suggest that you set MainFormOnTaskbar to False. That will mean that Application.Handle will be the window associated with the taskbar button. You can then hide that window to remove it from the taskbar.
You will now need to explicitly set PopupParent for any auxiliary forms. If you want those windows to be owned by the main form, then you can set it up.
Here's my example adjusted for this scenario:
program MainFormHiding;
Forms, StdCtrls, Windows;
MainForm, OtherForm: TForm;
Button: TButton;
TEventHandlerClass = class
class procedure ToggleTaskbarButton(Sender: TObject);
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ToggleTaskbarButton(Sender: TObject);
if IsWindowVisible(Application.Handle) then
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE)
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOW);
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False;
Application.CreateForm(TForm, MainForm);
OtherForm := TForm.Create(Application);
OtherForm.PopupParent := MainForm;
MainForm.Caption := 'Main Form';
Application.Title := MainForm.Caption;
OtherForm.Visible := True;
OtherForm.Caption := 'Other Form';
Button := TButton.Create(OtherForm);
Button.Caption := 'Toggle';
Button.Parent := OtherForm;
Button.OnClick := TEventHandlerClass.ToggleTaskbarButton;
Run this program and click on the toggle button. Now you will see main form and other form showing. And nothing in the taskbar. I included the toggle button to show that you can switch between your two modes of operation whilst the program is running. No need to restart it.
The key here is to make a window other than your visible forms be the window associated with the taskbar. Once you do that you can once again control taskbar presence by showing and hiding that window. In this case that window is the application window, Application.Handle. Because that's the window on the taskbar, you need to set its Title property to control its text.
I stress finally, once again, that interaction with the taskbar is best controlled with window owner and visibility. Always search for solutions using those methods rather than ITaskbarList, extended window styles etc.
Hopefully the last word on the subject. As you have noticed, the code directly above has poor behaviour when the main form is minimised. When that happens, the application window is made visible again and so appears once more in the taskbar.
I'm not so sure of myself when it comes to suppressing this behaviour. The behaviour comes about because of the code in TApplication.Minimize which shows the application handle when the main form is minimized. The best solution that I have is to convert a main form minimize into a hide.
procedure WMSysCommand(var Msg: TWMSysCommand); message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
procedure TMainForm.WMSysCommand(var Msg: TWMSysCommand);
if (Msg.CmdType and $FFF0)=SC_MINIMIZE then
Or another way would be to suppress the application window show by means of an OnMinimize event handler for TApplication.
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ApplicationMinimize(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
David's answer is correct. There were a couple minor issues with it, but I ran with it and got everything working. He posted his last update while I was figuring this out. I am posting some additional code samples here, and accepted his answer. First I assigned:
Application.OnMessage := AppMessage;
Then the procedure is as follows:
procedure TfrmAppointment.AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
// This first check decides if we are minimizing via the upper right button OR
// The context menu in the upper left hand corner of the window.
// Minimizing twice restores, so this can be a restore as well.
if ((((Msg.message = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) and (Msg.wParam = HTMINBUTTON)) or
((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and (Msg.wParam = SC_MINIMIZE))) and
(Screen.ActiveForm = Self)) then
// This function is defined as (bool, bool) where the variables are:
// Param1: Mimimizing (true), Restoring (false)
// Param2: Draw animation rectangles for doing this or not
Handled := MinimizeOrRestore(Self.WindowState <> wsMinimized, True);
else if ((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and
(Msg.wParam = SC_RESTORE) and
(Screen.ActiveForm = Self)) then
// Specifically, restore has been asked for
Handled := MinimizeOrRestore(False, True); // Minimize with animation
else if ((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and (Msg.wParam = SC_CLOSE)) then
// The user just used the system menu to close the application
ApplicationIsClosing := True; // see below for this
Then in my FormCloseQuery, I check for "ApplicationIsClosing" to be true. If it's FALSE, then I know the user hit the X, and I simply minimize the application calling the other function referenced here. If it's true, I allow the close.
Finally, MinimizeOnRestore grabs the TRect for the form itself, as well as the system tray and then executes DrawAnimatedRects. This doesn't work always on Vista or higher, but it doesn't error either. Next, it hides the main application window or makes it visible. It always returns true unless it encounters an error. Then it returns false.

During XGrabKey(board), discover which window had been focused

A program has called XGrabKey() to make a hotkey.
The user presses that key combination (while another window is focused).
The program receives control to do something in response to the key combination. Meanwhile, the program has been temporarily focused (because of the effects of XGrabKey (see man XGrabKey, man XGrabKeyboard)).
I want the program to create a synthetic X event (a keypress or mouse click) to the originally focused window. In some cases this means I need to focus that window before sending it the event (Firefox ignores synthetic events when it is not focused), which means I need to know which window it is. How can I find out which window it is?
Wait for the next FocusOut event, verify that the mode is set to NotifyUngrab, get the focus with XGetInputFocus(), and send away your synthetic events.
