index_not_found_exception - Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

In image #1, as you can see, I am getting a valid ES response on firing a GET request. However, if I try doing the same things through the NGINX reverse proxy that I have created and hit myip/elasticsearch, it returns me the error (image #2). Can someone help me with this?
server {
listen 80;
server_name myip;
location /elasticsearch/ {
location /kibana/ {

The right way is to specify both of those slashes. Slash after is essential, without it your request /elasticsearch/some/route would be passed as-is while with that slash it would be passed as /some/route. In nginx terms it means that you specified an URI after the backend name. That is, an URI prefix specified in a location directive (/elasticsearch/) stripped from an original URI (we having some/route at this stage) and an URI specified after the backend name (/) prepended to it resulting in / + some/route = /some/route. You can specify any path in a proxy_pass directive, for example, with proxy_pass that request would be passed to the backend as /prefix/some/route. Now if you understand all being said, you can see that specifying location /elasticsearch { ... } instead of location /elasticsearch/ { ... } would give you //some/route instead of /some/route. I'm not sure it is exactly the cause of your problem however configurations like
location /elasticsearch/ {
are more correct.
Now may I ask you what you get with exactly this configuration in response to curl -i http://localhost:9200/ and curl -i http://localhost/? I want to see all the headers (of cause except those containing private information).

The problem is the path. Nginx is passing it unmodified.
Add a slash at the proxy_pass urls.
server {
listen 80;
server_name myip;
location /elasticsearch/ {
location /kibana/ {
From the documentation:
Note that in the first example above, the address of the proxied server is followed by a URI, /link/. If the URI is specified along with the address, it replaces the part of the request URI that matches the location parameter. For example, here the request with the /some/path/page.html URI will be proxied to If the address is specified without a URI, or it is not possible to determine the part of URI to be replaced, the full request URI is passed (possibly, modified).


404 error for static assets when browser caching is implemented with nginx/web2py

I have a web2py configuration, operating on top of nginx, which is producing a 404 error when browser caching is implemented for certain static files. The problem is described here, and I'm now asking this question within a web2py context, because that may be relevant to the issue, or because there may be some web2py-specific workaround or solution.
nginx.conf looks like this:
worker_processes 3;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
access_log [/...];
error_log [/...] crit;
include mime.types;
sendfile on;
server {
server_name [...] [...];
return 301 [...] $request_uri;
server {
root [/...];
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass [.../uwsgi.sock];
Adding the following line either before or after the "location" clause above causes the server to stop serving the static files, which match the pattern in question:
location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
expires 1d;
It was suggested in the previous thread that this may be a uwsgi issue, although it's possible that the problem is caused by other issues. How can I implement browser caching, without causing the "404" issue?
It seems to me that you are serving only dynamic content. Also, nginx selects a location block to process a request, and it needs to be complete.
In your case, the uwsgi configuration from the location / block needs to be replicated across any new dynamic locations you may add. For example:
server {
include uwsgi_params;
location / {
uwsgi_pass [.../uwsgi.sock];
location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
expires 1d;
uwsgi_pass [.../uwsgi.sock];
You can probably move the include statement into the outer block and allow its statements to be inherited (assuming it only contains uwsgi_param statements).

Cross domain session with Sinatra and AngularJS

I am using Sinatra as a webservice and angularjs to make the calls
post '/loginUser' do
get '/cui' do
return session[:cui].to_s
But it doesn't seem to work (the '/cui' call returns an empty string) any help would be greatly apreciated.
setting this in sinatra headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' allows me to send the session, but it seems like $http directive is not using the browsers cookies
on the sinatra app
before do
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS'
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = 'http://localhost:4567'
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'accept, authorization, origin'
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true'
angularjs app
#viewController = ($scope,$http)->
$scope.getCui = ()->
$http.get(host+'cui',{ withCredentials: true}).success (data)->
console.log data
AngularJS uses his own cookie system, so we need to specify that we can pass the cookies trough the $http.get call using the {withCredentials:true} configuration object. Sinatra needs to accept the cross domain cookies so we need the headers mentioned above.
Note: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header cannot be wildcard.
One option around this would be to configure a http server with a proxy pass, so you could hit the same domain without incurring a cross origin error. That way you can continue to properly maintain your abstractions as 2 separate apps.
Here is a brief example with nginx:
upstream angular_app {
server localhost:3003;
upstream sinatra_app {
server localhost:3004;
server {
listen 80;
root /Users/username/source/angular_app/;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
location ~ ^/api/(.*)$ {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_read_timeout 1200;
proxy_pass http://sinatra_app/;
By routing at the server level, you can successfully bypass domain restrictions AND you can keep the applications separate.

