Parse Server beforeSave unset removes field instead of ignoring it - parse-platform

I'm using Parse Server (community) v3.8. I would like to ignore updates to a certain field of an object, I added the following beforeSave cloud function:
async function beforeSave(request) {
But it actually caused its value to be removed during the save rather than ignoring the changes to any existing value.
Any ideas how to block changes to a certain field during save?

You can retrieve the last value from the original object:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('SomeClass', request => {
if (request.original) {
request.object.set('someField', request.original.get('someField');


KeystoneJS: How to set a field to receive randomly generated value?

I'm creating a model that I will use to authenticate users for API access, and I have a secret field where I want to store a Base64 encoded uuid/v4 generated value.
I went through the different field types and options, but still not seeing how I could achieve this.
Is there a way to hook in model instance creation, and set the value of my secret field ?
Yes, you can use the pre hooks.
In your situation, the basics would be:
AuthenticationModel.schema.pre("save", function(next) {
const secretValue = generateSecretValue();
this.secret = secretValue;
That would go before your final AuthenticationModel.register(); in your model.js file.
This is how I set it up, also with the pre-save hook. My problem before was that I was getting the same random number again until I restarted the server.
Store.schema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (!this.updateId && this.isNew) {
// generates a random ID when the item is created
this.updateId = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8);
Using this.isNew was also useful in my case.

Can I check what values were returned in a ComboBox.DataBound event handler

I have a Kendo ComboBox which binds to a remote service. I want to check the values fetched from the server during data bound, how can I do that?
function ComboBox_DataBound(e) {
e.sender.value() // <--- this is not set yet
Inside the callback you can use

How to enforce Grails command objects have been validated?

We use the following general pattern with Grails controllers and command objects
SomeController {
def someAction() {
SomeCommandObject co = SomeCommandObject.valueOf(params)
if(!co.validate()) {
// return bad request
// return ok
SomeService {
def doWork(SomeCommandObject co) {
notTrue(!co.hasErrors(), 'cant have errors') // Commons validation
// do actual work
Apparently, if co.validate() has not been called, .hasErrors() will always return false. Is there a better way to enforce that .validate() has been called before a command object is passed between application layers? We don't want to pass around invalid command objects but we don't want to force every new method to re-validate the command object either.
Note: We aren't using the default controller/command object creation pattern because we need to do some custom parameter map checking, we use a static valueOf method instead to create the command object. Answers that change that practice are also welcome.
EDIT: A little more info on why we aren't using the 'default' controller/command object creation. Specifically why we aren't doing ..
def someAction(SomeCommandObject co) {
We have a requirement to disallow random query parameters, eg. endpoint/object?color=blue. To do that we need access to the parameter map in the command object to verify that it doesn't contain any 'unexpected' parameter keys. As I understand it, the default way would just create a member on the CO named color, and I don't see how to prevent arbitrary members using even custom validators. I'd happily entertain suggestions for doing so, thereby allowing us to use this default means.
Yes; what you can do is pass the command object as a parameter to the controller, and then the command will always be validated automatically.
Also, what you can do, is to make a filter or similar, so that you don't have to check for the hasErrors() each time, but handle all the cases in the same way (for example, by throwing an error, or returning with a specific response).
In an application we created, we had something like:
withValidCommand(cmd) {
// do work
Which worked pretty well. But maybe you can come up something even more elegant.
You should be doing this:
def someAction(SomeCommandObject co) {
if (!co.hasErrors()) {
By passing SomeCommandObject in as the argument grails will automatically populate it from params and validate. No need to do it manually.

How to Remove/Register Suffix on Laravel Route?

