Behaviour of random_number across different platforms [duplicate] - random

I'm using the random_number subroutine from Fortran, but in different runs of program the number which is being produced doesn't change. What should I include in my code so every time I compile and run the program the numbers change?

The random number generator produces pseudo-random numbers. To get different numbers each run, you need to initialise the random seed at the start of your program. This picks a different starting position in the pseudo-random stream.

The sequence of pseudorandom numbers coming from call(s) to random_number depends on the algorithm used by the processor and the value of the seed.
The initial value of the seed is processor dependent. For some processors this seed value will be the same each time the program runs, and for some it will be different. The first case gives a repeatable pseudorandom sequence and the second a non-repeatable sequence.
gfortran (before version 7) falls into this first category. You will need to explicitly change the random seed if you wish to get non-repeatable sequences.
As stated in another answer the intrinsic random_seed can be used to set the value of the seed and restart the pseudorandom generator. Again, it is processor dependent what happens when the call is call random_seed() (that is, without a put= argument). Some processors will restart the generator with a repeatable sequence, some won't. gfortran (again, before version 7) is in the first category.
For processors where call random_seed() gives rise to a repeatable sequence an explicit run-time varying seed will be required to generate distinct sequences. An example for those older gfortran versions can be found in the documentation.
It should be noted that choosing a seed can be a complicated thing. Not only will there be portability issues, but care may be required in ensuring that the generator is not restarted in a low entropy region. For multi-image programs the user will have to work to have varying sequences across these images.
On a final note, Fortran 2018 introduced the standard intrinsic procedure random_init. This handles both cases of selecting repeatability across invocations and distinctness over (coarray) images.


urandom_range(), urandom(), random() in verilog

I am confused between these three functions and I was wondering for some explanation. If I set the range how do I make the range exclusive or inclusive? Are the ranges inclusive or exclusive if I don't specify the range?
In addition to the answer from #dave_59, there are other important differences:
i) $random returns a signed 32-bit integer; $urandom and $urandom_range return unsigned 32-bit integers.
ii) The random number generator for $random is specified in IEEE Std 1800-2012. With the same seed you will get exactly the same sequence of random numbers in any SystemVerilog simulator. That is not the case for $urandom and $urandom_range, where the design of the random number generator is up to the EDA vendor.
iii) Each thread has its own random number generator for $urandom and $urandom_range, whereas there is only one random number generator for $random shared between all threads (ie only one for the entire simulation). This is really important, because having separate random number generators for each thread helps you simulation improve a property called random stability. Suppose you are using a random number generator to generate random stimulus. Suppose you find a bug and fix it. This could easily change the order in which threads (ie initial and always blocks) are executed. If that change changed the order in which random numbers were generated then you would never know whether the bug had gone away because you'd fixed it or because the stimulus has changed. If you have a random number generator for each thread then your testbench is far less vulnerable to such an effect - you can be far more sure that the bug has disappeared because you fixed it. That property is called random stability.
So, As #dave_59 says, you should only be using $urandom and $urandom_range.
You should only be using $urandom and $urandom_range. These two functions provide better quality random numbers and better seed initialization and stability than $random. The range specified by $urandom_range is always inclusive.
Although $random generates the exact same sequence of random numbers for each call, it is extremely difficult to keep the same call ordering as soon as any change is made to the design or testbench. Even more difficult when multiple threads are concurrently generating random numbers.

