difference in results while using pixel value or int - image

While using Matlab for image processing (exactly improving img by Fuzzy Logic) I found a really strange thing. My fuzzy function is correct, I tested it on random values and they are basically simple linear functions.
function f = Udark(z)
if z < 50
f = 1;
elseif z > 125
f = 0;
elseif (z >= 50) && (z <= 125)
f = -z/75 + 125/75;
where z is a value of a pixel (in grayscale). Now there is a really strange thing going on.
f = -z/75 + 125/75;, where a is an image. However, it is giving really different results if used as an input. I.e. if I use a variable p = 99, the output of the function is 0.3467 as it should be, when if I use A(i,j) it is giving me result f=2. Since it is clearly impossible, I do not know where is the problem. I thought that maybe there is a case with the type of the variable but if I change it to uint8 it stays the same... If you know what's going on, please, let me know :)

1.Changed line:
f = (125/75) - (z/75);
After editing the third condition the resultant/transformed image has no pixel values of 2. Not sure if you intend to work with decimals. If decimals are necessary using the im2double() function to convert the image and scaling it up by a factor of 255 might suffice your needs. See heading 3 for rounding details.
2.Reading in Image and Testing:
%Reading in the image and applying the function%
Image = imread("RGB_Image.png");
Greyscale_Image = rgb2gray(Image);
[Image_Height,Image_Width] = size(Greyscale_Image);
Transformed_Image = zeros(Image_Height,Image_Width);
for Row = 1: +1: Image_Height
for Column = 1: +1: Image_Width
Pixel_Value = Greyscale_Image(Row,Column);
[Transformed_Pixel_Value] = Udark(Pixel_Value);
Transformed_Image(Row,Column) = Transformed_Pixel_Value;
subplot(1,2,1); imshow(Greyscale_Image);
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(Transformed_Image);
%Checking that no transformed pixels falls in this impossible range%
Check = (Transformed_Image > (125/75)) & (Transformed_Image ~= 1);
Check_Flag = any(Check,'all');
%Function to transform pixel values%
function f = Udark(z)
if z < 50
f = 1;
elseif z > 125
f = 0;
elseif (z >= 50) && (z <= 125)
f = (125/75) - (z/75);
3.Evaluating the Specifics of the Third Condition
Working with integers (uint8) will force the values to be rounded to the nearest integer. Any number that falls between the range (50,125] will evaluate to 1 or 0.
f = -z/75 + 125/75;
If z = 50.1,
-50.1/75 + 125/75 = 74.9/75 ≈ 0.9987 → rounds to 1
Using MATLAB version: R2019b


Octave: Function to display greyscale matrix shows and all black image instead

I'm doing assignment 3 from Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera. The assignment comes with a .mat containing a 5000x400 matrix (denoted X) with values between 0 and 1 corresponding to a gray scale. Each row represents and image of size 20x20.
The assignment comes with a pre-made function that is used to display the images in a sort of grid, called DisplayData(X, width).
The problem is, this function only displays an all black figure. Since this code is course standard and I didn't mess with it at all, my guess is something must be wrong with my Octave. I'm using popOS and installed Octave via terminal with 'apt'. I'm working with Octave console in an open shell. Anyhow, I'll leave the function's code here:
function [h, display_array] = displayData(X, example_width)
%DISPLAYDATA Display 2D data in a nice grid
% [h, display_array] = DISPLAYDATA(X, example_width) displays 2D data
% stored in X in a nice grid. It returns the figure handle h and the
% displayed array if requested.
% Set example_width automatically if not passed in
if ~exist('example_width', 'var') || isempty(example_width)
example_width = round(sqrt(size(X, 2)));
% Gray Image
% Compute rows, cols
[m n] = size(X);
example_height = (n / example_width);
% Compute number of items to display
display_rows = floor(sqrt(m));
display_cols = ceil(m / display_rows);
% Between images padding
pad = 1;
% Setup blank display
display_array = - ones(pad + display_rows * (example_height + pad), ...
pad + display_cols * (example_width + pad));
% Copy each example into a patch on the display array
curr_ex = 1;
for j = 1:display_rows
for i = 1:display_cols
if curr_ex > m,
% Copy the patch
% Get the max value of the patch
max_val = max(abs(X(curr_ex, :)));
display_array(pad + (j - 1) * (example_height + pad) + (1:example_height), ...
pad + (i - 1) * (example_width + pad) + (1:example_width)) = ...
reshape(X(curr_ex, :), example_height, example_width) / max_val;
curr_ex = curr_ex + 1;
if curr_ex > m,
% Display Image
h = imagesc(display_array, [-1 1]);
% Do not show axis
axis image off
Using the command graphics_toolkit('gnuplot'); solved the problem!

Is there a faster alternative to find() function in MATLAB?

