graphene: is relay needed for a complete, functional server? - graphene-python

I have a nodejs graphql server, and I want to learn Fastapi by reimplement the server with it.
It seems that graphene is the only option.
I learned graphql with Apollo,(and the server is built with apollo-server) and found all those "relay"-related features and conceptions confusing.
Connections, nodes, edges...
(I did some research and know the meanings of those concepts now)
From other SO questions like this, all(?) relay features can be implemented by other means.
But there is even a graphene.relay, so I doubted my conclusion.
Is relay necessary to built a graphql server?
Just want to make sure it's not a dead end before spending too much time on it.

Relay specs are just a type of specification. It is not necessary to build a GraphQL server. However, if you are specifically referring to graphene-python, then I'd recommend using Relay as it already has complete support for Relay specs.


Any other GraphQL Federation implementations apart from Apollo?

I have been trying to build a federation gateway on top of existing graphql services and am curious if there are any other implementations of the same apart from apollo federation?
I tried to find but couldn't find any. I am also looking for subscription on the federated gateway. Does anybody know any other implementations on the same?
It seems that fastify-gql now supports being a Federation Gateway, with subscription support included.
Graphene (for python) with Graphene-Federation implements federation (there is in built support for graphql subscriptions). I have used this for a large-scale project and it works just fine (Although I personally prefer apollo)
I haven't personally used this, but seems to have a pretty neat solution for federation:
Bramble -
Great for GoLang. I haven't used it, but I have a friend who has
Something else that is not pure "federation" per-se - but which would solve your problem easily is GraphQL Mesh.
Hope this helps :) !

Using an alternative connection channel/transport for GRPC

I currently have a primitive RPC setup relying on JSON transferred over secured sockets, but I would like to switch to gRPC. Unfortunately I also need access to AF_UNIX on windows (Which Microsoft recently started supporting, but gRPC has not implemented).
Since I have an existing working connection (managed with a different library), my preference would be to just use that in conjunction with GRPC to send/receive commands in place of my JSON parsing, but I am struggling to identify the best way to do that.
I have seen Plugging custom transport into gRPC but this question differs in the following ways (As well as my hope for a more recent answer)
I am wanting to avoid making changes to the core of gRPC. I'd prefer to extend it if possible from within my library, but the answer here implies adding a new transport to gRPC.If I did need to do this at the transport level, is there a mechanism to register it with gRPC after the core has been built?
I am unsure if I need to define this as a full custom transport, since I do already have an existing connection established and ready. I have seen some things that imply I could simply extend Channel, but I might be wrong.
I need to be able to support Windows, or at least modern versions of it (Which means that the from_fd options gRPC provides are not available since they are currently only implemented for POSIX)
Has anyone solved similar problems with gRPC?
I may have figured out my own answer. I seem to have been overly focused on gRPC, when the service definition component of Protobuf is not dependent on that.
How can i write my own RPC Implementation for Protocol Buffers utilizing ZeroMQ is very similar to my use case, with seeming to resolve my issue (And this also explains why I seem to have been mixing up the different kinds of "Channels" involved
I welcome any improvements/suggestions, and hope that maybe this can be found in future searches by people that had the same confusion.

GraphQL, Apollo, Relay … how do they fit together?

When trying to get started with GraphQL, you meet a lot of new terms: Some are related to the concept of GraphQL itself (mutations, subscriptions, …), but there is also an entire ecosystem around it, which – unfortunately – is not always separated clearly from GraphQL itself. However, I find it quite hard to tell where one thing ends, and where the other one starts, and what the differences are, and what is needed when.
So, to name a few of these terms:
Apollo Client
Can you explain maybe in a few sentences what these things (except GraphQL) are, what they are good for, and how they relate to each other (or don't)? And, which important tools / concepts are missing here?
GraphQL The language
GraphQL is a query language. It has a specification that defines the language, schemas and also the execution of GraphQL queries. Learning these things is a great place to start and completely programming language agnostic.
GraphQL implementations
Then there are different GraphQL implementations in different languages that allow you to create a schema and describe how the query resolves to values. Usually these implementations validate the query against the schema that you have defined and take over the execution. Pretty much all of the JavaScript ecosystem uses GraphQL.js but there are many more implementations in other languages.
GraphQL Servers
GraphQL is also transport layer agnostic. That means that usually the GraphQL implementations don't come with an HTTP server. But often we use HTTP to make GraphQL queries, this is why there are some libraries that use these implementations and provide an easy way to create an HTTP server on top (e.g. by providing a middleware for an HTTP framework or coming with a whole server). I think in JavaScript pretty much everyone uses Apollo Server because it brings some more features and it integrates smothly with the Apollo ecosystem and the services offered by Apollo the company.
Apollo Server has also very much popularized the SDL (Schema Definition Language) approach of defining a GraphQL API. With the SDL approach the GraphQL schema is not created using code but by defining the Schema in a special language (also part of the GraphQL spec) and defining single resolver function seperately from that definition. This get's you started quickly but my feeling is that it is not very popular for large APIs. But you can simply pass your GraphQL.js schema to Apollo Server.
GraphQL Clients
When we have a server running we can make queries to the server using a simple HTTP client like the fetch function of the browser. That works pretty well but the power of GraphQL really shines when we use a client that supports caching an automatic query fetching when they are needed. This way we can reach the promised land of declarative data fetching / data dependencies. Facebook has published their own client library that is designed for the unique requirements of a large web enterprise. The library is called Relay and the newer version (breaking from the older version) is usually reffered to as Relay Modern. But Relay is relatively complicated and needs a specific build chain so that GraphQL became really interesting when Apollo released a lighweight client alternative known as Apollo Client. Apollo Client developed a lot over the years and now supports a lot of configuration. Also apollo-react allows to use Apollo Client with React whereas Relay is specifically built for React. With Apollo gaining quite some weight over the years the folks at Formidable Labs have created Urql.
You can use all of these technologies together. Many people simply chose to use the Apollo Ecosystem together, which is probably a solid choice. If you have used Redux before you will probably feel at home using Apollo Client or Urql. If you are building a large app with a performance focus you should consider Relay and understand what contrains this puts on the way you build the GraphQL schema.

