Why does PageSpeed Insights keeps returning a high TTI (Time to Interactive) for a simple game? - performance

I submitted my app/game/PWA to PageSpeed Insights and it keeps giving me TTI values > 7000ms and TBT values > 2000ms, as it can be seen in the screenshot below (the overall score for a mobile experience is around 63):
I read what those values mean over and over, but I just cannot make them lower!
What is most annoying, is that when accessing the page in a real-life browser, I don't need to wait 7 seconds for the page to become interactive, even with a clear cache!!!
The game can be accessed here and its source is here.
What comforts me is that Google's own game, Doodle Cricket also scores terribly. In fact, PageSpeed Insights gives it an overall score of "?".
Summing up: is there a way to tell PageSpeed Insights the page is actually a game with only a simple canvas in it and that it is indeed interactive as soon as the first frame is rendered on the canvas (not 7 seconds later)?
UPDATE: Partial Solution
Thanks to #Graham Ritchie's answer, I was able to detect the two slowest points, simulating a mid-tier mobile phone:
Loading/Compiling WebAssembly files: there was not much I could do about this, and this alone consumes almost 1.5 seconds...
Loading the main script file, script.min.js: I split the file into two, since almost two thirds of this file are just string constants, and I started loading them asynchronously, both using async to load the main script and delay loading the other string constants, which has saved more than 1.2 seconds from the load time.
The improvements have also saved some time on better mobile devices/desktop devices.
The commit diff is here.
UPDATE 2: Improving the Tooling
For anyone who gets here from Google, two extra tips that I forgot to mention before...
Use the CLI Lighthouse tool rather than the website (both for localhost and for internet websites): npm install -g lighthouse, then call lighthouse --view http.... (or use any other arguments as necessary).
If running on a notebook, make sure it is not running on the battery, but actually connected to a power source 😅

Summing up: is there a way to tell PageSpeed Insights the page is actually a game with only a simple canvas in it and that it is indeed interactive as soon as the first frame is rendered on the canvas (not 7 seconds later)?
No and unfortunately I think you have missed one key piece of the puzzle as to why those numbers are so high.
Page Speed Insights uses throttling on the Network AND the CPU to simulate a mid-tier mobile phone on a 4G connection.
The CPU throttling is your issue.
If I run your game within the "performance" tab on Google Chrome Developer Tools with "4x slowdown" on the CPU I get a few long tasks, one of which takes 5.19s to run!
Your issue isn't page weight as the site is lightweight it is JavaScript execution time.
You would have to look through your code and see why you have a task that takes so long to run, look for nested loops as they are normally the issue!
There are several other tasks that take 1-2 seconds total between them but that 5 second task is the main culprit!
Hopefully that clears things up a bit, any questions just ask.


PageSpeed error: Invalid task timing data

My website uses the following optimizations to free up main thread as well as optimize content load process:
- Web workers for loading async data as well as images.
- Defer images until all the content on page is loaded first
- typekit webfontloader for optimized font load
Now since the time I completely switched over to webworkers for all network [async] related tasks, I have noticed the increased occurence in following errors[by ~50%]:
But my score seems to be unaffected.
My question is, how accurate is this score?
P.S: My initial data is huge, so styling and rendering takes ~1300ms & ~1100ms resp. [required constraint]
After doing a few experiments and glancing through the LightHouse (the engine that powers PSI) source code I think the problem comes in the fact that once everything has loaded (page load event) Lighthouse only runs for a few seconds before terminating.
However your JS runs for quite some time afterwards with the service workers performing some tasks nearly 11 seconds after page load on one run of mine (probably storing some images which take a long time to download).
I am guessing you are getting intermittent errors as sometimes the CPU goes quiet long enough to calculate JS execution time and sometimes it does not (depending on how long it is between tasks it is performing).
To see what I mean open developer tools on Chrome -> Performance Tab -> Set CPU slowdown to 4 x slowdown (which is what Lighthouse emulates) and press 'record' (top left). Now reload the page and once it has loaded fully stop recording.
You will get a preformance profile and there is a section 'Main' that you can expand to see the main thread load (which is still used despite using a worker as it needs to decode the base64 encoded images, not sure if that can be shifted onto a different thread)
You will see that tasks continue to use CPU for 3-4 seconds after page load.
It is a bug with Lighthouse but at the same time something to address at your side as it is symptomatic of a problem (why base64 encoded images? that is where you are taking the performance hit on what would otherwise be a well-optimised site).

