In SwiftUI the standard alert has the following actions:
public struct Alert {
/// Creates an alert with one button.
public init(title: Text, message: Text? = nil, dismissButton: Alert.Button? = nil)
/// Creates an alert with two buttons.
/// The system determines the visual ordering of the buttons.
public init(title: Text, message: Text? = nil, primaryButton: Alert.Button, secondaryButton: Alert.Button)
Is there a way to write an extension for this alert that would allow me to add an image between the title, and the message, so I can use it like this:
Alert(title: "Title", image: "image.png", message: "message text", dismissButton: Alert.Button)
Or would I have to create my own AlertController for this?
I'm trying several ways to implement image dragging (from my app to other apps) in macOS but none of them is working.
The image is a Data() object, which was taken from the clipboard, not an URL.
My code:
.onDrag {
return NSItemProvider(object: NSImage(data: self.item.value) ?? NSImage())
It says
Argument type 'NSImage' does not conform to expected type
I tried with text and it's working. But can't find a way to drag an image.
The following works as Drag&Drop from testing SwiftUI app to TextEdit. Testing image image is stored in Assets.xcassets
.onDrag {
NSItemProvider(item: NSImage(named: "image")?.tiffRepresentation as NSSecureCoding?,
typeIdentifier: kUTTypeTIFF as String)
i have a simple chat view that contain table view, text field and a send button
i'm using IQKeyboardManager to handle keyboard appearance but the unexpected behavior is that when i click on send button the keyboard disappear that behavior don't happen on chat apps like whatsApp the keyboard remain appear'
how to handle this behavior to be like whatsApp
Update : here is the send button code
#IBAction func sendPressed(_ sender: AnyObject) {
//TODO: Send the message to Firebase and save it in our database
if (messageTextfield.text?.isEmpty)!{
showAlert(alertTitle: "", alertMessage: "can't send empty Message", actionTiltle: "Ok")
let messageDB=Database.database().reference().child("Messages")
let dictionary:[String:String]=["Sender":(Auth.auth().currentUser?.email)!,"MessageBody":messageTextfield.text!]
The issue is with isEnable property used isUserInteration property instead of that
#IBAction func sendPressed(_ sender: AnyObject) {
//TODO: Send the message to Firebase and save it in our database
if (messageTextfield.text?.isEmpty)!{
showAlert(alertTitle: "", alertMessage: "can't send empty Message", actionTiltle: "Ok")
let messageDB=Database.database().reference().child("Messages")
let dictionary:[String:String]=["Sender":(Auth.auth().currentUser?.email)!,"MessageBody":messageTextfield.text!]
I am developing mobile application using Xamarin.Forms. I have requirement of getting input in the dialog box. So, i have used UIAlertView for getting text input as like below.
I need to prevent an UIAlertView from closing on button click. I need to retain the UIAlertView dialog box even after the action initiated.
Can anyone please help me on this?
You could create a custom UIView for this using a Xib file, however if you have no objection to the dialog closing and reopening should it encounter a validation issue then the following would work fine.
EDIT: Adjusted to allow you to pass back the validation message, as the primary message on the UIAlertView.
private string message = string.Empty();
public void recursiveDialog()
string input = string.Empty();
if(message == string.Empty()) { message = "Please enter the view name"}
var alert = UIAlertController.Create ("Save View", message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
alert.AddTextField ((field) => {
field.Placeholder = "view name";});
alert.AddAction (UIAlertAction.Create ("Cancel", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, null));
alert.AddAction (UIAlertAction.Create ("Save", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, action => {
input = alert.TextFields[0].Text
if (alert.PopoverPresentationController != null)
alert.PopoverPresentationController.BarButtonItem = myItem;
PresentViewController (alert, animated: true,
action => {
// when a dialog is selected and returns, run validation
if(input == [whatever you want to use to validate it against])
// it failed because it already exists for example so change our message
message = "That view name already exists, try again.";
// already exists, so re-run method.
// doesn't alread exist so carry on with whatever you want to do with the name provided.
// clear your message variable
message = string.Empty();
My document-based cocoa app has a shared inspector window whose contents change depending on which document is active.
The inspector window controller is a shared singleton, instantiated form its storyboard on demand.
The document class simply creates its main window from a storyboard, and becomes the window's delegate:
class Document: NSDocument {
override func makeWindowControllers() {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
guard let windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "Document Window Controller") as? NSWindowController else {
fatalError("Storyboard Inconsistency!")
windowController.window?.delegate = self
Whenever a document's main window becomes active, it adds the inspector's window controller to its own:
extension Document: NSWindowDelegate {
func windowDidBecomeMain(_ notification: Notification) {
(this also updates the window controller's document property)
In anticipation to the case where the last document is closed, I also added:
func windowWillClose(_ notification: Notification) {
(This is only needed for the last document, since otherwise the new active document takes over and the window controller is automatically removed from the closing document once it is added to the newly activated document)
The Inspector itself overrides the property document and the method windowTitle(forDocumentDisplayName:), in order to keep up with the active document:
class InspectorWindowController
override var document: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// (Update view controller's contents)
override func windowTitle(forDocumentDisplayName displayName: String) -> String {
if document == nil {
return "Inspector - No Active Document"
} else {
return "Inspector - \(displayName)"
The problem is, when I close the last open document window, the inspector's window title stays at the (custom) title set for the last document. That is, when the inspector window controller's document property is set to nil, windowTitle(forDocumentDisplayName:) is not called.
Even calling synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName() does not help, since the docs clearly mention that:
Does nothing if the window controller has no associated document or
loaded window. This method queries the window controller’s document to
get the document’s display name and full filename path, then calls
windowTitle(forDocumentDisplayName:) to get the display name to show
in the window title.
(emphasis mine)
I can reset the Inspector's content to the "No document" state; How can I do the same for the window title?
OK, I found the (silly and obvious) answer:
override var document: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// (Update view controller's contents, etc...)
if document == nil {
self.window?.title = "Inspector - No Active Document"
I'm not sure if this is the correct way of dealing with it, but it does get the job done.
I will accept any better answer though.
Xcode 6.1.1 - I have written small apps with a button. I have written IBAction method showMessage() in ViewController.swift. When I was trying to connect button and view controller. The View Controller icon in storyboard didn't show the "Sent Event"---> showMessage method.
#IBAction func showMessage() {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Welcome to My First App", message: "Hello World", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler: nil))
self.presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Your method is fine. When I tried it, it worked and showMessage did show up under Sent Events. As #Daniel Nagy alluded to in the comments, you should make sure you set your class correctly in the Storyboard.
Click on the ViewController icon at the top of your View Controller.
In the Identity Inspector on the right, set the Class to the Class of your View Controller.
Thanks. I have noticed that the Module field is empty. It is not filled with my project name such as Current - HelloWorld