devspace behind coporate proxy - proxy

I am installing devspace in my local windows machine using npm
npm install -g devspace
after installed, it needs to Finish installation of DevSpace CLI, in which the following request is failed
Error requesting URL:
I think it's because of my machine is using the company's proxy. However, I don't know how to config proxy in devspace (just like git, for example).

DevSpace maintainer here. Instead of using npm, you can also download the release binary manually from GitHub:
You can just do this:
Download the devspace-windows-amd64.exe for a release
Rename the downloaded file to devspace.exe
Save the devspace.exe file in a folder (and add this folder to your PATH environment variable) => You may need to restart after changing the PATH variable
That's basically what the npm installer does as well but it seems like it is unable to download the binary from GitHub. This may be because of a proxy or because of anything related to GitHub (your company may hit the rate limit or something else).


Looking for cloud based ide/ides where i can setup apache-superset for developement

I am looking to play with apache-superset on a cloud-based ide. I have it on my local. I tried unsuccessfully to set it up on gitpod. I wanted suggestions on where can I set it up, opensource preferably not necessarily. I believe cloud9 is 1 such place, but I am looking for other options before I settle. If you've ever set it up on any such platform, even if it is on gitpod and can help me, kindly do so.
[Disclaimer: Gitpod staff]
You can indeed use Gitpod to work on apache-superset, and for that you'll just need a working configuration.
From what I can see in apache-superset's requirements, you'll need to get:
PostgreSQL (e.g. by using Gitpod's official gitpod/workspace-full-postgres Docker base image)
Redis (e.g. by installing it in a Dockerfile via sudo apt-get install)
Various Python dependencies (e.g. by running pip install . after cloning)
Various Node.js dependencies for the front-end (e.g. by running npm install)
Here is a basic configuration I wrote to achieve this:
What it does is:
Create a Docker image with PostgreSQL and Redis
Once the repository is cloned, open 4 separate Terminals ("tasks"):
Redis server
Superset backend
Superset worker
Superset front-end
All dependencies will be installed automatically, and once the front-end is ready, it will automatically open in a web preview IDE side panel.
You can try it out by opening my personal fork of the apache-superset repository in Gitpod, e.g. by following this link:

Yarn (Binary) Offline installation on Centos 7

How do i install Yarn (binary) offline on Centos 7. The machine doesn't have internet. Apologise if the question has been asked before.
I couldn't find it anywhere. All Questions point to using Yarn in offline mode but not how to install it offline at the first place.
Finally, i managed to do it via tarball (Note this is Linux installation).
You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.
cd /opt
tar zvxf latest.tar.gz
Yarn is now in /opt/yarn-[version]/
the following steps will add Yarn to path variable and run it from anywhere.
Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.
Add this to your profile:
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin"
(the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect
To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add
export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`"
to your profile.
Here is the link i found it
Although Yarn can work in offline mode, the packages must be downloaded and stored in the in an offline mirror. Refer to this article.
Your Centos machine will need to be connected to another machine that has access to the Internet. The most common solution is to set up a http/https proxy, then set up yarn to use the proxy
yarn config set proxy
yarn config set https-proxy

Laravel 5 + Homestead + HHVM + PGSQL = Driver not found

My PHP project uses PGSQL. It runs successfully from Homestead on my dev machine. As soon as I add hhvm: true to my project in homestead.yaml, and provision -- my web app throws a PDOException with a driver is not found. The exception goes away as I remove the hhvm:true and re-provision homestead.
Obviously HHVM's config does not include the PGSQL driver.
How do I correct that?
You don't give a lot of details about your setup, so it's not clear if you have the Postgres driver installed. Postgres isn't supported right out of the box. You have to build and/or install it yourself.
Facebook has an "official" list of HHVM extensions. PGSQL is not (yet) integrated into HHVM proper, but Facebook's page points to the external GitHub project, which is here:
Postgres Extension for HHVM
Below is a summary of the project instructions; you can read them yourself in the files.
Build from source
If you want to build it from source, you will need the hhvm-dev and libpq-dev packages to be installed. Once they have been installed, the following commands will build the extension:
$ cd /path/to/source
$ hphpize
$ cmake .
$ make
This will produce a file, the dynamically-loadable extension. Copy this file to /etc/hhvm/
Pre-built binaries
If you don't want to build it, there are pre-built binary versions for some of the popular distros in the separate "releases" branch here: Releases.
Again, copy the downloaded file to /etc/hhvm/
Whether you build from source or install binaries, you need to tell HHVM where to find it. Edit your config file (generally /etc/hhvm/php.ini) and add these if they're not present:
extension_dir = /etc/hhvm
hhvm.extensions[pgsql] =
You can check that everything is working by running
hhvm --php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("pg_connect"));'
If everything is working fine, this will output bool(true).
You may need to restart HHVM to have the server pick up the extension.

Installing MULE ESB mule-standalone-3.3.1

Can some guide me .. for installing Mule ESB(mule-standalone-3.3.1) in Ubuntu . I am unable to find any documentation for installing. i want to automate it through Chef.
It's can be as simple as downloading and unpacking the archive file from:
Note: You need jdk 6/7 installed first.
Here's a chef cookbook that does this:
And here's a Vagrant script for running the mule cookbook on ubuntu etc:
It is very simple.
Download and unpacking the archive file from: or whatever version you want to install.
put this unpack file to anywhere where you want like /opt/ or /usr/local/
put you mule application inside apps folder.
& go to bin directory and run ./mule start command. Now mule server is running. You can also check mule log inside log folder mule.log file
This is an old question, but in case there are others who are looking.
You want to install Mule as a Ubuntu Service, so that it restarts when The server restarts. There are a couple of basic steps to this
I detailed out instructions and installation files at my github repository
Steps in general:
Install a startup script in /etc/init.d
Install a startup parameter file in /etc/mule
Customize parameters in the wrapper.conf file in /conf/wrapper.conf
Install the license file onto the server if using enterprise
Add the startup script to the run levels.
To test, you want to reboot the linux service to make sure that it will come back after a reboot. If it doesn't you have a reliability issue.

Git over SSH Server in Windows, cannot find shared libraries

I was to setup an SSH Server to Host my Git Repository to my local area network. I followed this tutorial by TimDavis hoping that I would be able to make a secured Git Repository.
I tested my connection using Putty and it was successful. My only problem was I cannot run "git" command in the console. Then I tried cloning my repository, and this was the error that outputed:
/usr/bin/git-upload-pack.exe: error while loading shared libraries:
libiconv2.dll: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
Also when I ran "git" command in the Putty Bash that was connected to the SSH Server, this was the error I encountered:
/usr/bin/git.exe: error while loading shared libraries: pthreadGC2.dll:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I seems that all my problem was about the missing libraries but I don't know how to solve it. I am using Windows 7 as an Operating System.
As explained here: the sasl libraries and the ca-certificates are missing. Install them by running the setup of cygwin, and installing libsasl2 and ca-certificates packages (the first is support for SSL and the second the root certificates that will be used for SSL authentication).
I got this error too. I tried copying not just git.exe but the corresponding dlls (libiconv, etc...) from the git bin directory to the CopSsh bin directory and it went away.
Hi if you are talking about the following article:
Then try to modify the path. Just add add the following lines into \home\.bashrc :
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/d/programs/Git/bin:/cygdrive/d/programs/Git/libexec/git-core
Where d/programs/Git is a d:\programs\Git -- is a path to msysgit installation
I also found that git submodule update would fail on Cygwin due to another broken dependency, where you need to install the gettext package as well.
