How can I nest a with_filetree in Ansible? - ansible

I'm using Ansible to push config files for various apps (based on group_names) & need to loop thru the config .j2 templates from a list variable. If I use a known list of config templates I can use a standard with_nested like this...
src: '{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/{{ item[1] }}/configs/{{ item[0] }}.j2'
dest: /path/to/{{ item[1] }}/configs/{{ item[0] }}
- ['file.1', 'file.2', 'file.3', 'file.4']
- '{{ group_names }}'
However, since each app will have its own configs I can't use a common list for a with_nested. Every attempt to somehow use with_filetree nested fails. Is there any way to nest a with_filetree? Am I missing something painfully obvious?

The most straightforward way to deal with this is probably to imbricate loops through an include. I take for granted that your app directory only contains .j2 files. Adapt if this is not the case.
In e.g. push_templates.yml
- name: Copy templates for group {{ current_group }}
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: /path/to/{{ current_group }}/configs/{{ (item.src | splitext).0 | basename }}
with_filetree: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/{{ current_group }}"
# Or using the latest loop syntax
# loop: "{{ query('filetree', playbook_dir + '/templates/' + current_group) }}"
when: item.src is defined
Note: on the dest line, I am removing the last found extension of the file and getting its name only without the leading directory path. Check the ansible doc on filters for splitext and basename for more info
Then in your e.g. main.yml
- name: Copy templates for all groups
include_tasks: push_templates.yml
loop: "{{ group_names }}"
loop_var: current_group
Note the loop_var in the control section to disambiguate the possible item overlap in the included file. The var name is of course aligned with the one I used in the above included file. See the ansible loops documentation for more info.
An alternative approach to the above would be to construct your own data structure looping over your groups with set_fact and calling the filetree lookup on each iteration (see example above with the newer loop syntax), then loop over your custom data structure to do the job.


Ansible - multiple items in path, but cannot use loop

I'm not sure how to describe the title or my question properly, feel free to edit.
I'll jump right in. I have this working piece of Ansible code:
- file:
path: "{{ item.item.value.my_folder }}/{{ item.item.value.filename }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ my_stat.results }}"
when: item.stat is defined and item.stat.exists and item.stat.islnk
If Ansible is run, the task is executed properly, and the file is removed from the system.
Now, the issue. What I want Ansible to do is loop over multiple items described in "path". This way I won't have to create a seperate task for each filename I want to be deleted.
- file:
- "{{ item.item.value.my_folder }}/{{ item.item.value.filename }}"
- "{{ item.item.value.my_folder }}/{{ item.item.value.other_filename }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ my_stat.results }}"
when: item.stat is defined and item.stat.exists and item.stat.islnk
But Ansible doesn't proces the items in the list described in 'path', so the filesnames will not be deleted.
I see I cannot use 'loop', since it is already in use for another value.
Question: How would I configure Ansible so that I can have multiple items in the path and let Ansible delete the filenames, and keeping the current loop intact.
-- EDIT --
Output of the tasks:
I've removed the pastebin url since I believe it has no added value for the question, and the answer has been given.
As described in the documentation, path is of type path, so Ansible will only accept a valid path in there, not a list.
What you can do, though, is to slightly modify your loop and make a product between your existing list and a list of the filenames properties you want to remove, then use those as the key to access item.item.value (or item.0.item.value now, since we have the product filter applied).
For example:
- file:
path: "{{ item.0.item.value.my_folder }}/{{ item.0.item.value[item.1] }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ my_stat.results | product(['filename', 'other_filename']) }}"
- item.0.stat is defined
- item.0.stat.exists
- item.0.stat.islnk
PS: a list in a when is the same as adding and statements in the said when

ansible how to load variables from another role, without executing it?

