Inno Setup window preview in taskbar - windows

All of the programs and opened files have a preview when you hover the mouse on their icons inside the taskbar.
But for Inno Setup made installers it seems there is no preview. Any fix or trick to solve this issue?
Though some game installers with custom design (which use Inno Setup) have a preview in the taskbar. For example:

I believe it's because the taskbar button is linked to an invisible internal window of Inno Setup and not to the visible wizard window. That also explains how it is possible that the taskbar button has a different title than the wizard window. Note that those always match for the windows, where the preview works.
Nothing you can do about it without modifying code of Inno Setup itself.
The link you have posted in not the standard Inno Setup. Note the "5.5.1*.ee2**"* in their log file. They have probably modified Inno Setup significantly. Note how, when (in Windows 10) you hover mouse over their preview window, the wizard window stays visible (and other windows blur). While with standard Inno Setup, all windows blur, including the wizard. This is because their taskbar button in linked to the wizard window. While in standard Inno Setup, it's not.

I have found a great library to solve this:!RcQkhSxI!_ZsnpdapAeoVVWEgVw2iMQ
using WinTB v2.0 you can easily turn on the preview on the Taskbar:
#include "WinTB.iss"
AppName=Wintb.dll example
DefaultDirName={pf}\Wintb.dll example
DefaultGroupName=Wintb.dll example
Source: wintb.dll; Flags: dontcopy;
procedure InitializeWizard();
without any external plugin or dll, it can be solved by this trick:
function SetWindowLong(Wnd: HWnd; Index: Integer; NewLong: Longint): Longint; external 'SetWindowLongW#user32.dll stdcall';
function GetWindowLong(Wnd: HWnd; Index: Integer): Longint; external 'GetWindowLongA#user32.dll stdcall';
Function GetWindow (HWND: Longint; uCmd: cardinal): Longint;external 'GetWindow#user32.dll stdcall';
procedure InitializeWizard();
SetWindowLong(WizardForm.Handle, -8,GetWindowLong(GetWindow(WizardForm.Handle, 4),-8));


Why I can't display some site with TWebBrowser

I use Delphi Rio (Windows Desktop App) and need to display in a TWebBrowser some webpages.
I ran into a problem with this WooCommerce site,
When I ask for this one, I can't pass the cookies dialog. I understand it's in relation with JScript and/or JQuery, but is there a way to bypass or better (some parameters of TwebBrowser) ?
[Edit] Works with Delphi 11 (Alexandria) using Edge
Found a solution, even if for my users with heterogeneous park it's not a cure-all: Embarcadero's documentation on TWebBrowser hints to edit the registry:
Supporting JavaScript Integration on Windows Platform
On Windows target platforms (WIN32 and WIN64), TWebBrowser may incorrectly display some Web pages if a Web site uses JavaScript dialog boxes, panels, and other elements for various purposes.
To work around this issue, your application should display Web pages in the IE11 edge mode using the FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION feature of Internet Explorer.
Open the Registry Editor.
Open the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Set the name of this new entry to your executable file name, such as MyApps.exe.
Select the newly created entry, and on the Edit menu, click Modify.
In the Edit dialog box that opens, do the following:
In the Value data text box, enter 11011
Under Base, select Decimal
Click OK to save your changes
You can also cause your application to make the above described changes when the application starts. For example, in your project, the FormCreate event handler can call the following TForm1.SetPermissions method:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.SetPermissions;
cHomePath = 'SOFTWARE';
cFeatureBrowserEmulation =
'Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION\';
cIE11 = 11001;
Reg: TRegIniFile;
sKey: string;
sKey := ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0));
Reg := TRegIniFile.Create(cHomePath);
if Reg.OpenKey(cFeatureBrowserEmulation, True) and
not(TRegistry(Reg).KeyExists(sKey) and (TRegistry(Reg).ReadInteger(sKey)
= cIE11)) then
TRegistry(Reg).WriteInteger(sKey, cIE11);
Note: You should make these appropriate changes to the registry before starting the application. After you start your application for the first time, close it, and then start again.

