Function with 1/2 values and short variable declaration assigned twice to same variable - go

I have two questions for following code
emptyinterface.(int) can return one or two values, how the function is defined to achieve that effect?
ok has been declared twice using short variable declaration, why it is possible in this context?
package main
import (
func main() {
var emptyinterface interface{}
i2,ok:=emptyinterface.(int)//<- how the function is defined such that it can return either 1 (i1) or 2 values (i2,ok)?
i3,ok:=emptyinterface.(string) //<--why I can reassign to ok, which has assign previously?

It's not a function, it's a language feature. You can't write a function that does that, but the compiler writers can create a bit of syntax that does.
A := is invalid if there are no new variables on its left side. If there is at least one new variable being declared, it's allowed.

In each of the cases, there is at-least new variable created along with ok, i.e. i2 and i3, so redeclaration of ok is perfectly fine.
This is well documented in the language spec (emphasis mine) under Short variable declarations
Unlike regular variable declarations, a short variable declaration may redeclare variables provided they were originally declared earlier in the same block (or the parameter lists if the block is the function body) with the same type, and at least one of the non-blank variables is new. As a consequence, redeclaration can only appear in a multi-variable short declaration.
Also it is unclear, what you are referring as a function here, Type assertion is a feature of the language that asserts if a value within the interface is of a particular type. It always returns the underlying value if the assertion was successful or a failure if its not. You should always be checking the return value of the type assertion (2nd argument) before meaningfully using it elsewhere.


Golang: The differences between these two ways of initializing struct [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When to use pointers [duplicate]
(1 answer)
I don't understand when to use pointers on go [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Difference between returning a pointer and a value in initialization methods [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Pointers vs. values in parameters and return values
(5 answers)
Golang struct initialization
(2 answers)
Closed 15 days ago.
I am wondering what the differences are between those two ways of initializing a struct in Go. Does the second one give you a pointer storing the address of the struct? But they have the same syntax if we want to change the field variables, so how are they different?
I can de-reference the pointer, apparently. But do they have different functionalities? In what scenario would I prefer one over the other?
b := Student{Name:"Bob"}
pb := &Student{Name:"Bob", Age:8,}
They only differ in what the type of the local variable is. Whether to prefer one over the other depends entirely on how you would use that variable in the remainder of the function's body. If you are always passing it around (meaning use it on the right-hand side of an assignment, as an argument to a function call, or returning it) as a pointer, use the pb := &Student{...} form. If you intend to create (shallow) copies of it, the b := Student{...} form might be more convenient. This is however purely based on the fact that typing pb is easier than &b, and that typing b is easier than *pb. If you apply these substitutions everywhere (except for in the context of field accesses, where it is allowed but not mandatory, see below), they are completely interchangeable.
If you want to be able to set the variable holding the struct (pointer) to nil, use a pointer, obviously. But this can also be solved by introducing a new, pointer-typed variable and setting that to either nil or &b.
Some types in Go cannot be copied (this is typically accomplished by embedding a [0]sync.Mutex field in the struct, which takes up no space but triggers the "mutex copy" error of the compiler). An example would be protobuf structs. For these, it is almost always preferable to use the pointer form; however, this is not required, as the initialization via b := Student{...} is not a copy.
Go allows transparently dereferencing when accessing struct fields. b.Name, (&b).Name, pb.Name, (*pb).Name all work and are equivalent. Note however that transparent dereferencing only works over one level, (&pb).Name will result in a compiler error.
The composite literals differ in the initialization of the Age field. The first sets the field to the zero value. The second sets the field to the number 8. Otherwise, the initialization of the struct values is identical.
What happens next is where the key difference lies. The first example assigns the value to a variable named b. The second example takes assigns the value to an anonymous variable; takes the address of the variable; and assigns the result to a variable named pb.
The type of b is the struct type and the type of pb is a pointer to the struct type.
See I don't understand when to use pointers on go to see a discussion on why one might want to use a pointer.

