In flutter after every Text Form submission using sqflite the form should be cleared i.e the Fields should be empty after submission - sqflite

In flutter after every Text Form submission using sqflite the form should be cleared i.e the Fields should be empty after submission .
I built an a flutter application involving text form submission, the form fields are showing me even after submission.
I want o clear the form fileds i.e the answers or values after submission of the form uisng sqflite in flutter.


What is the naming convention for Laravel store confirmation dialog

I have a form to create a new resource (for example a new user account). When the form is submitted, I want to show a summary of the data which the user has just submitted before actually storing this data. Under this summary, there is a confirmation button. When the button is clicked, the data is actually stored in the database.
What is the naming convention for the routes and controller methods in the following operations?
Displaying initial form
Submitting the form and responding with summary
Pressing the confirmation button and storing the data

Angular Material conflicting with ReactiveForms

I have a login page that has 2 matInputs(username and password). I added the mat-error element to those to matInputs, so the mat-form-field displays an error message when entering invalid Username. Also, both inputs are part of a reactive form. So they both have the "formControlName" attribute.
The problem is that when I unfocus from one of the input fields(with out typing username or password), the warn color from Angular material triggers as part of the reactive forms validator(username/password should not be empty).
I provided images and I can provide code.
This is regular(Good):
This when entering password(Good):
This when Unfocues/Blur(Bad):
And this when entering invalid inputs(good):
I know that the reactive forms are triggering a validator when left empty(onUnfocus). I am trying to find a way to control that or control the Angular material warning color, so it does not trigger with the left empty validator.
There are different types of field validation and there is also form (submit/login) validation. At a practical level, you want form validation not field validation for not empty/required. By default, field validation (validators used in form controls or the 'required' attribute directive) is activated as soon as the field is 'touched'. So if you make a field 'required' an error will be shown as soon as the user applies and removes focus even without entering a value. Form validation however only takes place when the form is submitted.
You have two options - don't make those fields required and instead check them as part of your submit function and then set errors on the form controls if needed. You'll also need to take care of clearing those errors when the user enters a value or focuses the field.
Or, with reactive forms, you can implement a custom ErrorStateMatcher for those fields so that the 'required' validator will only throw an error if the form is submitted rather than when the field is touched. Turning off 'touched' validation this way is fairly common for this kind of thing - you can just modify the Angular Material example shown here:

How can i get data from database for dropdownlist in Form in Laravel using laravel collectives?

I have used usual dropdown list and it's not worked,
when i click the submit button for all the data in the form except drop down value were sent to can i fix it??
Your <select> is missing a name="foo" attribute.
A form will only submit elements with a name as part of the request.

Prevent from changing the page when there are form validation errors

I have few forms with several validation rules in a separated file named form_validation.php. One of them is an edit form that has the URL /usuario/painel/editar that receives the user id from the session, populating the form without the need to pass the id by GET, for security reasons.
The problem is that when I submit the form, the action is different, and when there are any errors, the URL changes to the action, making several errors to show when rendering the form, since the view is different and there are no id to receive.
<form action="/auto/usuario/edit/<?php echo $id_usuario; ?>" method="POST" id="editar_formulario_fisica_1" enctype="multipart/form-data">...</form>
For example: localhost:8000/auto/usuario/edit/8
Is there a way to refresh the same page and the same form, and show the errors? Or perhaps to prevent the URL from changing when there are errors?
put the id in a hidden form field
echo form_hidden('userid',$id_usuario);
then get the user id in your controller or model
$userid = $this->input->post( 'userid') ;
edit ======
yes the URL can now be the same, because you are not adding the user id to the end of it. you don't need to because the user id is being passed in a hidden form field.
the form itself is in a view file. to show the form, you are first getting the user id, then you are calling/loading the form view file. in a similar way, if the form validation fails, then you are showing the form view file again. this all happens in your controller. also if you use codeigniter form helper, and form validation, it makes showing the error messages, etc, much easier.

How to save form data (not in database)

I am making an application using ASP.NET MVC 3 which contains "form wizard", i.e. there are three forms which are wizards.
First form is for entering user details, second is for selecting product and third is for entering his payment details.
When the user enters his details in first form and goes to second form by clicking next submit button. And in the second form when the user selects the product, then his details from first form and his product choice from second form is sent to admin for approval. My question is that where should I save data from first and second form till users approval. When the user is approved then user data is saved to database. Where should I save form data when going from one form to other.
JavaScript Way
Just because "form1" and "form2" look like two physically different forms doesn't mean they have to be. You can initially display the container for the first set of inputs, then when the user clicks next it hides the first and shows the second.
Once the user is finished with the second set of inputs the page submits both sets of fields to the server using one form. At this point it would need to go in a database or be emailed to someone for persistence.
Traditional Way
If you need to have each form on a different page and submit between each one you could do it like this: (Note: this is a really bad way)
1. Form 1 submits
2. Server responds with form2 and data from form1 (to store in hidden fields on form 2)
3. User submits form2 (along with the hidden form1 data)
