Oracle SODA - How to sort on created using REST? - oracle

I can't work out how to use the $orderby with SODA on an id field (such as created or lastModified. I'm using SODA for REST directly and not the other projects.
Sort syntax is:
$orderby: {
path: 'created',
datatype: 'date',
order: 'desc'
And I've also tried:
"$orderby": {
"$fields": [{
"path": "created",
"datatype": "date",
"order": "desc"
"$scalarRequired": true
And replacing the path with $id: 'created' (as you can use that in a filter specification to access non-document metadata. But nothing works to order properly.
Short of putting the created field into my object when I create them (which defeats the purpose of having those fields) how can I use orderby on a metadata field?

Max here from the SODA dev team. I am not 100% sure what you mean by an "id field". Looks like you mean the "created on" and "last modified" document components automatically maintained by SODA, right? If so, we don't support orderbys on these (though it could be added as an enhancement).
As of now, as you mentioned in your post, best option is to create a field in your JSON documents' content and set it to ISO8601 format timestamp value (e.g. 2020-10-13T07:01:01). You can then do an orderby on such a field (with datatype "datetime"). Please let me know if more details on this are needed.
In SODA REST, when you're listing collection contents, you could specify since=timestamp and until=timestamp query parameters. That'll give you all documents with last modified timestamp greater than the "since" one, and less than or equal to the "until" one.
As part of this operation, SODA automatically adds an orderby on "last modified". Not sure if that's useful to you though, since that's just for listing all documents in the collection (i.e. you can't combine it with a QBE, for example). So if this doesn't meet your needs, best option right now is to explicitly add something like a "modified' field to the document content, and do an orderby on that.


Type of field for prefix search in Elastic Search

I'm confused on what index type I should apply for my field for prefix search, many show search_as_you_type but I think auto complete is not what I'm going for.
I have a UUID field:
id: 34y72ca1-3739-41ff-bbec-f6d17479384c
The following terms should return the doc above:
Using 3739 should not return it as it doesn't start with 3739. Initially this is what I was going for but then the wildcard field is not supported by Amazon AWS, so I compromise for prefix search instead of partial search.
I tried search_as_you_type field but it doesn't return the result when I use the whole ID. Actually, my use case is when user click enter, the results will be shown, instead of real-live when they type, so if speed is compromised its OK, just that I hope for something that will be good for many rows of data.
If you have not explicitly defined any index mapping, then you need to use id.keyword field instead of the id field for the prefix query to show the appropriate results. This uses the keyword analyzer instead of the standard analyzer
"query": {
"prefix": {
"id.keyword": {
"value": "34y72ca1"
Otherwise, you can modify your index mapping, by adding multi fields for id field

custom key value pair in fhir json

i have mapped around 20 fields from the sample data. All of them come under Observation category. I have a field/Label which we created to denote each patient.
"PatientLabel" : 0
I understand FHIR is all about fixed set of items. But, is there a way to include this in FHIR Json. i would need this information while processing.
"extension": [
"name": "PatientLabel",
"value": 0
tried the above one.. FHIR validator is throwing error
Extensions don't have a 'name', they have a 'url'. Also, 'value' is a polymorphic type, so you'd need "valueInteger" or "valueDecimal". That said, "0" seems an unusual value for something titled "patient label". Normally, the Patient would be in the Observation.subject. If you just have a label and not a reference, you could use subject.display and not need an extension at all...

