+CMS ERROR: 350 when sending SMS in Quectel EC20 - sms

Testing Quectel EC20 GPRS module. Basic AT commands worked, HTTP worked but when testing SMS, after sending AT+CMGS="MOB NUMBER", returns with +CMS ERROR: 350. What is the cause of this error?

Is it because of network failure. change the SIM or try with new port


Sending SMS via AT commands using GSM/LTE module responds Ok but no SMS received

I'm attempting to send and receive SMS via my GSM/LTE module (EC21 Quectel) using AT commands in my ubuntu terminal. However, all my messages return OK after being sent but do not reach their respective locations.
> test 4
+CMGW: 13
+CMSS: 39
> test 5
+CMGS: 40
In terminal, I did use sudo screen and the correct baud rate of 115200 per documentation. Here's some additional info
+CGREG: 0,1
+COPS: 0,0,"AT&T",7
+CSQ: 31,99
If the SMS send command succeeds, and it's not received, I can figure out only three causes:
(unlikely) there's a bug in Quectel module
There's a newtork congestion. In this case the SMS will be received, soon or later.
Some issues on receiver side. For example full SM memory

"Server response: 451 451 Temporary local - please try later" when sending email using Mailgun, Laravel and VirtualBox

I am getting the error "Server response: 451 451 Temporary local problem - please try later" when sending password reminder emails via Laravel and Mailgun. I am running Laravel on VirtualBox.
I set up VirtualBox using Vagrant, would this have made a difference?
If I change the SMTP settings to my own host it works absolutely fine. Is there an issue with using Mailgun on a Virtual machine?
I can send to Gmail addresses without any problems, however, they apparently are neither being blocked or allowed.
This is the error I get:
Failed: support#mydomain.com → me#anotherdomain.com Server response: 550 550
Verification failed for <bounce+ad0324.1a1312-me=anotherdomain.com#mydomain.com>
No Such User Here Sender verify failed
The error "451 Temporary local problem" comes from the actual mail server you are connecting to.
Typically, 451 errors are due to the receiving server rejecting your email. This can happen for a number of reasons but most likely is due to the recipients server being overloaded with messages. It can also mean that the recipients server has grey-listed the IP, and therefore delays the message until it can verify that the sending server is not trying to send spam. The receiving server may be offline as well.
Since this error message is so vague, you'll need to get more information from the recipient. I'd suggest waiting a few hours and try to send the email again.
It doesn't have to do with your Laravel installation or running with Virtualbox, further more because you tested with other SMTP settings.

Reading SMS Through HSDPA Modem with At Commands

I am trying to Read SMS through HSDPA Modem. I Tried
Commands but No Sucess. Is Any problem with serialport configuration or something else Any other possible solution please help me
Baud Rate:9600
Data bits:8
Stop bit:1
Once you have connected your terminal emulator to your modem (typically /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux), try AT. If you get an OK or ERROR that means you have no problem with serial port configuration because the modem is responding to you. If you get nothing (ei, no reply from the modem), then you probably have a serial connection or modem hardware issue. Personnaly I'm using miniterm.py (on Linux) and the configuration is
maurice#mickey> sudo miniterm.py -e /dev/ttyUSB0`
--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0: 9600,8,N,1 ---
Just as yours.
Regarding reading the SMSes, at+cmgl=? should reply either ERROR or a list of statuses. If you get ERROR, this means your modem doesn't accept SMS. Otherwise you should get something like +cmgl: ("REC UNREAD","REC READ","STO UNSENT","STO SENT","ALL")
Now, if you issue at+cmgr, the answer should look like
+CMGL: 8,"REC UNREAD","+XXXXXXXXXXXX",,"16/02/19,19:52:07+12"
Test 1
+CMGL: 9,"REC UNREAD","+XXXXXXXXXXXX",,"16/02/19,19:52:16+12"
Test 2
where +XXXXXXXXXXXX is the sender MSISDN and "Test 1" is the message sent in the SMS (its content). Again, if you get ERROR, that means your modem doesn't accept SMSes. If you have sent some SMSes but the list is empty, maybe SMS are blocked on the HLR for this specific SIM.
To read the 8th SMS, issue at+cmgr=8 and you should get
+CMGR: "REC READ","+XXXXXXXXXXXX",,"16/02/19,19:52:07+12"
Test 1

How to send SMS with GSM Click Modem?

I can finally make a phone call, receive, and answer it. But if I try to send an SMS I receive CMS ERROR: 500. The GSM modem I am using is Telit GL865-Quad module. Since the Call function is working, what's preventing the SMS to work? please enlightenment me. The Sim Card works fine on my phone to rule out some of the problems. I am using a hyperterminal to type the commands at 19200 speed. This is the user guide with commands for your own convenience.
To send an SMS:
AT+CMGF=1 // Select Text Mode
AT+CMGW=”+xxxxxxxxxxxx” // my number
> Hi
+CMGW: 8
Error: +CMS ERROR: 500
Any ideas to what the error means, since its unknown error? What are some commands to type out to pinpoint the problem?
I would appreciate your help, thanks!
+CMS ERROR: 500 is unfortunately a very generic error message.
I have a few suspicions which may solve your problem:
1) Timing problem
Writing an SMS to the SIM card will take a "significant" amount of time. Between writing the SMS to SIM and sending the SMS wait a couple of seconds.
2) Check that the SMS really did get written to SIM
Using the CMGR command you can verify if the SMS is written to SIM and it's current status.
For example:
You can always send an SMS directly without storing on the SIM. This is generally a more favored approach for multiple reasons including SMS sending is quicker and SIM lifetime is extended due to reduced read/writes.
This can be achieved by using:
AT+CMGS=<destination address>
You can additionally use the CNMI command to prevent incoming messages being stored on the SIM and being output directly to the console/telnet connection.
Replying on a 7 year old thread - sorry.
Make sure you terminate your message "Hello" with ASCII SUB (0x1A)

GSM CMS Error 512 when sending SMS

I'm programming an app to send SMS through a GSM modem with the serial port. I've been able to send SMS for a couple of days using the MessagingToolkit library but suddennly I'm not being able to send SMS anymore.
According to the logs this is due to a Network error. I found out that the "standard" error that I'm facing is:
CMS ERROR: 512 User abort
I found a list of error codes here http://www.smssolutions.net/tutorials/gsm/gsmerrorcodes/ but I can't find any further explanation on the error.
Does anyone that's familiar with GSM knows what's this error about?
When I'm initializing the modem I also get this error message from the starting configurations, it might be related to the 512 error:
2011.04.11-09.23.16: Sending: AT+COPS=0,2
2011.04.11-09.23.17: Error in command AT+COPS=0,2 : ERROR
Have you verified that you are registered with your operator properly? You can do this by sending a AT+CREG?
Regarding the AT+COPS error message. It seems like you aren't sending enough parameters.
Are you trying to manually select an operator rather than letting the modem take the default operator setup with the SIM card?
