post processing in spring boot webflux - spring-boot

I have a method in a restcontroller. I need to convert input request to String and send to another destination after method execution is totally completed, ideally I should not affect in method processing execution, method should execute without additional delay.
In non webflux application I can use afterCompletion in HandlerIntercepter. But due to use WebFlux I cannot use that.
How can I make additional processing after controller method execution ends, and response returned to caller?

If the logic you want to call is specific to this one controller, you could use doFinally. It is executed after your Stream (Mono/Flux) terminates.
public class Playground {
ConverterService converterService;
PostProcessor postProcessor;
public Playground(ConverterService converterService, PostProcessor postProcessor) {
this.converterService = converterService;
this.postProcessor = postProcessor;
public Mono<String> endpoint(Integer input) {
return Mono.just(input)
.flatMap(integer -> converterService.convert(integer))
.doFinally(signalType -> postProcess(input));
private void postProcess(Integer input) {
First the converterService is called. After the stream is terminated, the postProcessor is called in any case.


How do I unit test a Spring RestTemplate that takes a ResponseExtractor and RequestCallback?

I am developing in Groovy and I am trying to write a Spock unit test for the following use of Spring's RestTemplate...
Included are my request callback and response extractors, and my initialization class of the RestTemplate bean. I am using the ResponseExtractor to stream the response from GET myurl/ and copy it to a file. The RequestCallback is simply setting some headers on the request.
class RestTemplateConfig() {
#Bean(name = 'myRestTemplate')
RestTemplate getMyRestTemplate() {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplateBuilder().build()
return restTemplate
class MyClass() {
RestTemplate restTemplate
File getFile() {
ResponseExtractor<Void> responseExtractor = { ClientHttpResponse response ->
// do something with the response
// in this case, the response is an input stream so we copy the input stream to a file
myFile = response.getBody() // roughly, in a psuedocode-ish way
return null
RequestCallback requestCallback = { ClientHttpRequest request ->
File myFile
// get my file data
restTemplate.execute('myurl/', HttpMethod.GET, requestCallback, responseExtractor)
return myFile
Spring framework docs for that particular execute(...) method:
How do I mock out what's happening in these closures? Specifically, I'm interested in mocking out my response extractor because my current test always returns myFile as null.
// do stuff
1 * restTemplate.execute('myurl/, HttpMethod.GET, _, _) // how can I mock out the expected response here?
0 * _
myFile != null // this fails because myFile is null
After you updated your sample code as I requested, I can see more clearly now. You are suffering from a typical (non-)testability problem: Your method getFile does more than just getting a file. It instantiates two dependencies as local variables, making them unmockable and consequently the whole method mostly untestable.
So you want to refactor for better testability so as to be able to use one testing method I mentioned in my first comment:
If the requestCallback and responseExtractor can be injected via constructor or setter, you can inject mocks.
If they are created by some kind of factory class, you can stub that class.
In case of a factory method inside the class under test itself you can use a spy on the class and stub the factory method.
For a more general discussion of testability and how tests drive application design, see my other answer here, sections "General comments" and "Update".
If any of this is unclear, feel free to ask related(!) follow-up questions.

Spring controller advice does not correctly handle a CompletableFuture completed exceptionally