Rust GSL library always returns the same number for a random number generator

I am using the rgsl library in Rust that wraps functions from the C GSL math libraries. I was using a random number generator function, but I am always getting the same exact value whenever I generate a new random number. I imagine that the number should vary upon each run of the function. Is there something that I am missing? Do I need to set a new random seed each time or such?
extern crate rgsl;
use rgsl::Rng;
fn main() {
let t = rgsl::rng::default();
let r = Rng::new(&t).unwrap()
let val = rgsl::randist::binomial::binomial(&r, 0.01f64, 1u32);
The value I keep getting is 1, which seems really high considering the probability of obtaining a 1 is 0.01.
The documentation for env_setup explains everything you need to know:
This function reads the environment variables GSL_RNG_TYPE and GSL_RNG_SEED and uses their values to set the corresponding library variables gsl_rng_default and gsl_rng_default_seed
If you don’t specify a generator for GSL_RNG_TYPE then gsl_rng_mt19937 is used as the default. The initial value of gsl_rng_default_seed is zero.
(Emphasis mine)
Like all software random number generators, this is really an algorithm that produces pseudo random numbers. The algorithm and the initial seed uniquely identify a sequence of these numbers. Since the seed is always the same, the first (and second, third, ...) number in the sequence will always be the same.
So if I want to generate a new series of random numbers, then I need to change the seed each time. However, if I use the rng to generate a set of random seeds, then I will get the same seeds each time.
That's correct.
Other languages don't seem to have this constraint, meaning that the seed can be manually set if desired, but is otherwise is random.
A classical way to do this is to seed your RNG with the current time. This produces an "acceptable" seed for many cases. You can also get access to true random data from the operating system and use that as a seed or mix it in to produce more random data.
Is there no way to do this in Rust?
This is a very different question. If you just want a random number generator in Rust, use the rand crate. This uses techniques like I described above.
You could even do something crazy like using random values from the rand crate to seed your other random number generator. I just assumed that there is some important reason you are using that crate instead of rand.

How exactly does PC/Mac generates random numbers for either 0 or 1?

This question is NOT about how to use any language to generate a random number between any interval. It is about generating either 0 or 1.
I understand that many random generator algorithm manipulate the very basic random(0 or 1) function and take seed from users and use an algorithm to generate various random numbers as needed.
The question is that how the CPU generate either 0 or 1? If I throw a coin, I can generate head or tailer. That's because I physically throw a coin and let the nature decide. But how does CPU do it? There must be an action that the CPU does (like throwing a coin) to get either 0 or 1 randomly, right?
Could anyone tell me about it?
(This has several facets and thus several algorithms. Keep in mind that there are many different forms of randomness used for different purposes, but I understand your question in the way that you are interested in actual randomness used for cryptography.)
The fundamental problem here is that computers are (mostly) deterministic machines. Given the same input in the same state they always yield the same result. However, there are a few ways of actually gathering entropy:
User input. Since users bring outside input into the system you can take that to derive some bits from that. Similar to how you could use radioactive decay or line noise.
Network activity. Again, an outside source of stuff.
Generally interrupts (which kinda include the first two).
As alluded to in the first item, noise from peripherals, such as audio input or a webcam can be used.
There is dedicated hardware that can generate a few hundred MiB of randomness per second. Usually they give you random numbers directly instead of their internal entropy, though.
How exactly you derive bits from that is up to you but you could use time between events, or actual content from the events, etc. – generally eliminating bias from entropy sources isn't easy or trivial and a lot of thought and algorithmic work goes into that (in the case of the aforementioned special hardware this is all done in hardware and the code using it doesn't need to care about it).
Once you have a pool of actually random bits you can just use them as random numbers (/dev/random on Linux does that). But this has downsides, since there is usually little actual entropy and possibly a higher demand for random numbers. So you can invent algorithms to “stretch” that initial randomness in a manner that makes it still impossible or at least very difficult to predict anything about following numbers (/dev/urandom on Linux or both /dev/random and /dev/urandom on FreeBSD do that). Fortuna and Yarrow are so-called cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators and designed with that in mind. You still have a very good guarantee about the quality of random numbers you generate, but have many more before your entropy pool runs out.
In any case, the CPU itself cannot give you a random 0 or 1. There's a lot more involved and this usually includes the complete computer system or special hardware built for that purpose.
There is also a second class of computational randomness: Plain vanilla pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). What I said earlier about determinism – this is the embodiment of it. Given the same so-called seed a PRNG will yield the exact same sequence of numbers every time¹. While this sounds idiotic it has practical benefits.
Suppose you run a simulation involving lots of random numbers, maybe to simulate interaction between molecules or atoms that involve certain probabilities and unpredictable behaviour. In science you want results anyone can independently verify, given the same setup and procedure (or, with computing, the same algorithms). If you used actual randomness the only option you have would be to save every single random number used to make sure others can replicate the results independently.
But with a PRNG all you need to save is the seed and remember what algorithm you used. Others can then get the exact same sequence of pseudo-random numbers independently. Very nice property to have :-)
¹ This even includes the CSPRNGs mentioned above, but they are designed to be used in a special way that includes regular re-seeding with entropy to overcome that problem.
A CPU can only generate a uniform random number, U(0,1), which happens to range from 0 to 1. So mathematically, it would be defined as a random variable U in the range [0,1]. Examples of random draws of a U(0,1) random number in the range 0 to 1 would be 0.28100002, 0.34522, 0.7921, etc. The probability of any value between 0 and 1 is equal, i.e., they are equiprobable.
You can generate binary random variates that are either 0 or 1 by setting a random draw of U(0,1) to a 0 if U(0,1)<=0.5 and 1 if U(0,1)>0.5, since in theory there will be an equal number of random draws of U(0,1) below 0.5 and above 0.5.