EDIT: See below for my current problem. The top portion is a previous issue that I've solved but is somewhat related
I need to modify the input values passed to my controller before it actually gets there. I am building a web app that I want to be able to support multiple request input types (JSON and XML initially). I want to be able to catch the input BEFORE it goes to my restful controller, and modify it into an appropriate StdClass object.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to intercept and modify that input. Help?
For example, I'd like to be able to have filters like this:
Route::filter('json', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('xml', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('other', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.xml', 'xml'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.other', 'other'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Right now I'm simply doing a Input::isJson() check in my controller function, followed by the code below - note that this is a bit of a simplification of my code.
$data = Input::all();
$objs = array();
foreach($data as $key => $content)
$objs[$key] = json_decode($content);
EDIT: I've actually solved this, but have another issue now. Here's how I solved it:
Route::filter('json', function()
$new_input = array();
if (Input::isJson())
foreach(Input::all() as $key => $content)
//Do any input modification needed here
//Save it in $new_input
return "Input provided was not JSON";
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
The issue I have now is this: The path that the Router attempts to go to after the filter, contains .json from the input URI. The only option I've seen for solving this is to replace Input::replace($new_input) with
$new_path = str_replace('.json', '', Request::path());
This however leads to 2 issues. Firstly I can't get it to redirect with a POST request - it's always a GET request. Second, the data being passed in is being flashed to the session - I'd rather have it available via the Input class as it would be with Input::replace().
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
I managed to solve the second issue as well - but it involved a lot of extra work and poking around... I'm not sure if it's the best solution, but it allows for suffixing routes similar to how you would prefix them.
Here's the github commit for how I solved it:
In particular, you should be looking at:
After making these modifications, I needed to run composer dumpautoload and php artisan optimize. The rest of those files are just validation for my data models and the result of running those 2 commands.
I didn't split the commit up because I'd been working on it for several hours and just wanted it in.
I'm going to hopefully look to extend the suffix tool to allow an array of suffixes so that any match will proceed. For example,
Route::group(array('suffix' => array('.json', '.xml', 'some_other_url_suffix')), function()
// Controller for base API function.
Route::controller('api', 'ApiController');
And this would ideally accept any call matching
base_url is the domain base url
method is a function defined in ApiController
{/{v1?}/{v2?}/{v3?}/{v4?}/{v5?}?} is a series of up to 5 optional variables as are added when registering a controller with Route::controller()
suffix is one of the values in the suffix array passed to Route::group()
This example in particular should accept all of the following (assuming localhost is the base url, and the methods available are getMethod1($str1 = null, $str2 = null) and postMethod2()):
GET request to localhost/api/method1.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1some_other_url_suffix
POST request to localhost/api/method2.json
POST request to localhost/api/method2.xml
POST request to localhost/api/method2some_other_url_suffix
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/worldsome_other_url_suffix
The last three requests would pass $str1 = 'hello' and $str2 = 'world' to getMethod1 as parameters.
EDIT: The changes to allow multiple suffixes was fairly easy. Commit located below (please make sure you get BOTH commit changes to get this working):
Eventually, I'm also hoping to submit this to the laravel/framework project.

Applying form errors manually

I have a situation where I'm editing a snippet of data within a larger context. The user submits this data to a specialized action for handling and redirects back to the parent page. Because it's a redirection, validation errors aren't getting automagically set, so I'm trying to work around that.
In the event of an error, I'm writing a validation_errors key to the session with a value of $model->validationErrors. In the form, though, I'd like to tell Cake to set each error so I can leverage my existing styles and not have to make a lot of changes to my $this->Form->input() methods.
Is something like this possible? Essentially, I'm looking to manually achieve the same result you'd get if a regular form was submitted and allowed to drop through with validation errors. I was hoping I could loop over each validation error and set the field error, but that's not making any change at all.
This can be achieved in the controller by
$this->Model->invalidate('fieldName', __('ErrorMessage', true));
If the values are available, you can also call
to validate all values with the validators defined in the model.
Save the data to the session and revalidate it.
function childAction() {
if(isset($this->data)) {
if($this->Test->save($this->data)) {
// ...
} else {
$this->Session->write('invalid_data', $this->data);
function parentAction() {
if($this->Session->check('invalid_data')) {
// This will cause $this->Test->validationErrors to be populated
// Assuming your parent page has the form set up properly, the
// errors will be automagically filled. ie: $form->input('Test.field1')
If you want to do the same with CakePHP 3, use the method "errors".
