Will Spring Data's save() method update an entity in the database if there are no changes in the entity? - spring

When editing a form, the user may sometimes not change the form and still click the submit button. In one of the controller methods below, will the save() method perform a query to the database and update the fields even if the user didn't change anything?
public String update_entry(
#PathVariable("entryId") Long entryId,
#RequestParam String title,
#RequestParam String text
) {
Entry entry = this.entryRepo.findById(entryId).get();
if (!entry.getTitle().equals(title))
if (!entry.getText().equals(text))
return "redirect:/entries";
And also, are the "if" statements necessary in this case?

What exactly happens during a call to save(…) depends on the underling persistence technology. Fundamentally there a re two categories of implementations:
Implementations that actively manage entities. Examples of this are JPA and Neo4j. Those implementations keep track of the entities returned from the store and thus are able to detect changes in the first place. You pay for this with additional complexity as the entities are usually instrumented in some way and the change detection of course also takes time even if it ends up not detecting any changes. On the upside though the only trigger updates if needed.
Implementations that do not actively manage entities. Examples are JDBC and MongoDB. Those implementations do not keep track of entities loaded from the data store and thus do not instrument them. That also means that there is no way of detecting changes as all the implementation sees is an entity instance without any further context.
In your concrete example, a MongoDB implementation would still issue an update while JPA will not issue an update at all if the request params do not contain differing values.


How to correctly use Spring Data Repository#save()?

In Spring Data Repository interfaces, the following operation is defined:
public T save(T entity);
... and the documentation states that the application should continue working with the returned entity.
I know about the reasoning behind this decision, and it makes sense. I can also see that this works perfectly fine for simple models with independent entities. But given a more complex JPA model with lots of #OneToMany and #ManyToMany connections, the following question arises:
How is the application supposed to use the returned object, when all the rest of the loaded model still references the old one that was passed into save(...)? Also, there might be collections in the application that still contain the old entity. The JVM does not allow to globally "swap" the unsaved entity with the saved one.
So what is the correct usage pattern? Any best practices? I only encountered toy examples so far that do not use #OneToMany or #ManyToMany and thus don't run into this issue. I'm sure that a lot of smart people thought long and hard about this, but I can't see how to use this properly.
This is covered in section of the JPA specification that describes how merge should work. In a nutshell, if the instance being saved is managed (existing), it is simply saved in-place. If not, it is copied to a managed instance (which may not necessarily be a different object since the spec does not mandate that a new instance must be created in this case) and all references from the instance being saved to other managed entities are also updated to refer to the managed instance. This of course requires that the relationships have been correctly defined from the entity being saved.
Indeed, this does not cover the case of storing an entity instance in an unmanaged collection (such as a static collection). That is anyways not advisable because a persisted entity must always be loaded through the persistence provider mechanism (who knows the entity instance may have changed in the persistent store).
Since I have been using JPA for the past many years and have never faced problems, I am confident that the section I have referenced above works well in all scenarios (subject to the JPA provider implementing it as intended). You should try some of the cases that worry you and post separate questions if you run into problems.