How to measure rendering time in Chrome 1000 times?

I am working on a proof of concept and I need to measure the rendering time of a simple website (just a HTML document and one CSS file) 1000 times in a browser. Is there a simple and straightforward tool for this?
I know there are some highly complicated tools with an enormous learning curve, but I don't have the whole week to tinker with it. I don't need anything else just the rendering time, exactly as Chrome's Performance tool displays it in milliseconds, then calculate an average.
If someone could tell me how to find the total rendering time of the page in the (quite enormous) JSON output of the Performance tool, I'd be happy with that. I can have a macro recorder clicking the Refresh button all night. Though I guess there's a way to get it done from the command prompt - any advice is appreciated on that too!
The 'Audits' tab in Chrome's dev tools allows you to run a lighthouse performance audit, which will provide you some key metrics as defined by Google (such as time to interactive): https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/.
You can run it from the command line too, which should make it somewhat straightforward to repeat it as needed in your scenario and perhaps even integrate it as a test: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/#cli

Freezing while downloading large datasets through Shodan?

I'm using Shodan's API through the Anaconda Terminal on Windows 10 to get data against the query below, but after a few seconds of running, the ETA timer freezes, and my network activity drops to zero. Hitting Control+C restarts it when this happens and gets it moving for a few seconds again, but it stops soon after.
shodan download --limit 3100000 data state:"wa"
Also, when it is running- the download speeds seem pretty slow; and I wanted to inquire if there was any way I can speed it up? My Universities internet is capable of upwards of 300 Mbps, but the download seems to cap at 5 Mbps.
I don't know how to solve either of these issues; my device has enough space and my internet isn't disconnecting. We've tried running the Anaconda Terminal as an Administrator, but that hasn't helped either.
I am not familiar with the specific website, but in general seeing limited speed or stopped downloads are not caused by things 'on your side' like the university connection, or even your download script.
Odds are that the website wants to protect itself, and that you need to use the api differently (for example with a different account). Or that you have some usage limits in place based on your account, that you hit.
The best course of action may be to contact the website and ask them how to do this.
I heard back from Shodan support; cross-posting some of their reply here-
The API is not designed for large, bulk export of data. As a result,
you're encountering a few problems/ limits:
There is a hard limit of 1 million results per search query. This means that it isn't possible to download all results for the search query "state:wa".
The search API performs best on the first few pages and progressively responds slower the deeper into the results you get.
This means that the first few pages return instantly whereas the 100th
page will take potentially 10+ seconds.
You can only send 1 request per second so you can't multiplex/ parallelize the search requests.
A lot of high-level analysis can be performed using search facets.
There's documentation on facets in the shodan.pdf booklet floating around their site for returning summary information from their API.

Web site loading speed is slow

My website http://theminimall.com is taking more loading time than before
initially i had ny server in US at that time my website speed is around 5 sec.
but now i had transferred my server to Singapore and loading speed is got increased is about 10 sec.
the more waiting time is going in getting result from Store Procedure(sql server database)
but when i execute Store Procedure in Sql Server it is returning result very fast
so i assume that the time taken is not due to the query execution delay but the data transfer time from the sql server to the web server how can i eliminate or reduce the time taken any help or advice will be appreciated
thanks in advance
I took a look at your site on websitetest.com. You can see the test here: http://www.websitetest.com/ui/tests/50c62366bdf73026db00029e.
I can see what you mean about the performance. In Singapore, it's definitely fastest, but even there its pretty slow. Elsewhere around the world it's even worse. There are a few things I would look at.
First pick any sample, such as http://www.websitetest.com/ui/tests/50c62366bdf73026db00029e/samples/50c6253a0fdd7f07060012b6. Now you can get some of this info in the Chrome DevTools, or FireBug, but the advantage here is seeing the measurements from different locations around the world.
Scroll down to the waterfall. All the way on the right side of the Timeline column heading is a drop down. Choose to sort descending. Here we can see the real bottlenecks. The first thing in the view is GetSellerRoller.json. It looks like hardly any time is spent downloading the file. Almost all the time is spent waiting for the server to generate the file. I see the site is using IIS and ASP.net. I would definitely look at taking advantage of some server-side caching to speed this up.
The same is true for the main html, though a bit more time is spent downloading that file. Looks like its taking so long to download because it's a huge file (for html). I would take the inline CSS and JS out of there.
Go back to the natural order for the timeline, then you can try changing the type of file to show. Looks like you have 10 CSS files you are loading, so take a look at concatenating those CSS files and compressing them.
I see your site has to make 220+ connection to download everything. Thats a huge number. Try to eliminate some of those.
Next down the list I see some big jpg files. Most of these again are waiting on the server, but some are taking a while to download. I looked at one of a laptop and was able to convert to a highly compressed png and save 30% on the size and get a file that looked the same. Then I noticed that there are well over 100 images, many of which are really small. One of the big drags on your site is that there are so many connections that need to be managed by the browser. Take a look at implementing CSS Sprites for those small images. You can probably take 30-50 of them down to a single image download.
Final thing I noticed is that you have a lot of JavaScript loading right up near the top of the page. Try moving some of that (where possible) to later in the page and also look into asynchronously loading the js where you can.
I think that's a lot of suggestions for you to try. After you solve those issues, take a look at leveraging a CDN and other caching services to help speed things up for most visitors.
You can find a lot of these recommendations in a bit more detail in Steve Souder's book: High Performance Web Sites. The book is 5 years old and still as relevant today as ever.
I've just taken a look at websitetest.com and that website is completely not right at all, my site is amoung the 97% fastest and using that website is says its 26% from testing 13 locations. Their servers must be over loaded and I recommend you use a more reputatable testing site such as http://www.webpagetest.org which is backed by many big companies.
Looking at your contact details it looks like the focus audience is India? if that is correct you should use hosting where-ever your main audience is, or closest neighbor.