I have a task to create a one-off cleanup playbook which is using variables from a role, but i don't need to execute that role. Is there a way to provide a role name to get everything from it's defaults and vars, without hardcoding paths to it? I also want to use vars defined in group_vars or host_vars with higher precedence than the ones included from role.
Example task:
- name: stop kafka and zookeeper services if they exist
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
- "{{ kafka_service_name }}"
- "{{ zookeeper_service_name }}"
ignore_errors: true
where kafka_service_name and zookeeper_service_name are contained in role kafka, but may also be present in i.e. group_vars.
I came up with a fairly hacky solution, which looks like this:
- name: save old host_vars
old_host_vars: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] }}"
- name: load kafka role variables
dir: "{{ item.root }}/{{ item.path }}"
- kafka
paths: "{{ ['roles'] + lookup('config', 'DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH') }}"
with_filetree: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
when: item.state == 'directory' and item.path in ['defaults', 'vars']
- name: stop kafka and zookeeper services if they exist
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
- "{{ old_host_vars['kafka_service_name'] | default(kafka_service_name) }}"
- "{{ old_host_vars['zookeeper_service_name'] | default(zookeeper_service_name) }}"
include_vars task finds the first kafka role folder in ./roles and in default role locations, then includes files from directories defaults and vars, in correct order.
I had to save old hostvars due to include_vars having higher priority than anything but extra vars as per ansible doc, and then using included var only if old_host_vars returned nothing.
If you don't have a requirement to load group_vars - include vars works quite nice in one task and looks way better.
UPD: Here is the regexp that i used to replace vars with old_host_vars hack.
This was tested in vscode search/replace, but can be adjusted for any other editor
Search for vars that start with kafka_:
\{\{ (kafka_\w*) \}\}
Replace with:
{{ old_host_vars['$1'] | default($1) }}

Ansible: find file and loop over paths

Using an Ansible role. I would like to loop over a list of file paths, but I get an error:
template error while templating string: unexpected '/'.
String: {{/home/xyz/download.log}}
This is the main.yml for the "list_log_files" role:
- name: "find logs"
paths: /
patterns: 'download.log'
recurse: yes
register: find_logs
- name: "list log files"
debug: var="{{ item.path }}"
with_items: "{{ find_logs.files }}"
The find returns an array "files", each is a dictionary. The dictionary contains a path entry, which is what I am interested in.
I have faced same issue and above issue is same where I want list of path of each file to insert line. I use Jinja2 filter:
- name: fetch files
find: paths=/var/tmp/ patterns='*.log'
register: find_logs
- name: insert line
lineinfile: dest={{ item }} line='my line' insertafter=EOF
with_items: "{{ find_logs.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
{{ find_logs.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}
Helpful Link
Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute.
This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really
only interested in a certain value of it.
The correct syntax for var argument of debug module (with the value for your use case) is:
In Ansible notation:
debug: var=item.path
In YAML notation:
var: item.path
Ansible modules' usage is fairy well documented and examples cover most users' needs. This is also true for the debug module, so refer to the examples to check the basic syntax.

Ansible items in separate files

Is it possible to have few .yml files and then read them as separate items for task?
- name: write templates
template: src=template.j2 dest=/some/path
with_items: ./configs/*.yml
I have found pretty elegant solution:
- hosts: localhost
my_items: "{{ lookup('fileglob', './configs/*.yml', wantlist=True) }}"
- name: write templates
template: src=template.j2 dest=/some/path/{{ (item | from_yaml).name }}
with_file: "{{ my_items }}"
And then in template you have to add {% set item = (item | from_yaml) %} at the beginning.
Well, yes and no. You can loop over files and even use their content as variables. But the template module does not take parameters. There is an ugly workaround by using an include statement. Includes do take parameters and if the template task is inside the included file it will have access to them.
Something like this should work:
- include: other_file.yml parameters={{ lookup('file', item) | from_yaml }}
with_fileglob: ./configs/*.yml
And in other_file.yml then the template task:
- name: write template
template: src=template.j2 dest=/some/path
The ugly part here, beside the additional include, is that the include statement only takes parameters in the format of key=value. that's what you see in above task as parameters=.... parameters here has no special meaning, it just is the name of the variable with which the content of the file will be available inside the include.
So if your vars files have a variable foo defined, you would be able to access it in the template as {{ }}.

ansible - delete unmanaged files from directory?