Problems with Spring Forms and Validation

I am newer to Spring, previously I've worked in PHP and Python. I am having some issues understanding how Spring forms work and are validated. My understanding thus far is that when you are using the your form is backed by a bean, meaning you must provide a bean to the JSP. You can also use the stand HTML forms but then you have to manually retrieve the request parameters in the controller.
Here is the issue I am having. I have a User bean that is using Hibernate Validator, and I have add, edit pages for users. The issue is I don't want the password field to appear on the Edit page, the password is going to be garbage anyway because its using BCrypt. However when the form is submitted validation fails because it expects the password to be present. There doesn't seem to be anyway to do partial bean implementation using Spring Form.
I would like to use Spring Form if possible because it reduces repetitive validation code, and its always nice to work with objects. My thoughts now are do I create an intermediate object and then translate the data from that to my bean. Seems tedious and can lead to the creation of way to many objects. My other thought is to just using plain old HTML forms and pull the params myself and set the values in the object.
I'm not sure what is the best approach or if I'm even thinking on the right track. Spring Forms and the validation is offers seems great, but seems like it isn't particularly flexible. Like I said I'm new to Spring so I may just be missing something or not understanding.
Another issue I have been wrestling with is having multiple objects needed on a form. Lets say I have a User bean, which has the following Properties.
private Role role;
private Country country;
So I need to pass User, List, and List to my JSP. I can get them to display fine, however if the form validation fails when it returns to that page, I lose my role and country objects, unless I re-add them to the model before returning the view name. Am I missing something here or is that the norm. It's a request object so I guess that makes sense but seems tedious to have to re-add them every time.
My understanding thus far is that when you are using the your form is
backed by a bean, meaning you must provide a bean to the JSP.
I'd say mostly true. The form is backed by a bean, but the Spring JSTL tags know how to get to the bean based on the set modelAttribute. The bean is living in what you would consider "page" scope, unless you add set your model attribute to be in session. Either way, if you are using the Spring JSTL tags, they are going to one or the other place to get it.
You can also use the stand HTML forms but then you have to manually
retrieve the request parameters in the controller.
Not true. You can "simulate" the same thing that the Spring JSTL tags are doing. Understand that JSTL tags are very much like macros. They are simply copying in some pre-determined block of code into the output with some very rudimentary conditional statements. The key bit that Spring MVC needs to wire the Model Attribute on the Controller side is the name and value, which are easy to decipher how those get generated/wired together.
However when the form is submitted validation fails because it expects
the password to be present.
You could create a "DTO" or "Data Transmission Object", which is basically a go-between to take the values from the UI and are converted in the Controller/Service layer to the real Model objects on the backend. Or, if you are lazy like me, put the User in session scope, in which case you don't have to post the value as Spring will take the one out of session and just updated the one or two fields you did post. Don't post the password, Spring wont set the password.
My thoughts now are do I create an intermediate object and then
translate the data from that to my bean.
Yes, this is the DTO I referred to. You only need to do it where you need to.
I'm not sure what is the best approach or if I'm even thinking on the
right track.
There are probably thousands of ways to do anything in coding, some more right or wrong than others. I know some developers who are design-Nazi's and would say you should always do it one way or another, but I am not one of those people. I think as long as you are consistent, and you are not doing something completely boneheaded you are on the right track. My #1 concern with all the code I write is maintainability. I
Don't want to spend 20hrs trying to re-learn what I did 6mo ago, so I tend to choose the simpler option
Hate repeating code, so I tend to choose more module designs
Hate having to spend 20hrs trying to re-learn what I did 6mo ago, so tend to make heavy use of JavaDoc and comments where I find the code is tricky (lots of loops, doing something weird, etc)
Another issue I have been wrestling with is having multiple objects
needed on a form.
There are several ways to deal with this too. I have never used it, but you CAN actually have more than one Model Attribute associated with the same form and Controller handler. I think you use a <spring:bind> tag or something. I have seen samples around, so Google it if you think you need that.
My approach is usually to either put something in session or build a DTO to hold all the things I need. The first I use more for things like lists to drive building the view, for instance if I have a drop down of States coming from a table. I would have a List of the States put into session and just use them from there, that way I only go after them once and done.
I use the DTO approach (some might call it a Form Bean) when I have a complex gaggle of things I need to change all at once, but the things are not necessarily connected directly. Just to point out: You can have nested objects in your model attributes and use them in your Spring JSTL tags. You can also have Collections (List, Set, Map) in your Model Attribute and get to those as well, although Spring doesn't handle nested Collections very well.
Hope that helps.

