Fitting a curve - curve-fitting

I hope this is the right place to ask this question.
I have a curve that I'd like to fit, but I don't know exactly what kind of fitting would be appropriate.
The curve is the following:
y is converging towards 1 when x grows to infinity.
I tried something like f : x -> 1-k*exp(-l*x) but the result is far from convincing.
I have no clue where to start here, anyone has an idea?
Here are the data used to build the above figure. it takes me 1.5 minutes to compute one point of my function.
x = [0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2 , 0.24, 0.28, 0.32, 0.36, 0.4 ]
y = [0.71368682, 0.79734766, 0.83832184, 0.86394632, 0.8818312 ,
0.89515722, 0.90553446, 0.91387899, 0.92075551, 0.92653329]
Thanks a lot!

What make you assume that " y is converging towards 1 when x grows to infinity" ?
This doesn't match to the data. Or the data is in a too small range far from large x. Or the kind of function thay you choose might be not convenient.
For example assuming another exponential function :
Using the regression method shown pages 16-17 in : the numerical calculus and result is :
If the limit at x infinit is definitively 1 you should look for another kind of function. Without clue from the origin of data one have to proceed by trial and error.


Using Matlab function `trisurf` to display results

I've obtained a solution, u from Gauss-Siedel (solving 2D Poisson's equation), and I want to plot it using trisurf. I can't, however, seem to understand how trisurf works (I have tried playing around with it, but with no luck). I've also taken a look at the Matlab documentation, but I don't understand what peaks is. Currently, I have something like this (but it doesn't work):
ss = a:h:b; %subspace
[X,Y] = meshgrid(ss,ss);
tri = delaunay(X,Y);
Z = peaks(ss);
Where I plug in the solution values (the vector u)? And what types of values does peaks have to take in this context?
a = lower bound
b = upper bound
h = step size
u = solution
from Gauss-Siedel. Its size depends on the number of points I
evaluate on the mesh. The solution should converge as I It's obtained from running i many iterations.
First off, let me give you my output from whos
triangle_obj 1x1 540 TriScatteredInterp
u 15x1 120 double
X 15x1 120 double
Y 15x1 120 double
Try the approach below. I think you might find that this works for you (assuming that none of your points are collinear). You might have been confused because of the [X, Y] argument confusion in TriScatteredInterp.
triangle_obj = TriScatteredInterp([X, Y], u);
trisurf(triangle_obj, X, Y, u);

What do the elements in a homography matrix mean?

I'm new to image processing, but I'm using EMGU for C# image analysis. However, I know the homography matrix isn't unique to EMGU, and so perhaps someone with knowledge of another language can explain better.
Please (in as simplified as can be) can someone explain what each element does. I've looked this up online but can't find an answer that I can properly understand (as I said, I'm kinda new to all this!)
I analyse 2 images, both 2 dimensional. Therefore a 3x3 matrix is needed to account for the rotation / translation of the image. If no movement is detected, the homography matrix is:
I know from research (eg OpenCV Homography, Transform a point, what is this code doing?) that:
The 10,01 bit is the rotation of the x and y coordinates. The Tx and Ty bits are the translational movement, but what is the XXX bit? This is what I don't understand? Is it something to do with affine transformations? Please can someone explain:
1. If I'm currently right in what I say above.
2. what the XXX bit means
It's not that difficult to understand if you have a grasp of matrix multiplication. Assume you point x is
and you want to rotate the coordinate system by A:
/3 4\
\5 6/
and and "move it" it by t
The latter matrices are the components of the affine transformation to get the new point y:
y = A*x + t = <a'; b'>T //(T means transposed).
As you know, to get that, one can construct a 3d matrix B and a vector x' looking like
/3 4 2\ /a\
B = |5 6 2| , x' = |b|
\0 0 1/ \1/
such that
y' = |b'| = B*x'
\ 1/
from which you can extract y. Let's see how that works. In the original transformation (using addition), the first step would be to carry out the multiplication, ie. the rotating part y_r:
y_r = A*x = <3a+4b; 5a+6b>T
then you add the "absolute" part:
y = y_r + t = <3a+4b+2; 5a+6b+2>T
Now look at how B works. I'll calculate y' row by row:
1) a' = 3*a + 4*b + 2*1
2) b' = 5*a + 6*b + 2*1
3) the rest: 0*a + 0*b + 1*1 = 1
Just what we expected. First, the rotation part gets calculated--addition and multiplication. Then, the x-part of the translational part gets added, multiplied by 1--it stays the same. The same thing for the second row.
In the third row, a and b are dropped (multiplied by 0). The last part is kept the same, and happens to be 1. So, all about that last line is to "drop" the values of the point and keep the 1.
It could be argued, then, that a 2x3 matrix would be enough for that. That's partially true, but has one significant disadvantage: you loose composability. Suppose you are basically satisfied with B, but want to mirror one coordinate. Then you can choose another transformation matrix
/-1 0 0\
C = | 0 1 0|
\ 0 0 1/
and have a result
y'' = C*B*x' = <-3a+4b+2; 5a+6b+2; 1>T
This simple multiplication could not be done that easily with 2x3 matrices, simply because of the properties of matrix multiplication.
In principle, in the above, the last row (the XXX) could also be anything else of the form <0;0;x>. It was there just to drop the point values. It is however necessary exactly like this to make composition by multiplication work.
Finally, wikipedia seems quite informative to me in this case.
First of all affine transformation are those that preserve straight lines and can many of arbitrary dimensionality
Homography describes the mapping across two planes or what happens during pure camera rotation.
The last row represents various shears (that is when x is function of both x, y)