Proxy API paths

I'm building an API using KOA and have read some best practise on versioning. This answer pointed out that versions should be hidden from the client.
My question is, how would I go about doing this? I've read some mentions of using an API proxy. Would I be using something like "Squid" as a reverse-proxy, or are there better Node/KOA specific solutions for this type of work?
I think GraphQL is the perfect tool to avoid pain in the ass with API.
Yes, in some point it breaks the REST philosophy but gives flexibility.
All you need to build a flexible API with no worry about version is: Koa, Objection + GraphQL.

How to structure a client-server application with 'push' notifications

EDIT: I forgot to include the prime candidate for web applications: JSON over HTTP/REST + Comet. It combines the best features of the others (below)
Persevere basically bundles everything I need in a server
The focus for Java and such is definitely on Comet servers, but it can't be too hard to use/write a client.
I'm embarking on an application with a server holding data, and clients executing operations which would affect this data, and thus require some sort of notification across all interested/subscribed clients.
The first client will probably be written in WPF, but we'll probably need to add clients written in other languages, e.g. a Java (Swing?) client, and possibly, a web client.
The actual question(s): What protocol should I use to implement this? How easy would it be to integrate with JS, Java and .NET (precisely, C#) clients?
I could use several interfaces/protocols, but it'd be easier overall to use one that is interoperable. Given that interoperability is important, I have researched a few options:
supports notifications
The only .NET lib I could find, Jayrock doesn't support notifications
works well with JS
also true of XML-based stuff (and possibly, even binary protocols) BUT this would probably be more efficient, thanks to native support
IDL makes it easy to spit out model classes in each language
doesn't seem to support notifications
Thrift comes with RPC out of the box, but protobufs don't
not sure about JS
simple enough, but doesn't support notifications
SOAP: I'm not even sure about this one; I haven't grokked this yet.
seems rather complex
Message Queues/PubSub approach: Not strictly a protocol, but might be fitting
I hardly know anything about them, and got lost amongst the buzzwords`-- JMS? **MQ?
Perhaps combined with some RPC mechanism above, although that might not be strictly necessary, and possibly, overkill.
Other options are, of course, welcome.
I am partial to the pub/sub design you've suggested. I'd take a look at ZeroMQ. It has bindings to C#, Java, and many other platforms.
Bindings list:
I also found this conversation on the ZeroMQ dev listing that may answer some questions you have about multiple clients and ZeroMQ:
As XMPP was mentioned, SIP has a similar functionality. This might be more accessible for you.
We use Servoy for this. It does automatic data broadcasting to web-clients and java-clients. I'm not sure if broadcasts can be sent to other platforms, you might be able to find an answer to that on their forum.
If you want to easily publish events to clients across networks, you may wish to look at a the XMPP standard. (Used by, amongst other things, Jabber and Google Talk.)
See the extension for publish-subscribe functionality.
There are a number of libraries in different languages including C#, Java and Javascript.
You can use SOAP over HTTP to modify the data on the server and SOAP over SMTP to notify the subscribed clients.
The server doesn't know anything about the subscription and the clients call the server by timeout to track updates they are interested in, using XML-RPC, SOAP (generated using WSDL), or simply HTTP GET if there is no need to pass back complex data on tracking.
