how to overwrite property files in a docker container? - spring-boot

I have a docker container inside which I have jar file that is of my springBoot application . How can I overwrite the file of my app. Suppose if I want to change datasource url ,how can I do that through commandline?

Run docker ps and note the initials of id of your container.
Run docker exec -it <id> <bash or sh>, you will be inside your running container.
Go to your jar directory. Place your properties file in config/ as
Rerun your app, but make sure to do it in background, so you can exit docker.
You can't restart the primary process (PID 1). For that usecase you'll need external volume and restart the container on property file change.
Create a volume: docker volume create vol1, you will get /var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/
Change group of directory sudo chgrp 1001 /var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/_data
Add write access to group: sudo chmod g+w /var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/_data
Check the permissions of the directory: sudo ls -al /var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/. They should be: drwxrwxr-x
Next time you run your container, mount the folder containing jar file to your volume as: docker run -d --name=webApp1 --mount source=vol1,destination=/path/to/app -p port:port name
You can change the property file in /var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/_data/ and restart container: docker restart container_name
Disclaimer: Replacing properties file outside jar is not considered a good practice and is highly discouraged. So, these steps are only recommended for testing.


Docker image error: The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists

I created a docker image using a script. The docker image got created successfully but when I am trying to run on the browser, I get the following message
I tried to resolve the error using webapps but it is popping up the same message.
It is happening probably because the directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps is empty. as you can see in the description in the Docker Hub official image:
You can then go to http://localhost:8888 or http://host-ip:8888 in a browser (noting that it will return a 404 since there are no webapps loaded by default).
To solve that, you can just create a new image and copy and paste what you want inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.
For example, you can find inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist files of the tomcat webapp manager. If you try to see what is that you can run:
$ docker run -it tomcat:10 ls /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist
ROOT docs examples host-manager manager
Now that you know what is inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist, create your own Dockerfile and copy and paste this folder to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps:
FROM tomcat
RUN cp -R /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist/* /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
CMD ["", "run"]
Build the image:
$ docker build . -t custom-tomcat
Execute the image:
$ docker run -d -P custom-tomcat
Check the port opened:
$ docker ps
58390eab3fec custom-tomcat " run" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>8080/tcp, :::49163->8080/tcp lucid_joliot
Open your browser and check if it works:

Mont a volume in host directoy

I am running an application with a dockerfile that I made.
I run at first my image with this command:
docker run -it -p 8501:8501 99aa9d3b7cc1
Everything works fine, but I was expecting to see a file in a specific folder of my directory of the app, which is an expected behaviour. But running with docker, seems like the application cannot write in my host directory.
Then I tried to mount a volume with this command
docker 99aa9d3b7cc1:/output .
I got this error docker: invalid reference format.
Which is the right way to persist the data that the application generates?
Use docker bind mounts.
-v "$(pwd)"/volume:/output
The files created in /output in the container will be accessible in the volume folder relative to where the docker command has been run.

Is there a way to automate the creation of Docker Image?

I needed to create a Docker image of a Springboot application and I achieved that by creating a Dockerfile and building it into an image. Then, I used "docker run" to bring up a container. This container is used for all the activities for which my application was written.
My problem, however, is that the JAR file that I have used needs constant changes and that requires me to rebuild the Docker image everytime. Furthermore, I need to take the contents of the earlier running Docker container and transfer it into a container created from the newly built image.
I know this whole process can be written as a Shell script and exected every time I have changes on my JAR file. But, is there any tool I can use to somehow automate it in a simple manner?
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM java:8
ADD ./SuperApi ./SuperApi
ADD ./config ./config
ADD ./Resources ./Resources
CMD java -jar SuperApi/SomeName.jar --spring.config.location=SuperApi/
If you have a JAR file that you need to copy into an otherwise static Docker image, you can use a bind mount to save needing to rebuild repeatedly. This allows for directories to be shared from the host into the container.
Say your project directory (the build location where the JAR file is located) on the host machine is /home/vishwas/projects/my_project, and you need to have the contents placed at /opt/my_project inside the container. When starting the container from the command line, use the -v flag:
docker run -v /home/vishwas/projects/my_project:/opt/my_project [...]
Changes made to files under /home/vishwas/projects/my_project locally will be visible immediately inside the container1, so no need to rebuild (and probably no need to restart) the container.
If using docker-compose, this can be expressed using a volumes stanza under the services listing for that container:
- type: bind
source: /home/vishwas/projects/my_project
target: /opt/my_project
This works for development, but later on, it's likely you'll want to bundle the JAR file into the image instead of sharing from the host system (so it can be placed into production). When that time comes, just re-build the image and add a COPY directive to the Dockerfile:
COPY /home/vishwas/projects/my_project /opt/my_project
1: Worth noting that it will default to read/write, so the container will also be able to modify your project files. To mount as read-only, use: docker run -v /home/vishwas/projects/my_project:/opt/my_project:ro
You are looking for docker compose
You can build and start containers with a single command using compose.