Sorting by product price considering special prices (client, group, country)

we have a shop with a few products (~ 5000).
There are, of course, category overview sites which show all products that are in the current category. A requirement is that all products can be sorted by price (ASC and DESC).
This already works (partially), because the problem is, in our Elasticsearch, we currently only have the "original" price, so any product discounts are not considered and therefore the sorting does not work correctly.
My task is it now to fix that.
But I am already struggling with "how to" persist the "special prices" into Elasticsearch.
The problem is every product can be discounted in general, on a customer level, on a customer group level and on a country level.
So I imagine a structure like this would be a start:
# current
"articleNumber": "12345",
"price": 9.99,
# new
"articleNumber": "12345",
"price": 9.99,
"special_prices": [
"customer": "123456",
"client_price": 5.99,
"client_group_price": null,
"country_de": null
"country_es": null,
Following thoughts:
The specials prices could be stored as a nested object inside the product index (but I am not sure how to do the sorting on it later)
Maybe I could create a second index with prices, then I would have two queries, but I guess that would be ok? Because I have to build a whole matrix with every customer we have (also ~5000), with every product with every possible price. But if I would have a second index then I would have to join and maybe the sorting is incorrect then
If possible, I would like to only persist any prices if a product has a special price and if not, I don't want to blow up the index
I tried something with painless to return the special price if one exists for the product and customer, but this gives me this:
"script": "if (doc['special_prices.customer'] != null && doc['special_prices.customer'].value == '123456') { return 12.45; } else { return doc['price']; }",
"lang": "painless",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. Set fielddata=true on [special_prices.customer] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory. Alternatively use a keyword field instead."
Maybe something like SQL ORDER BY CASE WHEN would be an option?
Any ideas on how I should model and persist the special prices? And how can I achieve the sorting?
Is joining a second index a good idea?
Best regards
The error you see is because special_prices.customer is not indexed as keyword, and instead is a text (which allows full-text search). If you didn't specify mapping explicitly, Elasticsearch most likely created a keyword for you. Just try to replace special_prices.customer with special_prices.customer.keyword in your script.
The idea of using a script for sorting is good, given that you only have 5000 documents. Scripts do not have good performance, but in your case this might not matter.
In general this looks like a tough case, because you need some kind of joining between products and prices, and Elasticsearch is not good at joins. It has got some joining options: nested datatype, join datatype (a.k.a. parent-child), and denormalization. The last one you have already considered - when you put different prices in the original product document.
Unfortunately I can't recommend one over another, because there is no single recipe. I would try with scripts, and if performance is not good enough consider remodelling the data.
Hope that helps!

Kibana 4.1 - use JSON input to create an Hour Of Day field from #timestamp for histogram