Fastest way to fit a parabola to set of points?

Given a set of points, what's the fastest way to fit a parabola to them? Is it doing the least squares calculation or is there an iterative way?
I think gradient descent is the way to go. The least squares calculation would have been a little bit more taxing (having to do qr decomposition or something to keep things stable).
If the points have no error associated, you may interpolate by three points. Otherwise least squares or any equivalent formulation is the way to go.
I recently needed to find a parabola that passes through 3 points.
suppose you have (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) and you want the parabola
y-y0 = a*(x-x0)^2
to pass through them: find y0, x0, and a.
You can do some algebra and get this solution (providing the points aren't all on a line) :
let c = (y1-y2) / (y2-y3)
x0 = ( -x1^2 + x2^2 + c*( x2^2 - x3^2 ) ) / (2.0*( -x1+x2 + c*x2 - c*x3 ))
a = (y1-y2) / ( (x1-x0)^2 - (x2-x0)^2 )
y0 = y1 - a*(x1-x0)^2
Note in the equation for c if y2==y3 then you've got a problem. So in my algorithm I check for this and swap say x1, y1 with x2, y2 and then proceed.
hope that helps!
Paul Probert
A calculated solution is almost always faster than an iterative solution. The "exception" would be for low iteration counts and complex calculations.
I would use the least squares method. I've only every coded it for linear regression fits but it can be used for parabolas (I had reason to look it up recently - sources included an old edition of "Numerical Recipes" Press et al; and "Engineering Mathematics" Kreyzig).
Read no. of data points n and order of polynomial Mp .
Read data values .
If n< Mp
[ Regression is not possible ]
continue ;
Set M=Mp + 1 ;
Compute co-efficient of C-matrix .
Compute co-efficient of B-matrix .
Solve for the co-efficients
a1,a2,. . . . . . . an .
Write the co-efficient .
Estimate the function value at the glren of independents variables .
Using the free arbitrary accuracy math program "PARI" (for Mac or PC):
Here is how I would fit a parabola to a set of 641 points,
and I also show how to find the minimum of that parabola:
Set a high number of digits of precision:
\p 300
Write the data points to a text file separated by one space
for each data point
(use ASCII characters in base ten, no space at file start or file end, and no returns, write extremely large or small floating points as for example
"9.0E-23" but not "9.0D-23" ).
make a string to point to that file:
read that file into PARI using the following instructions:
readsplit(file) = my(cmd);cmd="perl -ne \"chomp; print '[' . join(',', split(/ +/)) . ']\n';\"";eval(externstr(Str(cmd," ",file)))
Label that data with a name:
in = %
V = in[1]
Define a least squares fit function:
lsf(X,Y,n) = my(M=matrix(#X,n+1,i,j,X[i]^(j-1)));fit=Polrev(matsolve(M~*M,M~*Y~))
Apply that lsf function to your 641 data points:
lsf([-320..320],V, 2)
Then if you want to show the minimum of that parabolic fit, enter:
xextreme = solve (x=-1000,1000,eval(deriv(fit)));print (xextreme*(124.5678-123.5678)/640+(124.5678+123.5678)/2);x=xextreme;print(eval(fit))
(I had to adjust for my particular x-axis scaling before the "print" statement in that command line above).
(Note: A sacrifice made to simplify this algorithm
causes it to work only
when the data set has equally spaced x-axis coordinates.)
I was worried that my last post
was too compact to follow and
too hard to convert to other environments.
I would like to show here how to solve the
generalized problem of parabolic data fitting explicitly
without specialized matrix math terminology;
and so that each multiplication, division,
subtraction and addition can be seen at once.
To save ink this fit reparameterizes the x-axis as evenly
spaced points centered on zero
so that odd powered sums all get eliminated
(saving a lot of space and time),
so the x-coordinates of the N data points
are effectively labeled by points
of this vector: X=[-(N-1)/2..(N-1)/2].
For example "xextreme" will be returned
versus those integer indices
and so (if desired) a simple (consumes very little CPU time)
linear transformation must be applied after the algorithm below
to get it versus your problem's particular x-axis labels.
This is written in the language of
the free program "PARI" but all the
commands are simple to translate to any language.
Step 1: assign a label to the y-axis data:
? V=[5,2,1,2,5]
"PARI" confirms that entry:
%280 = [5, 2, 1, 2, 5]
Then type in the following processing algorithm
which calculates a best fit parabola
through any y-axis data set with constant x-axis separation:
? g=#V;h=(g-1)*g*(g+1)/3;i=h*(3*g*g-7)/5;\
print("\n","y of extreme is ",yextreme,"\n","which occurs this many data points from center of data: ",xextreme)
(Note for non-PARI users:
the command "matdet([a,c;h,i])"
is just another way of entering "a*i-c*h")
Those commands then produce the following screen output:
y of extreme is 1
which occurs this many data points from center of data: 0
The algorithm stores the polynomial of the fit in the variable "fit":
? fit
%282 = x^2 + 1
(Note that to make that algorithm short
the x-axis labels are assigned as X=[-(N-1)/2..(N-1)/2],
thus they are X=[-2,-1,0,1,2]
To correct that
for the same polynomial as parameterized
by an x-axis coordinate data set of say X=[−1,0,1,2,3]:
just apply a simple linear transform, in this case:
"x^2 + 1" --> "(t - 1)^2 + 1".)

