Is RestHighLevelClient keep connections open? - elasticsearch

I want to use RestHighLevelClient on different clusters with commands which are not supported by Cross Cluster mechanizem (for example close and open index).
My question is if I use more than one instance of RestHighLevelClient for every cluster it will keep connections open for every cluster? (to be ensure I didn't choke the application)

by looking at various resources, it seems RestHighLevelClient keeps the connection open unless you explicitly call client.close(); on it.
From the official RestHighLevelClient initialization
The high-level client will internally create the low-level client used
to perform requests based on the provided builder. That low-level
client maintains a pool of connections and starts some threads so you
should close the high-level client when you are well and truly done
with it and it will in turn close the internal low-level client to
free those resources. This can be done through the close method:
In your case, if you having a lot of ES clusters and creating multiple RestHighLevelClient than as you are guessing, it might choke your application due to the hold of threads and its resources so you should explicitly call the close which would require more time when you again create it but would not choke your application in most of the cases.
I would suggest you do some resource benchmarking on your application and based on your trade-off choose the best possible approach.
Create multiple clients and don't close them but allocate more resources so that the application is fast and don't choke.
close clients frequently, this would not require over-allocating resources but when you create a new client for your request, latency will be more.


Limit concurrent queries in Spring JPA

I have a simple rest endpoint that executes Postgres procedure.
This procedure returns the current state of device.
For example:
20 devices.
Client app connect to API and make 20 responses to that endpoint every second.
For x clients there are x*20 requests.
For 2 clients 40 requests.
It causes a big cpu load on Postgres server only if there are many clients and/or many devices.
I didn’t create it but I need to redesign it.
How to limit concurrent queries to db only for it? It would be a hot fix.
My second idea is to create background worker that executes queries only one in the same time. Then the endpoint fetches data from memory.
I would try the simple way first. Try to reduce
the amount of database connections in the pool OR
the amount of working threads in the build-in Tomcat.
More flexible option would be to put the logic behind a thread pool limiting the amount of working threads. It is not trivial, if the Spring context and database is used inside a worker. Take a look on a Spring annotation #Async.
Offtopic: The solution we are discussing here looks like a workaround. The discussed solution alone will most probably increase the throughput only by factor 2 maybe 3. It is not JEE conform and it will be most probably not very stable. It is better to refactor the application avoiding such a problem. Another option would be to buy a new database server.
Update: JEE compliant solution would be to implement some sort of bulkhead pattern. It will limit the amount of concurrent running requests and reject it, if the some critical number is reached. The server application answers with "503 Service Unavailable". The client application catches this status and retries a second later (see "exponential backoff").

How do you use go-sql-driver when you have a sharded MySQL database solution?

Reading this article:
It says that the sql.DB object is designed to be long-lived and that we should not Open() and Close() databases frequently. But what should I do if I have 10 different MySQL servers and I have sharded them in a way that I have 511 databases in each server for example the way Pinterest shards their data with MySQL?
Then would I not need to constantly access new nodes with new databases all the time? As I understand then I have to Open and Close the database connection all the time depending on which node and database I have to access.
It also says that:
If you don’t treat the sql.DB as a long-lived object, you could
experience problems such as poor reuse and sharing of connections,
running out of available network resources, or sporadic failures due
to a lot of TCP connections remaining in TIME_WAIT status. Such
problems are signs that you’re not using database/sql as it was
Will this be a problem? How should I solve this issue then?
I am also interested in the question. I guess there could be such solution:
Minimize number of idle connection in pool db.SerMaxIdleConns(N)
Make map[serverID]*sql.DB. When you have no such connection - add it to map.
Make Dara more local - so backends usually go to “their” databases. However Pinterest seems not to use it.
Increase number of sockets and files on backend machines so they can keep more open connections.
Provide some reasonable idle timeout so very old unused connections could be closed.

Multiple SQLite database instances open at the same time on different Threads (QT)