I'm running a kinetic Monte Carlo simulation code wherein I have a large sparse array of which I first calculate cumsum() and then find the first element greater than or equal to a given value using find().
vecIndex = find(cumsum(R) >= threshold, 1);
Since I'm calling the function a large number of times, I'd like to speed up my code. Is there a faster way to carry out this operation?
the complete function:
function Tr = select_transition(Fr,Rt,R)
N_dep = (1/(Rt+1))*Fr; %N flux-rate
Ga_dep = (1-(1/(Rt+1)))*Fr; %Ga flux-rate
Tr = zeros(4,1);
RVec = R(:, :, :, 3);
RVec = RVec(:);
sumR = Fr + sum(RVec); %Sum of the rates of all possible transitions
format long
sumRx = rand * sumR; %for randomly selecting one to the transitions
if sumRx <= Fr %adatom addition
Tr(1) = 0;
if sumRx <= Ga_dep
Tr(2) = 10; %Ga deposition
elseif sumRx > Ga_dep
Tr (2) = -10; %N deposition
Tr(1) = 1; %adatom hopping
vecIndex = find(cumsum(RVec) >= sumRx - Fr, 1);
[Tr(2), Tr(3), Tr(4)] = ind2sub(size(R(:, :, :, 3)), vecIndex); %determines specific hopping transition
If Rvec is sparse it is more efficient to extract its nonzero values and the corresponding indexes and apply cumsum on those values.
Tr(1) = 1;
[r,c,v] = find(RVec); % extract nonzeros
cum = cumsum(v);
f = find(cum >= sumRx - Fr, 1);
Tr(2) = r(f);
sz = size(R);
[Tr(3), Tr(4)] = ind2sub(sz(2:3), c(f));

Kaczmarz animation

i am asking for help.. I want to animate the Kaczmarz method on Matlab. It's method allows to find solution of system of equations by the serial projecting solution vector on hyperplanes, which which is given by the eqations of system.
And i want make animation of this vector moving (like the point is going on the projected vectors).
%% System of equations
% 2x + 3y = 4;
% x - y = 2;
% 6x + y = 15;
A = [2 3;1 -1; 6 1];
f = [4; 2; 15];
resh = pinv(A)*f
x = -10:0.1:10;
e1 = (1 - 2*x)/3;
e2 = (x - 2);
e3 = 15 - 6*x;
grid on
axis([0 4 -2 2])
hold on
hold on
hold on
precision = 0.001; % точность
iteration = 100; % количество итераций
lambda = 0.75; % лямбда
[m,n] = size(A);
x = zeros(n,1);
%count of norms
for i = 1:m
nrm(i) = norm(A(i,:));
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
p = plot(x);
%pause 0.04;
hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
I wrote the code for this method, by don't imagine how make the animation, how I can use the set function.
In your code there are a lot of redundant and random pieces. Do not call hold on more than once, it does nothing. Also set(p) does nothing, you want to set some ps properties to something, then you use set.
Also, you are plotting the result, but not the "change". The change is a line between the previous and current, and that is the only reason you'd want to have a variable such as predx, to plot. SO USE IT!
Anyway, this following code plots your algorithm. I added a repeated line to plot in green and then delete, so you can see what the last step does. I also changed the plots in the begging to just plot in red so its more clear what is each of the things.
Change your loop for:
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'b'); %plot line
c=plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'g'); %plot it in green
children = get(gca, 'children'); %delete the green line
% hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
This will show:

Convert RGB to HSV

i want to convert RGB values to HSV values . But if I devide 9 by 28, octave calculate 0. Can anyone explain me the reason??
function [hsv] = RGBtoHSV()
im = imread('picture.png');
R = im(:,:,1);
G = im(:,:,2);
B = im(:,:,3);
len = length(R); % R, G, B should have the same length
for i = 1:len
MAX = max([R(i),G(i),B(i)]);
MIN = min([R(i),G(i),B(i)]);
S = 0;
if MAX == MIN
H = 0;
elseif MAX == R(i)
disp(G(i) - B(i)); % 9
disp(MAX - MIN); % 28
H = 0.6 * ( 0 + ( (G(i) - B(i)) / MAX - MIN) ); % 0
disp(H) % why i get 0 if try to calculate ( 0 + ( (G(i) - B(i)) / MAX - MIN)?
Chris :D
You must cast the image into Double by doing:
im = double(imread('picture.png'));
This will solve your issues which happens since the image is type UINT8.
You can also use Octave's builtin rgb2hsv function instead of writing your own.
im_rgb = imread ("picture.png");
im_hsv = rgb2hsv (im_rgb);
If this is an exercise, then I'd suggest you look at its source, enter type rgb2hsv at the Octave prompt, and see how its implemented.

Least Squares Algorithm doesn't work

:) I'm trying to code a Least Squares algorithm and I've come up with this:
function [y] = ex1_Least_Squares(xValues,yValues,x) % a + b*x + c*x^2 = y
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
b = zeros(points,1);
for i=1:points
A(i,1) = 1;
A(i,2) = xValues(i);
A(i,3) = xValues(i)^2;
b(i) = yValues(i);
constants = (A'*A)\(A'*b);
y = constants(1) + constants(2)*x + constants(3)*x^2;
When I use this matlab script for linear functions, it works fine I think. However, when I'm passing 12 points of the sin(x) function I get really bad results.
These are the points I pass to the function:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
yValues = [sind(-180); sind(-144); sind(-108); sind(-72); sind(-36); sind(0); sind(36); sind(72); sind(108); sind(144); sind(160); sind(180) ];
And the result is sin(165°) = 0.559935259380508, when it should be sin(165°) = 0.258819
There is no reason why fitting a parabola to a full period of a sinusoid should give good results. These two curves are unrelated.
MATLAB already contains a least square polynomial fitting function, polyfit and a complementary function, polyval. Although you are probably supposed to write your own, trying out something like the following will be educational:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
% you may want to experiment with different ranges of xValues
yValues = sind(xValues);
% try this with different values of n, say 2, 3, and 4
p = polyfit(xValues,yValues,n);
x = -180:36:180;
y = polyval(p,x);
hold on
Also, more generically, you should avoid using loops as you have in your code. This should be equivalent:
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
A(:,2) = xValues;
A(:,3) = xValues.^2; % .^ and ^ are different
The part of the loop involving b is equivalent to doing b = yValues; either name the incoming variable b or just use the variable yValues, there's no need to make a copy of it.