I am using Spring Boot 1.5, and I have a controller that executes asynchronously, returning a CompletableFuture<User>.
public class UserController {
private final UserService service;
public CompletableFuture<Address> getAddress(#PathVariable String id) {
return service.findById(id).thenApply(User::getAddress);
The method UserService.findById can throw a UserNotFoundException. So, I develop dedicated controller advice.
#ControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = UserController .class)
public class UserExceptionAdvice {
public String handleUserNotFoundException(UserNotFoundException ex) {
return ex.getMessage();
The problem is that tests are not passing returning an HTTP 500 status and not a 404 status in case of an unknown user request to the controller.
What's going on?
The problem is due to how a completed exceptionally CompletableFuture handles the exception in subsequent stages.
As stated in the CompletableFuture javadoc
[..] if a stage's computation terminates abruptly with an (unchecked) exception or error, then all dependent stages requiring its completion complete exceptionally as well, with a CompletionException holding the exception as its cause. [..]
In my case, the thenApply method creates a new instance of CompletionStage that wraps with a CompletionException the original UserNotFoundException :(
Sadly, the controller advice does not perform any unwrapping operation. Zalando developers also found this problem: Async CompletableFuture append errors
So, it seems to be not a good idea to use CompletableFuture and controller advice to implement asynchronous controllers in Spring.
A partial solution is to remap a CompletableFuture<T> to a DeferredResult<T>. In this blog, an implementation of a possible Adapter was given.
public class DeferredResults {
private DeferredResults() {}
public static <T> DeferredResult<T> from(final CompletableFuture<T> future) {
final DeferredResult<T> deferred = new DeferredResult<>();
future.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (ex instanceof CompletionException) {
} else {
return null;
return deferred;
So, my original controller would change to the following.
public DeferredResult<Address> getAddress(#PathVariable String id) {
return DeferredResults.from(service.findById(id).thenApply(User::getAddress));
I cannot understand why Spring natively supports CompletableFuture as return values of a controller, but it does not handle correctly in controller advice classes.
Hope it helps.
For those of you who still run into trouble with this : even though Spring correctly unwraps the ExecutionException, it doesn't work if you have a handler for the type "Exception", which gets chosen to handle ExecutionException, and not the handler for the underlying cause.
The solution : create a second ControllerAdvice with the "Exception" handler, and put #Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE) on your regular handler. That way, your regular handler will go first, and your second ControllerAdvice will act as a catch all.

Request asynchronous processing does not work

I would like to make my controller (Spring MVC) handle request in parallel. I use #Callable below and it does not work, because next request is handled since first one finished (returns view).
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Callable<String> helloWorld(final Model model) throws InterruptedException {
return new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return "helloWorld";
Do I need any special code?
The documentation for Spring MVC states the following about the Callable<?> return type for handler methods
A Callable can be returned when the application wants to produce
the return value asynchronously in a thread managed by Spring MVC.
Spring will take the returned Callable instance, pass it to an ExecutorService (actually does more processing then than that, but for simplicity) and execute it in a different Thread then your initial request. After waiting 5 seconds, it will return the view associated with the view name "helloWorld".

Spring aspects forward and cancel previous request

Here is my question
I want to intercept request before any spring controller call, check and modify request URI. After that it has to call another SPRING controller method.
I used mvc:interceptors however I want to configure it with annotations thats why I need a solution for #Aspect. Everything is working but controller called twice, for the original request and for the new request. Using interceptors I return false and it cancels it, how do I do about Aspect classes? Thank you
Here is my code:
public class TestAspect {
#Before("execution(* mycontroller.*(..)) &&" + "args(request,response)")
public void interceptUrl(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
System.out.println("#Aspect is running!");
if (request.getAttribute("client") == null) {
request.setAttribute("client", "test");
request.getRequestDispatcher("/newpath/contact").forward(request, response);
You should consider #Around advice instead of #Before. In this case you can simply not execute original request chain.

Timing out the execution time of a controller/method in Spring

I have a Spring controller that is currently being accessed normally, but i want to change the implementation in such a way that if the task the controller is performing takes more than a defined time for instance 10 seconds then the controller can respond with a "your request is being processed message" to the caller, but if the method returns within time then the response is passed to the calling method from the controller, in other words i want timed asynchronous execution from a Spring controller.
NB: This is not exactly TaskExecutor domain(at least according to my understanding) because i don't want to just hand over execution to the TaskExecutor and return immediately.
I use Spring 3.0 and Java 1.5 and the controllers don't have views, i just want to write the output direct to stream, which the calling client expects.
Well, it is the TaskExecutor domain. In your controller simply wrap your processing logic in Callable, submit it to the AsyncTaskExecutor and wait up to 10 seconds. That's it!
final Future<ModelAndView> future = asyncTaskExecutor.submit(new Callable<ModelAndView>() {
public ModelAndView call() throws Exception {
//lengthy computations...
return new ModelAndView("done");
try {
return future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
return new ModelAndView("timeout");
Of course this is a bit nasty, especially when it occurs more than once in one controller. If this is the case, you should have a look at servlet 3.0 asynchronous support (see below).
Further reading:
25. Task Execution and Scheduling
How to use Servlet 3 #WebServlet & async with Spring MVC 3?
Support Servlet 3.0 (JSR-315)
