Cloudflare Wrangler Installation - terminal

I am currently using MacOS and am trying to install wrangler using npm i #cloudflare/wrangler -g .
It tells me that Wrangler was installed correctly, but when I attempt to use wrangler it tells me zsh: command not found: wrangler.
How can I fix this?
Thank you

Have you solved your problem?
First of all: npm adds to $PATH the folder with binaries or scripts to launch them.
In windows it's ~\AppData\Roaming\npm, on linux it's /tools/node/bin etc.
Check your $PATH variable for something like "node" or "npm" or run 'npm list -g --depth=0' - the path to target location will be on first line of output.
If other globally installed packages works fine then check if npm folder contain any script related to wrangler. Maybe the problem is that wrangler was not installed correctly and related script was not added. Then try to reinstall. Or probably you can write this script by yourself.
Finaly note that wrangler binary(not script to launch it) is installed to ~/.wrangler folder (according to node_modules/#cloudflare/wrangler/binary.js)
If you will try to make your own script to run that you need:
run npm list -g --depth=0 and get the path from first line of output
find there node_modules
run cd node_modules/#cloudflare/wrangler
make sure that running node run-wrangler.js will not throw any errors (output is just wrangler "how to use")
if any errors occurs: try to node install-wrangler.js - this should download wrangler binary to ~/.wrangler and retry step 4
when everything is ready, go to path where scripts for globally installed packages located and add here your script which will at least run command node /path/to/the/run-wrangler.js and passing your args to it.


How to properly install GO with paths and all?

I have installed GO, setup the paths but when i run a file i get this error:
error!! exec: "sqlboiler": executable file not found in $PATH
exec: "sqlboiler": executable file not found in $PATH
exec: "sqlboiler": executable file not found in $PATH
exit status 3
What is going wrong?
The installation instructions are good, However, for me un Ubuntu 20.4 in wsl2, the suggested path for the binaries wasn't enough. Only go and gofmt are added to /usr/local/go/bin.
I did add the below to my .bashrc, since go install puts the binaries in this location on my system.
export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"
Note, that the path to the binaries may differ on your system, so you have to adjust it accordingly.
Any binary you install with go install that is added to this path will be available to your shell afterwards.
For example:
$ go install
$ go install
$ whereis sqlboiler
sqlboiler: /home/blue/go/bin/sqlboiler
Potentially, you also need some database packages to your system. I am not sure on this any more. For example, you could add some Postgres libs if you are using Postgres. You have to see if it works without.
apt-get install postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-12
How to properly install GO with paths and all?
Install Go with the installer (Windows) or archive (extract into /usr/local on Linux/Mac).
When installing from archive, manually add the directory path where the go binary is located (/usr/local/go) to PATH.
Set GOPATH to a directory path wherein to contain bin, pkg and src sub-directories.
Add ${GOPATH}/bin to PATH.
What is going wrong?
The program you are running is trying to run the executable sqlboiler, which cannot be found in any of the directories specified in PATH.

Do NPM packages have to be installed globally to access their functionality via the command line?

I am having trouble understanding how the -g flag works in NPM. Specifically I'm struggling to understand how it relates to command-line functionality exposed by NPM modules.
I assumed that the difference between installing a package locally and globally was simply that a local package would not be available outside of the particular project. And of course that a globally installed package would be available in any project. I'm from a Rails background so this for me would be similar to installing a gem into a particular RVM versus installing it into the global RVM. It would simply affect which places it was available.
However there seems to be more significance than just scope in NPM. For packages that have command-line functionality, like wait-on, the package (as far as I can tell) is not available on the command line unless it's installed globally.
Local install doesn't make the command-line functionality available:
$ npm install wait-on
$ wait-on
=> -bash: /usr/local/bin/wait-on: No such file or directory
Global install does expose the command-line functionality
$ npm install wait-on -g
$ wait-on
=> Usage: wait-on {OPTIONS} resource [...resource]
wait-on is a command line utility which will wait for files, ports,
sockets, and http(s) resources to become available (or not available
using reverse flag). Exits with success code (0) when all resources
are ready. Non-zero exit code if interrupted or timed out.
Options may also be specified in a config file (js or json). For
example --config configFile.js would result in configFile.js being
required and the resulting object will be merged with any
Can you expose the command-line functionality using a local install?
Is it possible to install locally but also get the command line functionality? This would be very helpful for my CI setup as it's far easier to cache local modules than global modules so where possible I'd prefer to install locally.
If you are using npm 5.2.0 or later, the npx command is included by default. It will allow you to run from the local node modules: npx wait-on
For reference:
I think you can access locally installed modules from the command line only if you add them to your "scripts" section of your package.json. So to use the locally installed version of wait-on, you can add an entry in "scripts" section of package.json like so "wait-on": "wait-on". Then to run it, you would have to do npm run wait-on. You can also do "wo": "wait-on" and then do npm run wo basically meaning what comes after the run is the script entry. In node_modules, there is a .bin folder and inside of this folder is all the executables that you can access this way.
Installing locally makes the package available to the current project (where it stores all of the node modules in node_modules). This is usually only good for using a module like so var module = require('module'); or importing a module.
It will not be available as a command that the shell can resolve until you install it globally npm install -g module where npm will install it in a place where your path variable will resolve this command.
You can find a pretty decent explanation here.
It is also useful to put commands in the scripts block in package.json as it automatically resolve local commands. That means you could have a script that depended on a package without having an undocumented dependency on the same.
If you need to run it locally on cmd, you have to go inside the node_modules and run from the path.