C++ return value and move rule exceptions

When we return a value from a C++ function copy-initialisation happens. Eg:
std::string hello() {
std::string x = "Hello world";
return x; // copy-init
Assume that RVO is disabled.
As per copy-init rule if x is a non-POD class type, then the copy constructor should be called. However for C++11 onward, I see move-constrtuctor being called. I could not find or understand the rules regarding this So my first question is -
What does the C++ standard say about move happening for copy-init when value is returned from function?
As an extension to the above question, I would also like to know in what cases move does not happen. I came up with the following case where copy-constructor is called instead of move:
std::string hello2(std::string& param) {
return param;
Finally, in some library code I saw that std::move was being explicitly used when returning (even if RVO or move should happen). Eg:
std::string hello3() {
std::string x = "Hello world";
return std::move(x);
What is the advantage and disadvantage of explicitly using std::move when returning?
You are confused by the fact that initialization via the move constructor is a special case of "copy initialization", and does not come as seperate concept. Check the notes on the cppreference page.
If other is an rvalue expression, move constructor will be selected by overload resolution and called during copy-initialization. There is no such term as move-initialization.
For returning a value from the function, check the description of returning on cppreference. It says in a box called "automatic move from local variables and parameters", where expression refers to what you return (warning: that quote is shortened! read the original for full details about other cases):
If expression is a (possibly parenthesized) id-expression that names a variable whose type is [...] a non-volatile object type [...] and that variable is declared [...] in the body or as a parameter of the [...] function, then overload resolution to select the constructor to use for initialization of the returned value is performed twice: first as if expression were an rvalue expression (thus it may select the move constructor), and if the first overload resolution failed [...] then overload resolution is performed as usual, with expression considered as an lvalue (so it may select the copy constructor).
So in the special case of returning a local variable, the variable can be treated as r-value, even if normal syntactic rules would make it a l-value. The spirit of the rule is that after the return, you can't find out whether the value of the local variable has been destroyed during the copy-initialization of the returned value, so moving it does not do any damage.
Regarding your second question: It is considered bad style to use std::move while returning, because moving will happen anyway, and it inhibits NRVO.
Quoting the C++ core guidelines linked above:
Never write return move(local_variable);, because the language already knows the variable is a move candidate. Writing move in this code won’t help, and can actually be detrimental because on some compilers it interferes with RVO (the return value optimization) by creating an additional reference alias to the local variable.
So that library code you quote is suboptimal.
Also, you can not implicitly move from anything that is not local to the function (that is local variables and value parameters), because implicit moving may move from something that is still visible after the function returned. In the quote from cppreference, the important point is "a non-volatile object type". When you return std::string& param, that is a variable with reference type.

