Pointer operation isn't changing its reference within a slice - go

I just started learning go. I have a question about pointers.
In the code below, the following line in the code doesn't do what I expect:
last_line.Next_line = &line // slice doesn't change
I want the slice to be changed as well, not only the local variable last_line.
What am I doing wrong?
type Line struct {
Text string
Prev_line *Line
Next_line *Line
var (
lines []Line
last_line *Line
for i, record := range records {
var prev_line *Line = nil
text := record[0]
if i > 0 {
prev_line = &lines[i-1]
line := Line{
Text: text,
Prev_line: prev_line,
Next_line: nil}
if last_line != nil {
last_line.Next_line = &line // slice doesn't change
lines = append(lines, line)
last_line = &line

Your Line type is a fairly standard-looking doubly linked list. Your lines variable holds a slice of these objects. Combining these two is a bit unusual—not wrong, to be sure, just unusual. And, as Matt Oestreich notes in a comment, we don't know quite what is in records (just that range can be used on it and that after doing so, we can use record[0] to get to a single string value), so there might be better ways to deal with things.
If records itself is a slice or has a sensible len, we can allocate a slice of Line instances all at once, of the appropriate size:
lines = make([]Line, len(records))
Here is a sample on the Go Playground that does it this way.
If we can't really get a suitable len—e.g., if records is a channel whose length is not really relevant—then we might indeed want to allocate individual lines, but in this case, it may be more sensible to avoid keeping them as a slice in the first place. The doubly linked list alone will suffice.
Finally, if you really do want both a slice and this doubly linked list, note that using append may copy the slice's elements to a new, larger slice. If and when it does so, the pointers in any elements you set up earlier will point into the old, smaller slice. This is not invalid in terms of the language itself—those objects still exist and your pointers are keeping them "alive"—but it may not be what you intended at all. In this case, it makes more sense to set all the pointers at the end, after building up the lines slice, just as in the sample code I provided.
(The sample I wrote is deliberately slightly weird in a way that is likely to get your homework or test grade knocked down a bit, if this was an attempt to cheat on homework or a test. :-) )


Is there a bug in handling slices with references in Go?

I'm trying to build a new list of structs that contains references to items that exist in another slice. It's easier to understand if you see it, so I've prepared a snippet that you can run.
I have a list (dummylist) of two points (Cartesian coordinates) that I want to parse to build a new list (mylist) with items having some features (in the example, X > 80). I've defined two points: {X:90.0, Y:50.0} and {X:20.0 , Y:30.0}. I expect that mylist will contain {X:90.0, Y:50.0}, instead at the end there is {X:20.0 , Y:30.0}. With some print here and there I can verify that the algorithm is working fine (it enters in the "if" condition in the right case), but, at the end, "mylist" contains the wrong element.
package main
func main() {
type point struct {
X float64
Y float64
type pointsList []point
type pointContainer struct {
Point *point
type pointContainerList []pointContainer
// Prepare a slice with two elements
dummylist := new(pointsList)
*dummylist = append(*dummylist, point{X:90.0, Y:50.0})
*dummylist = append(*dummylist, point{X:20.0 , Y:30.0})
// My empty list
mylist := new(pointContainerList)
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("---- At the beginning, mylist contains %d points", len(*mylist)))
// Filter the initial list to take only elements
for _, pt := range *dummylist {
fmt.Println("\n---- Evaluating point ", pt)
if pt.X > 80 {
fmt.Println("Appending", pt)
*mylist = append(*mylist, pointContainer{Point: &pt})
fmt.Println("Inserted point:", (*mylist)[0].Point, "len = ", len(*mylist))
// mylist should contain {X:90.0, Y:50.0}, instead...
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("\n---- At the end, mylist contains %d points", len(*mylist)))
fmt.Println("Content of mylist:", (*mylist)[0].Point)
Here you can run the code:
Some helpful consideration:
I've seen through multiple tests that, at the end, mylist contains the last parsed item in the loop. I think there is a problem with references. It's like if the inserted item in the list (in the first iteration) is dependent on the "pt" of other iterations. Instead, if I use indexes (for i, pt := range *dummylist and (*dummylist)[i]), everything works fine.
Before talking about bugs in Golang... am I missing something?
Yes, you're missing something. On this line:
*mylist = append(*mylist, pointContainer{Point: &pt})
you're putting the address of the loop variable &pt into your structure. As the loop continues, the value of pt changes. (Or to put it another way, &pt will be the same pointer for each iteration of the loop).
From the go language specification:
The iteration values are assigned to the respective iteration
variables as in an assignment statement.
The iteration variables may be declared by the "range" clause using a
form of short variable declaration (:=). In this case their types are
set to the types of the respective iteration values and their scope is
the block of the "for" statement; they are re-used in each iteration.
If the iteration variables are declared outside the "for" statement,
after execution their values will be those of the last iteration.
One solution would be to create a new value, but I'm not sure what you're gaining from so many pointers: []point would probably be more effective (and less error-prone) than a pointer to a slice of structs of pointers to points.