Web Development: What page load times do you aim for?

Website Page load times on the dev machine are only a rough indicator of performance of course, and there will be many other factors when moving to production, but they're still useful as a yard-stick.
So, I was just wondering what page load times you aim for when you're developing?
I mean page load times on Dev Machine/Server
And, on a page that includes a realistic quantity of DB calls
Please also state the platform/technology you're using.
I know that there could be a big range of performance regarding the actual machines out there, I'm just looking for rough figures.
Less than 5 sec.
If it's just on my dev machine I expect it to be basically instant. I'm talking 10s of milliseconds here. Of course, that's just to generate and deliver the HTML.
Do you mean that, or do you mean complete page load/render time (html download/parse/render, images downloading/display, css downloading/parsing/rendering, javascript download/execution, flash download/plugin startup/execution, etc)? The later is really hard to quantify because a good bit of that time will be burnt up on the client machine, in the web browser.
If you're just trying to ballpark decent download + render times with an untaxed server on the local network then I'd shoot for a few seconds... no more than 5-ish (assuming your client machine is decent).
Tricky question.
For a regular web app, you don't want you page load time to exceed 5 seconds.
But let's not forget that:
the 20%-80% rule applies here; if it takes 1 sec to load the HTML code, total rendering/loading time is probably 5-ish seconds (like fiXedd stated).
on a dev server, you're often not dealing with the real deal (traffic, DB load and size - number of entries can make a huge difference)
you want to take into account the way users want your app to behave. 5 seconds load time may be good enough to display preferences, but your basic or killer features should take less.
So in my opinion, here's a simple method to get a rough figures for a simple web app (using for example, Spring/Tapestry):
Sort the pages/actions given you app profile (which pages should be lightning fast?) and give them a rough figure for production environment
Then take into account the browser loading/rendering stuff. Dividing by 5 is a good start, although you can use best practices to reduce that time.
Think about your production environment (DB load, number of entries, traffic...) and take an additional margin.
You've got your target load time on your production server; now it's up to you and your dev server to think about your target load time on your dev platform :-D
One of the most useful benchmarks we use for identifying server-side issues is the "internal" time taken from request-received to response-flushed by the web server itself. This means ignoring network traffic / latency and page render times.
We have some custom components (.net) that measure this time and inject it into the HTTP response header (we set a header called X-Server-Response); we can extract this data using our automated test tools, which means that we can then measure it over time (and between environments).
By measuring this time you get a pretty reliable view into the raw application performance - and if you have slow pages that take a long time to render, but the HTTP response header says it finished its work in 50ms, then you know you have network / browser issues.
Once you push your application into production, you (should) have things to like caching, static files sub-domains, js/css minification etc. - all of which can offer huge performance gains (esp. caching), but can also mask underlying application issues (like pages that make hundreds of db calls.)
All of which to say, the values we use for this time is sub 1sec.
In terms of what we offer to clients around performance, we usually use 2-3s for read-only pages, and up to 5s for transactional pages (registration, checkout, upload etc.)