Edit: I found the answer, see below for Logstash <= 2.0 ===>
Plugin created for Logstash 2.0
Whomever is interested in this with Logstash 2.0 or above, I created a plugin that makes this dead simple:
The GEM is here:
Here is the documentation and source code:
I've got a bunch of data in Logstash with a #Timestamp for a range of a couple of weeks. I have a duration field that is a number field, and I can do a date histogram. I would like to do a histogram over hour of day, rather than a linear histogram from x -> y dates. I would like the x axis to be 0 -> 23 instead of date x -> date y.
I think I can use the JSON Input advanced text input to add a field to the result set which is the hour of day of the #timestamp. The help text says:
Any JSON formatted properties you add here will be merged with the elasticsearch aggregation definition for this section. For example shard_size on a terms aggregation which leads me to believe it can be done but does not give any examples.
Edited to add:
I have tried setting up an entry in the scripted fields based on the link below, but it will not work like the examples on their blog with 4.1. The following script gives an error when trying to add a field with format number and name test_day_of_week: Integer.parseInt("1234")
The problem looks like the scripting is not very robust. Oddly enough, I want to do exactly what they are doing in the examples (add fields for day of month, day of week, etc...). I can get the field to work if the script is doc['#timestamp'], but I cannot manipulate the timestamp.
The docs say Lucene expressions are allowed and show some trig and GCD examples for GIS type stuff, but nothing for date...
There is this update to the BLOG:
UPDATE: As a security precaution, starting with version 4.0.0-RC1,
Kibana scripted fields default to Lucene Expressions, not Groovy, as
the scripting language. Since Lucene Expressions only support
operations on numerical fields, the example below dealing with date
math does not work in Kibana 4.0.0-RC1+ versions.
There is no suggestion for how to actually do this now. I guess I could go off and enable the Groovy plugin...
Any ideas?
I added a filter using Ruby to do this, and it was pretty simple:
Basically, in a ruby script you can access event['field'] and you can create new ones. I use the Ruby time bits to create new fields based on the #timestamp for the event.
ruby {
code => "ts = event['#timestamp']; event['weekday'] = ts.wday; event['hour'] = ts.hour; event['minute'] = ts.min; event['second'] = ts.sec; event['mday'] =; event['yday'] = ts.yday; event['month'] = ts.month;"
This no longer appears to work in Logstash 1.5.4 - the Ruby date elements appear to be unavailable, and this then throws a "rubyexception" and does not add the fields to the logstash events.
I've spent some time searching for a way to recover the functionality we had in the Groovy scripted fields, which are unavailable for scripting dynamically, to provide me with fields such as "hourofday", "dayofweek", et cetera. What I've done is to add these as groovy script files directly on the Elasticsearch nodes themselves, like so:
... and so on.
Those script files contain a single line of Groovy, like so:
Integer.parseInt(new Date(doc["#timestamp"].value).format("d")) (dayofmonth)
Integer.parseInt(new Date(doc["#timestamp"].value).format("u")) (dayofweek)
To reference these in Kibana, firstly create a new search and save it, or choose one of your existing saved searches (Please take a copy of the existing JSON before you change it, just in case) in the "Settings -> Saved Objects -> Searches" page. You then modify the query to add "Script Fields" in, so you get something like this:
"query" : {
"script_fields": {
"minuteofhour": {
"script_file": "minuteofhour"
"hourofday": {
"script_file": "hourofday"
"dayofweek": {
"script_file": "dayofweek"
"dayofmonth": {
"script_file": "dayofmonth"
"dayofyear": {
"script_file": "dayofyear"
"weekofmonth": {
"script_file": "weekofmonth"
"weekofyear": {
"script_file": "weekofyear"
"monthofyear": {
"script_file": "monthofyear"
As shown, the "script_fields" line should fall outside the "query" itself, or you will get an error. Also ensure the script files are available to all your Elasticsearch nodes.

Multiple atomic updates using MongoDB?

I am using Codeigniter and Alex Bilbie's MongoDB library.
In my API that I am developing users can upload images and other users can comment on them.
I have chosen to include the comments as sub documents to the images.
Each comment contains:
Fullname (of author)
So in other words. The users full name is "hard coded" into each comment so if they
later decides to change their names I have a problem.
I read that I can use atomic updates to update all occurrences of the name (like in comments) but how can I do this using Alex´s library? Can I update all places where the name is wrong?
This is how the image document looks like with the comments.
I think that it is pretty strange that MongoDB encourage the use of subdocuments but then does not include a way to update multiple items in an array.
"_id": ObjectId("4e9ead773dc793dc01020000"),
"description": "An image",
"category": "accident",
"comments": [
"id": ObjectId("4e96bd063dc7937202000000"),
"fullname": "James Bond",
"comment": "This is a comment.",
"created_at": "2011-10-19 13:02:40"
"created_at": "2011-10-19 12:59:03"
Thankful for all help!
I am not familiar with codeignitor, but mb mongodb shell syntax will help you:
db.comments.update( {"Fullname":"Andrew Orsich"},
{ $set : { Fullname: "New name"} }, false, true )
Last true flag indicate that you want update multiple documents. So it is possible to update all comments in one update operation.
BTW: denormalazing (not 'hard coding') data in mongodb and nosql in general is usual operation. Also operation that require update a lot of documents usually work async. But it is up to you.
db.comments.update( {"comments.Fullname":"Andrew Orsich"},
{ $set : { comments.$.Fullname: "New name"} }, false, true )
But, above query will update full name in first comment on nested array. If you need to affect changes to more than one array element you will need to use multiple update statements.