Is there a way to delete first element from map?

Can I delete the first element in map? It is possible with slices slice = append(slice, slice[1:]...), but can I do something like this with maps?
Maps being hashtables don't have a specified order, so there's no way to delete keys in a defined order, unless you track keys in a separate slice, in the order you're adding them, something like:
type orderedMap struct {
data map[string]int
keys []string
mu *sync.RWMutex
func (o *orderedMap) Shift() (int, error) {
defer o.mu.Unlock()
if len(o.keys) == 0 {
return 0, ErrMapEmpty
i := o.data[o.keys[0]]
delete(o.data, o.keys[0])
o.keys = o.keys[1:]
return i, nil
Just to be unequivocal about why you can't really delete the "first" element from a map, let me reference the spec:
A map is an unordered group of elements of one type, called the element type, indexed by a set of unique keys of another type, called the key type. The value of an uninitialized map is nil.
Added the emphasis on the fact that map items are unordered
Using a slice to preserve some notion of the order of keys is, fundamentally, flawed, though. Given operations like this:
foo := map[string]int{
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
// a bit later:
foo["foo"] = 3
Is the index/key foo now updated, or reassigned? Should it be treated as a new entry, appended to the slice if keys, or is it an in-place update? Things get muddled really quickly. The simple fact of the matter is that the map type doesn't contain an "order" of things, trying to make it have an order quickly devolves in a labour intensive task where you'll end up writing your own type.
As I said earlier: it's a hashtable. Elements within get reshuffled behind the scenes if the hashing algorithm used for the keys produces collisions, for example. This question has the feel of an X-Y problem: why do you need the values in the map to be ordered? Maybe a map simply isn't the right approach for your particular problem.

Better way to deal with nil slice indexes

I have started a project for creating reports by utilizing excel data and the various Go excel libraries (excelize, tealeg's xlsx)
One of the biggest frustrations I have found is working with slices which have some nil indexes depending on the source of data (blank rows in the input data transfer as "nil" slice indexes when I use the xlsx library to pull data)
These nil slice index throw an "index out of range" obviously if I ever try and utilize them in one of my many for loops - which leads me to the painstaking task of ensuring each time I want to work with a slice index that is isn't actually nil by using len() and cap to death()(excerpt of code below to illustrate)
//example code excerpt
for rowNumber, cellStringSlice := range inputSlice {
for rowColumn, cellString := range cellStringSlice {
//loop var declaration
rowColumnHeading := 2
rowNumberInc := rowNumber + 1
rowNumberDec := rowNumber - 1
if rowNumber > 0 {
if len(inputSlice[rowNumber]) != 0 { //len check to stop index out of range issue with slice
previousColACellValue = inputSlice[rowNumber][rowColumn]
if len(inputSlice[rowNumber+1]) != 0 { //len check to stop index out of range issue with slice
nextColACellValue = inputSlice[rowNumber+1][rowColumn]
I should specify that in this 2D slice I am using:
the proximal slice (rowNumber) is never nil (there is always a row) however the second distal slice it indexes (rowColumn) Can be nil on some instances - which is why in this scenario my overall loop always enters the second inner loop even when it is iterating though a row with no column data (i.e inputSlice[rowNumber][rowColumn] = nil) and brings a frequent need for me to handle index out of range issues
I can't just remove all the nil indexes and shift everything up, as these are representing "blank rows" in the final excel doc I output these rows to.
So my question is, are there any useful go functions or libraries which take care of nil indexes by swapping all nils for "" in slices and 2d/3d slices of type string? Or is it a task for the programmer to always "sanitise" his slices by removing these nils or check for them each time they ever want to access an element?
I appreciate I could write a for loop myself to swap all these nils for a "", but writing a function to do this each time I work with slices of strings containing/possibly containing nil's would seem a little bizarre to me
Your outer loop is on inputSlice, so inputSlice[rowNumber] is always valid, and since the inner loop is on that row, it is never zero. Thus the first check is unnecessary. If you have a nil or empty slice for inputSlice[rowNumber], the inner for loop will not even be entered.
The second check is necessary, but wrong:
if len(inputSlice[rowNumber+1]) != 0 {
If rowNumber is the last row, then inputSlice[rowNumber+1] is not valid as no such row exists. You have to check:
if rowNumber<len(inputSlice) {