Anonymous struct as pipeline in template

Is there a way to do the following in a html/template?
{{template "mytemplate" struct{Foo1, Foo2 string}{"Bar1", "Bar2"}}}
Actually in the template, like above. Not via a function registered in FuncMap which returns the struct.
I tried it, but Parse panics, see Playground. Maybe just the syntax is wrong?
As noted by others, it's not possible. Templates are parsed at runtime, without the help of the Go compiler. So allowing arbitrary Go syntax would not be feasible (although note that it wouldn't be impossible, as the standard lib contains all the tools to parse Go source text, see packages "prefixed" with go/ in the standard lib). By design philosophy, complex logic should be outside of templates.
Back to your example:
struct{Foo1, Foo2 string}{"Bar1", "Bar2"}
This is a struct composite literal and it is not supported in templates, neither when invoking another template nor at other places.
Invoking another template with a custom "argument" has the following syntax (quoting from text/template: Actions):
{{template "name" pipeline}}
The template with the specified name is executed with dot set
to the value of the pipeline.
TL;DR; A pipeline may be a constant, an expression denoting a field or method of some value (where the method will be called and its return value will be used), it may be a call to some "template-builtin" function or a custom registered function, or a value in a map.
Where Pipeline is:
A pipeline is a possibly chained sequence of "commands". A command is a simple value (argument) or a function or method call, possibly with multiple arguments:
The result is the value of evaluating the argument.
.Method [Argument...]
The method can be alone or the last element of a chain but,
unlike methods in the middle of a chain, it can take arguments.
The result is the value of calling the method with the
dot.Method(Argument1, etc.)
functionName [Argument...]
The result is the value of calling the function associated
with the name:
function(Argument1, etc.)
Functions and function names are described below.
And an Argument is:
An argument is a simple value, denoted by one of the following.
- A boolean, string, character, integer, floating-point, imaginary
or complex constant in Go syntax. These behave like Go's untyped
constants. Note that, as in Go, whether a large integer constant
overflows when assigned or passed to a function can depend on whether
the host machine's ints are 32 or 64 bits.
- The keyword nil, representing an untyped Go nil.
- The character '.' (period):
The result is the value of dot.
- A variable name, which is a (possibly empty) alphanumeric string
preceded by a dollar sign, such as
The result is the value of the variable.
Variables are described below.
- The name of a field of the data, which must be a struct, preceded
by a period, such as
The result is the value of the field. Field invocations may be
Fields can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a key of the data, which must be a map, preceded
by a period, such as
The result is the map element value indexed by the key.
Key invocations may be chained and combined with fields to any
Although the key must be an alphanumeric identifier, unlike with
field names they do not need to start with an upper case letter.
Keys can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a niladic method of the data, preceded by a period,
such as
The result is the value of invoking the method with dot as the
receiver, dot.Method(). Such a method must have one return value (of
any type) or two return values, the second of which is an error.
If it has two and the returned error is non-nil, execution terminates
and an error is returned to the caller as the value of Execute.
Method invocations may be chained and combined with fields and keys
to any depth:
Methods can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a niladic function, such as
The result is the value of invoking the function, fun(). The return
types and values behave as in methods. Functions and function
names are described below.
- A parenthesized instance of one the above, for grouping. The result
may be accessed by a field or map key invocation.
print (.F1 arg1) (.F2 arg2)
(.StructValuedMethod "arg").Field
The proper solution would be to register a custom function that constructs the value you want to pass to the template invocation, as you can see in this related / possible duplicate: Golang pass multiple values from template to template?
Another, half solution could be to use the builtin print or printf functions to concatenate the values you want to pass, but that would require to split in the other template.
As mentioned by #icza, this is not possible.
However, you might want to provide a generic dict function to templates to allow to build a map[string]interface{} from a list of arguments. This is explained in this other answer:

Why are 'new' and 'make' not reserved keywords?

With syntax highlighting enabled, it's distracting while reading code like answer to this question with new used as a variable name.
I'm trying to think of a reason why only a subset of keywords would be reserved and can't come up with a good one.
Edit: Alternate title for this question:
Why are Go's predeclared identifiers not reserved ?
That's because new and make aren't really keywords, but built-in functions.
If you examine the full list of the reserved keywords, you won't see len or cap either...
In short: because using predeclared identifiers in your own declarations don't make your code ambiguous.
new and make are builtin functions, amongst many others. See the full list in the doc of the builtin package.
Keywords are a carefully chosen small set of reserved words. You cannot use keywords as identifiers because that could make interpreting your source ambiguous.
Builtin functions are special functions: you can use them without any imports, and they may have varying parameter and return list. You are allowed to declare functions or variables with the names of the builtin functions because your code will still remain unambiguous: your identifier in scope will "win".
If you would use a keyword as an identifier, you couldn't reach your entity because an attempt to refer to it by its name would always mean the keyword and not your identifier.
See this dirty example of using the predeclared identifiers of the builtin function make and the builtin type int (not recommended for production code) (try it on the Go Playground):
make := func() string {
return "hijacked"
int := make() // Completely OK, variable 'int' will be a string
fmt.Println(int) // Prints "hijacked"
If you could use keywords as identifiers, even interpreting declarations would cause headache to the compiler: what would the following mean?
func() - is it calling your function named func or is it a function type with no params and no return types?
import() - is it a grouped import declaration (and importing nothing) or calling our function named import?