Nginx Joomla Internationalization URL rewriting

I'm using Joomla in combination with Nginx, and I'm currently trying to achieve some URL rewriting for a website that has several langages supported (italian, french, chinese, and deutch)
The urls have the country code after the domain name, like so :
I'm looking to rewrite the urls so the country code is part of the subdomain :
Is there a way to achieve this with Nginx or should I look into a third party extension for Joomla (not my favorite choice).
Thanks !!
Update :
I wasn't clear enough : I wanted the redirection from the rewrited URL to be transparent. Here is what I came up with, thanks to VBart help :
server {
server_name ~^(?<lang>.+)\.example\.com$;
location / {
rewrite /(.*)$ /$lang/$1 break;
proxy_redirect http://$$request_uri;
Now, is there a way for Nginx to modify links on the fly in the served content ? ie: I want all the link in the generated page to look like http://fr... instead of http://.../fr/... ?
server {
server_name ~^(?<lang>.+)\.example\.com$;
server {
rewrite ^/(?<lang>[a-z]+)(?<rest>.+)$ http://$$rest? permanent;
opposite example:
server {
server_name ~^(?<lang>.+)\.example\.com$;
return 301$lang$request_uri;
server {

Rewrite url to sub domain in NGINX

I currently have a image being outputted by server side PHP at a url like this:
I'd like to have this image viewable at the url:
Is this possible in the nginx conf?
Note: I currently have my "i" subdomain remapped to a /images/ folder.
Also I'm currently serving static images like the following: (thumb) (medium) (full quality)
Here's my domain.conf file:
Also within nginx.conf I have this for the subdomain currently:
#setup subdomain
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
root /var/www/;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location / {
#change this to a 404 img file .jpg
try_files $uri $uri/ /notfound.jpg;
rewrite "/s([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /small/$1 break;
rewrite "/o([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /orig/$1 break;
rewrite "/([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /medium/$1 break;
location = / {
rewrite ^ permanent;
The third rewrite is the one I'm looking to replace with my non static served image file, any idea how to go about this?
Update 2:
Ok, so the actual files are in /images/size/image.jpg and not actually /m/, /m/ is just a psuedo directory.
Given that, I think it should be as simple as:
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
root /var/www/;
location / {
rewrite /s([A-Za-z0-9.]+)? /small/$1 break;
rewrite /o([A-Za-z0-9.]+)? /orig/$1 break;
rewrite /([A-Za-z0-9.]+)? /medium/$1 break;
#change this to a 404 img file .jpg
try_files $uri $uri/ /notfound.jpg;
location = / {
rewrite ^ permanent;
But not 100% sure on it. Give that a shot and see. I moved the try below, as it was trying the files, which did not exist, first and then erroring out.
Since you are trying to just pass it through to a script, we need to capture that and pass it through to the script. I changed the root, since you are doing a "psuedo" images directory and we will need access to the image processing script.
Ok, since there is no PHP script in the middle (mis-read on my part) then the below should do what you want it to.
#setup subdomain
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
root /var/www/;
location ~* \.jpg { # add more extensions if you need to
#change this to a 404 img file .jpg
try_files $uri $uri/ /m/$uri /m/notfound.jpg;
#get the main part working first
#rewrite "/s([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /small/$1 break;
#rewrite "/o([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /orig/$1 break;
#rewrite "/([A-Za-z0-9.]+)?" /medium/$1 break;
location = / {
rewrite ^ permanent;
If that works, I am not sure how to go about doing the rewrites for the small / orig / medium (as I am not sure about the logic needed), but hopefully you can get it working.
In your domain conf, you just need to add a location for /m
location /m {
rewrite ^/m/(.*)$$1 permanent;
Should do it, pending any minor mistakes.

nginx rewrite question

I need to do a rewrite with nginx from /blah/.../3275 to /id/3275 if the second file exists, otherwise I want to hand it off to apache. Here is my (feeble) attempt
(...) represents irrelevant stuff
if ($request_filename ~^/.../([0-9]+)/$) {
if (-d /id/$1) {
rewrite ^/.../[0-9]+/([0-9]+)/$ /id/$1;
Does anyone have any ideas
Best to do this with internal rewrites:
set $original_uri $uri;
location /blah/irrelevant_stuff {
error_page 404 = #apache;
rewrite ^/blah/irrelevant_stuff/([0-9]+)$ /id/$1;
location #apache {
proxy_pass http://upstream$original_uri;
The above answer from wulong I couldn't get to work for some reason but I did get it to work by using
if (!-e $request_filename) {
proxy_pass http://apache$original_uri;
rather than the error_page directive. Same idea basically