gcc implementation of rand()

I've tried for hours to find the implementation of rand() function used in gcc...
It would be much appreciated if someone could reference me to the file containing it's implementation or website with the implementation.
By the way, which directory (I'm using Ubuntu if that matters) contains the c standard library implementations for the gcc compiler?
rand consists of a call to a function __random, which mostly just calls another function called __random_r in random_r.c.
Note that the function names above are hyperlinks to the glibc source repository, at version 2.28.
The glibc random library supports two kinds of generator: a simple linear congruential one, and a more sophisticated linear feedback shift register one. It is possible to construct instances of either, but the default global generator, used when you call rand, uses the linear feedback shift register generator (see the definition of unsafe_state.rand_type).
You will find C library implementation used by GCC in the GNU GLIBC project.
You can download it sources and you should find rand() implementation. Sources with function definitions are usually not installed on a Linux distribution. Only the header files which I guess you already know are usually stored in /usr/include directory.
If you are familiar with GIT source code management, you can do:
$ git clone git://
To get GLIBC source code.
The files are available via FTP. I found that there is more to rand() used in stdlib, which is from [glibc][2]. From the 2.32 version (glibc-2.32.tar.gz) obtained from here, the stdlib folder contains a random.c file which explains that a simple linear congruential algorithm is used. The folder also has rand.c and rand_r.c which can show you more of the source code. stdlib.h contained in the same folder will show you the values used for macros like RAND_MAX.
/* An improved random number generation package. In addition to the
standard rand()/srand() like interface, this package also has a
special state info interface. The initstate() routine is called
with a seed, an array of bytes, and a count of how many bytes are
being passed in; this array is then initialized to contain
information for random number generation with that much state
information. Good sizes for the amount of state information are
32, 64, 128, and 256 bytes. The state can be switched by calling
the setstate() function with the same array as was initialized with
initstate(). By default, the package runs with 128 bytes of state
information and generates far better random numbers than a linear
congruential generator. If the amount of state information is less
than 32 bytes, a simple linear congruential R.N.G. is used.
Internally, the state information is treated as an array of longs;
the zeroth element of the array is the type of R.N.G. being used
(small integer); the remainder of the array is the state
information for the R.N.G. Thus, 32 bytes of state information
will give 7 longs worth of state information, which will allow a
degree seven polynomial. (Note: The zeroth word of state
information also has some other information stored in it; see setstate
for details). The random number generation technique is a linear
feedback shift register approach, employing trinomials (since there
are fewer terms to sum up that way). In this approach, the least
significant bit of all the numbers in the state table will act as a
linear feedback shift register, and will have period 2^deg - 1
(where deg is the degree of the polynomial being used, assuming
that the polynomial is irreducible and primitive). The higher order
bits will have longer periods, since their values are also
influenced by pseudo-random carries out of the lower bits. The
total period of the generator is approximately deg*(2deg - 1); thus
doubling the amount of state information has a vast influence on the
period of the generator. Note: The deg*(2deg - 1) is an
approximation only good for large deg, when the period of the shift
register is the dominant factor. With deg equal to seven, the
period is actually much longer than the 7*(2**7 - 1) predicted by
this formula. */

