When does a program "intertwine definition and use"? - scheme

Footnote #28 of SICP says the following:
Embedded definitions must come first in a procedure body. The management is not responsible for the consequences of running programs that intertwine definition and use.
What exactly does this mean? I understand:
"definitions" to be referring to both procedure creations and value assignments.
"a procedure body" to be as defined in section 1.1.4. It's the code that comes after the list of parameters in a procedure's definition.
"Embedded definitions must come first in a procedure body" to mean 'any definitions that are made and used in a procedure's body must come before anything else'.
"intertwine definition and use" to mean 'calling a procedure or assigned value before it has been defined;'
However, this understanding seems to contradict the answers to this question, which has answers that I can summarise as 'the error that your quote is referring to is about using definitions at the start of a procedure's body that rely on definitions that are also at the start of that body'. This has me triply confused:
That interpretation clearly contradicts what I've said above, but seems to have strong evidence - compiler rules - behind it.
SICP seems happy to put definition in a body with other definitions that use them. Just look at the sqrt procedure just above the footnote!
At a glance, it looks to me that the linked question's author's real error was treating num-prod like a value in their definition of num rather than as a procedure. However, the author clearly got it working, so I'm probably wrong.
So what's really going on? Where is the misunderstanding?

In a given procedure's definition / code,
"internal definitions" are forms starting with define.
"a procedure body" is all the other forms after the forms which start with define.
"embedded definitions must come first in a procedure body" means all the internal define forms must go first, then all the other internal forms. Once a non-define internal form appears, there can not appear an internal define form after that.
"no intertwined use" means no use of any name before it's defined. Imagine all internal define forms are gathered into one equivalent letrec, and follow its rules.
Namely, we have,
(define (proc args ...)
;; internal, or "embedded", definitions
(define a1 ...init1...)
(define a2 ...init2...)
(define an ...initn...)
;; procedure body
exp1 exp2 .... )
Any ai can be used in any of the initj expressions, but only inside a lambda expression.(*) Otherwise it would refer to the value of ai while aj is being defined, and that is forbidden, because any ai names are considered not yet defined while any of the initj expressions are being evaluated.
(*) Remember that (define (foo x) ...x...) is the same as (define foo (lambda (x) ...x...)). That's why the definitions in that sqrt procedure in the book you mention are OK -- they are all lambda expressions, and any name's use inside a lambda expression will only actually refer to that name's value when the lambda expression's value -- a lambda function -- will be called, not when that lambda expression is being evaluated, producing that lambda function which is its value.
The book is a bit vague at first with the precise semantics of its language but in Scheme the above code is equivalent to
(define proc
(lambda (args ...)
;; internal, or "embedded", definitions
(letrec ( (a1 ...init1...)
(a2 ...init2...)
(an ...initn...) )
;; procedure body
exp1 exp2 ....
as can be seen explained, for instance, here, here or here.
For example,
;; or, equivalently,
(define (my-proc x) (define my-proc
(lambda (x)
(define (foo) a) (letrec ( (foo (lambda () a))
(define a x) (a x) )
;; my-proc's body ;; letrec's body
(foo)) (foo))))
first evaluates the lambda expression, (lambda () a), and binds the name foo to the result, a function; that function will refer to the value of a when (foo) will be called, so it's OK that there's a reference to a inside that lambda expression -- because when that lambda expression is evaluated, no value of a is immediately needed, just the reference to its future value, under the name a, is present there; i.e. the value that a will have after all the names in that letrec are initialized, and the body of letrec is entered. Or in other words, when all the internal defines are completed and the body proper of the procedure my-proc is entered.
So we see that foo is defined, but is not used during the initializations; a is defined but is not used during the initializations; thus all is well. But if we had e.g.
(define (my-proc x)
(define (foo) x) ; `foo` is defined as a function
(define a (foo)) ; `foo` is used by being called as a function
then here foo is both defined and used during the initializations of the internal, or "embedded", defines; this is forbidden in Scheme. This is what the book is warning about: the internal definitions are only allowed to define stuff, but its use should be delayed for later, when we're done with the internal defines and enter the full procedure's body.

