Apache nifi: Difference between the flowfile State and StateManagement - apache-nifi

From what I've read here and there, the flowfile repository serves as a Write Ahead Log for apache Nifi.
When walking the configuration files, I've seen that there is a state-management configuration section. When in a Standalone mode, a local-provider is used and writes the state (by default) to .state/local/.
It seems like both the flowfile repo and the state are used both, for example, to recover from a system failure.
Would someone please explain what's the difference between them? Do they work together ?
Also, it's a best practice to have the flowfile repo and the content repo on two separate disks. What about the local state ? Should we avoid using the "boot" disk and offload to another one ? Which one: a dedicated ? Co-locate with another one (I'm co-locating database and flowfile repos).

The flow file repository keeps track of all the flow files in the system, which content they point to, which attributes they have, and where they are in the flow.
State Management is an API provided to processors/services that can be used to store and retrieve key/value pairs, typically for remembering where something left off. For example, a source processor that pulls data since some timestamp would want to store the last timestamp it used so that if NiFi restarts it can retrieve this value and start from there again.


Nifi processor to route flows based on changeable list of regex

I am trying to use Nifi to act as a router for syslog based on a list of regexes matching the syslog.body (nb as this is just a proof of concept I can change any part if needed)
The thought process is that via a separate system (for now, vi and a text file 😃) an admin can define a list of criteria (regex format for each seems sensible) which, if matched, would result in syslog messages being sent to a specific separate system (for example, all critical audit data (matched by the regex list) is sent to the audit system and all other data goes to the standard log store
I know that this can be done on Route by content processors but the properties are configured before the processor starts and an admin would have to stop the processor every time they need to make an edit
I would like to load the list of regex in periodically (automatically) and have the processor properties be updated
I don’t mind if this is done all natively in Nifi (but that is preferable for elegance and to save an external app being written) or via a REST API call driven by a python script or something (or can Nifi send REST calls to itself?!)
I appreciate a processor property cannot be updated while running, so it would have to be stopped to be updated, but that’s fine as the queue will buffer for the brief period. Maybe a check to see if the file has changed could avoid outages for no reason rather than periodic update regardless, I can solve that problem later.
I think the easiest solution would be to use ScanContent, a processor which specifies a dictionary file on disk which contains a list of search terms and monitors the file for changes, reloading in that event. The processor then applies the search terms to the content of incoming flowfiles and allows you to route them based on matches. While this processor doesn't support regular expressions as dictionary terms, you could make a slight modification to the code or use this as a baseline for a custom processor with those changes.
If that doesn't work for you, there are a number of LookupService implementations which show how CSV, XML, property files, etc. can be monitored and read by the controller framework to provide an updated mapping of key/value pairs. These can also serve as a foundation for building a more complicated scan/match flow using the loaded terms/patterns.
Finally, if you have to rely on direct processor property updating, you can script this with the NiFi API calls to stop, update, and restart the processors so it can be done in near-real-time. To determine these APIs, visit the API documentation or execute the desired tasks via the UI in your browser and use the Developer Tools to capture the HTTP requests being made.

what is a fastest way to remove nifi flowfile content?

I have a workflow where I am getting json files as a response of rest api. I am getting approximately 100k files in a session. total size of all the files is 15GB. I have to save each file to file system, which i am doing. at the end of the process I have to wait for all the files to be present before I send a success message.
Once I save the file in FS, I am calling notify+wait. but I dont need 15 gb data in flowfile anymore. So to release some space, I thought of using either replaceText or ModifyByte to clear content. so notify+wait runs smoothly. Total wait for this process is 3 hrs.
But process is taking too long in both (replaceText or ModifyByte) case.
Can you suggest, fastest way to clear flowfile data.I do not need any attributes too. so is thr a way I can abandon old flowfile and generate kb flowfile, midway?
what i want is something like generateflowfile, but in middle, so for each of my existing flowfile, i can drop old one, and generate blank flowfile for notify and wait.
NiFi's Content Repository and FlowFile Repository are based on a copy-on-write mechanism, so if you don't change the contents or metadata, then you are not necessarily "keeping" the 15GB across those processors.
Having said that, if all you need is the existence of such flow files on disk (but not contents or metadata), try ExecuteScript with the following Groovy script:
def flowFiles = session.get(1000)
flowFiles.each {
session.transfer(session.create(), REL_SUCCESS)
This script will grab up to 1000 flow files at a time, and for each one, send an empty flow file downstream. It then removes all the original incoming flow files.
Note that this (i.e. your use case) will "break" the provenance/lineage chain, so if something goes wrong in your flow, you won't be able to tell which flow files came from which parent flow files, etc. This limitation is one reason why you don't see a full processor that performs this kind of function.
In case you need to keep the attributes, lineage and metadata you can use the following code (grabs only 1 flowfile at a time). The only thing that changes is the UUID, but otherwise everything is kept - except the content of course.
f = session.get()
session.transfer(session.create(f), REL_SUCCESS)

