start a background process in Quarkus - quarkus

I need to consume messages from RabbitMQ in a microservice written using Quarkus. I tried to use the smallrye-reactive-messaging for Quarkus but faced two problems:
it only supports AMQP 1.0 and doesn't work with RabbitMQ (even if I use the experimental AMQP 1.0 plugin).
it works with ActiveMQ Artemis but there's another issue: The smallrye-reactive-messaging is... reactive which is nice but there's no time right now to rewrite my database code to be reactive. Processing the message means persisting tens of thousands of documents to the mongodb which can take several minutes and it seems to be blocking the whole server:
WARNING [io.ver.cor.imp.BlockedThreadChecker]
(vertx-blocked-thread-checker) Thread
has been blocked for 212088 ms, time limit is 2000 ms:
io.vertx.core.VertxException: Thread blocked
So my idea for a workaround is to start a thread for consuming and processing the messages somewhere in Quarkus when it boots up. There's a support for scheduling periodic tasks in Quarkus is there's an annotation for background processes or do I have to write my own extension?

In the end I've solved my problem by using ActiveMQ Artemis and rewriting my database code using the reactive pattern. Another approach might have been using the io.vertx.rabbitmq.RabbitMQClient in Vert.x.
In case someone came here looking for how and where a background process can be started in Quarkus I found the answer in the book Quarkus Cookbook (Chapter 5.9). There's also a section on Application Life Cycle Events in the official documentation.
So to execute some code when Quarkus boots you observe the StartupEvent in your bean:
import io.quarkus.runtime.StartupEvent;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;
public class AppLifeEventListener {
void onStart(#Observes StartupEvent event) {
// start you background thread here

A process can be started in Quarkus Command Mode ( using a external scheduler.
In MongoDB there is a bulk insert operation that improves performance by reducing the number of round trips.
Making a batch process using an external scheduler, Quarkus Command Mode and MongoDB Bulk Inserts can improve control over executions and yield better resource utilization.


Quarkus Reactive SQL clients how to make sure my api is reactive

I have a question, I am just starting on reactive programing and I am using quarkus. I made a demo with Panache hibernate reactive and one with SQL clients.
I want each of my rest apis to run on a different non blocking thread. With panache hibernate whenever I did a a blocking action I got a message about it and in the logs it showed me that the api was running o vertex event loop thread so everything was fine.
In Reactive clients everything runs on executor thread 0 does that mean my apis aren’t asynchonus(reactive) from input to output and when I run a blocking action non erros is showing.
Quarkus tries in a lot of places to put the proper guard-rails when it comes to the threads that can be used - however it can't catch all mistakes.
If you are seeing your code executed on a thread that has executor in the name, then the request is being serviced by the wrong thread pool.
If you are using quarkus-resteasy for example, this is the only way that RESTEasy can handle requests - it doesn't matter what your code is, the request is always handled on an executor thread.
For this reason, Quarkus provides RESTEasy Reactive (which is the prefered REST API layer) which allows you to choose whether you want a request to be serviced on an executor thread or an event-loop thread.
See this for more details.

Parallel processing in multiple instances of spring boot application

I am not able to analyse, how to go ahead. I am using Spring boot 2, Oracle, IBM MQ.
I have made 2 async requests to external applications. I need to do some operation when I have received both of the responses.
I am not able to set it up as there are multiple instances of application running and listening to same queue for response.
I tried using #transactional and cyclic barrier. But I guess they will work only in scope of their own instance and not between multiple instances.
How should I proceed ahead?
It is also really difficult to reproduce the scenario where one message is read by one instance and other by other instance that too at the same time, where they eventually try to update db at same time.

Thread model for Async API implementation using Spring

I am working on the micro-service developed using Spring Boot . I have implemented following layers:
Controller layer: Invoked when user sends API request
Service layer: Processes the request. Either sends request to third-part service or sends request to database
Repository layer: Used to interact with the
Methods in all of above layers returns the CompletableFuture. I have following questions related to this setup:
Is it good practice to return Completable future from all methods across all layers?
Is it always recommended to use #Async annotation when using CompletableFuture? what happens when I use default fork-join pool to process the requests?
How can I configure the threads for above methods? Will it be a good idea to configure the thread pool per layer? what are other configurations I can consider here?
Which metrics I should focus while optimizing performance for this micro-service?
If the work your application is doing can be done on the request thread without too much latency, I would recommend it. You can always move to an async model if you find that your web server is running out of worker threads.
The #Async annotation is basically helping with scheduling. If you can, use it - it can keep the code free of the references to the thread pool on which the work will be scheduled. As for what thread actually does your async work, that's really up to you. If you can, use your own pool. That will make sure you can add instrumentation and expose configuration options that you may need once your service is running.
Technically you will have two pools in play. One that Spring will use to consume the result of your future, and another that you will use to do the async work. If I recall correctly, Spring Boot will configure its pool if you don't already have one, and will log a warning if you didn't explicitly configure one. As for your worker threads, start simple. Consider using Spring's ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Regarding which metrics to monitor, start first by choosing how you will monitor. Using something like Spring Sleuth coupled with Spring Actuator will give you a lot of information out of the box. There are a lot of services that can collect all the metrics actuator generates into time-based databases that you can then use to analyze performance and get some ideas on what to tweak.
One final recommendation is that Spring's Web Flux is designed from the start to be async. It has a learning curve for sure since reactive code is very different from the usual MVC stuff. However, that framework is also thinking about all the questions you are asking so it might be better suited for your application, specially if you want to make everything async by default.