This is subtle, and as the footnote and the question you reference imply, the subtlties can vary depending on a particular language's implementation.
These issues will be covered in far more detail later in the book (Chapters 3 and 4) and, generally, the text avoids using internal definitions so that these issues can be avoided until they are examined in detail.
A key difference between between the code above the footnote:
(define (sqrt x)
(define (good-enough? guess)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(define (improve guess)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(define (sqrt-iter guess)
(if (good-enough? guess)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess))))
(sqrt-iter 1.0))
and the code in the other question:
(define (pi-approx n)
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (num-prod ind) (* (* 2 ind) (* 2 (+ ind 1)))) ; calculates the product in the numerator for a certain term
(define (denom-prod ind) (square (+ (* ind 2 ) 1))) ;Denominator product at index ind
(define num (product num-prod 1 inc n))
(define denom (product denom-prod 1 inc n))
is that all the defintions in former are procedure definitions, whereas num and denom are value defintions. The body of a procedure is not evaluated until that procedures is called. But a value definition is evaluated when the value is assigned.
With a value definiton:
(define sum (add 2 2))
(add 2 2) will evaluated when the definition is evaluated, if so add must already be defined. But with a procedure definition:
(define (sum n m) (add n m))
a procedure object will be assigned to sum but the procedure body is not yet evaluated so add does not need be defined when sum is defined, but must be by the time sum is called:
(sum 2 2)
As I say there is a lot sublty and a lot of variation so I'm not sure if the following is always true for every variation of scheme, but within 'SICP scheme' you can say..
Valid (order of evaluation of defines not significant):
;procedure body
(define (sum m n) (add m n))
(define (add m n) (+ m n))
(sum 2 2)
Also valid:
;procedure body
(define (sum) (add 2 2))
(define (add m n) (+ m n))
Usually invalid (order of evaluation of defines is significant):
;procedure body
(define sum (add 2 2))
(define (add m n) (+ m n))
Whether the following is valid depends on the implementation:
;procedure body
(define (add m n) (+ m n))
(define sum (add 2 2))
And finally an example of intertwining definition and use, whether this works also depends on the implementation. IIRC, this would work with Scheme described in Chapter 4 of the book if the scanning out has been implemented.
;procedure body
(define (sum) (add 2 2))
(define (add m n) (+ m n))
It is complicated and subtle, but the key points are:
value definitions are evaluated differently from procedure definitions,
behaviour inside blocks may be different from outside blocks,
there is variation between scheme implementations,
the book is designed so you don't have to worry much about this until Chapter 3,
the book will cover this in detail in Chapter 4.

You discovered one of the difficulties of scheme. And of lisp. Due to this kind of chicken and egg issue there is no single lisp, but lots of lisps appeared.
If the binding forms are not present in code in a letrec-logic in R5RS and letrec*-logic in R6RS, the semantics is undefined. Which means, everything depend on the will of the implementor of scheme.
See the paper Fixing Letrec: A Faithful Yet Efficient Implementation of Scheme’s Recursive Binding Construct.
Also, you can read the discussions from the mailing list from 1986, when there was no general consensus among different implementors of scheme.
Also, at MIT there were developed 2 versions of scheme -- the student version and the researchers' development version, and they behaved differently concerning the order of define forms.


How does `values` work in Scheme?