Entity Framework in detached mode with MVC application

I have started working out with Entity Framework (EF) for an MVC n-tier application. It would seem that very obvious that this being a web application (which is stateless), I would have to use detached object models. There is no ambiguity with doing an Add operation. However when doing an edit there are here are two ways
Fetch the original object in context, attach the updated object and
then save to database. Something like mentioned in answer to this
EF4 Context.ApplyCurrentValues does not update current values
Set individual modified properties explicitly using the IsModified property of individual fields of the object like
mentioned in this article
Method 1 has disadvantage of having to load object into memory from database each time an update needs to be performed.
Method 2 would require having to manually pass which fields to be set as IsModified to true from wherever the object an be updated. So for e.g. for each object, I may need to create a boolean collection object for each field of the object.
SaveEntity(EntityClass e, EntityStateClass ec)
context.Entry(e).Property("Name").IsModified = ec.NameState;
class EntityStateClass{ public bool NameState;}
I would prefer method 2 simply for the sake of performance but I am hindered by the n-tier architecture and repository pattern I am using. My Repository interface restricts save method for any object to be
SaveEntity(EntityClass e);
So I cannot pass the "state" object. Context class is not available and should not be available outside DAL. So I cannot set property outside. Is there any "proper" way to achieve this ?
Note: Self-Tracking Entity is also out of question since I cannot send entities with state to client (the browser) since I am intent on keeping the html lightweight.
EDIT: After a lot of thinking, I am trying to use following mechanism to keep track of modified state for each field in my domain class
Declare a partial class for entity class.
For each field that is updateable, declare a boolean property like "IsModified_FieldName"
Set the "IsModified_FieldName" property when the field is set.
However for this I need Entity Framework to generate explicit properties for me instead of implicit properties that it auto-generates. Does EF provide an handle to do this ?
Here is sample code of what I am trying to achieve
//Save Method for class EntityClass.
SaveEntity(EntityClass e)
context.Entry(e).Property("Name").IsModified = e.IsModified_Name;
//EntityClass is class autogenerated by EF
public partial class EntityClass
//This is auto-generated property by EF
public string Name {get; set;}
/* This is what I would like EF to do
private string name;
public string Name
get {return Name;}
set {
name = value;
//this is what I would like to do
this.IsModified_Name = true;
//This is another partial definition for EntityClass that I will provide
public partial class EntityClass
//This property will be set to true if "Name" is set
public bool IsModified_Name {get; set;}
PS: It seems the information I have provided is not sufficient and therefore there are no responses.
I am using DbContext (Database first model)
EF auto-generates the class files for me. So each time I update my database, the class files are regenerated.
To your concrete question: The entities are generated by a T4 template and it should be possible to modify this template (which is in text format) to generate the entities in a way you want to shape them.
But I have a few remarks about your concept:
In a web application data are usually changed by a user in a browser. To have a definite knowledge what really has been changed you need to track the changes in the browser (probably by some Javascript that sets flags in the data (a ViewModel for example) when a user edits a text box for instance).
If you don't track the changes in the browser what happens? The data get posted back to the server and you don't know at the server side (with MVC in a controller) which property has been changed. So, your only chance is to map all properties that has been posted back to your EntityClass and every property will be marked as Modified, no matter if the user really did a change or not. When you later call SaveChanges EF will write an UPDATE statement that involves all those properties and you have an unnecessary overhead that you you want to avoid.
So, what did you win by setting individual properties instead of setting the whole entity's state to Modified? In both cases you have marked all properties as Modified. Exceptions are partial changes of an entity, for example: You have a Customer entity that has a Name and City property and a view that only allows to edit the Name but not the City and a corresponding ViewModel that only contains a Name property. In this case your procedure would only mark the Name property of the Customer entity as Modified but not the City. You might save here a little bit because you don't save the City property value to the database. But you still save the Name even if it didn't change.
If you use solution 1 (ApplyCurrentValues) you have to load the entity first from the database, yes, but it would only mark the properties as Modified that really changed compared to their values in the database. If the user didn't change anything no UPDATE would be written at all.
Keep in mind that you are only at the beginning to implement your concept. There are other changes to the data that can happen in the browser than only scalar property changes, namely relationship changes. For example a user changes the relationship from an Order to a Customer or you have a view that has an Order and a collection of OrderItems and the user cannot only edit the Order header but also edit the OrderItems and remove and add new OrderItems. How do you want to recognize when the data come back from the browser to the server which collection item has been added and which has been removed - unless you track all those changes in the browser and send tracking information back to the server in addition to the actual data or unless you reload the Order and OrderItems from the database and merge the changes into the original entities from the database?
Personally I would vote for option 1 for these reasons:
You can use real POCOs that don't carry additional tracking information. (BTW: I have some doubt if you aren't reinventing the wheel by implementing your own tracking that EF change tracking proxies provide out of the box.)
You don't need to track changes in the browser which can become quite complex and will require Javascript in every Edit view to write change flags into hidden form fields or something.
You can use standard features of EF without having to implement your own tracking.
You are required to load entities from the database when you want to update an entity, that's true. But is this the real performance bottleneck in a web application where data have to run through the wire back and forth (and reflection (which isn't really known as to be fast) is involved by the model binder)? I have nothing said if your database is remote from the web server and connected by a 9600 baud modem. But otherwise, your plan is not only premature optimization, it is kind of premature architecture. You are starting to build a potentially complex architecture based on "it could be slow" to solve a performance problem that you actually don't know of whether it really exists.

Is Context.SaveChanges called automatically when an entity that is being tracked changes?