I want to recursively copy over a directory and render all .j2 files in there as templates. For this I am currently using the following lines:
- template: >
src=/src/conf.d/{{ item }}
dest=/dest/conf.d/{{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
with_lines: find /src/conf.d/ -type f -printf "%P\n"
Now I'm looking for a way to remove unmanaged files from this directory. For example if I remove a file/template from /src/conf.d/ I want Ansible to remove it from /dest/conf.d/ as well.
Is there some way to do this? I tried fiddling around with rsync --delete, but there I got a problem with the templates which get their suffix .j2 removed.
I'd do it like this, assuming a variable defined as 'managed_files' up top that is a list.
- shell: ls -1 /some/dir
register: contents
- file: path=/some/dir/{{ item }} state=absent
with_items: contents.stdout_lines
when: item not in managed_files
We do this with our nginx files, since we want them to be in a special order, come from templates, but remove unmanaged ones this works:
# loop through the nginx sites array and create a conf for each file in order
# file will be name 01_file.conf, 02_file.conf etc
- name: nginx_sites conf
template: >
src=templates/nginx/{{ item.1.template }}
dest={{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ '%02d' % item.0 }}_{{ item.1.conf_name|default(item.1.template) }}
owner={{ user }}
group={{ group }}
with_indexed_items: nginx_sites
- restart nginx
register: nginx_sites_confs
# flatten and map the results into simple list
# unchanged files have attribute dest, changed have attribute path
- set_fact:
nginx_confs: "{{ nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('dest', 'string')|map(attribute='dest')|list + nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('path', 'string')|map(attribute='path')|select|list }}"
when: nginx_sites
# get contents of conf dir
- shell: ls -1 {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/*.conf
register: contents
when: nginx_sites
# so we can delete the ones we don't manage
- name: empty old confs
file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
with_items: contents.stdout_lines
when: nginx_sites and item not in nginx_confs
The trick (as you can see) is that template and with_items have different attributes in the register results. Then you turn them into a list of files you manage and then get a list of the the directory and removed the ones not in that list.
Could be done with less code if you already have a list of files. But in this case I'm creating an indexed list so need to create the list as well with map.
I want to share my experience with this case.
Ansible from 2.2 is had with_filetree loop provides simple way to upload dirs, links, static files and even (!) templates. It's best way to keep my config dir synchronized.
- name: etc config - Create directories
path: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
with_filetree: etc/nginx
when: item.state == 'directory'
- name: etc config - Creating configuration files from templates
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}"
mode: 0644
with_filetree: etc/nginx
- item.state == "file"
- item.path | match('.+\.j2$') | bool
- name: etc config - Creating staic configuration files
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
mode: 0644
with_filetree: etc/nginx
- item.state == "file"
- not (item.path | match('.+\.j2$') | bool)
- name: etc config - Recreate symlinks
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
state: link
force: yes
mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
with_filetree: etc/nginx
when: item.state == "link"
Next we may want delete unused files from config dir. It's simple.
We gather list of uploaded files and files exist on remote server, next remove diffrence.
But we may want to have unmanaged files in config dir.
I've used -prune functionality of find to avoid clearing folders with unmanaged files.
PS _(Y)_ sure after I have deleted some unmanaged files
- name: etc config - Gathering managed files
__managed_file_path: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}"
with_filetree: etc/nginx
register: __managed_files
- name: etc config - Convert managed files to list
set_fact: managed_files="{{ __managed_files.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.__managed_file_path') | list }}"
- name: etc config - Gathering exist files (excluding .ansible_keep-content dirs)
shell: find /etc/nginx -mindepth 1 -type d -exec test -e '{}/.ansible_keep-content' \; -prune -o -print
register: exist_files
changed_when: False
- name: etc config - Delete unmanaged files
file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
with_items: "{{ exist_files.stdout_lines }}"
- item not in managed_files
Here's something I came up with:
- template: src=/source/directory{{ item }}.j2 dest=/target/directory/{{ item }}
register: template_results
- a_list.txt
- of_all.txt
- templates.txt
- set_fact:
managed_files: "{{ template_results.results|selectattr('invocation', 'defined')|map(attribute='invocation.module_args.dest')|list }}"
- debug:
var: managed_files
verbosity: 0
- find:
paths: "/target/directory/"
patterns: "*.txt"
register: all_files
- set_fact:
files_to_delete: "{{ all_files.files|map(attribute='path')|difference(managed_files) }}"
- debug:
var: all_files
verbosity: 0
- debug:
var: files_to_delete
verbosity: 0
- file: path={{ item }} state=absent
with_items: "{{ files_to_delete }}"
This generates the templates (however which way you want), and records the results in 'template_results'
The the results are mangled to get a simple list of the "dest" of each template. Skipped templates (due to a when condition, not shown) have no "invocation" attribute, so they're filtered out.
"find" is then used to get a list of all files that should be absent unless specifically written.
