In Recharts, how do I show just the first and final tick on an axis? - recharts

I have a Recharts LineChart with 14 data points (although in future this may vary, so ideally I'd like to not have to hardcode that). I want to show 2 tick values on the XAxis - the first and last.
So, I have:
<LineChart width={100} height={50} data={lineData}>
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="data" dot={false} />
<XAxis />
where lineData is:
"lineData": [
{ "data": 43.0 },
{ "data": 44.5 },
{ "data": 45.0 },
{ "data": 41.0 },
{ "data": 35.0 },
{ "data": 32.0 },
{ "data": 24.0 },
{ "data": 18.0 },
{ "data": 21.0 },
{ "data": 26.0 },
{ "data": 32.0 },
{ "data": 46.0 },
{ "data": 44.0 },
{ "data": 42.0 }
I've tried various combinations of interval, tickCount and a ticks array, but nothing has worked - eg the code above gives "1 3 6 9 13".
How do I show only the first and final ticks on the XAxis? They can be hardcoded, so let's say I want "12:00" at the start and "16:00" at the end. How do I achieve that?

To show the first and last ticks on an axis, you can use the ticks props that takes an array with specific ticks to show. In this array, you could simply put the first, and last tick values.
If you need a specific label on the tick, you could add a property on the array, say name with the hard-coded name you wish to use, like this:
const lineData = [
{ "data": 43.0, "name": "12:00" },
{ "data": 44.5 },
{ "data": 44.0 },
{ "data": 42.0, "name": "16:00" }
And then, in the XAxis, specify the ticks to show:
<LineChart width={200} height={50} data={lineData}>
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="data" dot={false} />
<XAxis dataKey="name" ticks={['12:00', '16:00']} />
<YAxis />
Otherwise, if you do not wish a hard-coded label, you'll need to provide the 0 value and the lineData.length - 1 (13 in your example) value to set the first & last ticks.
Here is a fiddle to see the result with the hard-coded values:


Retrieve name of leaf(box) of amchart4 treeMap

I followed the question here Retrieving object from TreeMap but I am unable to get the name out of it like for in = [{
"name": "First",
"value": 190
}, {
"name": "Second",
"value": 289
}, {
"name": "Third",
"value": 635
}, {
"name": "Fourth",
"value": 732
}, {
"name": "Fifth",
"value": 835
I want to get name like First, Second and so on. on hit event how do I do that?
Ok so it was bit deeper than I thought:
var series = chart.seriesTemplates.create("0");'hit', function(ev) {
instead of

amcharts 4 category X axis labels not aligned with graphed data

Using rotated labels on category X axis. (Real graph uses long names but results are the same.)
A: Alignment of axis labels and their data points is fine without label rotation.
B: Labels are not aligned when rotated.
The only difference between A and B graph coding is the addition of "labels":{"rotation":90} in the xAxes renderer.
How can alignment be fixed?
var chart =am4core.createFromConfig({
"colors": { "list": ["#DB3", "#000", "#888"] },
"data": [$data],
"legend": { "markers":{"width":20, "height":10},
"series": [
{ "dataFields": { "categoryX":"X", "valueY":"Y1" },
"name": "[font-size:16px;font-weight:600;]{$n1}[/]",
"strokeWidth": 2,
"type": "LineSeries"
{ "dataFields": { "categoryX":"X", "valueY":"Y2" },
"name": "[font-size:16px;font-weight:600;]{$n2}[/]",
"strokeWidth": 2,
"type": "LineSeries"
{ "dataFields": { "categoryX":"X", "valueY":"Y3" },
"name": "[font-size:16px;font-weight:600;]others[/]",
"strokeWidth": 2,
"type": "LineSeries"
"xAxes": [
{ "dataFields": { "category": "X" },
"renderer": { "minGridDistance":11, "labels":{"rotation":90}},
"type": "CategoryAxis"
"yAxes": [
{ "renderer": {"minGridDistance":15},
"title": {"text": "[font-size:16px;font-weight:600;]Values[/]"},
"type": "ValueAxis"
}, "line", am4charts.XYChart);
LABELS renderer needed "verticalCenter":"middle" with rotation.
I don't know how many other things I tried!

