Xcode Archives being recognized as macOS apps instead of iOS after importing to new machine - xcode

I recently moved my user Library/developer/xcode folder to my new machine to try to keep the same settings. Upon opening the organizer on my new machine I noticed the applications are all under macOS where they should be on the iOS applications side. They also do not have the correct application icons. The older machine still has the proper organization and icons. Any ideas what I could be missing? Thank you for your help!

After many tries I realized when I copied the archives from my machine the contents of each of the archives were missing some files. The best way to copy everything was by compressing the archives folder and transfer it to the new machine and it worked!


When closing and opening vscode, all extensions need to be downloaded again (after mac migration)

I migrated my Mac to another Mac and after doing so I changed the user directory name. This has already caused many issues in other applications but I haven't been able to solve the code issue.
The problem:
Every time I open a new instance of vscode it opens with no installed extensions at all despite having installed many.
I am not very familiar with Mac yet and I have tried removing the App and redownloading as well as deleting some files from the ~/Library folder (cookies, preferences).
I have found the issue on Github with a workaround at the bottom of the issue:
Basically, every new extension installed correctly but in the extensions.json file the path was wrong. It was looking for the extension in the wrong user directory (the old one before migrating).

Building project stored on another computer

I've developed an app for iOS and Android. My main computer runs Windows 10 and I've created my project entirely on it. To build to iOS you need to use a Mac, so I bought a cheap one second hand. I installed Unity and Xcode on the Mac. I at first tried copying the project across to the Mac, but this took a long time. Instead, I mounted my main PC as a network location and opened the project remotely from on the Mac. Building for iOS (or rather exporting the Xcode project) gets about halfway done, before it crashes. Looking through the log I find the following error:
UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/Volumes/C/Users/Peter/Documents/Unity/DD Party Status/Temp/StagingArea/Data/Managed/Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll" is denied.
Opening this networked location in Finder shows me that Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll, Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll and UnityEngine.Purchasing.dll are all locked. For some reason Unity is unable to access these files to finish the build. Copying the files to my NAS and trying to build nets the same result. Can someone please help? I'd hate to have to copy the project in its entirety to the Mac every time I need a new build.
I got a little further, but I think this solves the main problem described here:
For me it was the purchasing.dll which always was locked. I noticed that the DLL was already locked in the library cache:
unlocking it here let me build further, although now I have a different gradle build error.

Kony project properties window

When copy a Kony project from another mac laptop to my mac laptop and trying to open the properties window it doesn't appear at all, shall edit/remove any xml files?
Yes, copying the physical folder directly doesn't work sometimes. It may happen due to visualizer version mismatch.
You need to use File -> Export option from the existing machine. It creates a .zip file with you project contents.
enter image description here
Use File -> import option in the new machine to import the project.
Note: Project created using lower version of Kony Visualizer can be imported into higher versions. But the reverse is not possible.
e.g. Project created using Kony Visualizer 7.2 cannot be opened in 7.1 or 7.0 versions.
Hope this helps!
Don't just copy and paste the code. That won't work because of the underlying configuration files of each installation. Instead
Go to File>Export on your source workstation. This will generate a zip file for you.
Then copy that zip file to the target workstation.
In your target workstation go to File>Import.
You'll find that this works nicely and you won't have this issue.
Hope this helps.
Go to root folder of your project.
Zip it and move to other mac
Make sure that project.properties is not corrupted.

Xcode 7.3 taking too much space [duplicate]

After going through and cleaning my disk with old things that I didn't need anymore, I came across the iOS DeviceSupport folder in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode which was taking nearly 20 GB.
A similar question has been asked before, but since then many things have changed and I would like an up-to-date answer.
As long as I have the version I use for testing, can I delete the older/unused versions without breaking anything?
The ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport folder is basically only needed to symbolicate crash logs.
You could completely purge the entire folder. Of course the next time you connect one of your devices, Xcode would redownload the symbol data from the device.
I clean out that folder once a year or so by deleting folders for versions of iOS I no longer support or expect to ever have to symbolicate a crash log for.
More Suggestive answer supporting rmaddy's answer as our primary purpose is to delete unnecessary file and folder:
Delete this folder after every few days interval. Most of the time, it occupy huge space!
All your targets are kept in the archived form in Archives folder. Before you decide to delete contents of this folder, here is a warning - if you want to be able to debug deployed versions of your App, you shouldn’t delete the archives. Xcode will manage of archives and creates new file when new build is archived.
iOS Device Support folder creates a subfolder with the device version as an identifier when you attach the device. Most of the time it’s just old stuff. Keep the latest version and rest of them can be deleted (if you don’t have an app that runs on 5.1.1, there’s no reason to keep the 5.1.1 directory/directories). If you really don't need these, delete. But we should keep a few although we test app from device mostly.
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
Core Simulator folder is familiar for many Xcode users. It’s simulator’s territory; that's where it stores app data. It’s obvious that you can toss the older version simulator folder/folders if you no longer support your apps for those versions. As it is user data, no big issue if you delete it completely but it’s safer to use ‘Reset Content and Settings’ option from the menu to delete all of your app data in a Simulator.
(Here's a handy shell command for step 5: xcrun simctl delete unavailable )
Caches are always safe to delete since they will be recreated as necessary. This isn’t a directory; it’s a file of kind Xcode Project. Delete away!
Additionally, Apple iOS device automatically syncs specific files and settings to your Mac every time they are connected to your Mac machine. To be on safe side, it’s wise to use Devices pane of iTunes preferences to delete older backups; you should be retaining your most recent back-ups off course.
~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup
Source: https://ajithrnayak.com/post/95441624221/xcode-users-can-free-up-space-on-your-mac
I got back about 40GB!
I wrote a small command-line utility based on the great answer by #JamshedAlam for those who are tired of deleting the contents of those folders manually. Check it out here if you think it would help you.
Yes, you can delete data from iOS device support by the symbols of the operating system, one for each version for each architecture. It's used for debugging.
If you don't need to support those devices any more, you can delete the directory without ill effect

Recover xcode project from installed app on iPhone

I exedentaly deleted my xCode project, but I still have app installed on my iPhone. Is it somehow possible to retrieve at least some part of original project files from app itself?
No, it's not possible to do this.
You may be able to recover the original archive file created prior to installation on your device from inside the following directory (depending on how you deleted the original project) which may be of help.