If an entities properties have changed in a controller action and Update/SaveChanges is not called, will that entity be updated automatically?
I am using EF 4.1 with a repository pattern. I handle all CRUD operations in my EfRepository class like this:
public void Update(T entity)
catch{//do stuff}
In my application I have an ajax/ActionResult call that gets an entity from the db, performs some basic calculations, and returns a JSON object. To make a long story short I discovered a bug in a static helper I was using in my ActionResult that was changing a property value on my entity and not the JSON-model I was returning.
My action method has no Update methods yet my entity was being updated every time I called this action. Using Sql Profiler I confirmed an update statement that was tailored to update my entity and the one(1) property my buggy static method was changing.
I placed a break point at my Update method in my repository class and even though my entity was being updated by EF, MY Update method was never called. The summary for the interface method 'Find' (which is what I use) in IDbSet says,
Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with
the given primary key values exists in the context, then it is
returned immediately without making a request to the store. Otherwise,
a request is made to the store for an entity with the given primary
key values and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and
returned. If no entity is found in the context or the store, then null
is returned.
There are some real good example here as well.
I think given my entity was attached, the short answer to my question is 'YES'. But being somewhat new to EF I found this to be a very difficult bug to figure out as it still appears there some things going on under the covers that I could not track down. I hesitated in posting this as a question but thought someone more knowledgeable could expand on my assumed answer of YES and at the bare minimum help someone else who runs across this.
If an entities properties have changed in a controller action and
Update/SaveChanges is not called, will that entity be updated
No, ef will only propagate your changes to the database on a SaveChanges call. Save only happens manually (IE you have to explicitly call SaveChanges).
What is really important to understand though is that SaveChanges saves all current modifications to the context. This means if you are sharing a context your changes will be saved when anyone (not just you) calls SaveChanges.

Fetch annotation in SDG 2.0, fetching strategy questions

Hi all patient developers using spring data graph. Since there is so less documentation and pretty poor test coverage it is sometimes very difficult to understand what is the expected behavior of the underlying framework how the framework is supposed to work. Currently i have some questions related to new fetching approach introduced in SDG 1.1. As opposite to SDG 1.1 write\read through in 2.0 only relations and related object annotated with #Fetch annotation are eagerly fetched others are supposed to be fetched lazily .. and now my first question:
Is it possible to configure SDG so that if the loading of entity and
invoking getter on lazy relation takes place in the same transaction,
requested collection is fetch automatically? Kind of Persistence
Context in transaction scope, or maybe it is planned for the feature
How can I fetch lazy collection at once for #RelatedTo annotation ? fetch() method on from Neo4jOperation allows to fetch only one entity. Do i have to iterate through whole list and fetch entity for each object? What would be the best way to check if given object is already fetched / initialized or not?
As suggestion i think it would be more intuitive if there will be kind of lazy loading exception thrown instead of getting NPE when working with not initialized objects. Moreover the behavior is misleading since when object is not initialized and all member properties are null apart from id, equals method can provide true for different objects which has not been initialized, which is quite serious issues considering for example appliance of sets
Another issue which i noticed when working with SDG 2.0.0.RC1 is following: when i add new object to not fetched collection sometimes is properly added and persisted,however sometimes is not. I wrote test for this case and it works in non deterministic way. Sometimes it fails sometimes end with success. Here is the use case:
Group groupFromDb = neoTemplate.findOne(group.getId(), Group.class);
assertEquals("Number of members must be equals to 1", 1, groupFromDb.getMembers().size());
User secondMember = UserMappingTest.createUser("secondMember");
Group groupAfterChange = neoTemplate.findOne(groupFromDb.getId(), Group.class);
assertEquals("Number of members must be equals to saved entity", groupFromDb.getMembers().size(), groupAfterChange.getMembers().size());
assertEquals("Number of members must be equals to 2", 2, groupAfterChange.getMembers().size());
This test fails sometimes on the last assert, which would mean that sometimes member is added to the set and sometimes not. I guess that the problem lies somewhere in the ManagedFieldAccessorSet, but it is difficult to say since this is non deterministic. I run the test with mvn2 and mvn3 with java 1.6_22 and 1.6_27 and i got always the same result: sometimes is Ok sometimes test fails. Implementation of User equals seems as follows:
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if ( !(other instanceof User) ) {
return false;
User castOther = (User) other;
if(castOther.getId() == this.getId()) {
return true;
return new EqualsBuilder().append(username, castOther.username).isEquals();
- I find it also a bit problematic that for objects annotated with #Fetch java HashSet is used which is serializable, while using for lazy loaded fields ManagedFieldAccessorSet is used which is not serializable and causes not serializable exception.
Any help or advice are welcome. Thanks in advance!
I put together a quick code sample showing how to use the fetch() technique Michael describes:
The simple mapping approach was only added to Spring Data Neo4j 2.0, so it is not as mature as the advanced AspectJ mapping. We're currently working on documenting it more extensively.
The lazy loading option was also added lately. So your feedback is very welcome.
Right now SDN doesn't employ a proxy approach for the lazily loaded objects. So the automatic "fetch on access" is not (yet) supported. That's why also no exception is thrown when accessing non-loaded fields and there is no means of "discovering" if an entity was not fully loaded.
In the current snapshot there is the template.fetch() operation to fully load lazy loaded objects and collections.
We'll look into the HashSet vs. ManagedSet issue, it is correct that this is not a good solution.
For the test-case. is the getId() returning a Long object or a long primitive? It might be sensible to use getId().equals(castOther.getId()) here as reference equality is not guaranteed for Number objects.