Go receiver methods calling syntax confusion

I was just reading through Effective Go and in the Pointers vs. Values section, near the end it says:
The rule about pointers vs. values for receivers is that value methods can be invoked on pointers and values, but pointer methods can only be invoked on pointers. This is because pointer methods can modify the receiver; invoking them on a copy of the value would cause those modifications to be discarded.
To test it, I wrote this:
package main
import (
type age int
func (a age) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d yeasr(s) old", int(a))
func (a *age) Set(newAge int) {
if newAge >= 0 {
*a = age(newAge)
func main() {
var vAge age = 5
pAge := new(age)
fmt.Printf("TypeOf =>\n\tvAge: %v\n\tpAge: %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(vAge),
fmt.Printf("vAge.String(): %v\n", vAge.String())
fmt.Printf("vAge.String(): %v\n", vAge.String())
fmt.Printf("pAge.String(): %v\n", pAge.String())
fmt.Printf("pAge.String(): %v\n", pAge.String())
And it compiles, even though the document says it shouldn't since the pointer method Set() should not be invocable through the value var vAge. Am I doing something wrong here?
That's valid because vAge is addressable. See the last paragraph in Calls under the language spec:
A method call x.m() is valid if the method set of (the type of) x
contains m and the argument list can be assigned to the parameter list
of m. If x is addressable and &x's method set contains m, x.m() is
shorthand for (&x).m().
vAge is not considered as only a "value variable", because it's a known location in memory that stores a value of type age. Looking at vAge only as its value, vAge.Set(10) is not valid as an expression on its own, but because vAge is addressable, the spec declares that it's okay to treat the expression as shorthand for "get the address of vAge, and call Set on that" at compile-time, when we will be able to verify that Set is part of the method set for either age or *age. You're basically allowing the compiler to do a textual expansion on the original expression if it determines that it's necessary and possible.
Meanwhile, the compiler will allow you to call age(23).String() but not age(23).Set(10). In this case, we're working with a non-addressable value of type age. Since it's not valid to say &age(23), it can't be valid to say (&age(23)).Set(10); the compiler won't do that expansion.
Looking at the Effective Go example, you're not directly calling b.Write() at the scope where we know b's full type. You're instead making a temporary copy of b and trying to pass it off as a value of type interface io.Writer(). The problem is that the implementation of Printf doesn't know anything about the object being passed in except that it has promised it knows how to receive Write(), so it doesn't know to take a byteSlice and turn it into a *ByteSlice before calling the function. The decision of whether to address b has to happen at compile time, and PrintF was compiled with the precondition that its first argument would know how to receive Write() without being referenced.
You may think that if the system knows how to take an age pointer and convert it to an age value, that it should be able to do the reverse; t doesn't really make sense to be able to, though. In the Effective Go example, if you were to pass b instead of &b, you'd modify a slice that would no longer exist after PrintF returns, which is hardly useful. In my age example above, it literally makes no sense to take the value 23 and overwrite it with the value 10. In the first case, it makes sense for the compiler to stop and ask the programmer what she really meant to do when handing b off. In the latter case, it of course makes sense for the compiler to refuse to modify a constant value.
Furthermore, I don't think the system is dynamically extending age's method set to *age; my wild guess is that pointer types are statically given a method for each of the base type's methods, which just dereferences the pointer and calls the base's method. It's safe to do this automatically, as nothing in a receive-by-value method can change the pointer anyway. In the other direction, it doesn't always make sense to extend a set of methods that are asking to modify data by wrapping them in a way that the data they modify disappears shortly thereafter. There are definitely cases where it makes sense to do this, but this needs to be decided explicitly by the programmer, and it makes sense for the compiler to stop and ask for such.
tl;dr I think that the paragraph in Effective Go could use a bit of rewording (although I'm probably too long-winded to take the job), but it's correct. A pointer of type *X effectively has access to all of X's methods, but 'X' does not have access to *X's. Therefore, when determining whether an object can fulfill a given interface, *X is allowed to fulfill any interface X can, but the converse is not true. Furthermore, even though a variable of type X in scope is known to be addressable at compile-time--so the compiler can convert it to a *X--it will refuse to do so for the purposes of interface fulfillment because doing so may not make sense.