Thread-safe uniform random number generator

I have some parallel Fortran90 code in which each thread needs to generate the same sequence of random numbers.
I have a random number generator that seems to be thread-unsafe, since, for a given seed, I'm completely unable to repeat the same results each time I run the program.
I surfed unsuccessfully (almost) the entire web looking for some code of a thread-safe RNG. Could anyone provide me with (the link to) the code of one?
Thanks in advance!
A good Pseudorandom number generator for Fortran90 can be found in the Intel Math Kernel Vector Statistical Library. They are thread safe. Also, why does it need to be threadsafe? If you want each thread to get the same list, instantiate a new PRNG for each thread with the same seed.
Most repeatable random number generators need state in some form. Without state, they can't do what comes next. In order to be thread safe, you need a way to hold onto the state yourself (ie, it can't be global).
When you say "needs to generate the same sequence of random numbers" do you mean that
Each thread needs to generate a stream of numbers identical to the other thread? This implies choosing the seed before peeling off threads, then instantiating the a thread-local PRNG in each thread with the same seed.
You want to be able to repeat the same sequence of numbers between different runs of the programs, but each thread generates it's own independent sequence? In this case, you still can't share a single PRNG because the thread operation sequence is non-deterministic. So seed a single PRNG with a known seed before launching threads, and use it to generate the initial seeds for the threads. Then you instantiate thread-local generators in each thread...
In each of these cases you should note what Neil Butterworth say about the statistics: most of the usual guarantees that the PRNG like to claim are not reliable when mix streams generated in this way.
In both cases you need a thread-local PRNG. I don't know what is available in f90...but you can also write you own (lookup Mersenne Twister, and write a routne that takes the saved state as a parameter...).
In fortran 77, this would look something like
function PRNGthread (state)
double state(statesize)
c stuff happens here which uses and manipulates the state vector...
PRNGthread = result
and each of your threads should maintain a separate state vector, though all will use the same initial value.
I understand you need every thread to produce the same stream of random numbers.
A very good Pseudo Random Generator that will generate a reproducable stream of numbers and is quite fast is the MT19937. Just make sure that you generate the seed before spawning off the threads, but generate a separate instance of the MT in every thread (make the instance of the MT thread local). That way it will be guaranteed that every MT will produce the same stream of numbers.
How about SPRNG? I have not tried it myself though.
I coded a thread-safe Fortran 90 version of the Mersenne Twister/MT19973. The state of the PRNG is saved in a derived type (randomNumberSequence), and you use procedures to seed the generator or get the next element in the sequence.
The alternatives seem to be:
Use a synchronisation object (such as
a mutex) on the generator's seed
value. This will unfortunately
serialise your code on accesses to
Use thread-local storage in the
generator so each thread gets its own
seed - this may cause statstical
problems for your app
If your platform supports a suitable
atomic operation, use that on the
seed (it probably won't, however)
Not a very encouraging list, I know. And to add to it, I have no idea how to implement any of them in FORTRAN!
This article does not only link to a Fortran implementation, but mentions key points needed to make a PRNG usable with threads. The most important point is:
The Fortran90 version of Ziggurat has several variables and arrays with the 'SAVE' attribute. In order to parallelize the uniform RNG, then, it appears that the required changes are to make these variables arrays with a separate value for each thread (beware of false sharing). Then when the PRNG function is called, we must pass the thread number, and use the corresponding state value.
