Outlook add-in not available for IMAP on windows - outlook

We have an add-in that works fine on Outlook for mac but not on windows for IMAP (Gmail) accounts.
Is the setup different to how the IMAP is configured on MAC and Windows?
Mac Version - 16.41 (20091302)
Win Version - 16.0.13127.20402
This is an issue because a lot of our users are unable to use the add-in when they have multiple accounts in Outlook on windows (of which most are IMAP - Gmail)
I would have thought it would be other way around where Add-ins would be available on Windows and not on Mac since a lot other things are not supported on Mac within outlook.
Are there settings that can be changed to make them available on windows or of anyone knows about this being available in the future?
----------------- UPDATE --------------------
Mac Version - 16.42 (20101102)
So, this morning 19th Oct, 2020. I got an Outlook Update for mac and as per the screenshot below, you can clearly see that I am using a Google Account (IMAP) and the add-ins are availanle.

Outlook Web Add-Ins are only supported on Outlook accounts connected to an Exchange server. Further documentation here : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/add-in-requirements


Outlook add-in not working in 2019 desktop client with Windows Server

Please help me with the following issue.
I developed an Outlook add-in that works great on the following platforms:
Mac os
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
However, a client of mine installed it on Windows Server 2016 with Office 2019 and it doesn't seem to work. It stops at the loading screen. I thought that the old Internet Explorer was the reason, but I tried it in the online Outlook website in Internet Explorer and it worked great. The most annoying issue is that whenever I try to open the debugger from Outlook, it won't work / won't open. I don't know why.
Do you know of any possible reasons that might explain the plugin not working in Outlook but working in the web version? Please help

How to Debug Microsoft Outlook for Mac (or Windows) Web Add-In?

The problem:
I have a feature for a Microsoft Outlook web add-in which works fine in Office 365 Outlook, but when I test the same feature on Outlook for Mac or Outlook for Windows, the same feature doesn't work. The web add-in still installs fine on Outlook for Mac, it's just that there is a discrepancy between the behavior I am seeing on Office 365 Outlook and Outlook for Mac (this is also true when testing on Outlook for Windows, which has the same behavior as the Mac version).
What I've tried (Mac): I've tried running defaults write NSGlobalDomain WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true as suggested from this answer and defaults write com.microsoft.Outlook OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true as suggested here and have an option to View Source which opens the HTML source in what appears to be a TextEdit window, but I'm still unable to inspect element in order to see any errors.
What I've tried (Windows):
I've tried using the VSCode Debugger Extension for Office Add-Ins to try to attach the debugger to Outlook for Windows, but keep running into this 'Error processing attach' error.
Additional Notes:
On Mac, I'm running Microsoft Outlook for Mac version 16.43 on MacOS Catalina version 10.15.6 and on Windows I'm running Outlook on Windows 10 Pro version 1909 inside a VM.
My understanding is that while debugging web add-ins for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are all pretty well supported, debugging add-ins for Outlook on Mac or Windows is somewhat limited at the moment. Has anyone had success in debugging Outlook web add-ins running on Outlook for Mac and/or Windows?
For Outlook for Mac, we think this is specific to the Mac App Store build of Office, which currently doesn't support those flags. To workaround this, you will need to get a non App Store build. You can get one by signing up for the developer program and getting a tenant: https://aka.ms/o365devprogram. (similar issue: https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js/issues/506)
For Outlook for Windows, we suggest attaching a debugger. Instructions for how to attach a debugger can be found here. Note that there is a different debugger for add-ins that run in Edge and IE.

Outlook addin not working on Office 2013 or Office 2016

I've submitted my outlook add-in 6 times now and every time the certification failed for a different reason. The last rejection reason I got was that my add-in didn't work on Office 2013 and Office 2016 (which they also refer to as O365 Perpetual).
I develop on a Mac and I have no idea how to go about debugging why my add-in is not working on those older Offices. Can't I just drop support for older Office suites? How could I test these environments?
I'm pretty close to quitting and just not publishing my outlook addin. I have never experienced a worse app review process.
If you want to be published on the Office Store, you need to support all the platforms for the minimum Outlook API Requirement Set in your manifest.
If you do not need to support Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, you can set your minimum API requirement set to 1.5, which will drop support for those versions (1.4 was the last version supported by those versions of Outlook). When you submit to the Office Store, please make a note that your minimum API set means that the add-in will not run in those Office clients.

Error with Dynamics 365 app for Outlook only in Desktop client but works in OWA

I have installed & configured the Dynamics 365 app for Outlook with my v9 Org. I have Office 2016 Professional Plus with latest updates.
It's totally working fine in OWA but not even started working on my Laptop Outlook. This is even listed as a known issue, but it says "frequently", for me always.
I have troubleshooted with the help of below links but no luck:
Blog & Community
Anybody know some extra troubleshooting steps to solve this?
Our environment is having some limitations like 3rd party encryption called Vaultive & then Oauth was not enabled which is a prerequisite for App for Outlook it seems in desktop client (for OWA it's not required just federation is fine).
We are able to sort out these things after MS support ticket & deep internal analysis. Now its working.

Check Outlook email using Exchange Web Services (EWS)

Outlook Anywhere is not enabled on the Exchange server used at the company I work for.
People using Outlook on the Mac are able to get their mail remotely using EWS but i can't find any information on doing this in Outlook running on Windows 7.
The Exchange Server is 2010, does anyone know if I can use EWS to send/receive mail from Outlook in Windows 7?
The version of Windows is irrelevant. All Windows versions of Outlook connect to Exchange via MAPI (unless of course you're using Outlook Anywhere, POP, or IMAP).
Earlier versions of Mac Outlook (certain versions of Entourage) used WebDAV via the Exchange virtual directory. Later versions of Entourage/Outlook 2011 starting using EWS.
Outlook for Windows isn't capable of this (as far as I know) but why would you want it to? MAPI works well and accessing mail via EWS is more taxing on your Exchange server.
