Why is Heroku raising this unusual error? - heroku

I made a Reaction Role Bot (Discord.py) a week ago, and when I'm hosting the Bot on my own PC everything is working perfectly fine. But when I#m pushing the File in Heroku and try to run it there, there are many Errors like this: https://gyazo.com/d40c7051aa7037a31101d51443314c90
I really don't know why there is an Error, because i changed absolutely nothing on the File.
Is there someone who maybe know why this happens and how i can get rid of this error?

It is likely Heroku pulled discord.py 1.5, and you are running an older version on your local machine. v1.5 introduced support for gateway intents, see this page on how to update your bot code to work with them.


Vercel Deployment with BE & Database Still in Heroku

My organization is currently trying to move away from Heroku and we just migrated our React.js app to Nextjs. Originally I had considered going with AWS but Vercel seems to have a lot of benefits that would help us in the long term.
Currently our Laravel backend is still hosted in Heroku with a Postgres database. When I try to deploy, it appears that I cannot make a GET call.
This Next.js code works as expected on a Heroku dyno, but not when I attempt to deploy to Vercel.
Are there any gotchas, or considerations I should be aware of? Has anyone else ran into this issue?
Figured out what it was. Hope this helps somebody else! We had the .next build in our .gitignore folder because we had to switch back and forth between a legacy project and the .next folder caused some big issues. We just removed it and everything is building as expected. Still curious as to why it worked in Heroku and not Vercel though.

Azure Pipelines App Slack notification not working

I hope somebody can help me with this issue.
I recently moved my azure pipeline approval release process from slack web hook to Azure pipeline App for slack, because I found that having the approve and reject button directly in slack chat was something really nice to have to make approvals easier.
This is the process I follow:
Install Azure pipeline App in slack workspace
Create a private channel and /invite #azpipelines
I signed in /azpipelines signing
Once those steps has been completed, I started to subscribe my release pipelines selecting the stages I was interesting in. Everything worked just fine for a couple of days, I was receiving the notifications and I was able to approve and reject them without any problem, which is great, but today, out of nowhere I realised that I was receiving the emails from azpipelines that a release has been issued but no notification in channel.
The documentation about azure pipeline is really poor and I have no idea what is going wrong with the configuration.
Did this happen to anyone before and can direct me on the right path of what could be the issue behind it?
Thank you very much for any help you can provide
Sometimes, I also could encounter the similar problems.
And many times, I can fix the issue via the following ways:
Unsubscribe and re-subscribe the notifications.
Log out and then log in again.
Uninstall and re-install the Azure Pipelines App.
May be you also can try this steps to see if the issue can be resolved.

How to stop Heroku CLI automatically logging me out?

After running heroku login on my work account, and putting work away for the weekend, each Monday I am told that I must log in again when running heroku commands.
This doesn't seem to happen for anybody else at the office, and nobody knows quite how or why. The Heroku documentation doesn't appear to be very helpful on the matter.
Does anybody know how I can stay logged in until I explicitly type heroku logout?

Heroku app not available via https but is available over http

Last night after I pushed my latest release to the heroku git master branch the site was available via the https://appname.herokuapp.com address. This morning when I made one small change to a CSS file and pushed it again I discovered that the site is not available over https but is available over http (and everything looks right). I can't believe that a simple change to a static file could cause this. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm using the free account (planning to upgrade to hobby soon) so I can't get Heroku support. Is this just a temporary outage on their part or do I need to fix something? Thanks!
OK, this turned out to be a local issue with the computer I was using that cleared up as suddenly as it had appeared. Thanks for the comments and I now have logging to boot!

Error in deploying code on heroku

I have a java script code in git hub and I was deploying it many many times on heroku during the last month and I had no problem.Today, when I wanted to deploy the exact same code on heroku, I've got the following error:
The requested API endpoint was not found. Are you using the right HTTP verb (i.e. `GET` vs. `POST`), and did you specify your intended version with the `Accept` header?
Does anybody know why I encountered this error and what should I do to solve it?
I'm having the exact same error since today, even though I've been able to deploy my java app before.
There might be something wrong on heroku's end.
I made a ticket and I'll try to update you on the answer.
I had the same problem and when I was looking for to create a ticket I found this support notification about this issue now, it's an internal error in Heroku.
Check this link
We are investigating reports of increased API errors. This affects a number of actions on the platform, including deploys, for users without a credit card associated with their account. We will update here shortly.