From the R5RS standard:
Values might be defined as follows:
(define (values . things)
(lambda (cont) (apply cont things))))
My first interpretation of this was that an expression like (+ (values 1 2)) is equivalent to (apply + '(1 2)) and would yield the result 3. But, according to my tests, this interpretation is not correct. Here is my interpretation of the code above: values is a function taking any number of arguments, bundled into a list called things. Then, the current continuation (the place where values is used) is called with the list things "unbundled".
What am I missing? The example above (+ (values 1 2)) gives an error or 1 depending on the interpreter I used.
See, when you type
(+ (values 1 2))
the continuation of the call to values is actually a single argument to +. So, it is either treated as 1 (the first element to the list, the first value produced by the procedure), or an error. R5RS says in this regard:
Except for continuations created by the call-with-values procedure, all continuations take exactly one value. The effect of passing no value or more than one value to continuations that were not created by call-with-values is unspecified.
On the other hand, call-with-values would correctly bind your list's elements to its consumer argument's formal arguments:
Calls its producer argument with no values and a continuation that, when passed some values, calls the consumer procedure with those values as arguments.
In order to understand what this definition of values means, you need to also understand the definition of call-with-current-continuation, which it is defined in terms of. And helpfully, the documentation for values mentions call-with-values, as an example of how to use the result of values.
So, you could use (values 1 2) in a context like:
(call-with-values (lambda () (values 1 2))
(lambda (x y) (+ x y)))

Scheme/Guile: Variable self-re-definition inside a function

I feel that understanding this subtlety might help me to understand how scope works in Scheme.
So why does Scheme error out if you try to do something like:
(define (func n)
(define n (+ 1 n))
It only errors out at runtime when calling the function.
The reason I find it strange is because Scheme does allow re-definitions, even inside functions. For example this gives no error and will always return the value 5 as expected:
(define (func n)
(define n 5)
Additionally, Scheme also seems to support self-re-definition in global space. For instance:
(define a 5)
(define a (+ 1 a))
gives no error and results in "a" displaying "6" as expected.
So why does the same thing give a runtime error when it occurs inside a function (which does support re-definition)? In other words: Why does self-re-definition only not work when inside of a function?
global define
First off, top level programs are handled by a different part of the implementation than in a function and defining an already defined variable is not allowed.
(define a 10)
(define a 20) ; ERROR: duplicate definition for identifier
It might happen that it works in a REPL since it's common to redefine stuff, but when running programs this is absolutely forbidden. In R5RS and before what happened is underspecified and didn't care since be specification by violating it it no longer is a Scheme program and implementers are free to do whatever they want. The result is of course that a lot of underspecified stuff gets implementation specific behaviour which are not portable or stable.
set! mutates bindings:
(define a 10)
(set! a 20)
define in a lambda (function, let, ...)
A define in a lambda is something completely different, handled by completely different parts of the implementation. It is handled by the macro/special form lambda so that it is rewritten to a letrec*
A letrec* or letrec is used for making functions recursive so the names need to be available at the time the expressions are evaluated. Because of that when you define n it has already shadowed the n you passed as argument. In addition from R6RS implementers are required to signal an error when a binding is evaluated that is not yet initialized and that is probably what happens. Before R6RS implementers were free to do whatever they wanted:
(define (func n)
(define n (+ n 1)) ; illegal since n hasn't got a value yet!
This actually becomes:
(define func
(lambda (n)
(let ((n 'undefined-blow-up-if-evaluated))
(let ((tmpn (+ n 1)))
(set! n tmpn))
Now a compiler might see that it violates the spec at compile time, but many implementations doesn't know before it runs.
(func 5) ; ==> 42
Perfectly fine result in R5RS if the implementers have good taste in books.
The difference in the version you said works is that this does not violate the rule of evaluating n before the body:
(define (func n)
(define n 5)
(define func
(lambda (n)
(let ((n 'undefined-blow-up-if-evaluated))
(let ((tmpn 5)) ; n is never evaluated here!
(set! n tmpn))
Use a non conflicting name
(define (func n)
(define new-n (+ n 1))
Use let. It does not have its own binding when the expression gets evaluated:
(define (func n)
(let ((n (+ n 1)))

What is the purpose of Closures in Scheme/Racket?