Spring Boot Actuator to run in separate thread pool

Is it possible to handle actuator requests like health within a separate thread pool from the "main" application?
Why am I asking?
I've got an application that might sometimes use up all available threads, and the Kubernetes health check is failing due to the unavailability of a thread to compute the health endpoint request.
I want to make sure that every health request is processed no matter how much load the application is under.
I was thinking about maybe defining a separate thread pool for the actuators to operate with, but I am not sure how to do this.
We had a similar problem with some of our apps when running in Kubernetes. We looked at different ways of creating multiple tomcat connectors and changing the spring management port to get the desired affect, but never quite got it.
In the end, we attacked the root of the problem, which was resource starvation within the pod. We found that the apps experiencing the health check timeouts had lots of extra threads for various 3rd party thread pools. In some cases we had apps with close to 500 threads, so even under what we considered moderate load, the tomcat pools would get starved and couldn't handle new requests.
FWIW, the biggest culprit we found was the effect of CPU request on a pod and the JDK. When we didn't set any request, the JDK would see every CPU on the node when it queried for numbers of processors. We found there are lots of places in the Java ecosystem where number of processors is used to initialize different thread pools.
In our case, each node had 36 processors, and we found around 10-12 thread pools using this number to determine size...not hard to see to how an app could quickly grow to 500 threads.
I believe that switching to the nonblocking stack (Webflux) could solve your issue, should this be an option for you. If you rely on some blocking API (e.g. JDBC) you can publish it on a separate thread pool (e.g. Schedulers.elastic()). Thus, the HTTP request threads should always be available for processing the incoming trafic (including health check) and the long-running, blocking operations would be processed in a dedicated thread pool. I believe that similar effect should be possible using the asynchronous servlets API or anything that builds on top of it.
If you are using Spring Boot >= 2.2, you can use the separate library spring-boot-async-health-indicator to run your healthchecks on a separate thread pool.
Simply annotate your HealthIndicator with #AsyncHealth:
public class AsynchronousHealthCheck implements HealthIndicator {
public Health health() { //will be executed on a separate thread pool
return Health.up().build();
Disclaimer: I created this library for this exact purpose

How to ensure my Reactive application is running in event loop style

I am using spring boot 2.0.4.RELEASE. My doubt is whether my application is running in event loop style or not. I am using tomcat as my server.
I am running some performance tests in my application and after a certain time I see a strange behaviour. After the request reaches 500 req/second , my application is not able to serve more than 500 req/second. Via prometheus I was able to figure out max thread for tomcat were 200 by default. Looks like all the threads were consumed and that's why , it was not able to server more than 500 req/second. Please correct me if am wrong.
Can the tomcat server run in event-loop style ?
How can I change the event-loop size for tomcat server if possible.
Tried changing it to jetty still the same issue. Wondering if my application is running in event loop style.
Hey i think that you are doing something wrong in your project maybe one of your dependency does not support reactive programming. If you want to benefit from async programing(reactive) your code must be 100 reactive even for security you must use reactive spring security.
Normally a reactive spring application will run on netty not in tomcat so check your dependency because tomcat is not reactive
This is more of a analysis. After running some performance test on my local machine , I was able to figure out what was actually happening inside my application.
What I did was, ran performance test on my local machine and analysed the application through JConsole.
As I said I scheduled all my blocking dB calls to schedulers.elastic. What I realised that I it is causing the bottleneck. since my dB connections are limited and I am using hikari for connection pooling so it doesn’t matter the number of threads I create out of elastic pool.
Since reactive programming is more about consuming resource to the fullest with lesser number of threads, since the threads were being created in unbounded way so it was no different from normal application .
So what I did as part of resolution limited the number of threads to 100 that were supposed to be used by for dB calls. And bang number jumped from 500 tps to 2300 tps.
I know this is not the number which one should expect out of reactive application , it has much more capability. Since right now I do not have any choice but to bear with non reactive drivers .Waiting for production grade availability of reactive drivers for mssql server.