Spatial Rotation in Gmod Expression2

I'm using expression2 to program behavior in Garry's mod. Expression2 (archive link)
Okay so, to set the precedent. In Gmod I have a block and I am at a complete loss of how to get it to rotate around the 3 up, down and right vectors (Which are local. ie; if I pitch it 45 degrees the forward vector is 0.707, 0.707, 0). Essentially, From the 3 vectors I'd like to be able to get local Pitch/Roll/Yaw. By Local Pitch Roll Yaw I mean that they are completely independent of one another allowing true 3d rotation. So for example; if I place my craft so its nose is parallel to the floor the X,Y,Z would be 0,0,0. If I turn it parallel to the floor (World and Local Yaw) 90 degrees it's now 0, 0, 90. If I then pitch it (World Roll, Local Pitch) it 180 degrees it's now 180, 0, 90. I've already explored quaternions however I don't believe I should post my code here as I think I was re-inventing the wheel.
I know I didn't explain that well but I believe the problem is pretty generic. Any help anyone could offer is greatly appreciated.
Oh, I'd like to avoid gimblelock too.
Essentially calculating the rotation around each of the crafts up/forward/right vectors using the up/forward/right vectors.
To simply the question a generic implementation rather than one specific to Gmod is absolutely fine.
I'm not sure what the application you are looking forward to implementing, however, in this sort of situation, I would usually suggest applying angular force. Would that be sufficient for your needs in this regard?
Well if that is all that you need, then i have managed to perfect the angular force equation to having entities point at a given position.
EntityVector = Entity:massCenter()
Leverage = sqrt( ( Entity:inertia():length()^2 ) / 3 )
LookPos = EntityVector - Target:pos()
A = ang(
toDeg( atanr( LookPos:z() , sqrt( LookPos:x()^2 + LookPos:y()^2) ) ) ,
toDeg( atanr( -LookPos:y(), -LookPos:x() ) ) ,
0 )
EntityAngle = ( ( Entity:angles() - angnorm(A) ) * 5 + Entity:angVel() ) * 5
Entity:applyAngForce( -EntityAngle * Leverage )
This set of equations has helped me through countless projects