I am learning Scheme and just came across Closures. The following example provided, demonstrating the use of Closures:
(define (create-closure x)
(lambda () x))
(define val (create-closure 10))
From what I understand, when the above code is evaluated, val will equal to 10. I realize this is just an example, but I don't understand just how a closure would be helpful. What are the advantages and what would a scenario where such a concept would be needed?
val is not 10 but a closure. If you call it like (val) it returns the value of x. x is a closure variable that still exists since it's still in use. A better example is this:
(define (larger-than-predicate n)
(lambda (v) (> v n )))
(filter (larger-than-predicate 5) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
; ==> (6 7 8 9 10)
So the predicate compares the argument with v which is a variable that still holds 5. In a dynamic bound lisp this is not possible to do because n will not exist when the comparison happens.
Lecical scoping was introduces in Algol and Scheme. JavaScript, PHP amd C# are all algol dialects and have inherited it from there. Scheme was the first lisp to get it and Common Lisp followed. It's actually the most common scoping.
From this example you can see that the closure allows the functions local environment to remain accessible after being called.
(define count
(let ((next 0))
(lambda ()
(let ((v next))
(set! next (+ next 1))
I believe in the example you give, val will NOT equal to 10, instead, a lambda object (lambda () 10) will be assigned to val. So (val) equals to 10.
In the world of Scheme, there are two different concepts sharing the same term "closure". See this post for a brief introduction to both of these terms. In your case, I believe by "closure" you mean "lexical closure". In your code example, the parameter x is a free variable to the returned lambda and is referred to by that returned lambda, so a lexical closure is kept to store the value of x. I believe this post will give you a good explanation on what (lexical) closure is.
Totally agree with Lifu Huang's answer.
In addition, I'd like to highlight the most obvious use of closures, namely callbacks.
For instance, in JavaScript, I might write
function setup(){
var presses = 0;
function handleKeyPress(evt){
presses = presses + 1;
return mainHandler(evt);
In this case, it's important to me that the function that I'm installing as the key handler "knows about" the binding for the presses variable. That binding is stored in the closure. Put differently, the function is "closed over" the binding for presses.
Similar things occur in nearly every http GET or POST call made in JS. It crops up in many many other places as well.
Btw, create-closure from your question is known by some as the Kestrel combinator, from the family of Combinator Birds. It is also known as True in Church encoding, which encodes booleans (and everything else) using lambdas (closures).
(define (kestrel a)
(lambda (b) a))
(define (create-list size proc)
(let loop ((x 0))
(if (= x size)
(cons (proc x)
(loop (add1 x))))))
(create-list 5 identity)
; '(0 1 2 3 4)
(create-list 5 (kestrel 'a))
; '(a a a a a)
In Racket (I'm unsure about Scheme), this procedure is known as const -
(create-list 5 (const 'a))
; '(a a a a a)