Simple way of getting key depending on value from hashmap in Golang

Given a hashmap in Golang which has a key and a value, what is the simplest way of retrieving the key given the value?
For example Ruby equivalent would be
key = hashMap.key(value)
There is no built-in function to do this; you will have to make your own. Below is an example function that will work for map[string]int, which you can adapt for other map types:
func mapkey(m map[string]int, value int) (key string, ok bool) {
for k, v := range m {
if v == value {
key = k
ok = true
key, ok := mapkey(hashMap, value)
if !ok {
panic("value does not exist in map")
The important question is: How many times will you have to look up the value?
If you only need to do it once, then you can iterate over the key, value pairs and keep the key (or keys) that match the value.
If you have to do the look up often, then I would suggest you make another map that has key, values reversed (assuming all keys map to unique values), and use that for look up.
I am in the midst of working on a server based on bitcoin and there is a list of constants and byte codes for the payment scripts. In the C++ version it has both identifiers with the codes and then another function that returns the string version. So it's really not much extra work to just take the original, with opcodes as string keys and the byte as value, and then reverse the order. The only thing that niggles me is duplicate keys on values. But since those are just true and false, overlapping zero and one, all of the first index of the string slice are the numbers and opcodes, and the truth values are the second index.
To iterate the list every time to identify the script command to execute would cost on average 50% of the map elements being tested. It's much simpler to just have a reverse lookup table. Executing the scripts has to be done maybe up to as much as 10,000 times on a full block so it makes no sense to save memory and pay instead in processing.

Making maps in go before anything

I am following the go tour and something bothered me.
Maps must be created with make (not new) before use
Fair enough:
map = make(map[int]Cats)
However the very next slide shows something different:
var m = map[string]Vertex{
"Bell Labs": Vertex{
40.68433, -74.39967,
"Google": Vertex{
37.42202, -122.08408,
This slide shows how you can ignore make when creating maps
Why did the tour say maps have to be created with make before they can be used? Am I missing something here?
Actually the only reason to use make to create a map is to preallocate a specific number of values, just like with slices (except you can't set a cap on a map)
m := map[int]Cats{}
s := []Cats{}
//is the same as
m := make(map[int]Cats)
s := make([]Cats, 0, 0)
However if you know you will have a minimum of X amount of items in a map you can do something like:
m := make(map[int]Cats, 100)// this will speed things up initially
Also check http://dave.cheney.net/2014/08/17/go-has-both-make-and-new-functions-what-gives
So they're actually right that you always need to use make before using a map. The reason it looks like they aren't in the example you gave is that the make call happens implicitly. So, for example, the following two are equivalent:
m := make(map[int]string)
m[0] = "zero"
m[1] = "one"
// Equivalent to:
m := map[int]string{
0: "zero",
1: "one",
Make vs New
Now, the reason to use make vs new is slightly more subtle. The reason is that new only allocates space for a variable of the given type, whereas make actually initializes it.
To give you a sense of this distinction, imagine we had a binary tree type like this:
type Tree struct {
root *node
type node struct {
val int
left, right *node
Now you can imagine that if we had a Tree which was allocated and initialized and had some values in it, and we made a copy of that Tree value, the two values would point to the same underlying data since they'd both have the same value for root.
So what would happen if we just created a new Tree without initializing it? Something like t := new(Tree) or var t Tree? Well, t.root would be nil, so if we made a copy of t, both variables would not point to the same underlying data, and so if we added some elements to the Tree, we'd end up with two totally separate Trees.
The same is true of maps and slices (and some others) in Go. When you make a copy of a slice variable or a map variable, both the old and the new variables refer to the same underlying data, just like an array in Java or C. Thus, if you just use new, and then make a copy and initialize the underlying data later, you'll have two totally separate data structures, which is usually not what you want.