Dynamically change title of a chart in amcharts 4

How can I change the title of a loaded chart using javascript? The following doesn't work with external data
var chart = am4core.createFromConfig({
"titles": [
"text": "ABCD",
"fontSize": 25,
"marginBottom": 10
"dataSource": {
"url": ""
"xAxes": [
"type": "CategoryAxis",
"dataFields": {
"category": "year"
"yAxes": [
"type": "ValueAxis"
"series": [
"type": "ColumnSeries",
"name": "Cars",
"dataFields": {
"categoryX": "year",
"valueY": "cars"
}, "chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart);
function changeTitle()
chart.titles[0].text = "New Title";
AmCharts v4 uses lists for the majority of its array-like objects, so using subscripts will not work. It's recommended to use the accessor methods provided by the list to get at the object you want to change, such as getIndex:
chart.titles.getIndex(0).title = "New title"
Updated codepen
Just in case some one will hit my same issue, I found this solution working for me
chart.titles.getIndex(0).text = "new title";
this is particularly handy if you are going to refresh the chart each x seconds

Custom colors when generating a pie chart from JSON

I'm trying to create a pie chart with a custom set of colours using Am4Charts and the createFromConfig method.
I've followed the tutorial here but the chart keeps appearing with it's default color set.
Here is a sample of the JSON I've tried:
"innerRadius": 100,
"colors": {"list": ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff" ]},
"data": {
"0": {
"pot": "Within 8 days",
"value": "£111,119.70",
"1": {
"pot": "9 - 17 days",
"value": "£225,537.73"
"2": {
"pot": "18+ days",
"value": "£720,279.85"
"legend": [],
"xAxes": [
"type": "CategoryAxis",
"title": {
"text": "pot"
"dataFields": {
"category": "pot",
"title": {
"text": "Month"
"renderer": {
"labels": {
"rotation": 190,
"verticalCenter": "middle",
"horizontalCenter": "left"
"series": [
"type": "PieSeries",
"dataFields": {
"value": "value",
"category": "pot"
"ticks": {
"disabled": true
"labels": {
"disabled": true
Can somebody see where I've gone wrong?
Update 2:
Fixed in 4.0.0-beta.85.
Make sure you clear your browser cache after upgrading. And feel free to contact us again if you are still experiencing this issue.
Update 1:
Response from amchart contributor/CTO Martynas Majeris (
Looks like there are two issues: documentation is wrong and there's a bug that prevents it from working :)
I updated the docs. It should say this:
// ...
"series": [{
// ...
"colors": {
"list": [
Also, fixed bug in dev version. New version will be released within 1-2 days.
This might be a bug and I have opened an issue on amchart github. I will update this once I get a response:
By the way, I do think your configuration JSON has couple issues:
data is an array, not an object
legend is an object, not an array
This is what I used to create the pie chart demo for the opened issue:
// Create chart instance in one go
let chart = am4core.createFromConfig({
"colors": {
"list": ["#ff0000","#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
// Create pie series
"series": [{
"colors": ["#ff0000","#00ff00", "#0000ff"],
"type": "PieSeries",
"dataFields": {
"value": "value",
"category": "pot"
// Add data
"data": [{
"pot": "Within 8 days",
"value": "£111,119.70"
}, {
"pot": "9 - 17 days",
"value": "£225,537.73"
}, {
"pot": "18+ days",
"value": "£720,279.85"
// Add legend
"legend": {},
"innerRadius": 100
}, "chart", am4charts.PieChart);

amCharts, non-numeric yaxis and dates

I want to plot a graph between place and time. Y-axis will show 5 countries (USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany) and X-axis will show the time. The data is in pairs of (date, place). I am trying to display it by replacing the numeric values of Y-Y-axis with strings but no luck. Any simple working example will be helpful.
The value axis' labelFunction would be perfect for this task. With it, you can define a custom function that would be called for each label, which in turn could replace the number with a string. I.e.:
"valueAxes": [{
// other value axis settings
// ...
"labelFunction": function(value) {
var labels = {
"1": "USA",
"2": "UK",
"3": "Canada",
"4": "France",
"5": "Germany"
return labels[value] || "";
Another option that you have is to disable value axis labels altogether ("labelsEnabled": false) and using guides to place country labels at specific values. I.e.:
"valueAxes": [{
"labelsEnabled": false,
"guides": [{
"value": 1,
"label": "USA"
}, {
"value": 2,
"label": "UK"
}, {
"value": 3,
"label": "Canada"
}, {
"value": 4,
"label": "France"
}, {
"value": 5,
"label": "Germany"
Whichever works for your purposes better, or seems easier.