Letrec and reentrant continuations

I have been told that the following expression is intended to evaluate to 0, but that many implementations of Scheme evaluate it as 1:
(let ((cont #f))
(letrec ((x (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0)))
(y (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0))))
(if cont
(let ((c cont))
(set! cont #f)
(set! x 1)
(set! y 1)
(c 0))
(+ x y))))
I must admit that I cannot tell where even to start with this. I understand the basics of continuations and call/cc, but can I get a detailed explanation of this expression?
This is an interesting fragment. I came across this question because I was searching for discussions of the exact differences between letrec and letrec*, and how these varied between different versions of the Scheme reports, and different Scheme implementations. While experimenting with this fragment, I did some research and will report the results here.
If you mentally walk through the execution of this fragment, two questions should be salient to you:
Q1. In what order are the initialization clauses for x and y evaluated?
Q2. Are all the initialization clauses evaluated first, and their results cached, and then all the assignments to x and y performed afterwards? Or are some of the assignments made before some of the initialization clauses have been evaluated?
For letrec, the Scheme reports say that the answer to Q1 is "unspecified." Most implementations will in fact evaluate the clauses in left-to-right order; but you shouldn't rely on that behavior.
Scheme R6RS and R7RS introduce a new binding construction letrec* that does specify left-to-right evaluation order. It also differs in some other ways from letrec, as we'll see below.
Returning to letrec, the Scheme reports going back at least as far as R5RS seem to specify that the answer to Q2 is "evaluate all the initialization clauses before making any of the assignments." I say "seem to specify" because the language isn't as explicit about this being required as it might be. As a matter of fact, many Scheme implementations don't conform to this requirement. And this is what's responsible for the difference between the "intended" and "observed" behavior wrt your fragment.
Let's walk through your fragment, with Q2 in mind. First we set aside two "locations" (reference cells) for x and y to be bound to. Then we evaluate one of the initialization clauses. Let's say it's the clause for x, though as I said, with letrec it could be either one. We save the continuation of this evaluation into cont. The result of this evaluation is 0. Now, depending on the answer to Q2, we either assign that result immediately to x or we cache it to make the assignment later. Next we evaluate the other initialization clause. We save its continuation into cont, overwriting the previous one. The result of this evaluation is 0. Now all of the initialization clauses have been evaluated. Depending on the answer to Q2, we might at this point assign the cached result 0 to x; or the assignment to x may have already occurred. In either case, the assignment to y takes place now.
Then we begin evaluating the main body of the (letrec (...) ...) expression (for the first time). There is a continuation stored in cont, so we retrieve it into c, then clear cont and set! each of x and y to 1. Then we invoke the retrieved continuation with the value 0. This goes back to the last-evaluated initialization clause---which we've assumed to be y's. The argument we supply to the continuation is then used in place of the (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0)), and will be assigned to y. Depending on the answer to Q2, the assignment of 0 to x may or may not take place (again) at this point.
Then we begin evaluating the main body of the (letrec (...) ...) expression (for the second time). Now cont is #f, so we get (+ x y). Which will be either (+ 1 0) or (+ 0 0), depending on whether 0 was re-assigned to x when we invoked the saved continuation.
You can trace this behavior by decorating your fragment with some display calls, for example like this:
(let ((cont #f))
(letrec ((x (begin (display (list 'xinit x y cont)) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0))))
(y (begin (display (list 'yinit x y cont)) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0)))))
(display (list 'body x y cont))
(if cont
(let ((c cont))
(set! cont #f)
(set! x 1)
(set! y 1)
(c 'new))
(cons x y))))
I also replaced (+ x y) with (cons x y), and invoked the continuation with the argument 'new instead of 0.