Having trouble editing and executing .sh file in Cygwin

I am relatively new to the Cygwin program, and I have a .sh file that I need to edit and execute. I am currently running on Windows 10. I have installed Cygwin64 terminal on my machine.
The full list of steps required are as follows:
Be sure to have libtool installed.
Download protobuf from (download ZIP and unZIP at desired location, or clone the repo) The protocol buffer is used for communication between the CuraEngine and the GUI.
Before installing protobuf, change : comment line 18 to line 38 using #s. This removes the dependency on gtest-1.7.0.
Run from the protobuf directory: $ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install # Requires superused priviliges.
(In case the shared library cannot be loaded, you can try "sudo ldconfig" on Linux systems)
Once I get to 3.:
Before installing protobuf, change : comment line 18 to line 38 using #s. This removes the dependency on gtest-1.7.0.
I am having issues opening up to .sh file in Cygwin to make the appropriate edit.
When I try this command to even execute the .sh file:
$ '/cygdrive/c/Users/Thomas/Desktop/3D Printing/protobuf-master/'
I receive the error:
Could not find source code. Make sure you are running this script
from the root of the distribution tree.
If anyone has some insight as to a solution for this problem it would be greatly appreciated.
You are getting the error from this test in :
# Check that we're being run from the right directory.
if test ! -f src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h; then
cat >&2 << __EOF__
Could not find source code. Make sure you are running this script from the
root of the distribution tree.
In this test, common.h path is relative to the protbuf install directory, just cd to it before executing the script.

add the npm directory to your PATH

I try to install corodva.
So far i'm good I think.
I did use sudo npm install -g cordova in terminal.
This was the output:
/usr/local/bin/cordova -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/bin/cordova
cordova#3.5.0-0.2.6 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova
├── q#0.9.7
├── underscore#1.4.4
├── nopt#2.2.1 (abbrev#1.0.5)
└── cordova-lib#0.21.6 (osenv#0.0.3, properties-parser#0.2.3, bplist-parser#0.0.5, mime#1.2.11, semver#2.0.11, plist-with-patches#0.5.1, dep-graph#1.1.0, shelljs#0.1.4, npmconf#0.1.16, rc#0.3.0, glob#3.2.11, xcode#0.6.6, elementtree#0.1.5, tar#0.1.19, request#2.22.0, npm#1.3.4, cordova-js#3.6.2)
Which looks ok if you ask me.
Looking at those instructions:
It says:
You may need to add the npm directory to your PATH in order to invoke
globally installed npm modules. On Windows, npm can usually be found
at C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm. On OS X and Linux it can
usually be found at /usr/local/share/npm.
I don't have the npm folder in /usr/local/share. Should I create it manually? And then add it to PATH?
Or can it be that it is located somewhere else?
I don't see how having a PATH to a empty folder would help.
If i run in terminal:
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
Then the download completes without errors. So everything might be ok. I'm just checking here to make sure so I don't scratch my head for hours in a later stadium.
On most nix systems npm's global location should already be in your path, you'll need to use sudo npm install -g PACKAGE to install globally.
You don't specify your OS, but I've installed in windows, osx and ubuntu. In windows, the global is a
weird location and the installer doesn't always work.. for OSX if you use the homebrew recipe it should work out of the box, same goes for ubuntu using the chrislea ppa.
For windows users specifically, see my answer to this related question.

How to use npm with node.exe?