Is there any problem on using many open connections at the same time from different threads?
From what I've read it's thread safe by default, but, can this be hurting performance rather than improving it?
Having multiple connection is not a problem, the only thing to keep in mind is that SQLite does not support concurrency of multiple write transactions. From the SQlite site:
SQLite supports an unlimited number of simultaneous readers, but it will only allow one writer at any instant in time. For many situations, this is not a problem. Writer queue up. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.
SQLite is an "untypical" database management system: in practice it is a library that offers SQL as language to access a simple "database-in-a-file", and a few other functionalities of DBMSs. For instance, it has no real concurrency control (it uses the Operating Systems functions to lock the db file).
So, if you need concurrent insertions into a database, you should use something else, for instance PostgreSQL.
The documentation say:
A connection can only be used from within the thread that created it.
Moving connections between threads or creating queries from a
different thread is not supported.
In addition, the third party libraries used by the QSqlDrivers can
impose further restrictions on using the SQL Module in a multithreaded
program. Consult the manual of your database client for more
It is mean you have to create connection to database which will be linking with parent thread. At docs of QSqlDatabase class you can see description:
The QSqlDatabase class represents a connection to a database.
The QSqlDatabase class provides an interface for accessing a database
through a connection. An instance of QSqlDatabase represents the
connection. The connection provides access to the database via one of
the supported database drivers, which are derived from QSqlDriver.
Create a connection (i.e., an instance of QSqlDatabase) by calling one
of the static addDatabase() functions, where you specify the driver or
type of driver to use (i.e., what kind of database will you access?)
and a connection name.
Using static addDatabase() function is way to create connection.
But as Renzo said SQLite does not support multiple write transactions at the same time. So you need some mechanisms(wrapper) for synchronizing threads like task queue using low-level mutex or something like that. More information you can see at docs.

CPU bound/stateful distributed system design

I'm working on a web application frontend to a legacy system which involves a lot of CPU bound background processing. The application is also stateful on the server side and the domain objects needs to be held in memory across the entire session as the user operates on it via the web based interface. Think of it as something like a web UI front end to photoshop where each filter can take 20-30 seconds to execute on the server side, so the app still has to interact with the user in real time while they wait.
The main problem is that each instance of the server can only support around 4-8 instances of each "workspace" at once and I need to support a few hundreds of concurrent users at once. I'm going to be building this on Amazon EC2 to make use of the auto scaling functionality. So to summarize, the system is:
A web application frontend to a legacy backend system
task performed are CPU bound
Stateful, most calls will be some sort of RPC, the user will make multiple actions that interact with the stateful objects held in server side memory
Most tasks are semi-realtime, where they have to execute for 20-30 seconds and return the results to the user in the same session
Use amazon aws auto scaling
I'm wondering what is the best way to make a system like this distributed.
Obviously I will need a web server to interact with the browser and then send the cpu-bound tasks from the web server to a bunch of dedicated servers that does the background processing. The question is how to best hook up the 2 tiers together for my specific neeeds.
I've been looking at message Queue systems such as rabbitMQ but these seems to be geared towards one time task where any worker node can simply grab a job form a queue, execute it and forget the state. My needs are a little different since there could be multiple 'tasks' that needs to be 'sticky', for example if step 1 is started in node 1 then step 2 for the same workspace has to go to the same worker process.
Another problem I see is that most worker queue systems seems to be geared towards background tasks that can be processed anytime rather than a system that has to provide user feedback that I'm dealing with.
My question is, is there an off the shelf solution for something like this that will allow me to easily build a system that can scale? Would love to hear your thoughts.
RabbitMQ is has an RPC tutorial. I haven't used this pattern in particular but I am running RabbitMQ on a couple of nodes and it can handle hundreds of connections and millions of messages. With a little work in monitoring you can detect when there is more work to do then you have consumers for. Messages can also timeout so queues won't backup too greatly. To scale out capacity you can create multiple RabbitMQ nodes/clusters. You could have multiple rounds of RPC so that after the first response you include the information required to get second message to the correct destination.
0MQ has this as a basic pattern which will fanout work as needed. I've only played with this but it is simpler to code and possibly simpler to maintain (as it doesn't need a broker, devices can provide one though). This may not handle stickiness by default but it should be possible to write your own routing layer to handle it.
Don't discount HTTP for this as well. When you want request/reply, a strict throughput per backend node, and something that scales well, HTTP is well supported. With AWS you can use their ELB easily in front of an autoscaling group to provide the routing from frontend to backend. ELB supports sticky sessions as well.
I'm a big fan of RabbitMQ but if this is the whole scope then HTTP would work nicely and have fewer moving parts in AWS than the other solutions.

WebSphereMQ PCFMessageAgent / PCFAgent - Is it Thread Safe?

I am implementing a monitoring and administrative MQ API using the WebSphereMQ java PCF (Program Control Format) library. What I would like to know is if the PCFAgent and/or the PCFMessageAgent classes are thread safe. The documentation does not make it clear [to me].
If not, then I have 2 choices:
Create a pool of agents
Create (and disconnect) agents on demand.
Any insight into this issue is appreciated.
The important information you seek is probably on this page:
The main issue you will see is that the MQQueueManager object (that you either pass in, or is created for you) cannot really do 2 things at once on a single connection.
So if you have one Agent sitting on a get-with-wait waiting for a response to a big query (saying getting full details for thousands of queues) nothing else can be done using that connection until the reply comes back.
Connect/Disconnect are the biggest overhead when talking to MQ, so if you need multiple threaded access I would go with option 1 otherwise you'll pay a big penalty in performance having to wait for connect each time.