Replace or customize modal uninstallation windows in Inno Setup

Is it possible to replace next uninstalling modal windows with custom modal windows or pages in Inno Setup:
Both messages are shown always, except for silent (or very silent) uninstallations.
What you can do:
Change message texts:
ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to completely remove %1 and all of its components?
UninstalledAll=%1 was successfully removed from your computer.
UninstalledMost=%1 uninstall complete.%n%nSome elements could not be removed. These can be removed manually.
UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=To complete the uninstallation of %1, your computer must be restarted.%n%nWould you like to restart now?
Get rid of the messages by making the uninstaller run silently always by adding the /SILENT command-line switch to the UninstallString registry key. See also Can I disable uninstall confirmation message?
Though this is bit of a hack, and you better do it only, if you have a good reason.
And optionally implementing your custom messages/dialogs by implementing InitializeUninstall and CurUninstallStepChanged(usDone), like:
procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);
DoneForm: TSetupForm;
if CurUninstallStep = usDone then
DoneForm := CreateCustomForm;
{ populate the form here... }
Another way to get rid of the message, when the uninstallation completes, is to handle usPostUninstall event and display your custom dialog box there. And forcefully abort the installer afterwards. But then the automatic restart of Windows, in case it's needed to complete the uninstallation, won't work.
You can also implement some DLL that watches for new message boxes and updates/submits them as they appear.
If you want to create custom pages in Uninstaller then No.
Uninstaller does NOT support creating custom pages.

Error when double-clicking TButton in FMX form application at design-time

In Delphi XE8 (Update 1), choose File > New > Multi-Device Application - Delphi > Blank Application.
Then put a TButton on the form.
Then double-click the button. This will automatically create the empty Click event-handler declaration and implementation (like with VCL form application projects):
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
However, it will also display an error message:
So why is this error message displayed? Is this a bug in the IDE? What can I do to prevent this error?

Suppress Windows dialog in ShellLink Resolve with missing target in ShellLink?

In Delphi XE7, I want to use the following code to replace the link target of a shell link file (.lnk):
procedure ShellLinkReplaceLinkTarget(const AShellLinkFile, ANewTarget: string);
ThisShellLink: JclShell.TShellLink;
if (JclShell.ShellLinkResolve(AShellLinkFile, ThisShellLink) = S_OK) then // Windows error dialog
ThisShellLink.Target := ANewTarget;
JclShell.ShellLinkCreate(ThisShellLink, AShellLinkFile);
else CodeSite.Send('ShellLinkResolve Failed!');
However, when the link target does not exist anymore, then at ShellLinkResolve the well known Link problem Windows error dialog comes up telling that the link target has been deleted etc. Here is the dialog in German:
So how can I suppress this dialog? Because the program needs to replace the missing link target with another one, not Windows.
Windows 7 x64 SP1
BTW: When I click on the Restore button (the leftmost button in the above dialog screenshot), then the missing target is restored from the waste basket - but the dialog is NOT being closed after the successful restore or at least the Restore button disabled after the restore. An example of bad UI design by Microsoft.
Try the following code:
if (JclShell.ShellLinkResolve(AShellLinkFile, ThisShellLink,

Delphi Firemonkey does not display fonts correctly

I'm building cross-platform desktop app with additional font (Abilene). On startup I check is the font installed and if it is not, I install it and use it. For Mac everything seems to be fine, but Windows version (and the IDE!!) does not display the font correctly. Here is the font installation procedure:
procedure InstallFont;
REG_NT = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts';
Reg: TRegistry;
res: Boolean;
installName,FileName: UnicodeString;
Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
res := Reg.OpenKey(REG_NT, False);
if not Res then Exit;
installName := 'Abilene Regular (TrueType)';
Reg.WriteString(installName, FileName);
After installing the font it is displayed as shortcut in the Control panel, but all other programs can use it. Even Delphi can, but with VCL, not FMX applications (see attached pictures). I've attached pictures from the IDE. In the runtime it's the same.
Is there anything that must be done additionally for the font installation especially for FMX apps? Or this is just a bug which must be reported to Embarcaderro QC?
Edit: Adding some details: If I install the font by downloading it, clicking with the right mouse button and choose 'Install' then everything is OK. If I install it by my proc then the font is visible and usable for the whole world except the Delphi FMX. Delphi VCL can use it also. To test this I install ed the font with my proc in my %APPDATA% folder. Word, Excel, Delphi VCL can use it. Delphi FMX cannot.
Edit2: Added SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE,0,0). No change.
Edit3: In the Font dialog the font is displayed correctly (image 3)
Obviously this is some sort of bug, because I've found a workaround: if I first copy the font to %windir%\Fonts folder then everything is OK. Even if I made a subfolder of the \windows\fonts folder and copy the font in it everything is fine also.
Why Firemonkey does not want to display fonts outside that folder I have no idea. And, as I said, this is for Windows only. Mac OS is OK (I use ~/Library/Fonts).