I have downloaded Windows Binary (.exe) of nodejs from the main page.
How can I install and use npm (Node package manager)?
The current windows installer from as of v0.6.11 (2012-02-20) will install NPM along with NodeJS.
At this point, the 64-bit version is your best bet
The install path for 32-bit node is "Program Files (x86)" in 64-bit windows.
You may also need to add quotes to the path statement in environment variables, this only seems to be in some cases that I've seen.
In Windows, the global install path is actually in your user's profile directory
WARNING: If you're doing timed events or other automation as a different user, make sure you run npm install as that user. Some modules/utilities should be installed globally.
INSTALLER BUGS: You may have to create these directories or add the ...\npm directory to your users path yourself.
To change the "global" location for all users to a more appropriate shared global location %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\(npm|npm-cache) (do this as an administrator):
create an [NODE_INSTALL_PATH]\etc\ directory
this is needed before you try npm config --global ... actions
create the global (admin) location(s) for npm modules
C:\ProgramData\npm-cache - npm modules will go here
C:\ProgramData\npm - binary scripts for globally installed modules will go here
C:\ProgramData\npm\node_modules - globally installed modules will go here
set the permissions appropriately
administrators: modify
authenticated users: read/execute
Set global configuration settings (Administrator Command Prompt)
npm config --global set prefix "C:\ProgramData\npm"
npm config --global set cache "C:\ProgramData\npm-cache"
Add C:\ProgramData\npm to your System's Path environment variable
If you want to change your user's "global" location to %LOCALAPPDATA%\(npm|npm-cache) path instead:
Create the necessary directories
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm-cache - npm modules will go here
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm - binary scripts for installed modules will go here
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm\node_modules - globally installed modules will go here
Configure npm
npm config set prefix "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm"
npm config set cache "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm-cache"
Add the new npm path to your environment's PATH.
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm"
For beginners, some of the npm modules I've made the most use of are as follows.
axios - for more complex http posts/gets
isomorphic-fetch - for http(s) post/get requests
node-mailer - smtp client
mssql - interface and driver library for querying MS SQL Server (wraps tedious)
More advanced JS options...
async/await - async functions, supported via babel
For testing, I reach for the following tools...
mocha - testing framework
chai - assertion library, I like chai.expect
sinon - spies and stubs and shims
sinon-chai - extend chai with sinon's assertion tools
babel-istanbul - coverage reports
jest - parallel testing, assertions, mocking, coverage reports in one tool
babel-plugin-rewire - slightly easier for some mocking conditions vs. jest
Web tooling.
webpack - module bundler, package node-style modules for browser usage
babel - convert modern JS (ES2015+) syntax for your deployment environment.
If you build it...
shelljs - shell utilities for node scripts,. I used to use gulp/grunt, but these days will have a scripts directory that's referenced in package.json scripts via npm. You can use gulp tools inside plain scripts.
When Node.js is not installed using the msi installer, npm needs to be setup manually.
setting up npm
First, let's say we have the node.exe file located in the folder c:\nodejs. Now to setup npm-
Download the latest npm release from GitHub (
Create folders c:\nodejs\node_modules and c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm
Unzip the downloaded zip file in c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm folder
Copy npm and npm.cmd files from c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin to c:\nodejs folder
In order to test npm, open cmd.exe change working directory to c:\nodejs and type npm --version. You will see the version of npm if it is setup correctly.
Once setup is done, it can be used to install/uninstall packages locally or globally. For more information on using npm visit
As the final step you can add node's folder path c:\nodejs to the path environment variable so that you don't have to specify full path when running node.exe and npm at command prompt.
npm can be downloaded (without installation) from here:
I just installed latest version of node (0.6.12) in Windows 7 using msi (node-v0.6.12.msi).
npm is already shipped with it, no need to include it separately.
I was facing permission issue while running npm (npm install mysql), from the path where my nodejs resided, i.e.
C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
Then I followed below steps:
1) Added C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\npm in environment variables - Path system variable.
2) went back to only C:\ in command prompt and gave the command - npm install mysql - and voila! it worked..
Hope this helps.
I am running node.js on Windows with npm.
The trick is simply use cygwin. I followed the howto under . But make sure that you use version 0.4.11 of nodejs or npm will fail!
I've just installed 64 bit Node.js v0.12.0 for Windows 8.1 from here.
It's about 8MB and since it's an MSI you just double click to launch. It will automatically set up your environment paths etc.
Then to get the command line it's just [Win-Key]+[S] for search and then enter "node.js" as your search phrase.
Choose the Node.js Command Prompt entry NOT the Node.js entry.
Both will given you a command prompt but only the former will actually work. npm is built into that download so then just npm -whatever at prompt.
Use a Windows Package manager like chocolatey. First install chocolatey as indicated on it's homepage. That should be a breeze
Then, to install Node JS (Install), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
C:> cinst nodejs.install
Here is a guide by #CTS_AE on how to use NPM with standalone node.exe:
Download the node.exe stand-alone from
Grab an NPM release zip off of github
Create a folder named: node_modules in the same folder as node.exe
Extract the NPM zip into the node_modules folder
Rename the extracted npm folder to npm and remove any versioning ie: npm-3.3.4 –> npm.
Copy npm.cmd out of the /npm/bin/ folder into the root folder with node.exe
I just installed Node.js for the first time and it includes NPM, which can be ran from the Windows cmd. However, make sure that you run it as an administrator. Right click on cmd and choose "run as administrator". This allowed me to call npm commands.
Search all .npmrc file in your system.
Please verify that the path you have given is correct. If not please remove the incorrect path.