this is then mangled to get a raw list of files present, and then the "supposed to be there" files are removed.
The remaining "files_to_delete" are then removed.
Pros: You avoid multiple 'skipped' entries showing up during deletes.
Cons: You'll need to concatenate each template_results.results if you want to do multiple template tasks before doing the find/delete.
There might be a couple of ways to handle this, but would it be possible to entirely empty the target directory in a task before the template step? Or maybe drop the templated files into a temporary directory and then delete+rename in a subsequent step?
Usually I do not remove files but I add -unmanaged suffix to its name.
Sample ansible tasks:
- name: Get sources.list.d files
shell: grep -r --include=\*.list -L '^# Ansible' /etc/apt/sources.list.d || true
register: grep_unmanaged
changed_when: grep_unmanaged.stdout_lines
- name: Add '-unmanaged' suffix
shell: rename 's/$/-unmanaged/' {{ item }}
with_items: grep_unmanaged.stdout_lines
Grep command uses:
-r to do recursive search
--include=\*.list - only take files
with .list extension during recursive search
-L '^# Ansible' - display file names that are not having line starting with '# Ansible'
|| true - this is used to ignore errors. Ansible's ignore_errors also works but before ignoring the error ansible will show it in red color during ansible-playbook run
which is undesired (at least for me).
Then I register output of grep command as a variable. When grep displays any output I set this task as changed (the line changed_when is responsible for this).
In next task I iterate grep output (i.e. file names returned by grep) and run rename command to add suffix to each file.
That's all. Next time you run the command first task should be green and second skipped.
I am using Ansible version 2.9.20
# tasks file for delete_unmanaged_files
- name: list files in dest
shell: ls -1 dest/conf.d
register: files_in_dest
- name: list files in src
shell: ls -1 src/conf.d
register: files_in_src
- name: Managed files - dest
command: echo {{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
with_items: "{{ files_in_dest.stdout_lines }}"
register: managed_files_dest
- name: Managed files - src
command: echo {{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
with_items: "{{ files_in_src.stdout_lines }}"
register: managed_files_src
- name: Convert src managed files to list
set_fact: managed_files_src_list="{{ managed_files_src.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"
- name: Delete unmanaged files in dest
file: path=dest/conf.d/{{ item.stdout }} state=absent
with_items: "{{ managed_files_dest.results }}"
when: item.stdout not in managed_files_src_list
I think depending on the usecase of this issue, I found above solution might help you. Here, I have created 6 tasks.
Task-1 & Task-2 will help storing file names in variable "files_in_dest" and "files_in_src" in it.
Task-3 & Task-4 will inherit the output coming from Task-1 & Task-2 and then replace the j2 file (required for the usecase). Then these tasks will store the output in "managed_files_dest" and "managed_files_src" variables.
Task-5 will convert the output of "managed_files_src" to list, so that we can have all the present files (at current state) stored in src directory in a proper or single list and then we can use this list in next task to know the unmanaged files in dest directory.
Task-6 will delete the unmanaged files in dest.
Apparently this isn't possible with ansible at the moment. I had a conversation with mdehaan on IRC and it boils down to ansible not having a directed acyclic graph for resources, making things like this very hard.
Asking mdehaan for an example e.g. authoritatively managing a sudoers.d directory he came up with these things:
14:17 < mdehaan> Robe:
14:19 < Robe> mdehaan: HM
14:19 < Robe> mdehaan: that actually looks relatively sane
14:19 < mdehaan> thanks :)
14:19 < Robe> the problem I'm seeing is that I'd have to gather the managed files myself
14:19 < mdehaan> you would yes
14:19 < mdehaan> ALMOST
14:20 < mdehaan> you could do a fileglob and ... well, it would be a little gross
14:32 < mdehaan> eh, theoretical syntax, nm
14:33 < mdehaan> I could do it by writing a lookup plugin that filtered a list
14:34 < mdehaan>
14:34 < mdehaan> if that plugin existed, for instance, and iterated across lists in A that were also in B
Building on #user2645850's answer I came up with this improved version, in this case it manages the vhost configuration of Apache. It doesn't use shell and thus works also in --check mode.
# Remove unmanged vhost configs left over from renaming or removing apps
# all managed configs need to be added to "managed_sites" in advance
- find:
paths: /etc/apache2/sites-available
patterns: '*.conf'
register: sites_available_contents
- name: Remove unmanaged vhost config files
path: /etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ item }}
state: absent
with_items: "{{ sites_available_contents.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}"
when: item not in managed_sites
# links may differ from files, therefore we need our own find task for them
- find:
paths: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
file_type: any
register: sites_enabled_contents
- name: Remove unmanaged vhost config links
path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ item }}
state: absent
with_items: "{{ sites_enabled_contents.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}"
when: item not in managed_sites
Examples on how to build managed_sites:
# Add single conf and handle managed_sites being unset
- set_fact:
managed_sites: "{{ (managed_sites | default([])) + [ '000-default.conf' ] }}"
# Add a list of vhosts appending ".conf" to each entry of vhosts
- set_fact:
managed_sites: "{{ managed_sites + ( vhosts | map(attribute='app') | product(['.conf']) | map('join') | list ) }}"