I ran that fragment in Racket 5.2 using a couple of different "language modes", and also in Chicken 4.7. Here are the results. Both implementations evaluated the x init clause first and the y clause second, though as I said this behavior is unspecified.
Racket with #lang r5rs and #lang r6rs conforms to the spec for Q2, and so we get the "intended" result of re-assigning 0 to the other variable when the continuation is invoked. (When experimenting with r6rs, I needed to wrap the final result in a display to see what it would be.)
Here is the trace output:
(xinit #<undefined> #<undefined> #f)
(yinit #<undefined> #<undefined> #<continuation>)
(body 0 0 #<continuation>)
(body 0 new #f)
(0 . new)
Racket with #lang racket and Chicken don't conform to that. Instead, after each initialization clause is evaluated, it gets assigned to the corresponding variable. So when the continuation is invoked, it only ends up re-assigning a value to the final value.
Here is the trace output, with some added comments:
(xinit #<undefined> #<undefined> #f)
(yinit 0 #<undefined> #<continuation>) ; note that x has already been assigned
(body 0 0 #<continuation>)
(body 1 new #f) ; so now x is not re-assigned
(1 . new)
Now, as to what the Scheme reports really do require. Here is the relevant section from R5RS:
library syntax: (letrec <bindings> <body>)
Syntax: <Bindings> should have the form
((<variable1> <init1>) ...),
and <body> should be a sequence of one or more expressions. It is an error
for a <variable> to appear more than once in the list of variables being bound.
Semantics: The <variable>s are bound to fresh locations holding undefined
values, the <init>s are evaluated in the resulting environment (in some
unspecified order), each <variable> is assigned to the result of the
corresponding <init>, the <body> is evaluated in the resulting environment, and
the value(s) of the last expression in <body> is(are) returned. Each binding of
a <variable> has the entire letrec expression as its region, making it possible
to define mutually recursive procedures.
(letrec ((even?
(lambda (n)
(if (zero? n)
(odd? (- n 1)))))
(lambda (n)
(if (zero? n)
(even? (- n 1))))))
(even? 88))
===> #t
One restriction on letrec is very important: it must be possible to evaluate
each <init> without assigning or referring to the value of any <variable>. If
this restriction is violated, then it is an error. The restriction is necessary
because Scheme passes arguments by value rather than by name. In the most
common uses of letrec, all the <init>s are lambda expressions and the
restriction is satisfied automatically.
The first sentence of the "Semantics" sections sounds like it requires all the assignments to happen after all the initialization clauses have been evaluated; though, as I said earlier, this isn't as explicit as it might be.
In R6RS and R7RS, the only substantial changes to this part of the specification is the addition of a requirement that:
the continuation of each <init> should not be invoked more than once.
R6RS and R7RS also add another binding construction, though: letrec*. This differs from letrec in two ways. First, it does specify a left-to-right evaluation order. Correlatively, the "restriction" noted above can be relaxed somewhat. It's now okay to reference the values of variables that have already been assigned their initial values:
It must be possible to evaluate each <init> without assigning or
referring to the value of the corresponding <variable> or the
<variable> of any of the bindings that follow it in <bindings>.
The second difference is with respect to our Q2. With letrec*, the specification now requires that the assignments take place after each initialization clause is evaluated. Here is the first paragraph of the "Semantics" from R7RS (draft 6):
Semantics: The <variable>s are bound to fresh locations, each
<variable> is assigned in left-to-right order to the result of evaluating
the corresponding <init>, the <body> is evaluated in the resulting
environment, and the values of the last expression in <body> are
returned. Despite the left-to-right evaluation and assignment order, each
binding of a <variable> has the entire letrec* expression as its region,
making it possible to define mutually recursive procedures.
So Chicken, and Racket using #lang racket---and many other implementations---seem in fact to implement their letrecs as letrec*s.
The reason for this being evaluated to 1 is because of (set! x 1). If instead of 1 you set x to 0 then it will result in zero. This is because the continuation variable cont which is storing the continuation is actually storing the continuation for y and not for x as it is being set to y's continuation after x's.