Apache NiFi instance hangs on the "Computing FlowFile lineage..." window

My Apache NiFi instance just hangs on the "Computing FlowFile lineage..." for a specific flow. Others work, but it won't show the lineage for this specific flow for any data files. The only error message in the log is related to an error in one of the processors, but I can't see how that would affect the lineage, or stop the page from loading.
This was related to two things...
1) I was using the older (but default) provenance repository, which didn't perform well, resulting in the lag in the UI. So I needed to change it...
2) Fixing #1 exposed the second issue, which was that the EnforceOrder processor was generating hundreds of provenance events per file, because I was ordering on a timestamp, which had large gaps between the values. This is apparently not a proper use case for the EnforceOrder processor. So I'll have to remove it and find another way to do the ordering.

Multiple flows with nifi

We have multiple (50+) nifi flows that all do basically the same thing: pull some data out of a db, append some columns conver to parquet and upload to hdfs. They differ only in details such as the sql query to run or the location in hdfs that they land.
The question is how to factor these common nifi flows out such that any change made to the common flow automatically applies to all all derived flows. E.g if i want to add an extra step to also publish the data to Kafka I want to make this once and have it automatically apply to all 50 flows.
We’ve tried to get this working with nifi registry, however it seems like an imperfect fit. Essentially the issue is that nifi registry seems to work well for updating a flow in one environment (say wat) and then autmatically updating it in another environment (say prod). It seems less suited for updating multiple flows in the same environment with one specific example bing that it will reset the name of each flow to be the template name every time we redeploy meaning that al flows end up with the same name!
Does anyone know how one is supposed to manage a situation like ours asi guess it must be pretty common.
Apache NiFi has ProcessorGroups. As the name itself suggests, the processor groups are there to group together a set of processors' and their pipeline that does similar task.
So for your case what you can do is, you can refactor the flow by moving the common flow which can be reused with different pipelines to a separate processor group with an input port. Connect the outside flow that depends on this reusable flow by connecting to the input port of the reusable processor group. Depending on your requirement you can create an output port as well in this processor group and connect it with the outside flow.
Attaching a sample:
For the sake of explaining, I have made a mock flow so ignore the Processor types that are used, but rather see the name I had given to those processors.
The following screenshots show that I read from two different sources and individually connect them to two different processors that does the source specific changes to those processors
Then I connect these two flows to the input port of a processor group that has the reusable flow inside. So ultimately the two different flows shown in the above screenshot gets to work with a common reusable flow.
Showing what's inside the reusable flow:
Finally the output port output to outside connects the reusable flow to the outside component Write to somewehere
I hope this helps you with refactoring your complex flows. Feel free to get back, if you have any queries.

What is the purpose of data provenance in Apache NiFi Processors

For every processor there is a way to configure the processor and there is a context menu to view data provenance.
Is there a good explanation of what is data provenance?
Data provenance is all about understanding the origin and attribution of data. In a typical system you get 'logs'. When you consider data flowing through a series of processes and queues you end up with a lot of lots of course. If you want to follow the path a given piece of data took, or how long it took to take that path, or what happened to an object that got split up into different objects and so on all of that is really time consuming and tough. The provenance that NiFi supports is like logging on steroids and is all about keeping and tracking these relationships between data and the events that shaped and impacted what happened to it. NiFi is keeping track of where each piece of data comes from, what it learned about the data, maintains the trail across splits, joins, transformations, where it sends it, and ultimately when it drops the data. Think of it like a chain of custody for data.
This is really valuable for a few reasons. First, understanding and debugging. Having this provenance capture means from a given event you can go forwards or backwards in the flow to see where data came from and went. Given that NiFi also has an immutable versioned content store under the covers you can also use this to click directly to the content at each stage of the flow. You can also replay the content and context of a given event against the latest flow. This in turn means much faster iteration to the configuration and results you want. This provenance model is also valuable for compliance reasons. You can prove whether you sent data to the correct systems or not. If you learn that you didn't then have data with which you can address the issue or create a powerful audit trail for follow-up.
The provenance model in Apache NiFi is really powerful and it is being extended to the Apache MiNiFi which is a subproject of Apache NiFi as well. More systems producing more provenance will mean you have a far stronger ability to track data from end-to-end. Of course this becomes even more powerful when it can be combined with other lineage systems or centralized lineage stores. Apache Atlas may be a great system to integrate with for this to bring a centralized view. NiFi is able to not only do what I described above but to also send these events to such a central store. So, exciting times ahead for this.
Hope that helps.