Equation to calculate different speeds for fade animation

I'm trying to add a fade effect to my form by manually changing the opacity of the form but I'm having some trouble calculating the correct value to increment by the Opacity value of the form.
I know I could use the AnimateWindow API but it's showing some unexpected behavior and I'd rather do it manually anyways as to avoid any p/invoke so I could use it in Mono later on.
My application supports speeds ranging from 1 to 10. And I've manually calculated that for a speed of 1 (slowest) I should increment the opacity by 0.005 and for a speed of 10 (fastest) I should increment by 0.1. As for the speeds between 1 and 10, I used the following expression to calculate the correct value:
double opSpeed = (((0.1 - 0.005) * (10 - X)) / (1 - 10)) + 0.1; // X = [1, 10]
I though this could give me a linear value and that that would be OK. However, for X equal 4 and above, it's already too fast. More than it should be. I mean, speeds between 7, and 10, I barely see a difference and the animation speed with these values should be a little more spaced
Note that I still want the fastest increment to be 0.1 and the slowest 0.005. But I need all the others to be linear between them.
What I'm doing wrong?
It actually makes sense why it works like this, for instance, for a fixed interval between increments, say a few milliseconds, and with the equation above, if X = 10, then opSpeed = 0.1 and if X = 5, then opSpeed = 0.47. If we think about this, a value of 0.1 will loop 10 times and a value of 0.47 will loop just the double. For such a small interval of just a few milliseconds, the difference between these values is not that much as to differentiate speeds from 5 to 10.
I think what you want is:
0.005 + ((0.1-0.005)/9)*(X-1)
for X ranging from 1-10
This gives a linear scale corresponding to 0.005 when X = 1 and 0.1 when X = 10
After the comments below, I'm also including my answer fit for a geometric series instead of a linear scale.
0.005 * (20^((X-1)/9)))
Results in a geometric variation corresponding to 0.005 when X = 1 and 0.1 when X = 10
After much more discussion, as seen in the comments below, the updates are as follows.
#Nazgulled found the following relation between my geometric series and the manual values he actually needed to ensure smooth fade animation.
The relationship was as follows:
Which means a geometric/exponential series is the way to go.
After my hours of trying to come up with the appropriate curve fitting to the right hand side graph and derive a proper equation, #Nazgulled informed me that Wolfram|Alpha does that. Seriously amazing. :)
Wolfram Alpha link
He should have what he wants now, barring very high error from the equation above.
Your problem stems from the fact that the human eye is not linear in its response; to be precise, the eye does not register the difference between a luminosity of 0.05 to 0.10 to be the same as the luminosity difference between 0.80 and 0.85. The whole topic is complicated; you may want to search for the phrase "gamma correction" for some additional information. In general, you'll probably want to find an equation which effectively "gamma corrects" for human ocular response, and use that as your fading function.
It's not really an answer, but I'll just point out that everyone who's posted so far, including the original question, are all posting the same equation. So with four independent derivations, maybe we should assume that the equation was probably correct.
I did the algebra, but here's the code to verify (in Python, btw, with offsets added to separate the curves:
from pylab import *
X = arange(1, 10, .1)
opSpeed0 = (((0.1 - 0.005) * (10 - X)) / (1 - 10)) + 0.1 # original
opSpeed1 = 0.005 + ((0.1-0.005)/9)*(X-1) # Suvesh
opSpeed2 = 0.005*((10-X)/9.) + 0.1*(X-1)/9. # duffymo
a = (0.1 - 0.005) / 9 #= 0.010555555555... # Roger
b = 0.005 - a #= -0.00555555555...
opSpeed3 = a*X+b
nonlinear01 = 0.005*2**((2*(-1 + X))/9.)*5**((-1 + X)/9.)
plot(X, opSpeed0)
plot(X, opSpeed1+.001)
plot(X, opSpeed2+.002)
plot(X, opSpeed3+.003)
plot(X, nonlinear01)
Also, at Nazgulled's request, I've included the non-linear curve suggested by Suvesh (which also, btw, looks quite alot like a gamma correction curve, as suggested by McWafflestix). The Suvesh's nonlinear equation is in the code as nonlinear01.
Here's how I'd program that linear relationship. But first I'd like to make clear what I think you're doing.
You want the rate of change in opacity to be a linear function of speed:
o(v) = o1*N1(v) + o2*N2(v) so that 0 <= v <=1 and o(v1) = o1 and o(v2) = o2.
If we choose N1(v) to equal 1-v and N2(v) = v we end up with what you want:
o(v) = o1*(1-v) + o2*v
So, plugging in your values:
v = (u-1)/(10-1) = (u-1)/9
o1 = 0.005 and o2 = 0.1
So the function should look like this:
o(u) = 0.005*{1-(u-1)/9} + 0.1*(u-1)/9
o(u) = 0.005*{(9-u+1)/9} + 0.1*(u-1)/9
o(u) = 0.005*{(10-u)/9} + 0.1(u-1)/9
You can simplify this until you get a simple formula for o(u) where 1 <= u <= 10. Should work fine.
If I understand what you're after, you want the equation of a line which passes through these two points in the plane: (1, 0.005) and (10, 0.1). The general equation for such a line (as long as it is not vertical) is y = ax+b. Plug the two points into this equation and solve the resulting set of two linear equations to get
a = (0.1 - 0.005) / 9 = 0.010555555555...
b = 0.005 - a = -0.00555555555...
Then, for each integer x = 1, 2, 3, ..., 10, plug x into y = ax+b to compute y, the value you want.