Beginner: Curried functions in Scheme

I'm using the SICP lectures and text to learn about Scheme on my own. I am looking at an exercise that says "An application of an expression E is an expression of the form (E E1,...En). This includes the case n=0, corresponding to an expression (E). A Curried application of E is either an application of E or an application of a Curried application of E."
(Edit: I corrected the above quote ... I'd originally misquoted the definition.)
The task is to define a Curried application of the procedure which evaluates to 3 for
(define foo1
(lambda (x)
(* x x)))
I really don't understand the idea here, and reading the Wikipedia entry on Curriying didn't really help.
Can anyone help with a more lucid explanation of what's being asked for here?
Actually even giving me the answer to this problem would be helpful, since there are five more to solve after this one. ... I just am not getting the basic idea.
Addition: Even after Brian Campbell's lengthy explanation, I'm still somewhat lost.
Is (foo1 (sqrt 3))) considered an application of foo, and therefore a curried application of foo?
Seems too simple, but maybe...
Typing (((foo1 2 )) 2) into DrScheme gives the following error (which I kind of expected)
procedure application: expected procedure, given: 4 (no arguments)
After re-reading What is Currying? I understand I can also re-define foo1 to be:
(define (foo1 a)
(lambda (b)
(* a b)))
So then I can type
((foo1 3 ) 4)
But this doesn't really get me any closer to producing 3 as an output, and it seems like this isn't really currying the original foo1, it's just re-defining it.
Damn, 20 years of C programming hasn't prepared me for this. :-) :-)
Hm, this problem is fairly confusingly phrased, compared to the usually much more clear style of the books. Actually, it looks like you might be misquoting the problem set, if you're getting the problem set from here; that could be contributing to your confusion.
I'll break the definition down for you, with some examples that might help you figure out what's going on.
An application of an expression E is an expression of the form (E E1 ... En).
Here's an example of an application:
(foo 1 2) ; This is an application of foo
(bar 1) ; This is an application of bar
This includes the case n=0, corresponding to an expression (E).
(baz) ; This is an application of baz
A Curried application of E is either an application of E or an application of a Curried application of E?...........
This is the one that you misquoted; above is the definition from the problem set that I found online.
There are two halves to this definition. Starting with the first:
A Curried application of E is either an application of E
(foo 1 2) ; (1) A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of foo
(bar 1) ; (2) A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of bar
(baz) ; (3) A Curried application of baz, since it is an application of baz
or an application of a Curried application of E
((foo 1 2) 3) ; (4) A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of (1)
((bar 1)) ; (5) A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of (2)
((baz) 1 2) ; (6) A Curried application of baz, since it is an application of (3)
(((foo 1 2) 3)) ; A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of (4)
(((bar 1)) 2) ; A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of (5)
; etc...
Does that give you the help you need to get started?
edit: Yes, (foo1 (sqrt 3)) is a Curried application of foo1; it is that simple. This is not a very good question, since in many implementations you'll actually get 2.9999999999999996 or something like that; it's not possible to have a value that will return exactly 3, unless your Scheme has some sort of representation of exact algebraic numbers.
Your second example is indeed an error. foo1 returns an integer, which is not valid to apply. It is only some of the later examples for which the recursive case, of an application of an application of the function, are valid. Take a look at foo3, for example.
edit 2: I just checked in SICP, and it looks like the concepts here aren't explained until section 1.3, while this assignment only mentions section 1.1. I would recommend trying to read through section 1.3 if you haven't yet.
See What is 'Currying'?
Currying takes a function and provides
a new function accepting a single
argument, and returning the specified
function with its first argument set
to that argument.
Most of the answers you've gotten are examples of 'partial evaluation'. To do true currying in Scheme you need syntactic help. Like such:
(define-syntax curry
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (a) body ...)
(lambda (a) body ...))
((_ (a b ...) body ...)
(lambda (a) (curry (b ...) body ...)))))
Which you then use as:
> (define adding-n3 (curry (a b c) (+ a b c)))
> (define adding-n2-to-100 (adding-n3 100))
> ((adding-n2-to-100) 1) 10)
> (adding-n3 1)
> ((adding-n3 1) 10)
I don't think James' curry function is correct - there's a syntax error when I try it in my scheme interpreter.
Here's an implementation of "curry" that I use all the time:
> (define curry (lambda (f . c) (lambda x (apply f (append c x)))))
> ((curry list 5 4) 3 2)
(5 4 3 2)
Notice, it also works for currying more than one argument to a function.
There's also a macro someone has written that let's you write functions that implicitly curry for you when you call them with insufficient arguments: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~jeffm/Papers/curry.html
I think you are confusing yourself too much. Currying a function takes a function of type F(a1,a2,...aN) and turns it into F(a1) which returns a function that takes a2, (which returns a function that takes a3 ... etc.)
So if you have:
(define F (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
(F 1 2) ;; ==> 3
you can curry it to make something that acts like the following:
(define F (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (+ a b))))
((F 1) 2) ;; ==> 3
in the case of your specific question, it seems very confusing.
(foo1 (sqrt 3))
seems to be suitable. I would recommend leaving it for now and reading more of the book.
you can actually make a function that does a simple curry for you:
(define (curry f x) (lambda (y) (apply f (cons x y))))
(curry = 0) ;; a function that returns true if input is zero
Depending on your Scheme implementation, there might be some utilities to be able to recover from errors/exceptions, for example, in Chicken Scheme, there is condition-case.
(condition-case (func)
((exn) (print "error")))
We can define a function which take a function of an arbitrary number of elements and return the curryed form :
(define curry
(lambda (func . args)
(condition-case (apply func args)
(lambda plus
(apply curry func (append args plus)))))]))))
This is a bit ugly, because if you use too many argument one time, you'll never get the final result, but this turn any function into the curryed form.
