Multiple #RequestBody in feign client exception when executing service - spring-boot

I am giving call from User microservice to Account microservice via feign client. I am passing 3 request body in method call. I am getting exception when I am executing user service stating that multiple request body is present in feign call.
ResponseEntity<Long> createAccount(#RequestBody List<UserInfo> userInfo, #RequestBody List<AddressInfo> addressInfo, #RequestBody List<OrderInfo> orderInfo);
Is there a limit on number of request body I can send via feign? I just don't want to club all three list under one object and want to send them separately.
Can any one please help me with this?

You can't pass multiple Body in HTTP request (see docs). Does your Account microservice really have API that require more than one body?


Tracing HTTP Request to Lambda Function Invocation

The frontend developers at my company want to be able to see the lambda function logs of their requests.
Is there a way to pass something like a user created unique id in a header in an http request that will be passed from api gateway to the lambda function so that it easy to find the logs for that particular request?
It is an environment where there could be many requests happening simultaneously.
API Gateway will attach a unique ID to each request and this will filter through into Lambda. Each request should return a header with its response x-amzn-RequestId containing the request ID. In Lambda, you can access this request ID through the context object.
You're also free to create your own headers, x-correlation-id for example. In Lambda, you can access this header via the event.
Once you have you're value, you can attach that to your logs, directly as part of the log message or as metadata — depending on what logger you're using. If you're using CloudWatch, you might want to construct an object:
{ "requestId": "abc", "message": "This is a log entry." }
However you choose to do it, you should end up with a correlation ID which you can use to query your log entries.

Spring boot Webclient's retrieve vs exchange

I have started using WebClient in my Spring boot project recently.
Can somebody throw some light on the differences/usages between exchange and retrieve method in WebClient.
I undertand that exchange returns Mono<ClientResponse> and retrieve returns ResponseSpec, I just want to know when/why I should use each one of them.
Much Thanks.
Adding to #JArgente's answer.
According to the official documentation of the retrieve() method:
Perform the HTTP request and retrieve the response body.
This method is a shortcut to using exchange() and decoding the response body through
and the exchange() method
Perform the HTTP request and return a ClientResponse with the response status and headers. You can then use methods of the response to consume the body:
The retrieve() method decodes the ClientResponse object and hands you the ready-made object for your use. It doesn't have a very nice api for handling exceptions.
However on the other hand the exchange() method hands you the ClientResponse object itself along with the response status and headers. With exchange method you get fine grained control over your response objects and a better way to handle the response object and the exceptions.
If you just want to consume some api go with retrieve().
If you want a better control over your response objects, headers and exceptions, go with exchange().
Update 1
Starting from Spring 5.3, the exchange() method is deprecated due to possible memory/connection leaks. exchangeToMono() or exchangeToFlux() can be used instead.
Thanks #rhubarb for the update.
According to spring Webclient api documentation the difference between the two is that exchange retrieve in addition to the body other http response information like headers and status, while retrieve only returns body information.
So If you only need the body information you should use retrieve, because it is a shortcut for exchange and then get the body, but if you need other information like http status you must use exchange.

Spring MVC REST API: Invoke controller method programmatically given URL and JSON request body

I have a general REST API (developed using Spring MVC) that takes a list of API requests as its request body.
Each API request in the list has its own URL and request body.
In the implementation of this general REST API, I need to call the corresponding Spring controller method (in the same app) for each of these individual API requests (with their appropriate URL and request body).
(I will then merge all those individual API responses and return it in one big response from the general REST API).
I've been searching around, but I'm unclear how to programmatically call Spring to execute each individual API request. I would ideally like to get back the ResponseEntity from each call instead of the actual JSON response.
(More information:
On the same app server as the general API, I need to translate the URL and JSON request body for each individual API into the arguments to the controller method. I also need to take the URL and have Spring determine which controller method to invoke itself.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer depend on whether the individual URLs that you are planning to invoke is with in the same server (Accessible without using network call) or not
If it is with in the same app server, spawn multiple threads and invoke the individual methods and join the response together and send it back
If it is not within the same app server, there are many Async Restclients are there besides spring's own webclient/restTemplate etc

Cannot put parameters in body for OAuth2 POST requests in a REST service

It seems I am missing something very basic here.
I made a REST Api that takes POST requests for generating tokens using the Apache Oltu OAuth2 service, that looks something like this :
public Response authorize(#Context HttpServletRequest request) throws OAuthSystemException, IOException {
try {
OAuthTokenRequest oauthRequest = new OAuthTokenRequest(request);
OAuthIssuer oauthIssuerImpl = new OAuthIssuerImpl(new MD5Generator());
When I use HttpRequester or Postman to test the service, it works perfectly fine on condition that I input all authentication and OAuth2 parameters as input parameters, as an example :
However I read, that for any POST requests, all parameters should be
in the Body of the HTTP request and never sent through with the url as a simple parameter. When I try to pass it in the body of the HTTP request, so as to make the request secure (so the url is the same without parameters and all params are specified in the body), it seems like it doesn't receive anything from the body as it throws an exception, after
OAuthTokenRequest oauthRequest = new OAuthTokenRequest(request);
with the following message :
{"error_description":"Missing grant_type parameter value","error":"invalid_request"}
Is it the intended behaviour of Oltu/OAuth2 for the parameters to be passed through with the url? Or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Your answer is here: Unable to retrive post data using ,#Context HttpServletRequest when passed to OAuthTokenRequest using Oltu
I did exactly what he said and it worked perfectly.
You need modify Response authorize() parameters.

How to filter Request Response before reaching to Web Api controller

Hi I am working with Web Api 2, is their any way I can handle request and response before reaching to the API controller.
You may be looking for a DelegatingHandler. These are HTTP Message Handlers that can process the request before it reaches the Controller and can also process the response on the way out of the pipeline. Delegating Handlers can also return the response themselves without calling the rest of the pipeline. You can read about Delegating Handlers here.