Cannot write into ~/.m2 in docker maven container

Why aren't files written in /root/.m2 in the maven3 docker image persistent during the build?
A simple dockerfile:
FROM maven:3-jdk-8
RUN touch /root/.m2/testfilehere && ls -a /root/.m2
RUN ls -a /root/.m2
CMD ["bash"]
Produces the following output.
$ docker build -t test --no-cache .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 1 : FROM maven:3-jdk-8
---> 42e3884987fb
Step 2 : RUN touch /root/.m2/testfilehere && ls -a /root/.m2
---> Running in 1c1dc5e9f082
---> 3da352119c4d
Removing intermediate container 1c1dc5e9f082
Step 3 : RUN ls -a /root/.m2
---> Running in df506db8c1dd
---> d07cc155b20e
Removing intermediate container df506db8c1dd
Step 4 : RUN stat /root/.m2/testfilehere
---> Running in af44f30aafe5
stat: cannot stat ‘/root/.m2/testfilehere’: No such file or directory
The command '/bin/sh -c stat /root/.m2/testfilehere' returned a non-zero code: 1
The file created at the first command is gone when the intermmediate container exists.
Also, this does not happen in the ubuntu image, just maven.
edit: using ADD hostfile /root/.m2/containerfile does work as a workaround, but is not what I want.
the maven docker image has an entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
On container started, entrypoint copy files from /usr/share/maven/ref into ${MAVEN_CONFIG} and erase your file
You can see script executed on startup by following this link
That's because /root/.m2 is defined as a VOLUME in the image. When a container runs with a volume, the volume storage is not part of the UnionFS - so its data is not stored in the container's writable layer:
A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System.
The first RUN command creates a file in the volume, but that's in an intermediary container with its own volume. The file isn't saved to the image layer because it's in a volume.
The second RUN command is running in a new intermediary container which has its own volume. There's no content in the volume from the base image, so the volume is empty in the new container.
If you want to pre-populate the volume with data, you need to do it in the Dockerfile as you've seen.
There is a documentation for this in Docker Maven:
COPY settings.xml /usr/share/maven/ref/
After you run your Docker image, the settings.xml will appear in /root/.m2.

What is a simple workflow to use docker in Windows with a basic file sharing possibility?

For the sake of simplicity, use ubuntu image as an example.
I often find it easier to use docker-compose, particularly if there's a high chance I'll want to both mount-volumes and link the container to another container at some point in the future.
Create a folder for working in, say "ubuntu".
In the "ubuntu" folder, create another folder called "files"
Create a file in that folder called "docker-compose.yml". In this file, enter:
image: "ubuntu:latest"
- "80:80"
- ./files:/files
Whenever you need to start the box, navigate to "ubuntu" and type docker-compose up. To stop again, use docker-compose stop.
The advantage of using docker compose is that if you ever want to link-up a database container this can be done easily by adding another container to the yaml file, and then in the ubuntucontainer container adding a links section.
Not to mention, docker-compose up is quite minimal on the typing.
(Also, forwarding the ports with 80:80 may not be strictly necessary, it depends on what you want the box to do.)
TL;DR version:
Open Docker Quickstart Terminal. If it is already open, run $ cd ~
Run this once: $ docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/ubuntu:/windows --name ubu ubuntu
To start every time: $ docker start -i ubu
You will get an empty folder named ubuntu in your Windows user directory. You will see this folder with the name windows in your ubuntu container.
cd ~ is for making sure you are in Windows user directory.
-it stands for interactive, so you can interact with the container in the terminal environment. -v host_folder:container_folder enables sharing a folder between the host and the container. The host folder should be inside the Windows user folder. /$(pwd) translates to //c/Users/YOUR_USER_DIR in Windows 10. --name ubu assigns the name ubu to the container.
-i stands for interactive
